OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909. PAY YOUR TAX. i - ujj m. ww mm .4 wr n m tit tin im 1 fill Our buyers are all back from the Northern Markets and with painstak ing care they have selected from the best and most up-to-date houses in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, the cream of the styies. Womens New Fall Tailor Made Garments. All the new style features from the finest makers. What a satisfaction it is to a woman to feel that she is cor rectly and tastefully dressed. Every women desires to Ret the best style and the best quality for the money. Our line combines these essential points: Suits $8.50 to $35.00. Goats $5.00 tc $25.00, Skirts $4.00 to$12.50. Coat Sweaters. In a big assortment of new and up-to-date styles, in a wide range of prices. For the lady, men, boys and children. Household Dry Goods. The housekeepers bargain opportu nity, just at the right time before the cold weather sets in. During the month of September we are going to make exceptionally low prices on everything pertaining to household necessities and have bought and now have the largest and best as sortment we ever had. Avail yourself of these bargains in Blankets, Bed Spreads, Bed Gomfortables, Ready Made Sheets, Pillow Gases, Gurtains, Gurtain Netts, Table Linens. Napkins, Towels, Rugs, Linoleums, Art Squares. Gome and be surprised at the big values you can get. New Silks and Woolen Dress Goods. Silk the queen of all dress fabrics is shown in a great variety of pleasing novelties that will prove particularly pleasing. The domestic and foreign dress goods is what you might expect us to have. Gome and see you will not be disappointed in us or the goods. New osiery. Purchases complete and stock all in Black Gat Hosiery for boys and girls school wear and the celebrated Onyx Brand Hosiery for ladies, made and guaranteed by Lord & Taylor, of New York. Shoes ! Slices ! ! It is considered by all who have worn our shoes that we keep the best and only the best. Every pair that you get out of our store is and must be all leather and must give the wearer sat isfaction. The Zeigler Bros, shoe that we have been selling for 30 years .s better than ever; a bright, snappy styl ish trim. For a cheaper shoe we have the ce1 ebrated Graddock-Terry line of Lynch burg, "Southern Made for Southern Maids. Ask to see our Southland Belle and Long Wear shoe for Ladies Misses and children. Millinery. Due notice will be given of our Milli nery Opening but if in the mean time you need anything in the way of head wear remember we are ready to show you. (CL iPJ'-i' L s it'll 5 ' Cojsyn3itn909.1)y flasher Brothers, Philadelphia. P AwoM When you are sick, or suffering from any of the troubles peculiar to women, don't delay take Car dui, that well-known and successful remedy for wo men. Thousands of women have used Cardui and been benefited. Why not you4? Don't take any chances. Get Cardui, the old, reliable, oft-tried remedy, for women of all ages. 1 m j-i 0 i A A sJLj uitl LA Li It Wll T) p J 40 llrs. Ltizania IMorgtin, Sneedville, Tenn., -writes: tftfFor ten years I suffered with the turn of life, and tried many remedies without relief. I had pains all over my body and at times I could not sit up. At last I took Cardui and now I can do my housework. I have told many ladies about Cardui and recommend it to all sick jjwomen. Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES -A ! ime of Lodge Meetings. Oxford Lodge No. 103, I. O. O. F. Tuesday night Granville Camp No. 49 1st and 3rd Friday nights Junior O, TJ. A. M. 2nd and 4th Friday night Masonic Lodge A. F. & A. M. 1st Monday night. W. O. W. No.17 Thursday night. HICKESTER S PILLS l.adiest Ask your Orujjg'st for - tii-cues-tcr s uiamond Jirand II!ls in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed -nith Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Buy of vonr lrarslst. Ask for CIII-CIIES-TER S DIAMOND IJRAND iILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE First and Last Go-Round for 1909 Tax Please Pay Up Promptly. You are requested to meet me at the following places and pay your tai Creedmoor, October 15th. Stem, October 16th. Berea, October 18th. Welborn's Store, October 19th. Stovall, October 20th. Dexter, October 21st. Remember that the law has been changed so that Iwill have to make my settlement with the state on Jan uary the 1st. The books will be put out on November thelSth., and all taxesnot paid before that date will be collected by distress. Pay now and save cost. S. M. "WHEELER. Sheriff. It is cheaper at Crenshaws. Our new Fall "Thompson" Shoes have arrived they are moving fast at Crenshaws. "Sil-Kid" shoes for ladies are the finest known in Shoe-dom. We have them in all leathers at cut prices Crenshaws. mm m Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICTIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood, and.mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicans in this country for years and is a regular pr scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the bes; blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination ofthe t wo ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testi