i ii I ... i: ; 11 1111 OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER 3, 1909. 1 0 ij TSS BS? 4 M Cta ABC: " CN Mou th". ; Brk': COUNTY ROADS. I A VERV GRAC10us ACT- AN V! LLE ROADS. ir e- C MCN AND 50 MULES ! Confederate Veterans Shew The Q r-'DRTPS AT uiadp ! rSox :.. A . . j sentir.g him a Handsome Cane. , -l he Confederate veterana of Gran- orce Completed Road From vHe County have been fcr some con n CreekBridge to Johan- j l plating giving to Judge A. W. Bridcie Renoir Pr,a , . liAiL LUKeu 01 ir ap . -.. ... w neciation of his d CONTEST SUCCESS. GRANVILLE LUMBER CO. " "" 4 BIG CROWD OF FARMERS IN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR TOWN DECEMBER FIRST TO j CORPORATION HAS PRINCIPAL WITNESS OUTCOME OF THE; NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE IN CONTEST. i OXFORD. THE PRIZES AWARDED. II UUivs;aL.ULiL-i: The Soys Who Bore Away the Friz es and the Records They Mr. Stedman's Turnips. Made- Teachers From A. & M. ; In the Corn Contest these were tht 1 ! awards.: ec- ner.t Citizens of Town and County Speak List of Winners of Prizes Prof. Scnaub to EnJLrcain Four teen Contestants. Wednesday tne first day of Deccm- vho procured ones ! ber. was a vud lt-i.rr-r ,ioV in fi . ; . i:Kl slcppeu that bus' mau of wood- of ost beautiful design and ! Mlio County. At twelve o'clock tue ! tu lI;ul out wll4it is do- fnnsh. During the recess of Court j JJoya Corn Contest was held in the u';;Uy rcad !cn Tuesday thy assembled in the ! Court House, the exciting eveu'c en- at worK m various see- efhee o fMr. J. B. Powell, Register ' summg irom that hour until four uj,n aL1-1 1W!1,U1 1JecU3' and sent for Judge Gra- ; o'clock in the afternoon, with a sii. ! ;- t'oniract fore- "am, who had been kept in ignorance mtcriuissioa -Nvii.iu v.i.;i;.i,;( ua3 a- ! i"eir aoiiguq. Upon his enterii.tr t devotion to their From Clay to Blackwe!!. . mtere&t and his untiring efforts in -Two Other Forces at Work : behalf- They iinzlly decided ! upon a gold headed cane and appoint u , caugut engineer Jura a committee with B. I. Lsreedlove i . orn in tne post-olfice the q., chairman u r m i The Big Concern Vas Incorporated' The Committee compesed of Dr.! Under Laws of Delaware and Haj ' Morris, Proi. liobgcoc, and Mr. l-o'.v- j Filed Papers In Order To Domes- I ' awaraeu to J?Tea niei tne ca GRANVILLE Co v. fc RC I AL CLUS FORMALLY ACCEPTS EJUILDiNG AND HOLDS FIRST MEETING SINCE ORGANIZATION LAST APRIL. ticate in Stata Will Invest Heav ! prize of ten dollars, given for the which was made fcr ue purpose cj. giving tne iudufx jimo n , i 1 T l . . I". ' t!l l! t- iv-iuu s aoout 17 men; ! Pea fcrwar-a and in a few well chos- ix mules and o en wcvw 4 mules and loiniost of has cclnpletrd oin; tain Crek I r: : C'r. .-;k Church, a dU miloj. The oni- sureyed and ret erred to the fact that his COi!;!';idt:s h;id nl.-nrl passed ever the river and that tne lew who remained, wished, befor side, bo long v ao interesting meeting in beir.i; that there w as not timo enousih viL. lor tiie poriec i best article explaining the methec ily in County. of raising the acre of corn. j The Granville Lumber Companj j Prof. Schaub, Frof. Williams, anc' ts the name of a new enterprise for ilr. Hudson, judges cf the best ten ' Oxford, being the principal North cars, which were bc:;ght alter the Carolina Office for a corporation. v. itli ! contest by Judge Graham, awarded a capital stcck 01 one hundred thou- the prize cf five dollars to Rutus Moss. The judges apopintc d to verify and classify the reported yields were: Messrs B. F. Hosier. T. G. Taylor,and tne held sand dollars, that has just been form ed under the laws of Delaware. Th.j object will be to deal in timber ana real estate. Tiie incorporators are V. S. Taylcr, of Wilmington j-i-eia ware N. Cud 11, of Osiord N. nieiita tor next . u ro:-.v pi :. .;rs. 1 Yz A : v.,k 7:i- !.. fv. ihey joined thos-e on the other ,0 leave some token of their appre ciation of the