OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 1 7, 1909 5 Mi IN ft A V - - ft 8 in r 1 S3 prod pari on CS9 Call and See our ley-Hot Bottles Ladies Gold Fild 20 Year Case 7 Jewel Move- Ladies Gold Case 7 Jewel MoiTencnl $20 $1' UP Jw! r S6.??5 Jewel Movement $3.50 up Men s Gold Filled 20 Year Case 7 Jewel Move- meni $10 up lc! ! ? !er!?as Si,Vr Tea sP0ils S3. up. c I :Ci y a"vr esen spoons $7.65 up Set of Sier hag Silver Soup Spoons S6.50 up be! ol Sterling Silver Knives and Forks W up. Jewelry and Other Lines in Pro portion, Eight Day Clock $2.25 aiad up. Oxford Jewelry .Comp'y. One Price cash Store. a I 1 mall PANCAKES AND MAPLE SY In spite of the advances in the science of dietetics, there has been nothing dis covered nicer than the above, Koihisg More Appetizing. Nothing More Nourishing. For brcakiasi they are perfection it the Hour and the Syrup are perfection, which they eaa easily be. it ecns too bad (but It's so) that a lot of Maple Syrup isn't all Maple Syrup. The adulteration may be 4uite harmless, but the ilavor isn't there-. W e can fix you up right in the Pancake and Maple sugar line. We know where our Syrup comes from and all about it. In pint bottles at 35c. in quarts at 6Cc. Brown's College St. Grocery The Quality Store PHONE ISA. OXFORD, N. C. 1 H Sri A We Have the RigSii Tiling for Every Person, the Right Price for Every Purse. eaiiflfiil Assor Pleasieoj Gifts tment P SIT" fectly Adapted to the Wants and Re quirements ol our Friends and Pa trons. Everything Fresh and Sparkling With The Brightest New Goods of The Season, We are Waiting to Please you with pres ents that are Appropriate, Popular Prac tical and in Every way Desirable in the line ol Fancy Holiday Goods and Novelties Among Them we have Dresser Sets, Sets Meerschaum Pipes, Fine Stationery, Fountain Pens, Pearl Handle Gold Pens, Clocks, Writing Desks, Sbaving Sets, Sa fety Razors, Manicure Sets, Fine Can dies, Fine Cigars, Special Holiday sions, and many Charming and Appro priate Gifts that cannot acre be enu merated. We Have the Variety that insures the easy Satisfactory ChoiceThe Field for Selection is the Widest, the Prices rre the Fairest A Generous Assortment Full oi Quality and Merit. If you want Satisfaction in Selection and Economy in price our Holiday Stock will fill your needs. Remember our Holiday stock gives you new ideas, new goods and new designs and supplies exactly what you want ismltoi Irai Comfy OXFORD, - - IW. CAROLINA. SALEM FESTIVITIES. District Number Four Announces Twc Entertainments to Come Off During Holidays Big Crowd Expected. On Friday night Dec. 17th an en tertainment will be given in the school house in Salem Township Dis trict No. 4, the admission to which is free. The following Friday night, Dec. 24th, the same -school will give a Christmas tree. All are cordially in vited fo come and help fill the the tree. The admission upon this occa sion will be ten cents. Marriage Bells To Ring. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Elsie Lawerenei daughter, ot Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Law ereuee, to Mr. Charlie Lee Knott, which will take place in Creedmoor Wednesday afternoon, December 21st. Will Be Married. Announcement of the coming mar- oi na.vvoH sipiH suoji ssUt jo 9Sbu Mr. Joe Lucius Latta has been made to take place on Sunday afternoon December 26th, at 2:30 o'clock, at Peace Chapel Church. The happy co1 pie will move to Blaekstone, Virgin ia, which will be their home after Jan uar y first.. Looking One's Best. It's woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skin eruptions,sor es and boiis rob life of joy. Listen! Bucklen's Arnica Sal7e cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures' Pimples. Sore eyes, Cold Sores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try it. Infallible for Pilees. 5 cents at J. G. Hall's. Breaks the Record. The Sheriff says that he has brok en all records for tax collecting. He has to date collected $4,000,more tha; has ever been done before. The new law seems to have made taxpayers sit up and take notice. Try TAYLOR BROS "Patapsco" Superlative Flour. "It Makes bread like Mother used to make." NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the 1st day of January, 1910, the co-partnership heretofore existing between Yv J. Long, J. C. Haskins, and F. B. Bla loc, under the firm and style of Long Blalock & Haskins in the conduct of j a mercantile business in the town of Oxford N. C, has been dissolved by mutual consent, the interest own ed by Long, Blalock. & Haskins, be ing bought out b- J. C. Haskins, J. L. King, F. B. Blalock. A. F. Morris, and L. S. Farabow. who will in the future run the business under the firm name of The Long Company, In corporated. All persons holding claims against Long, Blalock & Has kins will present them to F. B. Bla lock and all persons indebted to same wlil present them to F. B. Blalock. W. J. Long. J. C. Haskins. F. B. Blalock. This December 17th 1G09. OUR NEIGHBOR'S REMARKS. