Ml i - J t .. .,- Ill '. ! ; - ! hi I v:r OXFORD. N. G., FRIDAY i"'-"Ji&& a 5ao"gr NLMv-- iSFk ! w K-i aj "& b mS'Vmm tm l I 1 1 1 I 1 n a X.-.-'.', Prix ia" ' A ! R COMMITTEE. COMMERCIAL CLUE ACTIVE. TEACHERS' MEE c p .-!; - ATTRACTION AT OPSRA HOUCS. Fair Test Farm Corn- Meeting Last Saturday. M.ity Agricultural Society Preoarini i . rrePnng to do important Work in interest of Town Committees ap pointed at Governors Ms-tinn a moeung in tno county The Granville Commercial Clb is .roon uhc .c1oui;t Siting in readiness to begin active .;..;uraay at twelve o clock operations looking towards the Con .ameo appointed to devise mercial growth and welfare of o i .t uik m bringing about a nnnf . u.uM- uftween tiie Electric Light and Watei i here was a rather Company and the citizens of iS aaaneo ot the committee, town, and has been the metfhs of ad- ,,,s of two members from justing a very serious stake of ff- .-.ueiueor. voting precinct fairs. In that one action, it has d- Ya jl -reat "tnusiasm monstrated its power for doini? thin those present. They and has given itself a nvi?J. rh2t w: cmivcL iinu uLuerwise niitit have taken m . in uie nitjeiuii; guru , - - v 1 --5 uo enect. The club has taken a deep inter est in the question of day current and has appointed a committee con sisting of iiossrs. T. Lanier and W. Ballon and T-r. E. T. White to in veytigate the tk--d lool-r to fii. has more ljalronce -ior nnv r.'-n-ont .-.-.w'i tlie imjmiuant the roduer:ei. "oi1 rave o thnt nV rnU '.Hi ii:iUu;eir.e-. iiay lK: g.von o me iiKjiuvieb eon i .v in fvcm parties wu have caiiial to ivs.t in Soiithv-.-, itiire of the undertaking: i;.ai ad'i.j?abh- that the eommittee should be a- is. - n in contact a. aud wlio lives in a ,,. air. .1. F. Webb. Conn . . at oi sc iioa h- . a U) fii r. an of commii ' -v 1: has b-'cn not! a-.. i.: ad has accepted recommends t ha he o?':'eret! shonhi b to tiie cnair- a posit ioi le.oustries. me cuir-iiiittee is now figuririj,- with a genrieman who is in lO P.rea.i qnanitj' ol Pitty or Sixty Cranvllie Present Several Good Talks rusde ! Dr. Sails Makes Pertinssnt RemScs on Hygelne. . Between fifty and sixty teachers ! iu tbe Granville pui-ne i-e:ioois gath ered in the Graded School building and had an interesting session 4'oiu tveive to two o'clock last Saturday. Several talks wtre made ueiore the body, nad the oeasicu was one ; of much benefit. Dr. A. Sails addressed the tdaek , ers on the subject oi ii seine aad I made many pertinent remarks during ; the coarse cf his talk. H-e aap,.a- ed the importance ot trying vo'ijre I vent contagious diseases fr. sprc.d ing in schools; the necessity oi givin the proper drainage tc the sc-hoc louioi,, ana me importance c-i vc mg a umionn heat intiie cias- roc: i Le also maiie' a cry excellent a ' nieiKLitibu la proposing mat i - .u ual drinking cups be used Prcf. J. a. jjivens, cf Ruxcigii, buate ioerav tiix-nt's Teaeiiei s era my course, was present a very iusoruetn e talk advoc:aa oetxer equipment for teacher-:. CiiSSUl"- tlii- ri.'-:f7 :s Accapied Pos?- r r- Lezi ..-rug oompaiiy a; ! be Appointed by Succi-csor vvi i '.-over -.or. Last week the people of this dis trict wore :iLrprited to hear that the KoM.Jones Fuller. of Durham, who occupies- the ofiice of solicitor, has ac cepted, a munificent position with the United Drag- Company, of Boston as its attorney, and will move to Bos ten to live. His resignation as so licitor is supposed to be on the way o til -a Governor, and there are a num ber oi applicants in the field to 'fill the vacancy. People at PieasEa-.t Ore Srassfield, Merchant of Venice to be by Among the applicants are Capt. xforc!JTon. Sam M. ule e-i-Ht- ?1-.-.