love and devotion Judge Graham has shown to the Con- , 1'rcni J:-.li:int!ian Creek! federate veterans and the zcai he ! N iiT.i!iha line, whie'vj uas exhiLited in their behalf, whether j bo pt on foot, d a half lo:.g. and this ! in the legislature, at the Reunions, Tue remark w : 1 t':u in a few days. 1 cr 111 their nom-;s. lie also referred a;s cl aring and grub-' to the fact that for many years, ircm Oak Hill to Vir- ! against his pretest, Judy;e Graham tia! airmer ii i he work from Johna j has ocen retained as commander of ( hurch Is completed, the ! the camp in this County, lie then moved and put to srad- ' presented the cane with the hope that it would be accepted in the spir it with which it wa.s given. Judge Graham was visibly affected cuug 01 a rra line ar, nor for the nar and Experiment Farm Commitiu to meet, nor any other business, in view 01 the failure to got to tuese metiers, it was decided to call a great ma..s meeting lor the lirst 01 January when these important euterprioes w,L C. J. J. F. I To jiV.., Jilt of Philadclnhia. Pa J. YV. Clark, of Glen ' Ca nu ueii. Pa. c Our townsman. Mr. N. N. Cr.r p, ic; preside rt cf the new corporation. Mr. J. F. Hollow ay being the sec retary and treasurer. T. G. Seem. These were the winners tue prizes, the donors, and ber cf bushels arranged ir spective order. 1. John 'Roberts, $7.".C0 by Taylcr -Ca;inady Bxu-gy 1 5.00 harness, by Horner L bushels Henry BlackwelL tiie num their re- 1.-,,, . g : , Co., and os. Co, T.V2 3 :o;i The ' co neern has already acquire: several large tracts timber land as he stood there surrounded by n j least number cf bushels of corn bad- add to ifcs materia! prosperity. many of Granville's bravest and tru est sons. He said in fact: ipv'i"o that has been op v"; :i;n has finished its : i has been transferred s ricige read, and i. Clay station to th? Ii::e will be revised at ! :.(! a new read will be ; know how to express the emotions !i ?ide of Biackwell's j that well up in my heart at this man force will continue on j ifestation of your confidence and es ! ic id and continue in ' teem. If I have done anything to iier and next spring o: ; stimulate the interest of the rising frequently made by divers people that the number 01 Larim,rs rt preseuative and influen and boys present was, greater than had been expected. The great stimulus that is given to agri culture in general and to boys in in northern part of the County, and The nscossary when it becomes domesticated una the lews cf North Carolina gin active operations papers nave been drawn and arc be ing sent to Raleigh fcr official action. mcicaticr.s are that the Coin- spend ccusiderabie ;um taat. even tne ooys who raided the of money in Granville and great; - 7 at Horner School, by Oxford Public 3. Roy Daniel, $25.00 in trade, by Tar Valley Mfg. Ce.-npany 75 bushei- 4. Paul Daniel, $15.00 suit clothes, by Long. Blalock & Ilaskins 73 1-2. 5. Rufus Moss, $15.00 overcoat, by Daiidis &, Eostcn, 72 1-2. 3. Richard Harris, 8.00 half do.ion dining chairs, by Upchrch Bros. -- o i Shirley Avcrett, $P.OO shot gun. ly beat the average farmer in Gran ville County or in North Care Una: j the M. in time. He told the boy- Mr. Cannady and friends, I don't "When the competing boys were ask- I that Superintendent cf PuLLc ln.-jti .c. ed if they would enter the race a- uon Joyner had taken the Corn Con gain next year, their eyes would open ; test idea and adopted as a pert o wide in astonishment, for it was con- the school work, lie then told of tin. sidered an absurd question. Of course : pians tor next year's S-ato Contest, they will be in the Contest, and be i which would bo on an enlarged seal" is com pF ted to the : generation the Confederate Sol joined by three or four times as man. the champion grand prG.niuem boin; :n.i aier. it 1 nave contributed even a recruits. The afrarr xvaa a. traman- a tro-e tnn tv thr riiv -n- vv-a -.'