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Under aiithority of power of sale contained in a deed of trust execut ed to the undersigned by R. E. Rag land and Maud K. Ragland, his wife, which said deed of trust is dated March 6th, 1903, and is duly recorded in Deeds of Trust Book 60, page 2, in the office of Register of Deeds of Granville County, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, I shall on MONDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1910, at the Court House door in Oxford sell to" the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: The undivided interest of the said Maud Knott Ragland in and to all that tract of land known as the dow er land of Mrs. Sallie A. Knott (wid ow of Feilding Knott deceased ) con tainiug 1148 acres, said lands describ ed in Deed Book 75, page 411 in of fice of Register of Deeds, reference to which is hereby made; the inter est herein conveyed being one un divided one-seven t:j..iVfth of the whole of En.i land, subject to the life es tate of said Mrs. Sallie A. Knott. Time of sale 12 M. Terms Cash. December 9th, 1909. A. W. Graham, Trustee. Roxboro Courier Comments Upon the Result of the Appearance of Dele gations Before Board of Agricul ture. Our neighbor the Roxboro Courier, says of the appearance of the delega tions from Granville, Person, and Caswell, before the Beard of Agricul ture in reference to a state experi ment farm: "On "Thursday morning a delegatioi consisting of Hon. J. A. Long, Mayor Lunsford, L. M. Carlton, W. H. Har ris, W. F. Long, W. D. Merritt, R. B. Holman and J. W. Noell hied them selves away to Raleigh for the pur pose of convincing the Board of Ag riculture that Person County was the place and the only suitable place in every respect for a tobacco test farm. We had been informed that the Board had decided to establish such a farm, and the delegation was just so sure of that farm, but to our sur prise when we reached Raleigh and conferred a little with members of the Board we soon learned that the Board had not even passed on the matter of establishing such a farm. The' Board gave the delegations from the counties represented, Gran ville, Caswell and Person a hearing at o o'clock and suggested rather a motion introduced by Mr. Scott, a member of the Board, was adopted requesting the various delegations to confine their arguments to reasons why such a farm should be establish ed. Upon the request of Granville, Hon. J. A. Long was requested to ad dress the Board giving the reason why such a farm was needed. Mr. Long spoke about 30 minutes and ver clearly set forth the necessity for such a farm. He was followed by W. D. Merritt. Prof. F. P. Hobgood, of Granville came next, followed by Messrs Harrison and Kerr of Caswell R. B. Hofljnean, who looked up the re cords closed for this County with a statement showing how much revenue was received from the sale of fertili zer tags and insisted that we were not asking any favors, but simply ask ing what we were entitled to. After hearing the delegations the Board decided that it did not have the means to establish this farm at this time, but we are quite sure that it will be done and that very soon. In a private conversation with a member of the Board we learn that they are very deeply interesting in the matter and realize fully that the tobacco industry is entitled to their consideration and just as soon as the money is available the farm will be established. We appreciate the position taker, by the Board and only regret that they are cramped for funds, but that they are intelligent and honest in their efforts, doing everything possi ble for the bettermeut of the far mer and how well they are succeed ing every one who reads at all knows, and they will give the tobac co farmer all that is due him and more. That the farm will come to this County when established we firmly believe, for there are reasons so num erous why this is the proper location that our columns would not begin to hold them were they set forth. But in due time the Board will be thor oughly advised of our claim" MOVING OF BUSY THRONG. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. Farm For Sale. Located on public road, south of Creedmoor, adjoining Fellowship Church, contains Sixty acres, more or less, Improvements all new. Term 'easy. Apply to C. A. Tingen, Creedmoor, N. C. Route 1. 7 31 We have the "Slick est" Thing in Safety Razors Ever Otter- . ed, Automatic Strop pers. Call and Let us Show it to You. Stedman's Drug Store If You Have It, Read This Letter. J. G. Hall Guarantees Mi-o-na. "I was "taken last August with a severe stomach trouble. The doctor said it was nervous dyspepsia. He gave me medicine for that. I tool: his treatment four weeks, didn' feel any better at the end of four weeks than I did when I commenced taking his medicine. I took' everything heard of. The first day of December 1908, I got a box of Mi-o-na tablets. I took them that afternoon and the nex day, and haven't had one bit of pa;n in my stomach since the 2nd day cf December. I took five boxes. Fe:l now, sleep goo.i that is something I haven't done in a num ber of years" Mrs. M. E. Maxfield, R. F. D. 9, Avoca, N. Y., June 9, 190S Mi-o-na in the form of a tablet is the best perscription for indigestion ever written. It relieves after dinner distress, belching of gas, foul breath, heart burn, etc., in five minutes. It is guaranteed by J. G. Hall to per manently cure indigestion, acute or chronic, or any disease o fthe stom ach, or money back. Mi-o-na is sold by leading druggists everywhere,and in Oxford, by J. G. Hall, at 50 cents a large box. Test saVnple free from Booth's Mi-o-na,Buf-falo, N. Y. PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND THOSE YOU 'DON'T KNOW. The Faces of Those Caught in Pass ing Coming and Going by Our Man-About-Town. Mr. W. R: Taylor, of Wilson, is in Oxford visiting his relatives and re newing old acquaintances in the burgh. Miss Julia Minor is home for a few days visit. Mr. E. T. Rawlins is home on a visit to his family. Judge A. YV. Graham and Capt. W. A. Graham went to Fremont on legal business Wednesday. Before return ing home the Judge will take a fly ing trip to AVashington City. Mr. A. J. Tilly, of Rougemont was in town the middle of the week. Commissioners W. P. Wilkerson, Ralph Currin, L. T. Williford, and T. L. Cannady, were in town Tuesday. Mr. C. L. Floyd, of the Southern part of the County was in town Wed nesday. Mr. Z. M. Overton, of Hester, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Hortense Smith is visiting her uncle Mr. R. L. Ingold and family Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tingen, of Ox ford Route 4, were in town Thursday. Missse Grace and Helen Salls.daugl ters of Dr. Sails, are expected in Ox ford for the vacation holidays. CENTS jy LINE Six Words to tbe Line. Cash With OFder Small advertisements will be pub lished in this column and charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line. Un less you are a regular advertiser with an account, send cash with your advertisement. If you want to buy anything, sell anything, ask for any information, advertise a business date, need la bor, want a situation, or in any way to draw the attention of the public, a small notice at an inconsiderable cost will probably bring about the result you have been wanting these many days . Try This Column For Wants. Two quires monogram paper free with each order for visiting cards dur ing November. Crenwillo Drug Co. FOR REXT Six Room Cottage, pos session at once. W. H. White, ltpd. WANTED. Position as stenographer Good references Write Box 52, Ox ford, N. C. 2t Dec 17 pd. FOR SALE : Oliver Typewriter No. f at a Bargain Good as new Ad dress 'B" care this paper. It pd. Mr. Wood Out Again. Mr. J. Robert Wood is out again atter having been kept at home with what might have been a serious in jury. Some weeks ago while in the cemetery r.reparing for a burial, he jumped from his wagon and in so doing stuck a nail through his foot, inflicting a painful wound which has given him a great deal of trouble. HORNER SCHOOL NEWS. Your Christmas dinner will be much enriched if you see my stock L. THOMAS. They wonder how we do it, but we do it just the same, sell them for less at Crenshaws. LUMBER WANTED: Two million feet Ash and Poplar. For prices and specifications apply to HARRIS GLENN BODY CO., Oxford, N. C FOR RENT Six room, house apply-- Box 261. two story FOR SALE: First class driving mare and one horse surry. For terms ap ply Ledger Office. 