-.V-3V ii.t.C ::s, oi ii i isocro aat; u. jroaai;ur8t ot .sreer.s.;oro :':;v-:aa :.luvph.y, Wa land Cooke, and others. The frienos of the va riv. aa oa iid:ciaet ar-c at w cIa ioi s ax Jzn tl lections to be Heid. Tiie pec-i le around ieaaiA Grove in Brasfciitid. have decided to vote or: the question of ha; ing a special tax levied for their school, and an eiection has been called ay the Com missioners for the 9th of November. There is a great deal oi interest in the question and some prominent speaker yet to be chosen will ad dress the people on the subject, upon a. date tc be announced later. The County Superintendent advises that other districts are clamoring for elections, and that several more will soon be called. PLEASE SEND IN ITEMS. J o o d Co :Yi p a m Satu ;' Carries CwnScensry. On Saturday night a gocc headtu by Ivlr. Edward D'C. tor of much talent, will pi aa ac 'JNierciiaiit of Venice. oxtord peo ple will remember Mr. DXY.zc. who a few years ago trained a iu:inber of local thespians for several da., s prior to putting on "David Garnek;"' the execution cf which, left man;, things; to be desired, however, through no fault of Mr. D'Oize. Tiie Company is said to be a most capable one. Mr. D'Oize himself is a toccd actor and the "Merchant of Venice" promises to be the best at- a- Resson s-or Being -:L tcrs Always Mere ;ooa ueciinea to givi.- hug and stud j . : . a . . : ...a ' - for h:::. to :er .1. Lo, Col. ;:oo up his :riate Comrn 't Oat" Ed i- Thsn Giad to aieations. ue.ort a 1 ' er-theme? is recomnunded ly tu;; iho new institution to ;i the general meeting !st. it beine the Gran- current and it is more than proba- i ble that a contract can he made he- ; tweeu this party and the Oxford Wa- ter ana Electric Co. i A gentleman from another town win I ' Agricultural Society. and be in Oxford shortlv looking over the ! i , eommendeil that tlv. situation with a view of establishing ! - aerated lor the purpose : a factory, and the Commercial Club ag an annual County is preparing to give him all the as- I , .art her recommended : sistance possible and hopes to land aaorizod capital stock be ; the enterprise. , . and that organiation I a3-o-. ' i n i?l,"00. or more shall p.iid in. The shares have .i dollar each. iie consisting of Dr. J. .Mes.-rs Chas. R. Gordon. A. Newspaper Man in Town. Mr. William Lyon, representing the j Charlotte Observer, was a visitor ; in Oxford Monday, and was pleased : t.n snpq lr vprv bioi-iiir rif eh.-i tnu n I (-.well was appointed te j Mr. Lyon, who is a first rate news v.'.ta other agricultural paper man, has "numerous relatives -i a View ot geamg ideas in Dutchville township. He says that r business organization, 1 oxford has greatly improved and he n ta- bubmittea at the j was surprised at the beneficial chan '. eag. ' ges. ta-aucn as to tne cieicer seiiaty was made: that a president, a vice-presi- e.i;ive Gcmmittee com- aiber from each town sacretary and treasurer, n.htteman is expected i cf talking up and work s' :i- ard Agricultural Sc- o -'late invert ;t i'i them .:: i;y. will be take:: on Cor: tie lias just gotten out a moupklti entitled the "Teachers Reading Cir cle", and in it recommends several books for the teachers to make: stud ies of. Among them are: Ham. ikon's "The Recitation"; Binsmcre's 'rea ching a District School"; Menaar-'a Special Method in Reading for errades ', and North Carolina tion." Mayor Dennis G. Brummitt, repre senting the" Junior Order, was also present and made a proposition to ing been sought and obtained. help each school to get a bible and that in no event would he be a can- L. 1 O 5 due a - practice. Ren miag to Andrew .;e;ner. some duj s ago ays in the Nevv's and Observer: "Col F. P. Hcbgocd, v. aa: had the solid support oi the Guilford county Democracy for the nominaticn last year when after a long struggle at the convention in Durham, Fuller wa, nominated, being considered the logi cal candidate from Guilford for the ap pointment, when Eaeii tonight, said lie was absolutely in ignorance of the resignation of Solicitor Ful!cr,or of endorsement of his successor hav- ci i!ie Lad i' tiiat iliey a ice on ae a flag. He said that he could not then give a definite promise as to how rnucch the Order would give.but he would not now relinquish his pri- vate practice for the position, even i he pro'mised that the Order would do should it be tendered- him. something. The superintendent, Mr, J. P. Webl in the