7 Tf Tf prate 5fn VOL. 22, OXFORD, N. C., FRIDAY DECEMBER 17, 1909. NO. 14 MARRIAGE IN HENDERSON THE LONG COMPANY. a c.MUEL T. PEACE AND MISS jjnan9es in the Firm of Long, Bla- IE CLOSS PARKER MAR- ,OCK' ana Haskins Which Will Be j the Long Company After January . First. NEW SUBSCRIBERS COMING DEMONSTRATION WORK. HOME WEDDING. JU RIED. rerioVes Took Place in Methodist Church Henderson Reception Giv- kncjai r'arxy nome ot mr. Hill Parham Both Popu- ,ar n Henderson en and Mrs. Ledger is Delighted at Response! the Temporary Reduction of Rate ! Prf' Schaub Announces That Dates Miss Maggie Hicks Married To Mr. is Meetina-Gettina New Allhr.H. i w-'" December 28th, 29th and;, James T. Cozart Many Presents- bers. The editors of the Ledger are de- thopa Tiiii v, i . ... ! lighted at the rpsnnnsp m n p- tho w4 eaange in me nrni - , " - set for these four days of December: y - - v Ai.cu3Axiio JU Lilt? ; As has heretofore been announced, Will be December 28th, 29th and! 30th and 31st. Bride and Groom Well Known. The dates for the demonstration j Reported for the Ledger, work at Stem has been definitely i There was a beautiful home wed ding at the residence of Mrs. Isa- A QUIET HOME WEDDING. MR. ROBERT GILLIAM LASSITER AND MISS MARGARET CURRIN MARRIED TUESDAY. I 1-. V'V OflU OfWl. .. 3 '-f t . -. t . . - ... first of th tno " suscriptions to be paid upon the dol-! H . dUU . ; eIla J- wlcKs- near uxtord' on wea j " w oviiivji jai cut! , i - . A V .A After the date ll V pretty wedding took place ! indicated, there will be a dissolu- .ih-rson on the Mh inst. in I n and a complete re-organization cxiord people are much inter- j wbich will be resolved into the 'Tht Mr. Samuel T. Peace and Mis ; -ong Company," incorporated, which v 'loss Parker being the con-; new firm will resume business at ; parties. Mr. Peace is a son I he Present stand, at the intersec- Kiia C Peace, of this city,anc ! ion of Main and Hillsboro Streets, onus man of prominence in ! The old firm, which was a partner ..... where he is Cashier of ! sniP was comprised of Mr. V. J. " It . , . National Bank. The bride Ln me estate of the late of the -v u Tive young woman or me ' itiLC "am w'g, -r. j. rtasrans, ,Vii. Our friend the Gold j and Mr- F- B- Blalock. The new con- v-s this account of tlie happy ceri will be a corporation with i these officials and stockholders: J. charming little pages, Scott j c- Hasldns, president; J. S. King, I'arham and David Jackson I viee president; F. B. Rlalock, secre first entered unwinding sort ! tary treasurer; and A. F. Morris, ibboas as they came, form-' and L- s- Farabow. isle for the bridalparty. The J The pw-olic regrets to see the re Messrs. Hill Parham, Badger ! tirement from active business of Mr. I ITT 1 T t Leak Peace, Alex Peace,! v- ,J- S wno witn his late nro-th- -.c nomer. and William Horner, i MT- James ing, tounded the: i'V nna took their places on eith-! firm of LoS Brs-, out of which the jter from Prof. Schaub to Mr. M. S. j nesday, December the 8th, when her Giles, lished. Hi r nT4n,- T t- ... : lar Da SIS. Old subscribers art, mm uiiuam j. long retiring on ac j . s , Giles, of Stem, on the subject is nub- f ahivr Mi mh r count of ill hPaiih Aftar k ! 1U vuiy mceiy aireaay, ana . . ! " a. 1 v. a uic uaLr new ones are being enrolled every day. The new list will be made up a bout the 27th or 28h, of the month, so the credits will not appear on the papers before the dates indicated, but those who have paid may be sure It reads: West Raleigh, N. C. Dec. 10 th, 1909. Prof. M. S Giles, Stem, N. C. Dear Sir: to : Hicks, was united in marriage , Mr. James T. Cozart. Promptly at 3 o'clock in the after ' noon.Lohengrin's wedding march was i played by Miss Mabel Harris, of Hen , derson, niece of the bride, and the I am glad to know that the dates I bridal party entered the parlor. Mcs- WeddiTTg Very Quiet Affair cn ac Family Witnesses Limited Entire count of Recent Death in Groom's ly to Members of Families of Con tracting Parties. On Wednesday morning nt 10 o' clock, at the residence of the bride's father, Miss Margaret Currin was married to Mr. Robert Gilliam Lassi ter. The wedding was an exceeclingb m. , luvoc njiu ua irCLxxi Hick y IJxJ &m t; , i - . - . 