2tpd. Report Shows That Several Oxford Boys Are at the Head Commence ment Officers Inter-Society Decla mations. The marks for the past month have just been completed and sent out to the patrons of the school. The head j list includes ten students for this month, and the names of those who attained to this distinction are, al phabetically, as follows: O. B. Bonnei of Cary, C. E. Ervin of Troutman's, L. E. Greenlief of Elizabeth City, Brantley Newsoin of Salisbury, Hood Parham of Oxford, Theo. Parham of Oxford, O. 11. Ragland cf Oxford, W. A. Robinson of Ma! thews, N. J. Shep erd of Weldon, and J. V. Whit field of Wallace. The Washington Literary Society elected its commencement officers' a few nights ago. The Commencement president is to be Morehead Emmett with Pascal Garcia secretary. The Marshals elected are: Chief, P. J. Garcia of Tampa. Fla; Subs; M. Em mett, P. Cauthorn, and G. Watt. Gordon Watt was elected President of the Washington, or Co. A athletic association, and P. J. Garcia Captain of the baseball and track teams. The Franklin Society do not elect their officers until after Christmas. The second declamation contest be tween the Franklin and Washington Literary Societies will be held here Friday. At this time the Franklin Society will be represented by Chas. Pratt, of Madison and O. B. Bonner of Cary. J. V. Whitifeld of Wallace and J. P. Garcia, of Tampa Fla., will appear for the Washingtonians. In the former contest E. L. Thompson, of the Franklin was the winner. Hancock and Harkins have recent ly won the finals in the tennis tour nament, thus making them the chain-1 pions of the school. T. C. Mrechant. We set the pace. We lead the host, thej' are always cheap at Cren shaws. We have the Stock. We buy buy them for less. They are always cheaper at Crenshaws. Any one who wishes to buy a sec ond hand surrey can get some infor mation by applying at the Ledger Of fice. Wanted : Everybody who expects t have pictures made for Christinas t come right along. Brinkloy. We are holding them down but nee your help. It pays to trade at Crenshaws. New mixed candy at 2o cents a pound is better this year than ever before. Hall's Drug Store. WANTED: You to see the new pic tures and frames at Brinkloy 's be fore you buy all your best Xmas presents. Uooks.. Books, .io"ks. All ."h.- poets, novels the best sellers, from 2o cents to $3.50 at Hall's Drug Store All kinds of nuts at 20 cents lb. New crop. J. G. Hall's. Santa Claus Head Quarters. Those new Pictures and Frames at Brinkley's are beauties. Nothing better for Xmas gifts. Don't fail to see our table of Japa nese ware marked down almost to cost. 10 cents' to .'5r cents. Just the. thing for presents. Hall's Drug Store mm Good Work on the Streets Done. Chief Luther Roberts has been doing some very good work on the streets for the past few days. On several important thoroughfares the red soil has become packed to an unusual degree with red dirt. That's where the dust has a good time in dry spells. The chief is looking af ter these places and little sprinkling hereafter will go right much farther. While the street committee is in the humor for such work the condi tion of some of the crossings in the residential parts are respectfully call ed to its attention. May the good work continue and down with mud. We Want to Saw Wood. AYe have bought the wood sawing outfit of E. N. Bragg. We will maki regular trips through the country, and want to have our trips arrang ed. All farmers ' who want their wood sawed will please let us know. Wood & Garden. Dec l0-4t. Oxford, N. C. "Patapsco" Superlative Flour made for those housekeepers who always want the best. TAYLOR BROS sell., it. Cures catarrh or money back. Just breathe it in. Complete outfit, including inhaler $1. Extra bottles 50c Druggists. "Special Notice." Place j-our order early with TAY LOR BROS for Christmas Oysters. They sell the best oyster that the sa produces. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator v. irh the will annexed upon the es tate of Elandor D. Tingen before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County, notice is hereby u' -e:. to all persons indebted to said es tate to come forward and make imme diate payment of same. Persons hold ing claims against said estate will present thepi to me for payment on or before the 10th day of December. 1H10, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 10th day of December, 1909. Sterling H. Tingen, Administrator with Will annexed. A. A. Hicks,. Atty. Ct.

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