OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 17, 1909 6 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lucy O. Greg ory, deceased, before the Clerk of 1 he' Superior Court of Granville Coun iy, notice is hereby given to all per sons indebted to said estate to come forward and make immediate settle- Persoi's holding claims said estate will present them or payment on or before meat . tiainst to ns IMth day oJ notice will recovery. This the John Nov. 20-0t-pd. the November, liUU, or this be plead in bur of their li1 Hi day of November G. MORTOX. Adnir. PBRIfifl WORKS i AEOUT WOMEN. RLGrant ft 5gh Proprs. GOIDSBORO.H.C. CAPACITY 1,000,000 POxflOtffii h HIGHEST QUALITY PROMPTEST SHIPMENT cRVICE DY PUBLICATION. North Carolina: :1a Superior Court. Granville County :: Before the Clerk., ikn K. Lassiter. Administrator of! Nai;cy Lyon, deceased, vs. .1 1 Dank-l and others. ; NOTICE. To .lames Daniel. Osear Dugger.Aliee j Dagger. Annie Bet Daniel. Alex Dai iol and the four other chilldreu of: Willis Daniel, deceased, whoso ! names are unknown, defendants in ; the above entitled Special Proceed- ; in si': You will take notice that a Spe cial Proceeding entitled as above lias been couuik neeti before th Clerk of : 1 he Superior Court of Granville Coun-1 tv for the purpose of selling the land owned by Nancy Lyon at thetime of . her death, for the purpose of making ; assets willi which to pay the debts ( due by the estate of the said deeeas- ' that you are required to appear at the Of lice of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for the County of Gran ville on the 11th day of December, 3 90f, and answer or demur to Com plaint filed in said special Proceed -ing or The plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded there in. This November 8th, 1S09. J. G. SHOTWELL, C. S. C. YODNG MEN, LEARN TELEGRAPHY! TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND ! ! Dorothy Dix Tells What Women Like and What they Don't Like She Tells Lots of Things. From Clipping. A man who finds women "tmeertai: coy and hard to please" asks me how he can make himself popular with the fair sex. That is a difficult question to an swer, for there are many women, with 'many minds and each of them has a different mind about man. No hard and fast rules, guaranteed to work in every emergency, can be laid down. but. there are however, certain chords in every feminine heart that always vibrate harmonious ly when touched, and upon whijh the amateur may play with safety. Generally speaikng, all women like flattery, but they want it applied artistically with a brush, instead of being hurled at them in solid hunks with a shovel. Not understanding this often leads men into error, lie- vain, lie plas- P.OYS. THIS IS YOl'itOITOUTi: NITY to learn ;x first class t mile t ha pays a irood salary every month in the year. There will be a greater de mand for Telegraph Operators this Fall and Winter than there lias been for mnnv rears nasi- The prominent lievins: women to bti railroads of the South and other ters u,r over with indiscriminate parts of theUniredStatesare writinii- ,,.....,. u usionuali vasiunny vo.in- men of raiso- Tllls 1S a uk- u doe rood character for t heir service a- ' not please a fat woman to be told we possib'v can. We trust that the SUe iuls a svlph-like figure, or one reliable, atabitmtis boys of the South !that squints that Iier eyes are stars. our students qualify for service in : oniv four to six months. We .u'tiar-, or be run in by the police as mental ly incompetent to be out alone. It pleases a woman to be told that the children look like her side of the house. We all know from whom our children inherit all their bad quali ties. It displeases a woman to tell tell her how young she looks. We never notice youth until it is gene. It pleases women to be told that they are philosophers. The less this is true, the better they like it. I pleases them to be told that they have little feet. Even in Chicag the girl's believe they could wear Cinderalla's slippeis. It pleases them to be told that they are dang ous, when they are as harmless as skipping lambs, but why continue. The list of things is inexhaustible and as far as man is concerned, wo man is just as dead easy to please anyway. Witness the marriages that take place. i a n tee positions. Oraduatesboiiin on $15 to $i) per month; easy and