1 v that they will be given credit. Each We mentioned will suit the people of j srs. T. T. Hicks, of Henderson, and iet affair, the ceremony being .t subscriber should keep the receipt j your section- We are planning there j a. A. Hicks, of Oxford, came in first and stood on the right; the other side on left of the officiating minis- nessed only by the families of the contracting parties, on account of the recent deat l of the groom's n. ) ther. All invitations had been re scinded in order to make the affair 1 we ter came the bride leaning up on the arm of the eroorn. when the r, at t i tx- i t-. x s i as quiet as possible Rev. Mr. John Wesley Frank perform i 1 ' ed the ceremony. Tae popularity of the contracting :(;. CilS. ,v oi" the the chancel. Xr.: ciine the bridesmaids and , ( otr.smen alternately, Mi.ss:;s vi-via Lamb. Rebecca Watkins, Etta - . a. - . V.uy Butler, Genevieve Cooper Julia Cooper, Messrs. Thomas February the paper will be put upon the cash in advance basis; and also remember that the Ledger of 1910 is not only going to be the best pa per ever gotten out in Granville, but it has been determined that it i Long, Blalock, & Haskins partnership j shall be the equal of any county pa- grew. He has been a leading and prominent figure in the mercantile and general business affairs of the j town, and has made a name for in tegrity, honesty, and fair dealing, wrhile he was accumulating the prop- JZ . 1 . .t "1 i 1 T -m . -v v that is given when the money iajie loloia tne scnoi nere on paid, and no mistake can then occur. ! 2S' 29' 30 and 31 Mr- c- B- Williams R?ad the change made in the an-1 Director of the Experiment Station, nouncement on the 10th page. I Prof Jon Michels, Prof, of Dairy- Now is a good time to make Christ-! ing in the A- & M- c11, Mr. C. mas presents of the Ledger, while j R- Hadsou. State Agent for the Far tbe paper can be secured for a vear ! mer's Cooperative Work, myself and for one dollar. perhaps others are expected to be j parties was attested by the useful Rpmpmhpr ti-.Qt after 11, f : there to give the lectures . vv. - 4- A tH . i . - -i y -r rn a t 1 1 . x rrot. Michels will bring along a ; who gathered to wish the bride and ,v' ' 1Jltt ""' churn, milk separator and a Babcock j groom long and happy lives. in'Iaw of the bride' AmoTl tho W,t- tester for demonstration work. Wei Mr. Cozart is well known in the nesses flm a distant r: I)r- and shall hope. to have the ladies invited j County as a successful farmer and j Mrs" V; W ShleIds' FIorKla: ,)r- alKl esnecialiviin ihp riav Tirnhahiv tho af. ! w;,,., w.- k-?i : (i.J5,rs- w- c- Tyree, Raleigh: Mr. and f prnnnn - Hin 90' --i-Vi -. V, .r. ! j. j i j. . i i , r-k - ' Mrs. E vw"vu" wa "- vvncit i-wc uuuci : vuuiiseai uttugmer oi trie late rienja demonstratipn will be given. !min AV. Hicks, Eq. We should like for the Committee j on arrangements to secure about ! THE DEMONSTRATION WORK. The ceremony was perform-d by the Rev. Dr. V. W. Shields, of Jack sonville Fla., brother-in-law of the o-r.'n vr-i ' r- "Po i V a. v oootcI a1 V r til a I? o ' per, it matters not where published. MAN LOSES ARM. three gallons of cream for the but- ter work. Of course who ever furnisl ' Mr. Otho Daniel Says That Dry , . . !. V;,p-r Davis. Gus Moore. Wil Fred Schroder and Frank!""'. v " 13 -i:h xiv ir The bridesmaids grou inside 11C, testimony to his good business quali- . . . ncations. the chancel and i v.