course of his remarks rlis- mt. Funer was elected last year to fill the unexpired term of A. L. Brooks, solicitor, who resined in org- cussed the question of having the ier to run for Congress. The term a-. ent to per- taKe out Transfer of Property. Mr. J. Robt. Wood on Monday af- J ternoon purchased of Messrs. Cooper j Stedman and Usry the two lots to j the north of the Chapman building. I A reporter asked Mr. Wood some- ! thing aoout the deal and as to what I he intended doing with the property, j All he cculd get out of this crafty j fellow was that he had made the : purchase, but the reporter has visions J of seeing a handsome new structure 1 go up on the site. Mr. Wood smiled broadly, but he declined to commit himself on the subject. expires next year and the new appom tee will have but a short term be fore having to face another nomina ting convention. The position in this district formerly was a splendid pay- school children brought to Oxford on the day of the unveiling ci the Confederate monument, October the 30th. Mrs. W. H. White came to the meeting and extended an in vita Hon upon behalf of the committee to the ing one, said to be the best in the school children, and it is more than State, but the establishment by tne i .' . i' a ana , f :at turn. ; ' (I that any citizen . suggestion to offer I'oi the society shall write ; "K-t iap. This is a matter Had Good Opening. j :':v tVfr' man,wo- j Mr. W. H. Upchureh estimates that 1 l,u ,T" cor-nt" v'111 be ' nearly five hundred people if not a by ta.e success of tnat 'inany people were present at '-e"t every Committee- , fnrmsi nr.Piiinp- nf llnohurrh Pii-ns new place of business in the Chap, man building. The firm has a fine store and everything looks good. The j arrangements aret. asteful and the ; store is a credit to Oxford. On the day of opening a register i aiaaanees in which the was kept in the office for visitors to l were unusually good. enroll and almost two hundred nnd : "" ' - i fifty affixed their signatures therein. j but Mr. Upchureh thinks that fully col Filling Up. I half ot- tile visitors could net be 'oI-y, of Northside, was j waited upon and that numbers failed -ther day, and reported i to register for this reason. a :a t arnest work :ia.n Picture Shovy. . an s of the Moving Pic had mi added attract- an itanai: oana ana :-:d Te i li'jol at that place is grow- 0 ilure being about 70 pu .'iii'."'. He says that the in- soon be in need of thret , Burglar in Town. Some time during Tuesday nighi some person with burglarious procliv ities hrnkp. inthp pst.a.hlishment of Notice Mr. J. F. Edwards and rifled his cash will be no sales on the Ox- j drawer, taking cash, bill, papers.and " f. Market on Saturday,Oct ; other contents. Very fortunately for count of the unveiling of f Mr. Edwards, however, there was but pro ua Die tnat two tnousana or more boys and girls will be present upon the great occasion and take a prom inent part in the programme. There was not ime iett after the speeches for taking up the business matters that will be taken up at the next meeting which the superinten dent will probably call in about SO days. Among the teachers present were: Miss Dora Ov: rtou, Tally no Miss Etta Washington, v Ho. Miss Royster, Oak Hill No 4, Miss Aliie Adccck, Berea, Miss Mary Shot well, Walnut Grove No. 3, Misses Al berta and Luciie Aiken.Baiik's Cliao el. Misses Carrie Fuller- and Ethel Gray, Salem Cross Reads,: Miss Ital ian Patillo, Oak Hill No. 6 Mr. M. S. Giles, and Misses HaHie Jones, Hen rietta Booth, and Bessie Mangam, oi: Stem High School. Miss Grissiie Smith Tar River, Miss Alma Clayton, Lyons Miss Coriime Bowling, and Mrs, . J. .M. Biaiock, Cuibreth, Misses Ethel Breedlove and Helen Sails Penny Rib Miss May Breedlove, Salem No. 4, Misses Cora Phipps and Kulda Latta Howard, Misses Mabel Jones and Lena Mason, Enon, Misses Irma Urn stead and Katie Lou Hundley, Knap Reeds High School, Miss Mary Renn, Fishing Creek,No.2, Miss Mary Webb. last Legislature cf recorders courts in Durham, Greensboro, and High Point, has largely decreased the e moluments of the office without de craafieg the heaviest and most re sponsible part of the labor." t PSSTOL-TCTING. snd EyoUstic Fisto!