pleas- liint work; permanent employment ' rapid promotion. Our tuition m reasonle: board at ; low 'ate-: Nowmui i- extremely j healthful; fine climate; excellent : (iiiikiny: water. Write at once for 1 our new illustrated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it. JT IS FREE. Southern School of Telegraphy, Box 272 NEWNAN, GEORGIA. , t h ""w t i They know better. One compliment that rings the bell is worth a dozen scattering shots ' that go wide of the target. Find out in what particular point a woman believes she excels, and then blaze j away without fear, and soon she will laud you as the one discerning ana j intelligent man a4midst the rabble. 1 Note well, however, that there is j one exception to this rule: Praise ! an intellectual woman for her looks, and a pretty woman for her wit. j There was never a fool who did not ! believe she was a Minerva, nor a ' woman so strongminded fhat she would not trade off her brains for ; beautv. HONOR ROLL Of Bullock Public School For Month Ending Dec. 10th 19C9. Jack Bullock Pittard, Hugh Porter Pit tard, Mamie Taz Norwood, Lucy Nor wood, Lettie li. Norwood, Oscar T. Pittard, Martha 11. Davis, Jessie Pit tard, Sallie S. Norwood, Robert Alex. Davis. Primary Department Miss Sue O. Boyd, Teacher. Zulene Evans, .James Pittard, Susie Pittard, George Norwood, Elvin Roys ter, Annie B. Cox, Robert Campbell, Pearl Royster. James Davis, Fannie Campbell, Paul Campbell. Pattie Roys ter, Mary Norwood, Mary Royster. WOMAN SMSHES STILL. A Wilkes County Woman, Alone and Unaided, Put Blockaders Out oi Business. North Wilkesboro Hustler. News reaches here of an incident that occurred iu the northern section " "" """"""" ' Tr -y , , II Ik (Worqs )v- m illi ot life is uncertain it may be long or it mTr short this largely depends tipon your health ' when you find the spans weakening and vmi i'M.i' run down, nervous, irritable, melancholy; flesh; have no appetite; feel faint; cant sW? jV-o your hands and feet get cold, tingle and get v have pains in your side or back; brick-dust d,H,it in urine; have acid stomach or heartburn; itHji'siiKf uu cxjjlo iiu.s ixuitit3r ; nave siiooiiip 7)f'i; uc.siro' to 1 13 the samp! bottle. I Kope yen attention as I am needing it very much'. ioun very truk, Mrs. A. C. Ta: prompt ' of the count near Church nostof- All women are doty on the subject fjce in the Traphill section, where a of adversaries. Send a woman a j woman' has distinguished herself at five-cent bunch of field flowers as , ieast as the Carrie Naitcn of North a reminder of the time you first met j Carolina, while exhibiting more real her in the country, and you gain more gratitude than for shall . bravery than Carrie Ration. Her a fit- name is Mrs. Joshua Pruett. Over on a stream in the mountains not very I far from Mrs. Pruett's home an illict to have a man i distillery had been in operation for e give you a written guar antee that this Shoe will weai you six mono is. If you want a shoe that will give you perfect satisfaction and will out weur anv shoe vou ever wore, trv this ty dollar bunch of American Beauties at Christinas. It pleases a "woman : remind ner mat sue naa on a wmte a number of days and it is said that or blue, or black frock the last time j Mrs. Pruett's husband had been drink ; he saw her. It makes her believe j ing from the place, to her continued j that he has been lying awake of ! displeasure and discomfort. Mrs. nights thinking about, her ever since. Pruett not resorting to a violation ; pleases a woman to be told ; of a certain code by reporting the she is the only person who ever un- i still to the officers, sent word to the ; derstocd the man who is talking to ! operators that if they did not shut her. The man who can say this, and ; down and stop the making of that ook as if he meant it, is always a : whiskey that, the still would be de- hot favorite in society and has the ' stroyed. They paid no attention to run of the country houses. I the threats. Saturday afternoon she It pleases the debutante to be treat j was again reminded of its operatioi ed as if she was an experienced wo- j arid without further words she shoul man of the world, while the girl i dered an axe and Quietly started on whose coming out party is becoming : the trail for the place. She pretty ancient historj' dotes on being ask-j soon stepped into the door of the ed, "Is this your first