-,o lile new firm starts out with the dresses of soft white mes- . , , i oest or auspices, and win grow k;' ! tud bouquet of pink carnations i ' i , . ,, iwith the towTi. The personel is the j formed a most beautiful picture. The ; , . . x , . . -T 4. aine as xue oia parxnersnip, tne oia took tner places just out-; , . , jit-rj&.5 an laiiins block in uie con cern. The3r are all well known and have the conifdence of the public. ! es the cream can have the butter made from it. We shall also want on the first two days some cattle and hogs to use Mr. Edward P. Davis, a prominent j in the judging work. These can prob farmer and school teacher, of South-; ably be found there in Stem or Mr. Edward P. Davis, of Southern Granville Has Painful Accident in Which he Loses His Arm. Weather Has Retarded Work but G. Currin, Miss Louise Cur rin, and Mr. E. G. Currin Jr.. of Dur ham; Mr. B&iley Owen of Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter left over the 11:30 Seaboard for a trip to Washing ton City. They are expected bark Saturday. The bride is a very charming younj. Numbers of Applicants Are Coming ady and the groom a rK)pl,lar younK Forward. j man, and both have hosts of friemls A reporter running in upon Mr. who wish them a happy life. The Otho Daniel, who was in the office families of both are among the most of Dr. Sam Wheeler talking to Mr. . prominent of the State and are well vorn-men i-idf file chancel rail- Miss Nora Thompson. of Baltimore the maid of honor, in gown of pink messalene car rrins; pink carnations entered alone. Thn came the bride with her little ( ( , Miss Lucy Gloss Parham. They I ern Granville, on the Youngsville No. j near there. 2 Route, sustained a very serious j We shall appreciate it if the Com- i Walters, Squire Breedlove, and others known in the social and commercial and unfortunate accident last Thurs- j mittee will give as much publicity as 1 last Tuesday, quizzed Mr. Daniel a- world. day. His hand was caught in a j they can of the meeting. I think bout tIle farm demonstration wort shredder and cut off and his arm a-! we shall have a large crowd there bove very badly lacerated, though the ' and I hope we can do much good PULLED BLIND TIGER .. met at the altar by the groom j Chief of Police Brings Paul Murray Before Mayor upon Charge of Re tailing the Ardent. -. n I 1 it i .u ia i a-v . cu. Jiac k'.-a. jii rr--- ceremony was usea ana me : Iast week, reported that he had just j v.i!i his best man, Capt. Willis Peace oi :) Liiited States Army, who eoi tt:e i sr. the side aisle. The impres- arm was not so seriously injured. j Mr. Davis is the son of the late j. J. D. Davis, a prominent farmer in j that section, the peace. He is a justice of ; , 1 li ;i:V: ful music ly Mis- Mabel Harris. The bride never looked more love ly than in her dress of panne crepe .al.rc !;. red in seed pearls, her veil v-n flight wi'h orange blossoms and 'vryiv.'A her bouquet of Orchids and I-iH'-'.. .' The Valley Some Hogs These. Mr. B. T. Fuller, coming in towr '7 Jjjg acCJI LUC UUCBl JUL VJL IlUg 1X1 CCJ. L lit f x, ii, i;,. i one pen that lie has seen m a num- avs. or rather, the mexnediency of ,xx; nf fiuf ber of years. Passing tlie home of , , i . . . Cephus Washington, c itouerts wixn a varram,piucneu nun ; . , round live Dig porsers av because he sees the error of Saturday, bringing him before Maj or D. G. Brurnmitt, who tried ii I Hi t the one pen. But these tine cola - tl-iot ilcsTr binrlins him nvor to (,onrt. . The maid ot ! - " i. j , T n ' December days are bad ones for hogs t x n r nr ctti rri i ruiu i miii r -n in ti ii i s ore pink chitfon over silk. j . . , ; He was able to give baal and was re- 'i coraiicn of tlie church was , , . w . leased from custody. The prosecut- ; . supervision oi Mesdames ! . , TT . , Ung witnesses were: Bill Riley, Char-rr-cner. and -James H. Bndgers . & i ' lie Averett and Mack Edwards, v lirct Avas most beaULitul. i Its a case for the slate with many a one. ii and white was used, the j vi.cel being banked with : and other potted plants. Wedding Announcement. I Did You Know It? ! Did you know that you can paj your back subscription to the Ledger : journey together upon a basis of $1. per year, pro-j to be done next year under his su- WMn8e UT "a" pervasion. The Savings Bank has an in! .