-i of Reeds force is work- little bit, to the appreciation of the dous success. ton. Cr.ap cf Reeds towards In- naany heroic deeds of Granville's sons which has been re-i if 1 have done anything to smooth th' Ii a very fine grade to pathway of those whose feet are now t. The read from C Judge A. W. Graham, temporary j Prof. Williams on Corn. presiding ofifcer, called Mr. G. L. Al- i Prof. C. B. Williams, of the A. ten, cf Brasfield to the chair, and P. ; m. in the afternoon made a very in t ! all turned to the sunset and to make j M. Pinnix was made secretary. The j terestin:- talk on corn. He lii.' e-m to the Durham Coun j the crossing of the river less hard to j Judges of the best papers written by ; cial stress upon the imroreaueo tance cf a mile and a I them.then I feel that my efforts have ; the competing boys, Messrs. A. H. iformity in classification. A n eompb ted, ai d soiling i not been in vain, and my reward done on the road lead-! has been -ample. This is truly ; iiiu. through a section o; j beautiful cane, and I shall preserve j tides. Powell, Prof. F. P. Hobgocd, Dr. J. ; ber of standard and eseiciaiiv meri A. Morris, retired to inspect the ar- j torious kinds of corn was given, tu rourcs. and cherish it to my dying day wdth Mr. Hudcon Talks. methods of cultivation, and much va uable instruction was proffered in the ;?..: V ;." is ' "crk c 1 : r.ei-. Adv-: T.T i t force has been on re- ; affectionate appreciation cf the sen- j In tle nieantiiine, Mr. C. R. Hudson snort time at his disposal. in different sections, anc I tiuients uiat mspneu tne giix. iu; .-;it c'oins'O' a fev day S j yj icmg as i nci.e Liie connueiice ant. tli ' road from Providence i esteem cf the Confederate soldier - ..r,hn T-rvoi in nrci r i of Granville, I feel that I will need was rt quested to make a talk to the assembly. That gentleman made a mosi interesting speech in which he save out tne chief aims cf the De- i r i - y . t ilie-e recple access to the j no aruiiciai support, ion nave nation. many, many occasions given proof of j tile statement that ; Jiil UiiLUL vi. -A-tl til .ui K.. lie liiaur. iere is the as- ag" i? being taken of the v.eather and work has been Tpei. i. ; ;lt will be continued as fast 'a' ; : ;: until spring w hen the ef- v in )o redoubled and fastei V?v.: ;i wiil be made. The present fcPP';;,: i:it i0n ill make a hundred if new road, the improvemenj n. 7 f.f a permanent nature. The Kins f'.nig is to be used in keeping the ii!.. -a- roads up to standard, and Slid sloughs broken down teams will be a thing of the past. engineer has located a new rr)al from Stovall to Mountain Creek p'ik'". the length being five miles, 'H i has not bepn decided ae your loyal friendship, and my heart ! tour,aing mnnber of 150,000 farms n has been deeply touched. The lit-i Uie Countrv studying agriculture ir. tie I have done for you is but a j varje(j kinds ci sPght expression of my love and ap preciation of you. I wTould that I could have done more and that I could honor each one of you in the manner you deserve.. Being too young to share with you the privations and dangers of actual warfare, but knowing much of what 3rou did and dared, I have taken an active part in trying to honor the Confederate soldier, on every oc casion, and induce our people to pre serve your history as an incentive tc good for these who will come after oils and under vast- lur. .tiauson, auriug tne course oi the afternoon, said that no farmer snouid plant his com until he had studied the (matter fully for 2i hours. Prof. Schaub said that one day wih be given entirely to the instruct ion in selecting seed corn, but the dat-.