occasion?" j still house. As it happened, no one No man sane enough to be allowed I was present, and with the back of without keeping ever indulges in rem- the axe she beat the copper still lniscences with a woman about any loose trom the turnace, pulled it out, throughout the body; have to strain or a UJ.xu.MO0 uiuou, ui c& RJiiA muzz. suiIJSctiJ.tPil WIH'JJ Tin; Z-t. . . "I t ,1 J j ir-. . " At, om ssxiouiu. vominuiice to i;iko isiooctiiio to-d ny Go or send to your druggist now for a bottle iWr, wait 1 Delays are dangerous ! ! Mrs. A. C. Taintor, Colchester, Conn., tells how any wcaian caa b i :3 up their run-down system. They caa be peraianeutly cured of eiomiT't pains and all female diseases. w' Colchester, Conn., March 30. 1904. THE BLOODINE CO.. Boston, Mass.: Gentlemen Through a friend in Milford I am Induced to try youi Bloodine. I enclose 10c. for sjuaple bottle. Yours truly, Mks. A. C. Taintor. CoLCiiBSTER, Conn., April xi, 1904. THE BLOODINE CO., Boston, Mass. : Gentlemen I enclose $2.50 for six (6) bottles of Bloodine am convinced it is what I need to build oe up. I saw a change for the better after taking We will forfeit $1,000 if the originals of the above letters proving geaulnaness cannot be pr od Such positive proof of the remarkable merits of Bloodine have? beaa shown to us that we do not hesitate to guarantee every bottle wa sell. Bloodine costs 50c. a bottle for tho usual $1,00 size. Mail orders SUs-i, fiarge Sample Bottle by mail 10c. Sloodino Live? Fills core Constipation, 25c. a boi eJ. G. HALL, Special Agent. Coi,CHKSTK, CoVN'., Ju;,'i'. THE BLOODINE CO., Boston, Ma : Gentlemen I enclose a $5.0-1 n-.ouev or j;.- f.-,f (12) twelve bottles of your Bloodine. i-iem 3:q4 promptly. Yours trulv, Mrs. A. C. Tm.nt.u. IS t91 ooiis pee aspio lev 3f.ioi Jiiud3; uaAfs opiisiiv 33XNVHVI19 Tl snepijDai2 pee H ardware "Hard Wear in Every Pair It is made of soft, pliable chrome tanned waterproof leather, the finest and most durable of all leather for heavy wear. It has two full soles. These soles are made of overweight steer hide the toughest leather made and are secured by Puritan stitch and two rows of standard screws. It has a heavy, full gussett (see illustration) that will not permit dirt to et in through the lacing. The pull strap is leather, sewed with waxed flax thread, double stitch saddle seam and the counter is sewed in -in fact every part of this shoe is built to stand hard wear. Comes in either plain toe or tip and in black or tan leather. We believe this shoe will last you much longer than six months, but we will ?f;!arantee that vou o-et nt Ipjii- civ mr.nrlis' M-r -,n,i c-.tL.,. 1..' .1. 1 1 1 " 1 1 " uim mem oacK ana vi e win give you a new T lion, ir yo-i clo not, ree of charge. pair ! thing that happened later week. than last : chopped it into : throwing it out holes, and after into the read, re- E. H. CRENSHAW CO. t It pleases a woman to believe that : turned home. Late that evening the i she has an enormous influence over i operators, enraged, came to her home !a man, and that she can raise him j and made !oleiit threats, but went to heaven or send him to perdition. away. That same night the brothers i As at first aid to courtship this sim- j of Mrs. Pruett, who before marriage I pie device has never been improved ' was Miss Holbrook, heard of the last i upon. j incident and went out searching for It pleases a woman to be thought i the men, but they did not come a 1 subtle, and to be told she would have j cross the'm and no more trouble en ; made a great actress. Few, indeed sued. ' .it'.. . ! 1 . . 11x1 t'i -1 i itrVrt 1 . . 11 f ci oi-.r'n-t 1 v i . - - -. i ai c tile vr mucu v uui ov. e tij 1 believe that the stage lost its bright-; est ornament when they decided not to wrest. .Tulin Marlowe's and Maude v . , ' , Tisitors to the exhibition recently ; Adam s laurels from them. beld in rhiiatIelphia to acquaint the It pleases a woman to be asked public with the dangers of Tuberculosis her opinion about the political out- HAYOKOLA. B "Tine Royal Invigorating DrirsK, delicious and Refreshing. MEADOWS & NEWTON, Bottlers and Distributors. Remarkable 11 Years' Test of Tuberculosis Cure eg 1 1 if 1 1 mil i in iiiai i mi mi i mi u imi ail iimiwimi iibiiiiiiiii iii nmm ihhim mmm mm iiimihmi m , opinion about tlie political oin-n,,,,;,,,, look and the stock market. Women were surprised when informed at the are used to being worshipped as de- Bureau of Information that uo state ment of cures was at hand. Iu the ities and played with like toys, but past few j ears immense sums have been to be treated as a rational human : spent and many persons treated by tha ocr.ro TTiilir mil frpxti iiir :iilvt)oates. vet loiiio- i i 1 1 r T- minVTltcd t ottorr : r5C7- ' , . l i". 