-rest "Wlij-, it has been so dry," he re- ing change this week, plied, "that no fall plowing has been ' John Brown, the College Street done up to this last weather," hut Grocer, has something to say about, he added that preparations were be- good things to eat. ing made to get to work right." The First. National Bank has a j "I am getting in a good supply change of ad in which a cut of the I Mr. John Duffie and Miss Emma Lew of names, and think that at V fif- magnificent new building is seen. It ty will take up the v.ork." is one of the prettiest banking hous- Mr. Daniel, wh has only had es in this part of the State, charge of the work since November , , mm 22nd says that great interest is al- Mr. John Duffie, a young man from ; ready taken in it. and that he has considerable correspondence interested parties and appli- wanrax county, oi tne same &iaic, cants who want a cha.,oe at the ad came in over the 4 o'clock Richmond vantages to be had from the work train and immediately looked up Jim He says that the peopit. ajipreeiate Powell, the smiling and efficient the attention the der-artment is tak ing in them. "I will have all one. man e;?n i;t end to," said Mr. Drsniel. Very Truly yours, I. O. Schaub. Special Agent in Extension. nxm m w RUN-A-WAY MARRIAGE. is Come Over From Virginia and Are Married by Judge J. G. Shot-well. PENSION MONEY HERE. le home of ' ----- ixy i olored he i CharlottG County, Virginia, and Miss had era-ing 300 Emn1a Lwis. a blushing young lady, from h Register of Deeds, who gave ' them written permission, containing the sanction of the State of North Caro lina, to travel the remainder of life's THE WOMANS' LITERARY CLUB. 31 IS. .M. .J. i ilia tiiiiiuuatt. uie vu- i i'iitely aft ?r the conclusion of j gage'laent of her daughter, Miss An :.ioi;y. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Par- nie Julia,to Mr. Thos. Barker Brum - a most delightful and eie-. mitt, and the marriage will tke place Judge Shotwell.from across the hall , ' vided that you pay in accordance ' was called over and within three min Meets at heme cf IVlrs. H. O. Fur- with the announcement cn page 9? ; utes from the time he had adjusted man Tbe Dsiightfui Prcgram That j Did you know that you can for a ! his specks, the coy and blushing Miss Was Rendered. 1 limited time get a new subscription ; Lewis was transformed into Mrs. Duf Mrs. Furman's hospitable home, Judge Shotweli Has Received Pen sion Funds and Wants Beneficia ries to Come Along and Get The Warrants. "Say" said Judge Shotwtll Tues day, "I've just got the p'-nsion inon. y and I wish you'd tell 'em to eone- a ong and get. 'em." The auditor has s' nt in for distri bution amotig he oid srldiers and widows about $.".r,."0, and there will b great rejoicing among the hrae old "rebs" and the no less brave widows of other "rebs". The pension li.t is divided into :' eution in honor of the bride -. :ji. The entire lower floor :r beautiful colonial home was r open to the guests, of whom were about three hundred, dur rhe evening. In the reception at the bride's home on December the 2Sth. at 10:30. After the ceremony, tfie couple will leave for Fuquay, I which will be their future home. i ; to -the Ledger for 12 months for one I fie. A good sized audience gathered and always -open-door to the Woman f classes but there are none of ; dollar? j in the office