OXFOKD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1909. 3 CORRECT CLOTHES FOR GEWTLEMEN I The road to all round clothes satisfaction, both as to style and price, leads through our Clothing Department. It is not by accident that our customers who purchase here come back season after season, it is THAT EXTRA QUALITY combined with our LOW PRICES made possible only through our extraordinary facilities. ijr SCH10SS M0S. 4C04 I Bear in Hind That We Sell Only The LATEST STYLE ' ?yrekic4 19)9 bf' scnioss boos. co fine CITn Mtkrrs MB MOST ffiMMJE MEICMPIS IT? Including the famous Clothing" of Schloss Bros. & Co. of Baltimore and New York. There is a Suit here for you, be you a merchant or banker, whether for busi ness or dress, Clothes for the young sporty chap or the more conservative, settled man of affairs. . , ...... You will be amazed to see what true, honest values your jJ and Up vvaipclss J 1 -Wall IPmupccIhiaiiS Cyrighie IfM it schloss uos. 'C04 riac Cl Makers fUlljaiarc Nc Ttdfc Special Prices Given on La dies Taiior Made Suits and Embroideries. Correct Hats for Spring $1 to $3.50 Every new shape to suit every face. All of best quality and fine finish. Be sure to see the splendid values we are offering in our Straw Hats, 50c to $3, Panamas $5, to $6. Oxfords New Last Easy Fitting Style Unsurpassed. In Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Vici Kid, Tan and Wine, Prices $1.50 to $6.00. Trousers at 51.50 to $6. We are showing a big variety of handsome pattern in cash meres and worsteds. All high class custom tailored, perfect fit. Shirts That fit-Correct Styles Largest assortment of pat terns at 50cts,$l, $1.50. Com plete line Underwear, Belts. Gloves, Socks, Ties, etc. Our Dry Goods Dempartment is full of the new shades in Silks, Woolens, Linen,Linenes, Battist, Notions, etc. Millinery a Spec-, ialty. Be Sure to come and see our beautiful line of Queen Quality and Selby Go's. Oxfords and Slippers in blacks and tans,at$ 1 .50 tof 3.50 oinicgj sMiiiniSo Itch cure in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. G. Hall, Druggist. Flower seeds atStedman's in paper, and some varieties, such as Sweet ?ea3, Nasturtiums, etc., by weight. J"Oxford needs a new Graded School Building. "Oxford needs a Building and Loan Association. Wanted To buy a small farm near Oxford mile or mile and half from town preferred. For full particulars address A care of the Oxford .Ledger. it you want vegetable or flower eeds of the best quality and true to aame, get them of J. P. Stedman. Folf ys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. J. G. Hall, Oxford and Sanderfords drug store Creed moor. If you want saddles, bridles, collars, and harness go to Bullock & Cren shaw. tOxford should encourage the Im provement Society. 1 i Time Of Lodge Meetings. Oxford Lodge No. 103, L O. O. F. Tuesday night. Granville Camp No. 49 1st and 3rd Friday nights. Junior O. IT. A. M. 2nd and 4th Friday night. Masonic Lodge A. F. & A. ssi. 1st Monday night. W. O. W. No. 17 Thursday night 2. K. LYON. Pres. J. S. COBB, Vice-Pres. I. E. HARRIS.Cashier Statement of Condition of The Creedmoor, W. C. At Close of Business February Stli, 1909. c RESOURCES. Wis and Discounts , . . $55,804.24 "UUCLi Ranking house & Fixtures aah h Vault Eue from Banks 1,500.00 3,475.00 5,433.45 29,688.09 Total $95,900.78 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $10,000.00 Surplus & Profits 2,238.0 Dividends Unpaid .... 400 00 DEPOSITS 83,262.78 Total ......... $95,900.78 You are invited to open an account at " the Citizen's Bank, Creedmoor, N. C. Four per cent interest paid on all time Deposits that remain four months or longer. . , E T YON, S. W. MINOR, J. S. COBB, Z. T. PERRY, M..LYON, W. D. SANDLING, A. A. LYON, T.H.PERRY, J. H. KEITH, H. D. MANGTJM, L. D. EMORY. Horner Military School. Oxford, April 17. In the tennis game last Wednesday Company B de feated Company A by a score of 3-6; 6-1; 5-4. The contest was very close throughout, and the winners were not decided until the final point had been made. Pollard and Mellon represented B while Bernhardt and McGowan did the work with the racket for A. On the next day Company B also won the baseball game by a score of 12 to 5. The game was not as inter esting as the twoformer ones,inasmuch as the score was not so close, and the playing rather slow. Vann and Joy ner were the battery for A, while Rob inson, Hancock and Sears performed likewise for B. Yesterday afternoon Horner and Oxford crossed bats for the fourth time this year. The game was exceed ingly close throughout, but for the first three or four innings, when Oxford had quite a lead. This lead, however, the cadets succeeded in overcoming and in the ninth inning with two men out Horner succeeded in pushing the winning run in, making the final score 9 to 8 in favor of the school boys. The features of the game would probably be the number of errors on both sides and the uncertainty, as to the winners of