1 that it goes to their heads. STZy There M : be omeihing In If. Steam Mealing Work. A woman invariably delights in hearing her bargains extolled. Every woman believes herself a financial genius and that she would be Secre tary of the Treasury if she had her just deserts. This form of flattery nrinnslv. cured cases are rarely louud. That Eckman's Alterative positively cures Tuberculosis (Consumption) aud stands the tvst of time is proven by the following letters: Philadelphia. Pa.. March 123. 1S9S. Gentlemen: My son commenced tak ing your medicine Felmrary 2d. 1S9S. r Previous to jat time my family physi cian had given him up to die with Con sumption. Not beiasr satisfied. I had is commended to all, except the par- h;m taken to a prominent hospital in Why is it .hat a man lms to work from to ( years a nil Mpprenticc ht-ion- be can -et a liceense to Ho plmnbinir and steaiu iteatinu- work? liecause all town cities, as well as Uncle niii niter years of experience have found that one of the most dangerous things that could bodono is to have bad plambln.!.- m the homes of people who are ignorant as to what sood sanitary plumbing- means. When you have plumbing: installed in your home ins'st on havinL,' a rii:id TEST and inspection and see that it is sanitary. -rWf ave a Man That Has Stood the Test Required. All Work Guaraiiteeci to Pass Any Inspection. All Prices as tow Pi6 lowest. Estimates Furnished Free. Remember T&at we Carry A Complete Stock of Electrical and Plumbing supplies, Electric Bells. Batteries. -V.?0 do 3,1 Wind of Repair Work. GOOD WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Prices Starnes & McKinsey TELEPHONE, NO. 282. OXFORD, N.C. ticular man who has to pay the bills. He should use great prudence and caution in extolling his wife's econo l my for fear she may practice more j of it. ; It pleases a wife for her husband i to tell her that when she dies he j will commit suicide upon her grave, j Most widowers do themselves up by j marrying again, but she always be- lieves that her husband will be the I 1- 1 TX-l ; iiuiiuieutn man, whose heart this city, where they informed me that both upper lobes of his lungs were dis eased. Upon examination of his sputum they found it full of Bacilli, and said there was no hope of his recovery. He was compelled to grive up his position. He commenced to improve almost im mediately after taking: your remedy, and has now returned to his office work. (Signed) Mrs. E. P. Bird, 20S South Seventh Street. AFTER ELEVEN YEARS. - Philadelphia, Ta., January 24, 1909. Gentlemen: Your inquiry as to the health of my son Shapleigh received. I can truthfully say he is, and has been in excellent health; never had a return it pieases a wile to think her hus-! tlve 11 years ago. really be broken. will ; Work I cannot sneak highly enough of your Alterative, as it saved my boy's life. Respectfully yours, (Signed) Mrs. E. F. Bird. Eckman's Alterative is good for all Throat and Lung Trouble and is on sale uanu. is ueyenaent upon her. The reason a woman always hates her husband's old friends is because they ' told her how well he got along with-: out her. She likes to believe that if he didn't have her to take charge i of Ms pocket book and tell him what i of nuri j to do be would end in tjae wjor house Mfe. Co. Phif,,' p. J. G. HALL and other druggists. Ask for booklet cases, or write to Eckman 1 sg i Sr Ss $ g eg a i -s? U 6s el ss el es ei & Si ENERGY PROPERLY APPLi f ir Too many labor under the disadvantage misapplied effort. They concentrate the energies entirely upon the earning of a living, while to be successful requires that equal or greater attentiou be given to the saving of that already earned. This bank 3ffords in its Saviugs accounts a sure and easy way of taking care of the sav ing part. Such deposits earn 4 per cent in terest. Try an investment of this nature. The Oxford Savings Bank Trust Company, ! ? Oxford, IV. C. i:.

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