OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY AUGUST 21, 1908 3 5 SJP325 SSawwwraiST"w'3 St 5 HbliCA- T m . m 43 Your Patronage Respectfully SOLICITED BY Granville Real Estate & Trust Co. Main street, Near Hall's Drug Store . Oxford, N. C. We buy, Sell and trade in Real Estate; We handle on commission Bank and Mill Stocks, Mortgages and Notes. We write Fire, Tornado, Liability, Health, Ac cident and Life Insurance. You are requested to call.. A. H POWELL President, JOHN A. NILES, Sec & Treas. A Dispenser of Smiles. Her mother said: "Oh, dear!.' Isn't that awful? What will people think?" but the people themselves seemed to think it about the prettiest incident they had met that day. She was a very little girl, white f rocked, pink ribboned, brown curled. With her mother she left the subway ktrain at the Grand Cental station. The usual confusion prevailed. Timid trav elers grabbed suit cases and bundles and exclaimed, "Oh, do we change here?" Trainmen on the platform shouted out directions for local and express trains and the guards of that particular car adjured the passengers frequently syad vehemently to "Step lively !" and to "Watch the step." Then all of a sudden there was a lull in the uproar. The little girl was leaving the car. She stopped at the door, look ed back and waved her hand. "Gooclby, everybody," she said. The words carried to the far end of the car. They made every one sit up Two or three persons called out a re sponsive "Goodby," two or three said "Bless the child," and all smiled. New York Press. irsi Hi liiii' xxxxxx J. F. Meadows, irvia W. Mangum, y : Sale of Land. Pursuant to an Order and decree made lv the Superior Court of Granville county in the special Proceedings entitled '-P. 15. Peace and I.ee Peace, Administrators of Philip Peace, deceased, vs L. Kiliotc and others," i shall, on JIOXPAY. SKPTKMHKR 71" II 19JS sell to tle highest bidder, for cash, bv public auctic n. at the Court House door in x!"ord. X. C. the following described tract of land; situated in Oak Hill township, adjoining the lands of L. Klliott, Mrs. Km ma Wood and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on Oxford Road, Alex Peace's corner, thence S. 76 W. 24 chains and -40 links to a s one in Elliott's line; thence S. 12 chains to a stone: thence X. 76 E. 28 chains and 40 links to public roads:thence along said road to the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less, and being the same lands con veyed to Phiiip Peace by I,. A. Koyster. see deed book 52. oage 1 38 of the Office of the Registrar of Peeds of Granville county. The mineral right in the above described tract of land is reservee.and the said land will be sold subiect to the dower right of the wid ow of said Philip Peace, deceased, which said dower right has been laid off by metes and bounds and contains 7 40-100 acres, more or less, including the houses on said tract of land. Time of sale between the hours of 12 M. and 1 p. m. This August 4th, It 08. 15. S. KOYSTKR Commissioner. THE FRANCIS BILLIARD SCHOOL Will Open far its 171h Annual Session on TUESDAY SEPT. 8th. Work offered in twelve grades: Four Pri mary, four Grammar School and four High School, as well as Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Elocution. A failure to pass on one subiect does not re tard a students progress in other studies. Special attention to making up work lost through sickness or othsr cause. Terms, $304 iO Per Year. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. y Head of State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS: College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy- Library contains 48,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights,, cen tral hoatin system. New dor mitories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building library. 790 STUDENTS. 92 IN FACULTY The Fall term begins Sept. 7th, 1908. Address Francis P. Venable, President, On a pel, Hill. N", C. Oxford Seminary, OXFORD, N. C. 1850 1908 Literary, Music, Art, Business and Teaching Course. Four Model Buildings;, only 2 stories higji Steam hast. watervviks, gas light. Equipment new and moriern. Board and General Tuition a Year 150. Apply for iilustrsted catalogue. F". F. Hobgood, Pres. f G. A. CO GGESH ALL. M. D. Office in the new Dr. White Building, directly over the Post Office Office Hours: 11a. m. to 1 p. m., 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. Rhone No. 23. may 3. '07 Administratrix's Noiice. Letters of administration upon the estate of V II. P. Jenkins, deceased, having this day been issued to me by Chas. P. Crews, c. s. c. of-Granville county, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make payment to me. And all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me within 12 months from this date, or this notice will be piead in bar of their recovery. This August 3rd, 1908 MRS. p. W. JENKINS, Administratrix, aug. 6th, 6t nd. Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Crimson Clove The King of Soil Improvers, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVEI? will in crease the productiveness of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or at the last work ing of corn, cotton or other culti vated crops. Wood's Trade Mark Crimson Clover Seed is the best quality obtainable, of testejd germination, and free from impurities and objec tionable weed seeds. Write for "Wood's Crop Special" giving prices and information about Crimson Clover and other Seasonable Seeds. T. 17. WOOD 6 SOUS, Seedsmen, : Richmond, Va. PIANO SALE- 25 to 50 Per ct. off Until Sept. 1st. 1908. We propose to clean out every used, shopworn and second-hand piano during August at SOME PRICE. They have got to go, no reasonable prioe or terms re fused. All are good pianos, several used less than one year some are just shopworn. Every piano guaranteed Near ly all are worth full price, but half will get t some of them. About 20 pianos in the lot. They won't be here long, bet ter investigate at once To-day Right now. The regular prices run from l500tof32f , a fine stool, scarf, instruction book and one years tuning free. Freight, paid to your station. Pianos shipped on approval in N, G., 8. G., and Va.it you are going to buy a "piano and let this Gho.nce slip by you should have a guardian ap pointed. Address, Geo. H. Snyder, Southern Representative, WV W. Kimball Go. Raleigh, N. G. yhe Sea Serpent. When.fourteeu miles off the coast of Brazil J. Nicoll, author of "Three Voyages of a Naturalist," observed a sea serpent which came within about fifty yards of the ship. "All that we could see was a dorsal fin about four feet long sticking up about two feet from the water. The fin was a brown ish black color and much resembled a gigantic piece of ribbon seaweed. Be low the water we could indirectly see a very large brownish black patch, but could not make out the shape of the creature. Every now aifd then the fin disappeared below the water. Sud denly an eel-like neck, about six feet long and of the thickness of a man's thigh, having a head shaped like that of a turtle, appeared in front of the fin. lashing 'up the water with a curious wriggling movement. This creature was an example, I consider, of what has been so often reported, for want of a better name, as the 'great sea serpent.! I feel sure, however, that It was not a reptile that we saw, but a mammal." OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Sam Watkins. fj N N Bought His Own Work. To come across a bit of one's own work in print is an experience not ordi narily exasperating to an author, but a Washington writer on scientific mat ters was recently not very agreeably surprised by such a development. It appears that the writer was col lecting material for a monograph on electro magnetism when word came to him of a va'uable paper on the subject not long before published in a Berlin journal devoted to science. Thinking that the paper would be of use to him in the work in hand, he had it trans lated. When the English version wcis laid before him," together with quite a bill for the translator's labor, what was the disgust of the Kiler.tQ .iijicLalbat.. the article was nothing more or less than a German reproduction of an ar ticle of his own published the year be fore in an English journal. And he had paid twice as much for the trans lation as he had received for the orig inal article! Washington Star. A Dream Superstition. 1 heard what was to me at least a new piece of superstition the other day. and when I think of the risks I've run all these years because I didn't know of it my blood runs cold. I met a wo man from Virginia in market, and the' talk falling on dreams I recalled a most blood curdling nightmare I had had the night before. "I must tell you what I dreamed last night," I said. "Let me ask first whether it's a pleas ant or aD unpleasant dream?" said the lady from Virginia. "Decidedly unpleasant." "Then for mercy's sake don't tell it!" said she. "Never tell a bad dream on Saturday, for we say in Virginia: "Friday night's dream on Saturday told Is sure to come true, no matter how old." Washington Post m -iff sa mm tSmStK- ndi mm rFn mm PhI pi ilP!1 II ' iff 1 m ftfcpiSI fi ! mm rlwlllJi The above named persons will do a warehouse business next season beginning AUGUST 3rd, 1908. The style of the firm will be 9 m &m n DOWS We expect to be in a position to Vive as good service and get our patrons as much, if not more, mor ey for their tobacco than any other firm in this part of the country, the coming season. Why do we claim to do this? Because we have the best warehouse in Oxford, and the ORly warehouse firm in Oxford that operatesa steam plant which prepares us to take care of tobacco in all condi tions because we have as competent a force to look after your interest as any in Oxford. Messrs. Ballard Norwood and A. G. Howell will see that your tobac co is weighed correctly and bills made out correctly because we have sold our old stock down, very close leaving ample room for the new crop because we ex pect to have more orders and- buy more tobacco -ourselves than any warehouse firm in Oxford, as we have done for the past three years because our Messrs. Meadows & Adams prefer to buy their large. stock of tobacco on the warehocse floor that they are interested in. We believe if you will look into this matter fairly, you will find the above reas ons gocd ones and you will see that'we are just a little better prepared to take care of your interest than any firm on the Oxford market. Now in addition to the above facts, ve have the same advantages of all the well known and competent buyers on the Oxford Market who are now ready to pay the highest market prices for your tobacco whether primings or stalk cured. If you doubt any part of this statement, please give us a trial with your first load and be convinced that we will do all we claim. 