the contest, and while judged from a baseball standpoint the game was a poor one, yet for the lover of excite ment the game was unequaled. Lanier and Howard were the battery for the town boys, while McGowan, Hancock and Sears occupied the same positions for Horner. The closing of school is now in sight. The principal expects a magnificent commencement, in view of the reunion of old Horner students at that time. Corresfiondence of Charlotte Observer. Boys Corn Growing Contest. o : Bright boys all over the county are interested in the torn growing contest. Those who wish to enter must see or write Superintendent J. F. Webb, at Oxford, and get their names regularly enrolled. The first prize will be the Taylor-Cannady Buggy with the Horner Bros set of harness. The. other contribution will be divided up as prizes la ter. The contribution list, which is steadily growing consists 01 so lar: Taylor-Cannady Buggy Company Buggy, value of. J. F. Kd wards Anything in store up to Horner Bros. Co. Set of Harness, value Baird & Chamblee Boys Shot gun value J. Robt. Wood-Rocking Chair, value....... . Upchuxch Bros. Half Dozen Dining Chairs, value K. H. Crensnaw Co. Pair Shoes, jalue.. Long, Blalock & Haskins Suit of Clothes, value Landis & Easton Overcoat, value , Bullock fe Crenshaw Robe, value...................."..--... Tally Ho Stock Farm Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig, value Progressive Parmer Year'ssubscription, value Z. W. Lyon Cash J. F. Meadows Cash Bank of Granville Certified check Hall's Drug Store Cash, -;-""m:"'l Hamilton Drug Co. Safety razor and ontfit, value TneC?fOTdSIn Granville Real Estate fc Trust Company Cash. Bullock Mitchall Cash Tar Valley Manufacturing Company in trade J 75 00 7 00 15 00 6 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 15 00 15 00 5 CO 7 00 1 00 5 00 ft 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 1 09 100 09 5 00 5 00 25 08 Total. 9 327 50 Builds up your whole body. Regulates the bowels, clears the blood, aids digestion makes you well from head to feet. That's wh-tt Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do, greatest spring regulator. Tea or Tab lets. 35C J. G. Hall. Our prescription department is as the best, our drugs are pure and fresh at Crenwillo Drug Co. When you buy seeds,get the best you will find them at Stedman's. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted to the undersigned by John G. Gattls and Bertha O. Gattis, his wife, datei March 21st, 1909, and duly recorded in book 70 page 370 in the office of the Register of deeds of Granville county, defauit having been made in the pay men t of the debt thereby secured, 1 Bhall on MON DAY; APRIL. 26th, 1909, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Oxford the following described lot or parcels ol land Beginning at a stake at A. L. Wilson's cor ner running east two hundre i and fifty feet to a stake; thence south seventy feet to J. R. Xeathery line, thence along said line to Wil son's line, thence along Wilsons line to place of beginning. Deeded in four lots described as follows: Iots No's. 10, 11, 12 and 13 plot and map of Park Avenue, Creedmonr, N. C Time ot sale 12 m. Terms cash. R. IT. ROGERS, Trustee. This 26th day of March 190a 1Q JU in Roses, Carnations, and Violets, a Specialty. Wedding Bouquets, and floral of f erings,arrang ed, in best style at short notice. Summer flowering bulbs, bedding plants, rose bushes, and everything in the florist line at J. L O'Quinn, & Co. Raleigh, N. C. Phono 14, Executor's Notice. The undersigned, having qualified be fore the Clerk of the Snperior court of Gran ville County as executors of Mrs. Sal ie S. Easton, deceased, hereby give notice to ail parties holding claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same for payment before the 25fh day of Febrnary 1910, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make prompt settlement. This Feb. 25th 1009 C. S. EASTON, C. H. EASTON, Executors of Mrs. Sallie S. Easton, dee'd. B, S. Royster, Atty. feb.19 4t Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of es tate of N.H.Woodliff.dec'd.late of Granvilie county, this is to notify all peesons having claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 4th day of March, iqio, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to satd estate will please rrake immediate payment. This March 1. 1909. W. C. CURRIN. Adra'r. of N. H. Woodliff, deceased B. S. Roystei, Atty. mar.S-4t. The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure The best of FARF.1 ILIPIEIHITS 6 tii A it est V ry. 6 in- A 13- Our New Descriptive Catalog just issued tells all about the best time and labor-saving machinery it is one of the best and most teresting Implement Catalogs sued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roof ing, Gasoline Engines. Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co- 1302 Main St, - Richmond, Va. 1

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