monials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. We are still hand ling the same old brands of clothing that we have hand led in the pastf Our stock is com plete and up-to-date. We can easi ly fit a a regular size, slim or stout man. Our prices are no higher than last season, if any thing a little less. Our boys suits are right up to the "friCTEMTBrir" LIMIT AND THE PRICES ARE ?sg?oRABl-cy3TeS. m&tMtim0M RIGHT. We have a few suits on hand that were left over from last season that we will make you some special prices on, if you just want a knock about suit. We invite you to come and examine our stock, whether you buy or not. We will be glad to show you. iff W&i? '''M 1 7 IT jMM 1 ffliiV' ffrtfW WfffU , ammonia in different forms, some I !v Vs slow, some active, to provide gradual JlXT" . '9 mm i.T- j -i,ii ;:, ' nr jsri m$ and continual food to the plant from start to maturity. There is cne fertilizer that does this one that is Nature's own provision for wheat crop one which contains ingredients that the chemists have never been able to put into fertilizer. It is genuine old .III Jr'eruvian tjuano Old farmers of Virginia and the Carolina's recall the splendid crops grown with Peruvian Guano years ago. No fertilizer discovered has ever equaled it lor producing enormous yields. Your land probably needs just such a soil improver. Order one or two tons-and compare the results with those from any commercial fertilizer. Write for prices, and full information. Agencies still open in some localities. Peruvian Guano Corporation, Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. SE32 DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve.is unequaled.foi anything where salve is needed, but jt is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. One Bale yard wide White Cloth 5 cents at Crenshaws. One case of Staple Ginghams re ceived this week going at 4 cents Crenshaws. John Williames is the tailor made man at Crenshaws. It is always a fit when John Tailors you at Cren shaws. Alex. Williams the boss Possum Hunter is at Crenshaws. All 'Possurr Hunters trade with Alex at Crenshaws. Our Buyers arc all on the Market now, and we are ready for your Tobacco. Prices seem to us to be good and if you will come to see us we will see that you get the E VERY TOP OF THE U ARKET "PRICE: mi in ii t . ' i j So Load your wagon and Start for Oxford and be sure to stop at the AMMER WAREHOUSE where you will meet with a hear ty welcome, the very best accom modations, and above all .. THE BEST PRICE Money Comes In Bunches to A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell, N. Y.,now. His reason is well worth,read ing: "For a long time I suffered from indigestion, torpid liver, constipation and general debility," he writes. "I couldn't sleep, had no appetite, no ambition, grew weaker every day in. spite of all medical treatment. Then used Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to my bus iness every day. Its a wonderful me dicine." Infallible for stomach disease Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50 cents at J. G. Hall's. Get it at Crenshaws. Old Ad. Hobgood.is in his glory at Crenshaws. A Plain Contract. Go to J .G. Hall and buy a bot tle of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic on this plain contract. Buy it with this understanding that it will cure: 1st. Fever. 2nd. Chills. 3rd. Bad Colds . 4th. Neuralgia. 5th. Biliousness. 6th. Hemorrhagic Fever. 7th. La Grippe. 8th. Measles. 3th. Typhoid. 10th . Dengue Fever. Pav 50 cents for a bottle of it with the distinct understanding that if it does not cure you, that your money will be promptly handed back to you. Make no written statement. Your simple words will do. No questions will be asked. It's the best. Made by The Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Co. Savannah, ua. People are buying Goods at Cren shaws. Come and see for yourself. , With best wishes,we are, yours to serve wiock & 1 s. L i SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. Under and by virture of a de- cree of the superior ourt ul Granville County, duly made in the Special Proceeding entitled, "Mrs. Nannie J. Green vs. James M. Green and others," I shall on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1909 sell to the highest bidder, on the pre mises, in Dutchville Township, Gran ville County, at the residence of the late Nicholas T. Green,deceased the following described tract of land, be ing that whereon the said Nicholas T. Green formerly resided: Bounded on the north by the lands of George Stem, on the east by J. E. Duncan on the south by Mrs. Mollie Lyon, on the west by Charlie Sanford and lands formerly owned by H. F. Moore containing 130 to 13o acres, more or less, excepting that part of said land which has been set apart as the dower of Mrs. Nannie J. Green. Deed will be made with boundaries of land remaining after allotment of dower. Time of sale 12 O"clocic noon. Terms: One-third Cash.balance in 12 months, withinterest from day of sale tittle reserved until purchase money is paid in full. ROBERT S. GREEN, Commissioner. Graham & Devin, Attorneys. September 22nd, 1909. By consent of all parties sale post poned until Monday Oct. 25th, 1909. Same place and hour.