-for this is tc be announced later. Mr. Hudson introduced Mr. Othc ly difireent climatic conditions. The Daniel, as his assistant in the Deni al ain thing, he said, that the Depart- onstration work in Grnaville, and Mr. merit wants to impress upon the far- Daniel briefly outlined the great cam mc-r is soil building which has been ! Paign he is to lead next year, so sadly neglected. The next is the i Dr. Morris in reporting for the growing of corn. Hundreds of thou- Committee to select the best account sands of bushels of corn are bought ; .written by the competing boys stated at 75 cents by people who can easi- that the Committee considered three ly raise it for 25 cents. While il points in making the award, to wit: 'may seem doubtful, the records show distinctness, consequence, and full that corn has been raised for two sea uess. sons as low as 7 cents per bushel.' Judge A. W. Graham, in the presen Under the Demonstration work, 35 tation of the prizes said that the av- farmers in Cumberland County, whose erage yield in North Carolina for, 40 Y?nv. nnher to begin work on it now ' us. Again, I thank you, Mr. Canna-, EQil . nQt as good as Granville s, years was only 14 1-2 bushels to the by Baird & Ohamblee 1-2. 8. R. C. O'Brien, $7.G0 in trade by J. F. Edwards 60. 9. Stanly Avcrett, $7.00 thoroughbred Berkshire pig, by Tally Ho Stoek Far 57 1-2. 10. Thomas Alien, $5.00 buggy rote, by Ejullcck & Crenshaw, 57. 11. Oscar Ragland, $5.00 rocking chair, by J. Robt. Wood. 55 1-2 12. Ivey Moore, $5. shoes, by H. II . Crenshaw Co, 55 1-2. 13. Thaxton Averett, $2.50 safety ra zor and outfit, by R. L. Hamilton Drug Co., 55. 14. Baxter Mess, free trip to Raleigh 55. 15. John Melton, $1.00 hat by J. D. Brooks, 50. io. Paul Hicks, $1.00 suLciiption by Progressive i-armer, uO The five dollars each in ca; h given by Mr. Z. W. Byon, Mr. J. F. Mead ows, the Bank cf GrauvnP-, Hail's Drug Store, the Granville lUal Es tate and Irust Company, and Bullock & Mitchell, with tne smaller amounts' contributed by ether parties will b used to defray tiu expense of the following toja to Raleigh sometime after Christmas, Prcf. I. O. Schaub entertaining them while there. The names of the boys aril numbers oi bushels cf corn are: 17. Oliver Aiken 49 3-S bushels. 18. Parks Norman 46 bushels 19. Fornie Duke 44 4-5. zO. Fielding Knott 44 1-2 bushels. 21. Fred Daniel 42 3-4 bushels. 22. Ernest Evans 4 bush2els. 22. Joe Ragland 41 1-4 bushels. 24. Stephen Veazy 37 1-2 bushels. 25. Garland Mays 32 1-2 bushels. 26. Lonnie Duke 26 bushels. 27. Ralph Aiken 25 bushels. 28. Phocian Frazier 20 5-7 bushels. - 20. Richard Arrington 20 bushels. Lr w-a'e. until Spring breaks. CONTEST AT HORNERS. dy and, through you, every veteran averaKGd 61 bushels, and one of them acre, and the average tor Granville-! In addition there are prizes offered .;of Granville County for this beauti- raised 1Q6 busheis. However. Mr last year was a little under IS bush by the Llt5ZG"s Bank l -reeamooa, . ful gift, and assure you that it there Hudson said that tne object is not els. The boys therefore had reason is any way I can ever serve them,. t tenoh np0nlp to raise freak vields to congratulate themselves fr.r the in day time or at night, in happiness , but tJj raiBe ulg healthy ield3 cneap. one ho raised the least number of nig boys in Dutchville and Brasfield aud one or two citizens of Creed moor that will go to the eompet- nampson of Company B Wins out, : or distress, i win esiee-ui il tu nun- ly bushels on his acre beat the average Though Others Ran Him a Very or to do so The chief consideration is a deep Granville or North Carolina farmei 1 777 TTZ 1-77! . i soil filled full of vegetable matter, badly. As the boys lined up to se- Cio-- R3r. 1 GETS ANOTHER STILL, ; . .. , x, . .. . t . Kace ! "& This accomplishes two things: it fur- lect their prizes, those makmg tne :dav nisht at the Horner j . 