to witness the cere-, Literary Club was again the gather- tJ first class in Granville those of Send your friend a year s sub scription as a Christmas gift. niony. The pair was accompanied ing place cf the Club for the fifth thfj fim cass being the totally blind. "A Word to the Ladies. I The Time Is Short. ! Sheriff Sam Wheeler savs that. mantel was banked with; Bfore placing your Grocery order mogt Qf the taxeg have been and holly and the flowers j call up TAYLOR BROS and get their i j prompUy paifL there are SOme few 1 a ere white chrysanthemums, j prices. They sell everything as cheap I whQ are gQng tQ be gorry that they - i.'sts were welcomed here by j as the cheapest. Phone No. 115. pai no attention to his repeated i -mes E. W. Watkins.Brooks Par ; b j warnings. The tax books are being uenry ferry, w. r. &. Dum-wyu, choice selection rruits ana meats. ri0sed and January the tirst is go-j oilicoffer, John D. Cooper, R. J L. Thomas. jng to fjntj those few folks in con iH nnd Andrew J. Harris. Fron j ..... j giriprnhlP trouble, ihey were ushered into the par- j . nrofusion of holly, mis-! J., T V.T ' t x..w ' - - by a very important-looking friend meeting cf the year who seemed to greatly realize and Mrs. Furman, as enjoy his important position as mas ter of ceremonies. hostess, receiv ed the members with welcoming hand and glad smile in such a way that each one felt herself essential Forth Coming Marriage. Tlie first class pensioners, wherever there any, draw $120.00 per year. The Granville list received by Jud ge Shotweli shows that there are on it 1-14 soldiers and r.4 widows. They be Mrs. R. V. Minor has issued cards ful social life of tbe Club. to the marriage of her daughter Mrs. Hicks, president, was in the to the afterwards proven-to-be delight oilg to ciasses two, three, and four as follows: Second Class 3 Third Class 1 Fourth Clas.-; Ill Wdows "' -Mesdames S. P. Cooper and J. j - carnations. idgers and introduced to the : dinillg room was presided ov- Preaching at Hermon. Daisy Elizabeth to Dr. Louis Gotten chair. Skinner on the evening of December After roll-call to which responses I the twenty ninth, at six o'clock, Meth were made with "Quotations on Brow odist Episcopal Church South. ' read and approved. No cards will be issued in town, ning's Women," the minutes were Total Pensioners :.'10 and owing to a change in schedule, The business not being voluminous They draw pensions in the follow NO PAPER ON THIRTIETH. if::-. 'Tmo party, wno were Mr. and Mr.-, j er by Mesdames T. M, Pitt man, J. , Hermon, the 3rd Sunday, a. m. and j o'clock. Frineds are invited. u harn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. ; er by Mesdames T. M. Pitunan, J. P. at Bethel in the p.m. He will also ; Mr. W. S. Parker, Mrs. Peace, Massenburg, Will T. Watkins and Jer . conduct services the 4th Sunday a. j of the groom, little Miss Lucy I nie Hart, of Louisburg. Cream, cake rn. at Salem, and the 4th Sunday; I'arham.Captain and Mrs. Wil-; and mints were served by Misses night at Stovall. i A -J ' ltTi ! Mr. and Mrs. Badger Bur-; Lole Horner, Lessie ana iviaiia wat-. Rev. A. S. Barnes will preacn at ; tJle ceremony will take place at five was quickly disposed of and tne fob jng amounts per yer: ace, Miss Olivia Lamb and Mr. Miss Amy Butler and Mr. rt Davis, Miss kins, Janie, Roselle, Olive and Mab-j el Harris. The effect here was luost j Julia Cooper and j lovely, tne taDie wmi il& ux . Mass Meeting LAYMEN'S MOVEMENT. at Methodist Church Two Hriggs. Miss Etta Peace and Mr. tiful lace, and silver candelabra, the! Sunday Njght the 19th lnst- lk Robards,Miss Rebecca Watkins festoons of rose tulle amd smilax, - Speakers to be Present. Thomas Horner. Miss Gene- ; the sort ngni ox me tduu1CB auu Ledger Force Will Take Holiday Christmas Week for Few Days. Balance of Time Will