-Toters Oovtaac!:y Oi Oil of Crimes Habit Should be Broken up. a a o : Gil the sales oi vaas dor to 1 -to tin er Texas legislature at its latest oU pel et-iit receipts aci i . t mstois m uiat with a vievv to n more expensive. nas com infinities rtate. i ms an. king pis til Gt:i- SC -.ig U i to maiie tne act. oi coiicea.ed - y -' able by confinem cut in the penitentiary. riv eoiaaiuereo. is to nia.i in possession a pistci the maiinfaeturc. offer for sale, tfhich is less than eighteen inches in , length. ; Given a fool who is a coward and ; an estotist, and then make this crea- j carrying . teioii.; paii-.l lit o - - Another ro-ii. ari'v i c or iiav VlitC u: it li ti:o t'u. t.Cl'a yer ai'e consul eu tr. .'u ti . .'i. Liia.iO'1" i iU' aa lo item oi no ws in tii:cn teresled is not gi vvn i.oi account, in such cases, it the people m uon would take the trouble to investigate, they vouid find that the e tutors were entirely ignorant of wiiat they were supposed to be aware of. Tiie editors are exceedingly anx ious to have every bit of news that is going. Marriages, deaths, social lunctious, business items, and every thing that is properly to be classed as a news item isaiways more than welcome in this office. We try our best to get all of these and deeply regret the omission of a single avail able item, but it is impossible not to overlook or be unaware of a great many in the course of a year. We have repeatedly asked our friends and patrons to drop us a line or in someway advise us of anything in toe way cf news that may come within their knowledge. All papers from the humblest weekly to the met rcpolitan dailies, get a great deal of their regular items in this way. Were any paper to lose this source cC information, the direct report from the people about whom the news i tems are written a good percentage of news items that do appear would never have seen print, lor the rea son that they would nothave come within the knowledge of the paper It is very wrong to suppose that a paper ignores one man and takes poms tc boost another. It will usual ly be found that the man who is thought ot be boosted at all times is one ot the paper's regulars- that it a man who is a Ware of what is going on and not only keeps in i ouch with it. u ut who takes pleasure in giving the beueiit of his information to the Gti.r patrons, whatever their posi tion or standing may be, can rest .area that the Ledger will take every bit of news sent in as a grcai favor, and that the paptr is mora :ha:t an te nave rneir news ne:as. ii st teat monies to this mill. We everything suitable to pubhisn and we nevor "leave out" anj thing on account cf personality. We woukl publish a news it: m concerning the m traction that Oxford has had number of years. Mr.D'Oise will give a lecture the iadits clubs on Sattotiay noon at the Graded School, his aeing Shakespcariana. The young actor is a Soon by birth and raising, lie , a in New Orleans in 1 S7S), his faih. r, ijOoil it .j . u Oize hav ing be-v a an ef iicor on General BragiCs s;a:; during; tne" war between the state s. va a. rjative of baltknore and ot h a nch ua scent, and has mother of Hughs;.' anot Irish extraction, a native of Wilming ton. North Carolina. Mr. D'Oiae s manager, Mr. Gay F. Gregg, is from Virginia, and his ad vance representative Mr. Edward M Roberts is a native of Memphis, Tenn There are besides, in the support of" :he stir several actors whose names are familiar in both the north anil the south. g--o- DEATH OF MRS. BULLOCK. o Mother of Mr. P. Bullock Died Fri day Morning After Few Days Ill ness Buried in Country. Mrs. Narcissa Bullock, mother o Mr. Pete Bullock and Miss Sallier Bullock, of Oxford, died at her homer last Friday morning about 1.30 A. M. Zvlrs. Bullock has been in bad heal th for a number of years, heart trou ble and digestive disturbances hav ing aftlicted her. On Saturday night preceeding her demise, Mrs. Bullock was seized with, a chill, but on Thursday noon, her condition was apparently greatly im proved and she was expected to re gain her normal condition. At night however, she sustained a relapse and died a little after midnight. Mrs. Bullock had not been well enough to leave her lot for a number of years. T he runeral services wi rc eond -c-t ?.d from the house at Jfo'clcck Sat urday morning, and .there mains were carriea to the old home in the cc-,;. a u' Cure buried, the Rev. L eey conducting them. T 1 I? . 