'niches a place for the water to sot- , biggest yields being given the firet in' the presence of a fai: , Sheriff Sam Wheeler Hikes Out to j aUow,ng plerity of moisture in a choice in the matter of the prizes, a spirited oratorical con-1 Bcwlin's Mountain and Gets stlh ; drouilj alld gives room to take care following in regular order, there was held between Companies A ' Makes Fourteenth Raid. ! of exces3jVe rainfalls. Two adjoinin. great excitement, the spectators crow C adet Thompson, of Compan:! Sheriff Sam Wheeler with several fields Qne plowed deeply and the ding around the line as closely as ii-.i7ic.a trlrlrprl down in Bowllll & : in i ,nj v, ,1 4-u . j. : tile contest the points there- , j-ijl - I Oilier suaiiuvnv uttiiuieu, bnuvveu iut jjuwsiuie. il uus a mubt luiiji e.abiv e Quarters Consist of Five Genera! Rooms, a Lavatory, and a Cloak Room Furnished in Mission and Flemish Oak Has Steam Heat and Electricity. Tact Saturday night, the members or the Granville CcZarcercial L-iub as sembled in the new rooms j-isv cosu- pletcd in the Caapn.an build leg and formally accepted them. The.v a large and enthusiastic atr-ridHe and the first meetr.ng of the An'r. smce its organization was t-xtreiue-ly encouraging and promises a great work for the town's prosperiry in tiie luture. i no iuli Ciuu.ei:.;, cou sn.is of bet".vt; i'c.'I.V-i. Vc a. el fiiiy re.aeets, eeveral ne-n-rc ?:den:--. and three, honorary merobirs. ee Ci;.b nas lor its clvjvv tif.i coiiiiaerciai advancemtr t ct tno tow u and coauty a.i i Ij provkl? aplaco where ts inem.icrs may gather, tbero being the usual social feat .' that -s found wIlu c.her clubs. The pres ident, Dr. E. T. White will jhiruy aunouueo the personnel of the ie;i committees that will go to wrrk to take up such matters as to ::ryjr iation, municipal improvements, seek' ing new industries, advert!., e the town in every possible way, z-.-.xr tin? baeinees men to more cene-nt rated and vigorous public wcrk, ?r. ert-iiu imyortant personages who n-.t-y couk to the ciijr, and, in rhort. to kee-; busy advancing cur community. Whet thiise are appointee, there will bo an immediate inauguration of a cen.aer cial campaign. i ne quai cers of the Club are uuus vai.y coiivenicnt ar d well appointed. Fronting College Street are T; roonui .fn.'shtei with Mahogany effect, t be-so being the reading room, the secre tary's room, the one in the e-mfcer having been set apart for earns, dom inoes, checkers, or any non-j??.niblln.t; games that the members may cere Jo play.. Runnirg the length of thou-.-rooms is a wide hail, acres.-, which from the three rooms described, is a general assembly room on the South ern side, this adjoining a large and co.'inortable pcoi and billiard ro. Immediately to the North cf this is the lavatory and cleak room. Theo all consume trie entire second fleer ol the building, and are heated by a steam heating plant especially in stalled fcr the Club. Tiie furnishings arc very substan tlal and hai elsomc, the furniture being chieily of mission and Goli ei and Flemish o-es.tne ba-x rxdiis being cf this coloring. Mov-u of the rags, curtains, and smaller rurni.sh-ins:--, have r" "ot arriCfl. ont ar-? shortly expected. f Long distance telephone will be installed, and the best daily papers, periodicals, magazines, and trade jour rials have been ordered for the read ing rr:.'n, abundance of electric light ing has been furnished, ar!d water placed in the building. Everything looking te the convenience hf.a com fort of the members is provided for, and the whole suite has been espec ially arranged ofr the cor.drei of im portant business matters trst pass through the Club. The Commercial Celub is one of upiou.ted ir.stituticr.s in any town near the size oi - - resielont membership has been lim ited to sixty. ' :iii The amount and winners will be an nounced as soon as they are report ed to the secretary. Mr. B. F. Dean reported that the people of Walnut Grove have $6.50 to month rented a horse and buggy to Recovers Stolen earn. Mr. A. Williford.en the i'sh of last be divided among three best co-n raisers from that township. The first nrize is one- half, the second three- one Wilmoth, vvh0 not snowing up within a reasonable time, caused Mr. Williofrd's suspicions to rlee- as to hig anrj p. R. v m for.. ft. -; i ; i'f (. vi!;. y. "1fir:.i to hies rninnanv. The Mountain to the Westward