8 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY MARCH 6, 1908 TTie Test of Time In Every citme Gowan's pneumonia Cure The King of IVIedlctnes. No Experiment It has been tried and proved. . Thousands of Testimonials. Croup, Colds, Coughs, Pneumonia. IT PUTS THEM ON THE RUN. Any inftamation it strikes the vital Spot and Does Things. All Druggists 50c and $1 It is always better to make arrangements with your drug gist than with an undertaker. Puckett-Mofield. Married in Oxford, February 26t! 1908. Mr. Alfred A.Puekett and Miss Susan G. Mofield, daughter of Thos. a and Viola Mofield. R. H. Marsh officiating. is In Northern Parts. Mr. W. J. Long is on the Northern markets making purchases for his firm Long, BlaJock & Kaskins. He making heavy purchases and expects 1 to put on the market this spring an unusually attractive line of goods. He is accompanied by Miss Blanche May who will select the stock of millinery Their next ad will tell all about it. Cuttings Adoniram Articles. are the fad around here now. Some of our sick- are improving while others continue about the same. Miss Julia Hunt, oi Oxford, Route 7, is visiting her gister, Mrs. H. G. Clark near here. Miss Maud Sanderford.of Virgilina, Route 5, who has been nursing Mrs. G. T. Pittard, returned to her home last week. Mr. R. A. Loyd spent a few days in Durham, last week, visiting his son Mr. Ben Loyd and grandson, Master "Bennie Dick" Loyd. STAR. Honor Roll of Sunset School. The following pupils were enlisted i older people, on the Roll of Honor of the Sunset school: First Grade Macon Brooks, Irene Dean. Si eond Grade Allene Hobgood, Clifton Dean. ' Third Grade Lucy Hobgood, Hettie Pnckett. Fourth Grade Alma Dean, Nettie Howaed. Sixth Grade Hannah Howard, Paul Daniel, Art Exhibit. An interesting event will occur at the Seminary on March 18-21, when an Art Exhibit of famous piccures will be given. The exhibit contains 200 pictures representative or ancient and modern art.- They include the finest brown prints, carbons, engravings, etchings, photogravures and color facsimilies, exact copies of the originals in draw ing and color; so that ore visiting the collection sees many of the most fa mous masterpieces as they appear in the great galleries of the world. The object of the exhibit is to give students, school child reu, and all per sons interested in education, an oppor tunity to become acquainted with the names of great artists. To this end, the price of admission is made almost nominal, being ten cents for children under fourteen, and twenty cents for jo Creedmoor Honor Roll. Below are given the names of pupils of the Creedmoor school that won an entrance on the honor roll: Ninth Grade Fleda Lyon. Eighth Grade Freda Bragg, Sadie Bragg, Sophia Lawrence, Lois Rogers, Pearl Curl, Harvey Sanderfortl, Leon Lyon, Myrtle Whitaker, Pearl Beck, Pearl Moss. Seventh Grade Burma Hester, Lottie Bragg, Iris Chappelle. Sixth Grade Mamie Bragg, Kath leen Moss, Fenner SanderforJ, Carmen Rogers, Florence Jones. Second Grade Etha Whitfield, Vera Brogden, Ora Brogde.n. First Grade Imogen Daniel, Addie Ashley. Use DeVVitt's Little Early Risers, pleas-a-nt litile Dills. They are easy to take. Sold by J. G. H"all. Subscribe to the Public L jdger. Entertainment Near Shady Grove. Miss Annie Crews entertained quite a number of young people last Satur day evening. Those present were: Misses Pearl Jones, Ethel Day, Pau line Howard, Mary Willie Allen, Naomi and Mamie Cash, Addie Moore, .Messrs. Otho Moore, Charlie Cash, Uernard Bragg1, Milt and Fred Wash ington, Lee Edd and Eugene Whita Jcer, Herman and Add Bradsher,Gra ham Pruitt, Frank Crews, Marsh Puckett, Fred Bradsher, Arthur Allen, Fred Peed, Jim Dean, Ernest Crew., and perhaps others. All spent a very pleasant evening playing, games. CORRESPONDENT Cures Blood Skin Diseases Eczema Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If vour blood' is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, caibuncks, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, swellings or s'uperating sores, scab bY, pimply s-kin, ulcers, bone paius,catarrb rheumatism, or ahy blood or skin disease take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop anc the blood is made pure and rich . Druggists or by express $i per large bottle. Sa-nple free bY writing Blood Halm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B, B. B, is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of blood or skin diseases, as it cures after all else fai's Sold in Oxford, N, C, bY J, G, Hairs Drug Store. FOR Sale 1 pair young mules, home raised, geutle,and good workers. Apply to Mrs. A. A. Davis, Stovall, or