OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, ERIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1909. '.' - ! r ! r li 1 ft m m r s n It 66? ii If li tli II I s s i m m si 111 If If 11 II 9. a- mm COA02 coai Use Celebrated POCAHONTAS COAL if You Want to Get the Most Heat And The Least Smoke. We Handle This or Other Grades. Prices Reasonable. Service Prompt. Quantities Large of Small. PHONE 132. X FO ICE COM COAL COAL-COAL m 00 . t 0" .0.0m.0.1f.0m. jj, "N 0m . tm .0 . m .- .0m . 0 -' "ii is a' s' 1m s' s a j s- T H E First National Bank 2 (?) (?) ff) (?) 3) (?) He facilities. Be i )rd, we want to interest on time (?) (?) (?) E ti Crenshaw, 11 W Lassiter, V. J. L.onar J H Gooch, Z W Lyon, R S Usry. ARRIS. Vee-Prcsidet. ARKIS, Treasurer. E C Harris C G Eovster ' . 0& . 00 . . h 00 ' 00 &0 . m0 0& 0 P (?) (? ill The National Bank of Granville. Capital - - - - -Surplus - - - - - - $60,000.00 - $54,000.00 Appreciation. This Bank values the business it receives from its customers land takes every opportunity of telling them so. Our customers on the other hand appre ciate the fact that the service textended to them is coupled with security. Any business, arrangement to be permanent must be mutually satisfactory and profitable. Therefore, in the selecting of ti U your bank, have permanency in view and establish yourself for your present and future well being with a good j sound ibank. E. T. WHITE, H. G. COOPER, W.T.YANCEY, President. Vice-President. 'Cashier. STRENGTH OF THE GORILLA. BIG PROFITS ON TURNIPS. 9 Its Murderous Attacks on Human Be-1 Mp j. A w Thompson, of Graham, mgs and Wild AnimalsIts Ways j Writes That He Cfeared $200 On of Taking Care of Itself. i Acre of Turnips. London Times. This article written to the editor Of all the existing man apes the j of the Progressive Farmer by Mr. .1. gomla is bej-ond question the most j .a. W. Thompson of Graham, is ervy formidable, a large male standing j interesting: . not infrequently over five feet six in My best crop this vear was turn- ches in height and bones being knowi of which apparently measured in life no less than six feet two inches. It in the gardens and elsewhere, always when young quite so "utterly untam able a beast" and so "entirely and constantly an enemy of man," as Du Chaillu represents; but it is savage and morose enough. It is still uncertain whether in a wild state, except in the immediate moment of attack, it ever actually walks erect without either resting its knuckles on the ground or support ips. I began the preparation in Jan uary. I had a piece of new ground rr 1 1 VT-i -i -C J .- , T , 3 A j 1 I siuuucu ui.i,tnu iruiiereu two or xnree I had the land plowed closely with times, and about the first of March bull-tongue plow, and used the disk harrow on it several times. I then spread a thin coat of stable manure over the land, plowed it under with a small turning plow and used the disk harrow again until the land was in a fine condition. I then planted the land to Irish potatoes. I litter ed the potatoes with rotten straw, digging the potatoes about the last ing itself by a branch overhead, but j of June, I plowed under the litter that it does beat its fists upon its i and used the disk harrow a few tim- breasts when mad Du Chaillu says that he heard noise "like a great bass drum at a distance of a mile is established; and when the male gorilla returns, as seemingly it does to confront man fearlessly, when at- es. About the middle of August I plow- i ed the land again, and used the disk harrow.and then a heavy drag harrow to level the land. I then sowed tur nip seed broadcast, using the Pur- Ceipffii For PINNIX & PINNIX, Oxford, N. C. I desire to take advantage of the privilege of paying my back subscription to The Public Leger upon basis of $1.00 per year. Please find enclosed $ which pays me up to date. I also enclose $ which pays for one year in advance. Amount enclosed. Back subscription $ Year in advance $ Total Amount $ . Name Address tacked, with its huge size, its great I pie Top White Globe variety. I then hairy limbs and hideous head set al most down into its shoulders, we can believe that "no description can ex ceed the horror of its appearance. " Add that the gorilla usually lives in the depth of forests, where the light is so dim that it is difficult to see any object clearly at a distance of more than a few yards, and it is not to be wondered at that natives have invested it with attributes even more horrific than those which it possess es. Many believe the ggrilla to be hu man; othres hold that, though itself a beast, it is often informed with the 'transmigrated spirits of trie hu man dead. It is said to lie in wait crouched on the lower branches of trees overhanging a path, and when a human being passes to drop one of sowed broadcast, over the land high grade fertilizer, at the rate of 400 tpounds to the acre, and covered both seed and fertilizer with a drag har row. It was said to be the finest patch of turnips ever seen in this con munity. The largest weighed about 6 pounds. I sold a large quanity very readily at 50 cents pre bushel, and have put up quite a quanity for win ter use. Estimating from the yield I made the average cost per acre would not exceed $20, and the market value would be $240, leaving a profit of $ 220, less the cost of marketing them, which for me would not exceed $20. Thus we have a net profit of $200 per acre. By sowing clover, eowpeas, and rye, turning them over, thus adding R f d Route Take Note: Payment of arrears on basis of SI. 00 Der vear not flood after Jan. 6th. 1910. New subscriptions upon basis of $t.00 per year not good after eb. 6th, 1S10. its long hind limbs, and clutching j humus to the land, deep, thorough the victim by the throat so sudden ly and in so terrible a grip that hardly a sob is heard, to drag it man or woman up to its lurking place. It is credited with capturing and stealing women and carrying tii em off to keep them in the forests, and, armed with clubs, is said to at tack and beat off elephants. The for .midableness of the great apes, com pared with other beasts, however, is not an easy maiiter to pass upon. In Africa it is noteworthy that the lion has exterminated the gorilla within its territory and that the gorilla has driven out the lion. In Borneo the most serious