Tuesday j great difefrence in favor of tha lor scene to see the boys, nearly SO o' ctill. The moot ! . . ,. , . . i , , ., Messrs. I). G. Brummut, j. mer in both drv and wret seasons. ! them, standing around the evidences had shiners had finished their job a-, j kind Qf c plantedf too raak. ' of the splendid work they had done, i that place, and wagon tracks were; ; Axffar cm it to see the' older men smur dins cc . vmni shnwine that tney were get- ; . . . omestauts were: ror vuiu-j - maKing one crop tnree times as prci "i k... m Morehcad Emmett, i ting ready to go to a uw -; itable as another handied under simi- o -iss a point. lar conditions otherwise. I Prof. Hobgood made a good talk ' y, and P. Q. Bryan, ime in making the award Cadets Yluu"au ..'rruic matrp the fourteenth raid that rMSi eleven Oxford, and Thompson, o months and he claims on the stren- gtn OI It lilt? luaujjivou.t State as a successful raider. S-iiock &. Crenshaw Moved. i. n:.-i ire to inform our customers moved our business from Street to the store former by Perkinson and Green, Main Street next tc on Preaching at Shady Grove. Rev. W. H. Puckett will preach at Shady Grove on next Sunday morn ing and at Salem Sunday evening. id Chamblee's. We will take Capital Highway Association. Mr. R. W. Lassiter, as a director , ii.!. if n. ron!toi UictiwA v ARsnrriatior ii waiting on etnem at mis ; oi u:y vy and and invite their contin , has received a notice irum oeci- tary Frank Weldon ot a meeting at Pinehurst to-day. l';urohage. Bullock & Crenshaw fifths of the re-mair.ing half, and the intentions. After communicating a- ')ctt the country p-erty generally hei finally found that Wilmoth had gone; ;o Danville. A trip to Danville reveal ed the fact that the raecal Wilmoth had sold the outfit for $6F..0 ami frone to parts unknown. The te-am third prise is the remaining two-iifths of the half cf $6.50. Mr. Stedman's Prizes. Mr. J. P. Stedman, who a few days ago, gave prizes for the biggest tur- Mr. Hudson concluded his remar' by congratulating the boys and giv ing some friendly criticism in the judging of corn. Prof. Schaub Speaks. Prof. I. O. Schaub, of the A. & M. on farming and brought fcr the in spection of the crowd a tremendous Mr. J. P. Stedman also had on ex 14 pound cabbage raised by himself, hibition an enormous turnip that on nips raised from scd sold by him,;vsas rcC0vered but Wilmoth has not brought the biggest ceo to the; boen capturcd as yet. show and the prize winners were an-; What Mr. Hester Says. Mr. B. F. Hester told Er. N nounced to be: j First E. R. Crews, 8 pounds 1-2 or. prize of $2.00. Mr. B. F. Hester told Er. N. Ros- Second. L. L. Crews, 5 pounds 6 1-2 ; enstein, the eye specialist cf Dur oz. prize & $1.50. ; ham, that in treating the eyes of the 26th of last month weighed eight ; Third. R. T. Critcher and A. M. Ov ; his son, Hiram Hester, he had done erton, 5 pounds and 4 oz., a tie, them a vast amount of good. prize of 50 cents divided betwreen ; 9c-4 them. Itch cured in 30 minutes hy Wool- Publish Eoys Articles. : ford's Sanitory Lotion. Never fails. The Ledger will in the next few Sold by J. G. Hall, Druggist. faculty made a talk to the boys, and pounds and half an ounce, asked that there be three times a ' At four o'clock, it was found that; manv contestants next year. He re- there was not time enough left in ferred to his promise to take care ol which to attend to the County Fair a number of boys whom he invited and the other meetings, nor to or- to be with him during their visit in ganize the contest for another year issues publish several, if not all, of S Raleigh, but had the date postponed So it was decided by vote to hold the articles written by the boys com been good, but the excellence of fivo 'until in early January on account cl the meetings on the first day of Jan-1 peting. of them was especially comraenteej the failura to complete a building at i uary. I The judges reported all as having upon. t-