7 Thanking yjjsneind all for all past favors, promising you our.best efforts in the future, we are, yours-for highest prices, el. F MEADOWS, & COMPANY. HI H H N N N N X X X X WW WW Australian Cadets. All children in Australia are drilled, but the elder boys are attached to the Australian military forces by means of the cadet corps. Almost every large school has its band of cadets, who wear neat khaki uniforms and are armed with light rifies, in the use of which they are frequently Instructed. Every year those boys have shooting matches, and the scores prove that among the youngsters there are many who have already become skilled marksmen. London Standard. Administrators JJotice. Having qualified as administrator of Geo. D. McDuffle, deee8edTlate of GraniUe ooun ty, this Is t notify all persovjg having olaims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2Jth day of Jane 1908 or this notice will be plead tn bar of their recovery AJ1 persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, This 30th day of June JG08. JOHN 21ciUFFIB, Adm'r. Shaw Shaw A Lyon Attys.' iune29.!St Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. G. Hail, Druggist. Giving Them Credit. "You know," said the distinguished oriental who manifests much curiosity, "that the Chinese discovered the art of printing from type thousands of years ago?" "Yes," replied the man who was being interviewed. 'And incidental ly 1 don't doubt that tuey were the original inventors of the interrogation point." Washington Star. Handicapped. Judge Remember, witness, you are sworn to,teli the truth, and nothing but the truth. Witness Judge, I am try ing my durndest to do it, but that pie faced s!ob of a lawyer there won't let me! Chicago Tribune. Half the Battle. "If I -were you," said the old bache lor to the benedict, "I'd either rule or know why." "Well," was the reply, "as I already know why, I suppose thatV half the battle!" Atlanta Constitution. Get the Most Money 'dUffi Out of Your Lands '. 1 ll 3 tv;v $ by making them yield the biggest possible crops. Grain must get the nourishment that makes it growoutof the soil and the more plant food there is in'the-seil, the quicker and bigger and more plentifully the grain will grow. ' But you must first put the food into the soil by liberally using Virainia-Carolina Fertilizers sured, because these tertillzers contain the necessary elements required by the soil to prop- fg erly and tully mature xne 5 grain. Farmers invariably -3 find that the more Virginia-. Tarnlina Fertilizer they use, the bigger is the crop, and the fn-eater their profit. Have vou eotten the latest Vir- ia-Carolina Year Book or Al manac, the most useful and valuable book any farmer or grower can read? from vour fertilizer dealer, or write to our nearest sales office and one will be sent you free. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Panacea Hotel, - PANACEA SPRINGS, N. C. NOW OPEN "vie; Richmond. Va. Norfolk. Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta. Ga. Savannah, Ga. Durham. N. C. Charleston. S. C. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Moutgomery, Ala. i J Not by levity of floating, but by stub born fores of swimming, shalt thou make thy way. Carlxle. W. B. SHAW, H. M. SHAW, O. D. LYON Shaw, Shaw & Lyon, Lawyers. Offer their professional serTices to the public General practice in State and Federal Courts. Offices In White BuUding over P. O., OxOsrd. Mr. W.B.Shaw will be at Henderson Mondays Mr. Lyon will be at Creedmoor Fridays where t&ey will be pleased to confer with persons desiring their services. oet.K.,07 Administrator's Notice. Havid? qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Alary J. Cheatham, deceased, before the Honorable C F. Crews. Clerk of the Superior court of Granville county, not ice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make imme mediate payment and save costs. Persons holding claims against said estate will present them to me for payment on or before rne 30th day of July, 1909,or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Tins the 2tith day of July, 1908. JAS. A. CHEATHAM, Adm'r. A. A. HICKS, Att'y. July 31 Water Guaranteed to Cure INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, RHEUMA TISA AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Modern Improvements, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights, Private Baths. Pool and Billiards, Bowling Alleys, Tennis Court, Croquet Grounds, Fishing and Boating. For Particulars Address, GEORGE S. PRITCHARD, GENERAL MANAGER, Panacea Springs, North Carolina. RATES $10 TO $20 PER WEEK Water sold by J. G. Hall. Executrix Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court, of Gran ville County, as Executrix of the last will and testament of A. P. Harris, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons hav-iigTlaims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same to me on or before the 3rd day of July, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make Im mediate settlement. This July 3rd, 1908. , ELLA P. HARRIS, july 3rd, Bt.pd. Executrix. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the Administrator of the estate of Jno. W. Ross, deceased, before the Hoe orable C. K. Crews, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Granville county, notice Is hereby given to all persyns indebted to said estate to come forward and Immediate set tlement and save coste. Persons holding claims against said estate will present them to nve ,tor payment on or before the 20th day of July,l9oy, or this notice will be, plead In bar ef their recovery. This the 30th day of July, 1908. A. A. HIGKS, Adm'r, July 31st, 1908.