Dr. I. H. Davis, Oxford. Buying Spring Stock. Major Win. Landis left Monday for the North, where he is engaged in buy ing Landis & Easton's spring stock He expectshe trade to be very active this season, and is making his pur- chases on that basis. Miss Creswell is in Baltimore attending 'the openings, and will go to New York to assist in buying the line of millinery. Keep your eye on Landis & Easton's ad, a t State op Ohio, City op Toledo iss. Lucas County. i Frank J. Chnbt makes oath that hs is the enior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co.. io'mg busiEPgs in the City of Toledo.Connty and State aforesaid, and that paid firm will pay the snm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by the USB Ul nAX,L VATARRH I -TJRE. PRtNKJ CHENNK Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pre e cuce, mis om nay oi uecmoer A 13. 18S6, seal. A. W. GLTSASON. Nntarv Pnblir. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts turecTiy on lae oiroa ana mcons surfaces ofthe r?ysTem. bend for testimonials, free, Address, F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, O jafSold ty Druggists, 75c. Take Hnlla Familv Pills for constioation. Boj-ce He really isn't a beauty doctor, is he? Joyce You should see some of his patients Philadelphia Tel egraph. "I never see you at praver meeting, Mr. Jinx?" "Nope." "Why is that?" "J ain't there." Houston Post. Executor's Notice. The undersigned bavins: duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville Connty, as Kx ecu tor ofthe last-will and testament of J. R. O'liriant. deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same to me on or before the 6th day of March. iyo:-, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AM persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make liu- memaie settlement. This March 5, jyog. W. R. O'BRIAXT, Kx'r. of J. R. O' Brian t, deceased. B. S. Royster, Att'y. mar.S. FOR SALE A good horse, just in the prime of life, sound, qualities perfect, neither afraid of cars or auto mobiles, suitable for women and chil dren or farming. Apply to Dr. fc D. Booth. I have a lot of old guns, pistols and locks that have been accumulating for years. Names have been lost "off of a part of them, some of them have been repaired and some have not. Owners are notified to call and get them within he next "thirty" days, or they will be sold for cost of repairs. J.F.Edwards. 4t. Service of summons by Pub lication. North Carolina ) In the Superior Court Granville County j Before the Clerk. J. A. Mitchell,,!. B. Moss and wife.Kdna Mos, vs li. 1j. Smith, Charles L,ee Smith, and ( )scar T. Smith, To Oscar T. Smith, one of the derendats above named: You will take notice that a special proceed ing, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior court of Granville county, for the purpose oi selling a certain tract of land lying in (Granville County, belonging to the heirs at law of the late Or. I,. T. Smith, de ceased, lor partition, amongst the said heirs at law; and you will further take notice that you are required to be and appear before the Clerk ol the Superior Court oi Granville Coun ty, at his office in Ox lord, on Monday the 6th day of April, mS. and answer or demur" to the petition riled in said proceeding, or the relief prayed by tbejnaintifls and demanded in s.-ud petition will be granted. This March J"" c. i-". ck i:vs, c. s. c. B. :s. Royster, Atfy. for plaintiffs. inar.6. ! ' THAT NEVER " - Tobacco nan . COLUMBIA GUANO CO. jj X?. NORFOLK, VA. "Terry the Swell" played here last Tuesday night to a small-sized audi ence, which was better than it deserved. It had the audacity to repeat the same play on Wednesday night. The show is an extraordinarily poor one. the act- to Miss Gray Yancey has gone Durham to attend the Clansman. The bald-head editor was a little sick this week with a cold. ing and tures. - MATINEE at the Marvel Thurs- singing being the worst fea- 1 day and b nday, 4 too o clock p. m. Clean pictures, warm house, order. Judge Graham went to Wadesl oro on legal business. Mr. Marvin Perry, of YouDgsville, was in Oxford Monday. Mrs. L. A. Cannady. of New York City, ts visiting relatives in Oxford this weok. Letter to Professor J. C. Horner, Oxford, North Carolina. Dear Sir: Will you give your Arith metic, class and Algebra class this problem? If average paint is worth $1.60 a gallon, and goes two-thirds as far as Devee," and wears half as long, what is JJevoe worth put on, painters' wages being $3.50 a day and a day's work a gallon of paint. -The answer is $11.80 a gallon: but con t tell em that. Yours truly F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Baird & Chamblee sell our paint. , Simple Remedy for La Grippe La Grippa coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Fo ley's Honey and Tar not only stops the tough but heals and strengthens the lungs s that no serious results need be faared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con lains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. J G Hall PURE Eose Comb Rhode Island Ked hens,great layers; eggs 15 for $1. W. L. Peace, Oxford. OUR garden seeds are the best we can buy. Full stock of garden and flower seeds at Stedman's Drug Store. KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Creedmoor, At Creedmoor, in the State of North Carolina.at the close of business on Feb. 14, 1908: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 35,071) 10 Overdrafts unsecured.. :. 7: 04 U S Bonds to secmre circu lation , 6,250.00 Premiums on U 8 Bonds ... 388.6S Banking- House, furniture and Fix tires 1.723.86 Due from fNatiomfl Banks (not reserve agents ) 5,554 39 Due from State banks and bankers Checks and othereash items Notes of o her National Bks Fractional paper currency nickles and cents Lawful money re serve in Bank, viz: Specie 7,043.00 Legal tender notes 1,580.00 Sale of Valuable Farm. Pursuant to an order and deoree of the Su perior Court of Granville cnnntv. nmrfp in tbp Special Proceedings, entitled. ii. S. Ko ster. Kxecutor of Mrs. Kehecca Roberts, deceased" vs I). M. Roberts and others," I shall on MONDAY, APRIL TliK BTif, 1JJU8, ofier (or sale by public auction, at the court house door, in Oxford, to the highest bidder, the following d-jscribed tract of la nd, situate ill Tally Ho Towilshin. I ira-.iviilp Cimntr described as follows: Jiegirming at 2 mav noles rm thp rt hunt of Knap of Reeds Creek, P.ullock's corner. thence ins line North 11 chains to Bullock's corner; thence his other line West it chains and GO"! inks to an elm on thet reek: thence Rullor-k's line and theline of Jones' Mill Tract N. GO . 28 chains and 501inks.ioa ninesMimn and sweet gum, Jones' corner, thence his line South IS chains and 50 links to a pine on the ic iuuumiiins, Jioaerts eomer,thenee his line South 17 chains and7- links to a stone, thence South 12 chains and 2.Minkstn!i white oaK, inence iast 2o chains to a stone, then South 70 Kast 2 chains and 25 links to2cedai 84.24 9 334.26 2,255.00 91.57 Total.; LIABILITIES. ce Ljiejice nuum 1U cnams to a. rpH na U- thpnw 7d K. 10 chains to a stone, thence S. 18 chains to a poplar, near a spring, thence S. 49 K. 3 cuams io a stump, thence S. 40 K. 12 chains and 50 Jinks to a stump, thence S. 39 K. 23 chains and f 0 lidks to an Apple Tree, thence S. 51 K. 9 chains and 50 links to the creek, thence up the said creek to the beginning; containing 200 acres, more or less. This tract of land may be divided into two smaller trocts and plats of same will be ex hibited on day of sale. Parties desiring information in regard to this la.nd arprpfprrp vt i ' 'i- i ,.v..-r. ,oJo.UU I who lives near it. lerras one-half cash and the balance in 8 ftfiQ 457 90 months- with interest from day of sale. Time $0 J,4o . ZU of sale 12 o'clock in. This March 5, 1908. n.s. KOYST.EK, Com r. Capital stock paid in $25,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes nnf I t ft .Tfc -t Due to Stats" banks "and ' FfRST'-TPPTl bankers 1.365.52 1 1 " Individual deposits suqject to check Time certificates of deposit Cashier's checks outstand ing Bills payable sss yur bows open with 4 S9,60 5.000. 0C m m m a 1 - m '4 m m ) 1I i WPI-m M I! U4 Z ii U l-U IM P CONCERNING: 3 0 for xhs: 0 t (!) (1 b a ii il) l it tit il) ib il ii) THERE HAS BEEN A REDUC TION IN SOME LINES OF pj pg CS r ml U u Total $ 69,457.20 State of North Carolina, County of Granville, ss: I, W. B. Laley, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. B. LAS LEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 28th day of Feb 1908. W. B, WGASTAFF, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. F. SANDERFORD. i J PEACE, 'D. 1 WAGSTAFF, Directors. X I ACHE, A If SEC0ND:-For Aches and Pains take HEAD-EASY At all Dealers ..Manufactured by The Head-Easy Co.,0xford, N. C. ax i) il Hi d ii) ik) it) ii) it) ii) it) it) Of late, and our Customers shall have the benefit of it. Our Mr. Long is now in the Northern Mar kets buying stock for our TWO BIG STORES. f - Our line will be complete in a few days and we cor- dially invite your inspecction before buying. MEW OOD MMWEMe 1 i.....L M o MWCI & MASKil So TIhiB lLissidiiinigj toiP(2 ;& il) i ii) il) ii) it) iu ii) (! ! ii) ii) ii) ii, iH) ! ii) ii) iD il) ii) ii) i! it) (!) if ii) ii) ii) ii) ! it) ii) it) ii) ii) ii) ii) il ii)