1 RESIGNS OFFICE. Rc";gracion cf Sciicb i;cmr;ef-;ts of Car:-at. a Record ov Office " 'a a: - Hi is yi - u.ed iii: ones Fall r yc-:i a: last ; ninth Non 1 t-ia h Carolii' Co;if.,b.riito monument. L- nifiar of the Board, F. P. Lyon, Sec e c Ua Flo Xa a small amount of money, probably but two or three dollars, in the draw er. It is not known as yet, whether anything else was taken or not. Mr. Lewellyn thinks that the rob bery was committed by some one tered the store he rn partment, Miss Jewel f th close last nisht, as the back cher. ! dnnr was found open in the morning x'orwocd, Jack Pittard ( whpn the store was opened up for HONOR ROLL OF BULLOCK PUBLIC SCHOOL. Banister Royster, Mar- DUSjness aartment Miss Sue O. -J 1 ,Z J- CT A! -, - li'li Sfllflm Nn 4 ATiss Ruth Wohh ATt Pnr. ture Uruiliv, aim put L,x0 mel, Miss Bailey Daniel, ' 'willow pocket and the chances are seven o, Branch, Miss Sarah Daniel, Satter-; a pess o e "V. IXIUX Uci III LiJ-cn, icrxijj '- w white, Miss Mary Willie Allen, Pro vidence, Miss Jean Daniel, Corinth, Miss Oza Taylor, Oak Hill, Miss Lil lian Minor, S'tovall, Miss Daisy Minor Oxford, No. 3, Mr. W. S. HoweU. Fish ing Creek No. 1, Miss Janie Clayton, Tally Ho No. 3, Miss Ethel Hol'mes, Northside, Mr. J. A. Pitts ana Miss fore midnight. There are more ! homicides of that sort perpetrated j in this land of the free every calen- j dar month of the year than all the ; casualties of battles on land or sea o. ; the late war with Spain. The coun- ; try has got to be too high-toned to le gaily hang its murderers, and hence j T .on n TVTn fir Vi a m OroorlmnrtT'Hi wti Qr-.lmrt Miss Leila Routen.Oxford.No. l.Miss : LUC1B. u" .sl,wvvli .UA ar "c'-r".la .twi TTinvrt r,ri TVTi vm-ri Tiir.Mr practice or lyiicnmg them. Tnais m 'a cod, Elvin Royster, The Eyes of Young or Old. Remiire the greatest care. At Jewel Floyd, and Miss Boyd, Bullock, Misses Lucy Jones and Naomie Cash Llester, Misses Ruth Hardy and Vir gie Pendleton, Pleasant Grove, Miss Nanie Lou Adcock, Williford School, Miss Minie Cannady, Currin School, Miss Haiiie Roller, Pruitt, Miss An nie Brj an, Knott's Grove, Miss Ma mie Gates, Whetstone, Miss Etta Eak Oak Hill No. 1. ivae Robert Campbell, Pearl the first sign of defective sight, the :?iia Hicks, Nannie B. eyes should be seen to. Deferring t'renshaw, Zulene E- an examination only means eye-strain Lloyd, Oscar Cronister, an that is always harmful. Do not wear any kind of glasses, tryes n. e to be fitted exactly just like feet or ; hands, so have proper comfort. We. will examine your eyes, ana give y -SS--"91- M.irv Norwood. king Cups in Schools. i'"... . a I u learn that the custom the yery best spectacles or eyeglass- ' drinking cups in the eg o-uaranteeing them correct and a;- inaugurated. There ; of'high quality,, and charge you very j e.htic source of the con- ittlefor the pair that suits you. j oi'ectious diseases than Dr N Rosenstein, the well known! 'ous use of a common specialist, will be in Oxford Tues -ol. especially when tIlls day Oct. 26, at the Exchange hotel,! d into an open buck- for 'gone day only. Call to see him j oeartily recommend to b t your eyes. i of the county that they dUUUl" J ; i ; to have provided tor . cooler or some vessel courts of criminal judicature are too j frequently travesties on justice. j Bribery and perjury are too com- ; mon. Perverted sentimentality has : too free swings. Criminal lawyers practice too freely the infamies of shysters. The right of appeal adds enormous weight to the laden feet of justice. We have interpreted fiie gospel. Better ten men be shot, down in a street fight than that on-red-handed murderer pay the pen alty of his crime on a gallows erectec by the law. Next to drunkeness, the cowardly practice of pistol-toting is responsi ble for more illegal violence in this country than any other cause. and the two s tog ner sober me On to Raleigh s his own cup. 