Be Used in Catching Up. There will be no Ledger issued on , Perfect Soul consistent? Friday, the 31st of December, and Leader, Mrs. Ray. our patrons will please take note of Th- disoiIss5on which was rather lowing program taken up: Book 7. of the Ring and the Worm. 1. The Life of Pampilia Mrs. Shaw. 2. Violantes Deception Mrs. Brown. Discussion: Given the facts of Pompilia's birth, her ignorance and her extreme you th: is her development into the " 1st Class (none in Granville) $120 2nd Class 3rd Class 48 4th Class 2t Widows 2r The widows and 4th Class pension ers find an increase of a dollar in their warrants, the $2S.oo being the largest amount ever paid them. It was $25 last year. M :! Ml 1 OooDer and Mr. Gus Moore, : nd Mrs. John N. Andrews and 1:' Alex and Leak Peace, James S;: William Horner, W. T. Yancey, ar'", 3. S. Parham. ' flowers used here were La iiiee roses, which blended with the v'tr effect of the old ivory rose and '-',vl of the furnishings. :-- the library punch was served -'rs. Asa Parham,assisted by Mes- -is Alex Cooper, Ed Landis, Alex k, J. S. E. Young, D. Y. Cooper and J. A. Niles, of Oxford. The (r scheme here was red, the shad- H- light of the candles shedding its Bellum days." The money comes in at a very op- ! one-sided, was happily interrupted portune time for it will make the the announcement. The boys in the beautiful centerpiece of bride's ros- j frot. Jonn . tariyie oi "op wm neeu me ; by the appearing of trays laden with Christmas of the recipients brighter, es and ferns, made it all a scene nev-j est College and Mr. Archibald John-j in the office will use the opportune j al, the things that make up an The gtate .g doinga wise and no. er to be forgotten. ' son, editor of "Charity and Children" j ty of catching up with back work. eiegant salad course. It is needless ble tning ,n trying to give them as Afterwards an elegant supper was ! will speak Sunday night 19th inst., The building operations, caused a again al, too goon,. tJie shadows len- much as Jt can each year. served to the entire receiving party, j in the Baptist Church at :15, in in- great contusion ana. loss oi time,ana ; t) gay that thig was enjoyable, and, two of the entertaining features of terest of the Laymen's movement, j it .will be absolutely necessary to get and Club must adjourn All are cordially invited. Have You Paid Yet. Whatever else you have left un- evening being the cutting of the bride's cake and the toasts, which afforded the greatest merriment. Mr. and Mrs. Parham dispensed their hos- natality most graciously and through-1 done, you had better not leave those out the entire evening one almost felt 'taxes unpaid. January first is right that the years had slipped away A-ncloi you. Do it now. by some magic trick they h drift" ed back into the splen- f Ante a breathing spell in which to get in readiness for next year's business. During the holidays, the new mail ing system will have been arranged and put into working shape, when all Call for Bids. Mrs. Dimaway is the next hostess. Contract for bridge at Amis mill to Reporter, be let at the Register of Deeds of- fice on December 18th, 1900. Plans New Minister at Trinity. 1 znd specifications on file with Reg- The Rev. N. C. Yearby preached ister of Deeds for an 82 foot bridge credits will appear upon the papers, his first seijmon at Trinity last Sun- 12 feet wide. To be built of first The past year has been the biggest j day, he having been assigned to grade white oak. Bids to be opened and most eventful in the history of : that post. He made a good impressio no Decmeber 18th, 1900. 'ational Biscuit Co., Fruit cake. L. I the Ledger, and the last four weeks among his new people, and is - wel-! Brd. Co. Commrs. ' TbSas have been the busiest of the year. corned in the midst. by J. B. Powell, Clerk. , .... i i