neigh bors of the orang are the python and the crocodile, and the natives say that the ape overcomes them both, the python by seizing and biting it, and the crocodile by leaping on its back, clutching it by the upper jaw, and sheer main strength tearing it. open. The name "orang" is in it self a title of honor, meaning rough ly, "wise one." the Malays giving it alike to their chiefs, to elephants, and to "the wild men." Perhaps, Iioa ever, no native myth or story eclip ses in wonder the statement of F,min Pasha, made seriously, that in the Mbongwe forest the' chimpanzes used come to rob the banana, plantations in troops, bearing torches to light them on the wa. "Had I not wit nessed this extraordinary spectacle personally," he is reported as saying, "I should not have believed that any of the simians understood the art of making fire." Unhappily, we personally did not witness it. plowing.usi.ng as much stable manure as possible, together with a very liberal supply of high-grade fertilizer judiciously applied, so as to give rapid plant growth at the proper time, thorough preparation of the land just before planting, with good frequent and timely cultivation, I be lieve a small farmer can make the largest profits per acre, by raising such crops as sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes and turnips. My net profit on sweet potatoes was almost equal to that of my tur nips, and they, were growji on raw land. I have commenced preparing about six months ahead of my vege table crops next year, having sown crimson, clover and rye. Have 14 a cres sown in rye, nearly all of which is intended as a cover crop br the land. My intention is to make the land grow something of value and not noxious weeds and worthless grass. And, by the way, the modern farmer need net tangle his brain by studying what he thinks are the best methods for Idling weeds and worth less grass. Frequent cultivation with labor saving implements will do it. - COUPON FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Clip this Coupon Put a Dollar in it and send to Pinnix & Pinnix, Oxford, N. C. Please send me The Oxford Public Ledger for one year beginning. Name P. O. R f d No. Write your name and address very plainly. This offer to allow subscriptions for one dollar is not good after Feb. 6th, 1910, GREAT chrestmas IFFEM, SSS; Life Scholarship For S A $14.00 CHRISTMAS GIFT. In of all other discounts and rebates this card, presented at DRAUGHON'S PRAG T1GAL BUSINESS GOLLEGE, Raleigh, N. G., on any working day between Thursday. December 2, and Tues day, December 28, 1909, will be accepted as $9 part payment on a $44 Life Scholarship, or $14 part pay ment on a $83 Combined Scholarship must be purchas ed and paid for at the time card is presented. We must have more young men and women to prepare for high grade positions, and therefore we make the above Christ mas Gift to every wide-awake young person that reads this card. Now is the time for you to get busy and se cure ycur Scholarship. $69.00 LAME EVERY MORNING. "Hardware' and "Stronger Than The Law" are in a class to themsel ves, they are waterproof and practi cally snag proof. The greatest win ter work shoes known they are both sold at Crenshaws. Rich Men's Gifts Ars Poor beside this: "I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bi1 ters one of the greatest gifts God has piade to woman, writes3Irs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., "I can never forget what it has done for me." This glorious medicine giv es a woman bouyant spirits, vigor of body and jubilant health. It quicklj cures Nervousness, Seplessiiess, Melancholy, Headaches, Backache Di2 zy Spells, and Fainting; soon builds up the wreak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50 cents, at J. G. Hall's. More Danville Proof. Jacob Schrall, 432 South St., Dan ville, 111., writes: "For over eighteen months I was a sufferer from Kidney and bladder trouble. During the whole time was treated by several doctors and tried several different kidney pills. Seven weeks ago I com menced taking Foley's Kidney Pills, and am feeling better every day and will be glad to tell anyone interested A Baad Back Is Always Worse in th Morning. OxoFrd People Are Find ing Relief. A back that aches all day and caus es pain at night is usually worse in the morning. Makes you feel as if you hadn't slept at all. Can't cure a bad back until you cure the kidneys. Dean' s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys make you feel better, work better, rest better and sleep better. Permanent cures in Oxford prove the merit of Doan's. J. L. Fuller, Asylum St., Oxford, N. C, says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone afflicted with kidney trouble, having used them with the best of results. I was both ered a great deal by backache and pains across my ikdneys. Mornings upon arising, my back was weak and lame and it was some time before I could get about with any degree of freedom. After using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from R. L. Hamilton Drug Store, the backache and pains in my kidneys soon ceased. I feel very grateful to Doan's Kidney Pills for the relief they have afforded me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL CfflllirV A. M. nSBER, Mgr. BUSINESS Wj2j1jUj Fisher Dl'dg. Rdngh,. C. Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. H.., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedj It cured me of severe case of kidney trouble of several years standing. It certainly is a good medicine, and I just what Foley's Kidney Pills did for j heartily recommend it." Sold by All Everything I Build With Coal and Wood to Burn. H you need to buy dressed or rough lumber, sash doors, blinds, window and door frames, or naments, shingles, rooting, laths, lime, cement, plaster brick, paint, nails, in fact anything in the building line, II keep the quality and will make prices right. HJyon need Coal and Wood, you will receive the best service at the least cost by buying from, Yours to Please, C. D. RAY. r Annoying Delay Perhaps The the Doctor don't Get out quicdly, use VIcks Croup and Pneumonia Salve and relieve the little sufferer In fifteen minutes. It does it or your Money Back. sll j 25, SO and Sl All Druggists. 1 J 6 ? i Staaa mo " CSrtlri hv All lJrUKSIS'lffl. , xjl ikw v. J '