'ii, Supt. of Health. - 2--a ' -PAY YOUR TAXES. tiid see to it that A great many Oxford people are . .. . ! tliict moot attending tne ttaieigu ran w, Vii P-jrest crowds going down on Thursday and Friday. Barnum and naiipvs' Circus is drawing more than will admit the object of their going, j fnir this vear is pronounced m X , AiJC ' " . , e eateu to meet me ai-a be mvclt better than usual iuitces anu pa.y uui Mr. Ca!dveli Gives Barbecue. At his handsome home at Gela, near Stcvall, Mr. B. M. Caldwell gave a barbecue to his friends in the town and county on Wednesday afternoon 3 o'clock. A great 'many guests were present and the occasion was a most enjoyable one. Z Joshua Simpkins Snow. "Joshua Simpkins" appeased at the too mucn fighting whiskey Opera House Monday night and had i feet of the American character is the fair-siotd audience, giving a fairly lax administration of the criminal sta good performance to those having a tues. It is the immunity from pun caste "for that sort of an attraction, ishment that emboldens our criini The aggregation carries a very good nal classes. Stop pistol-toting and a band with it, the members of which, great advance will be made in civili are gotten up in an alleged humorous . nation. Washington Post, array of costumes. After the perfor-: mance. some of the young bucks a- bout town hired t.he band and made j The Political Milennium. night hideous wuth the suae trcm- Two Kansas farmers, one of them carry a pistol, and perhaps 90 per cent of the pistol-Jcters are moved to the habit by their indulgence in The de- :.itr..r - of- ..- T there is no such person in exis tence. When you are "left out" the reas on is that we diet not. knew about you. Senei in your items and you will not be "left out," Meet on 3Gth. . A meeting of the coamittee ap pointed by the county commissioners to take up the matter of the test farm will meet on the Sth of this month. It is also hoped that the County Fair committee will have a meeting at the same time. Deputy Sheriff a Dandy. Sheriff Sam Wheeler says that dep uty sheriff R. B. Blackly is a dana . The vigilant officer is giving the still operators in the Harricane a great deal of trouble. He has recently taken care of two of the places, and destroyed several hundreds of gal lons of beer. E5-SHC Mr. W. J. Long to Retire. Mr. W.J. Long, of Long, HI a lick a" Haskins, on account of ill health ha.s decided to retire from the mercan tile business. This is a piece cf news that the people of Oxford a?:d Gran ville County will greatly regret to hear of. Mr. Long has for more than 20 years been a resident of Oxford and has built up a fine busin ss and is one of the town's foremost citizens For a year or two his health has not been of the best, and his decision was brought about incrder to give freedom from business cares and time to recuperate. The business cf Long, Blalcck and Haskins, which is one of big proper tions, w-ill be conducted as in the past after Mr. Long's retirement, but in order to effect the change, the firm is seling its stock at and below cost. An Advertisement stating these facts will be found on page 8. lie vaj y pros uie iror judic- aioirict and Governor Kiici:en will i'. e the commission tea ay that. ve lourteen months ago in mak- 0!g .or. Fuller the successor of A. L. Brocks. Mr. Fuller attended Orange county court this week, and as announced by him last week will retire. The ap pointment of his successor is in or der at any time and it is expected that the governor will name the mart this week. It will be just as inter esting a thing to look for as it was. before the convention of last year. The incumbent cf this office wilt take the workup after but little less than a year's work in it, giving himi three more and a few months. The district is one of the best ones in the state, and until the establishment. of the recordership at Durham antl Greensboro, was the richest in feesi of all the state divisions. Mr. F"uller has been a popular pros ecuting officer and it is noteworthy that the republican press has beent vry friendly to him. The editorial utterances of the Greensboro News i-iuSt n,ave very pleasing to a man w-ho differs so materially from the politics of that paper. He has ben cement advocate for the state; and he has been ejninently flair to those who were under his prosecution MRS. MOORE IMPROVING. bone. But the band for a small af fair makes : good music when it chooses. Nntir to Tax Payers of Town of Ox-. isimiLL 'ivtossiho j " ' j '"HiD v Y NOV 12th. I tora. j ::;i)SS T "NOV. ISth! There isaclause in the tax law m j .aONOVY NOV. 35th. the town ordinance which reaas e FRIDAY NOV. 19th. After the first day oi December . at the law has been shall be a penalty ot one per centum . . 1 will have to set- added to the amount of ah taxes due h to on January 1st. and an additional one per centum on : go out on November the first day of each month theie- ax s not paid by that after until tiie xlu-. i-- v Captain and Mrs. Devin Entertain. Republican and the other a Democrat were quarreling over their political b liefs. The more they argued the fur ther apart they drifted. Finally they called in a neighbor to settle the dis- ' e-ted bv distress. XI) SAVE COST. Wheeler, Sheriff. your town tax before December the first and save cost. J. F. Royster, Tax Collector. On last Friday night Capt and Mrs. pute. This neighbor was a man who W. A. Devin entertained four tables seldom said anything, who went a- at" progressive Bridge, and delightful bout his busi-ess. was a good citi- refreshiBents were served during the zen and substantial in every way. course ot the evening. "Well," he replied after both had Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. stated their sides, "my son and I J. A. Niles, Dr. and Mrs. B. K. Kays, have been hauling wheat nearly tor Misses Fannine Gregory, Net Greg- ty years now. There are two read? ory, Annie Taylor, Irvin Starke, Mrs. leading tc the mill. One is the vai N. H. Cannady, Messrs B. K. Las- ley road and the other leads over the siter, T. C. Howell, F. M. Pinnix, R. hill. But never yet has the miller H. Lewis and Dr. J. E. Hobgood. asked me which road we came. He Dr. Rosenstein Coming. Dr. N. Rosenstein the eye special ist, will be at the Exchange Hotel on October the 30th. o Items From Creed mocr. Creedmoor sold 119,715 poonds last week bringing ?15,450.SS making an for the week over $12.90 per hundred The average is nee as good this year as last, because th a farmers haven't the tobacco, to bring it up. Creedmoor market usually make?; the highest average of any market in the- State of North Caroline, but she won't hardly keep her record up this year as the crops are behind. Correspondent. Recovering From Effects of Amputa tion of Leg, Which Was Made a bout Two Weeks Ago. Mrs J. R. Moore who lost a li:nb last week "through amputation is do ing very nicely and is recovering rap About ten weeks ago Mrs. Moore stuck a needle in her foot, hue at the pf-.:d no attention to the acci eltnt. Later however, the fcot and leg began to pain and agreat deal or intlamation followed. Dr. G. A. Coggeshail, the physican in atten dance, did everything to cure the mei ber, having tried to drain the suppu ration, but finally it was found neces sary to amputate.. Examination re vealed the fact that the bones of the foot were decaying. Dr. Coggeshal. assisted by Dr?. Wa kins, Sails, and Hobgood, amputated the limb Friday week. ril,e friends of the Moores are glad to he ;r the encouraging reports, and ne anxious for the patient's recover; . of we aple G! ocing earns re 4 cents- One case ceiv. d this Crenshaw s. John Wil'iar.os is the tailor made man at Cr nsbawra !t is always a. fit when' John 'lailors you at Crcn 4 !- I j i Vet if - t i t ,4"i