OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, ERIDAY, JANUARY, 719,10. LINEN SHOWER TO BRIDE-ELECT. Miss Bennette H. Gregory Gives. ,Affair in Honor, of 'lul s. uaisyfMJn- KM! . . or Monday of Christmas Week. The following account of MUs Gre gory linen shower was given in W Charlotte Observer by its Oxford cor respondent;. ...... The hospitable home of Col and Mrs. Roger O. Gregory was the scene of a lovely party Monday afternoon rwhen their, charming and entertain ing daughter, Miss Bennette. H Gre gory gave a linen shower in honor of imss uaisy Minor, whose marriage to Dr. Louis Skinner of Greenville, took place Wednesday. The guests were received at the j sLn at their former home at Haskell door by Misses Jeanette Gregory and ! here the young People became ac.-: Julia Winston and, presented to the quainted before the "removal cf the receiving party by. Misses Annie (brides Parents to 'this place, andevi Grews and Fannie Gregory. The spa- aently had gone far enough to cause cious reception hall was tastily dec- i Mr-' Hunt to follow the migration a orated in mistletoe; holly and wed cross tne state to urge his suit, ding bells. . The front parlor was dee- TJle Healtn Resort extends congrat orated with cclcr scheme of white j ulatioas and Det wishes to Mr. and bride roses and white wedding lilla ! weing usea in profusion. Those re ceiving were the bride-elect, hand somely gowned in champagne broad cloth, looking - radiantly beautiful,. Miss Gregory in pink messaline and gown, of black broadcloth. Elegant punch was-served by Mrs. J. C. Rob Mrs. A. A. Chapman in a handsome ards of Henderson, in blue messaline -K - itiiu iins. j. w. jannaay m wistaria messaline. The guests were ushered then into the back parlor by Miss Jeannette Biggs, where the color scheme was ed. An exciting game of euchre was enjoyed, the score cards being hand-i ' , ' -- . . '' . . . . commend Doans Kidney Pills m the pamted wedding bells, tiny jingling Wghest terms, being fully aware of wedding bells being presented at tHeneir merit , M kid wree digor. of the game the guests were all ask- ! ed to drink to the health ofthe bride-; loins j also had a difficulty . with to-be, each one responding with an aiitne Mdney seCretions. When Doan's propriate toast. As the bride responc iRidney Pills were highly recommend ed to them, the streamers from a d to me, I procured a box at R. large white wedding bell, suspended j u Hamilton's Drug Store and began from the ceiling, were pulled by Mis- their use. I was entirely relieved ses Jeanette Gregory, Julia Winston of the backache, and my kidneys were and Jeanette Biggs which showered ; restored to a normal condition. I upon the Vinsdme young bridle quite j now fpipi muCh better in pvervw av " a collection of linen articles. After vierwing the lovely shower all depart ed, voting Miss Gregory a most char ming hostess." m 8 m, MARRIES IN TEXAS. j Mr. W. G. Hunt, Son of D. N. Hunt Marries in Sutherland, Texas Na tive ot uranvme. Last Thursday Mr. W. G. Hunt, of Grady, New Mexico, son of Mr. . end Mrs. IX N. Hunt of Oxford, N. C. was married in Sutherland, Texas. - Mr. Hunt, it will be remembered Call and See our Ladies Gold Fild 20 Year Case 7 Jewel Move . . . ...... . . ment $15 up Ladies Gold Case 7 Jewel Movement $20 up Men's Nickel Case 7 Jewel Movement $3.50 up Men's Gold Filled 20 Year Case 7 Jewel Move . . . . . . . .... ment $10 up Set ol Sterling Silver Tea Spoons $3.45 up. Set oi Sterling Silver Desert Spoons $7.65 up Set of Sterling Silver Soup Spoons $6.50 up Set o! Sterling Silver Knives and Forks $16 up. Jewelry and Other Lines in Pro portion. Eight Day Clock $2.25 and up. Oxford Jewelry Comp'y. One Price cash Store. CO YOUR - MORNING - BEVERAGE (WE MEAK COFFEE OF COURSE.) j Not ANY Collec, but a pure Mend, that is ap petizing and healthful. J We have the identical article. J We have heard many good things said of , v oar CoHceSiS; Said, too, by bcasekeepers ! who a .: . have gone ISc rounds, and who came back to "J $ Then we know atJeast a little bit about of fee ourselves. Dave learned from the best of ui dl teacters, EXPERIENCE. . . - siiipstfing wh8t we have often, been told ! together with what we have learned, we ask j fevers of a good cup of Coffee to trust us to sup ply thera. -.'-' ' Prices 20c, 25c, 35c. " Brown's College St. Grocery i a v - The Quality Store PHONE 15 A;l nvrnnn w r was;in Oxford about a year ago, when bis mother was so desperately ill The "Health Resort," of Sutherland gives this account cf the wedding: "Married, Thursday 'at 2 p. Jn. at the residence of the bride's par ents, Miss Lola VVallis and W. G. Hunt, Re v. Wilson, of Floresville, of ficiating. The affair was a very quiet one, only relatives being present. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wallis, ' and is weirknown here,' having resided here for tne several months, while Mr. Hunt has been here only a short time. The romance which culminat ed in their marriage Thursday be-J Mrs. Hunt, . and expresses a hope that they will continue to make their home in Sutherland Springs." v 1 " 4 BLOCKADED. Every Household "in Oxford Should Know How to Resist it. The back aches because the kid neys are blockaded. ; Help the kidneys with their 'work. " The back will ache no more. ! Lots of proof that Doah's Kidney Pills do this. It's the best proof, for it comes from Oxford. " -' ' Ernest Harper, Orphan Asylum Home O-yfoT-rf M C. Sivr' '"-"T nan to.' stant dull Dains across mv Daek and con- For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Rev. I. W. Williams Testifies. .Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, r -xt prt 1 1 . rrls 5 j . vv. v ., vvxites us a iuiiywa. iuis is ; to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remed3r for nervous exhaustion and .kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." Sold by All Drugigsts. icy-Hot Bottles G2 I If fllI&Jf? flC RIIQY THRRNfl i lllU I IllU Ul lIUu 1 I llilUlllli PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND THOSE YOU DON'T KNOW. The Faces of Those Caught in Pass ing Gaming and Going by Our Man-About-Town. 1f. J. A. Morris was in town Monday. ' Dr. P. R. Hardee, of Stem was ir town Monday. "'Mr. A. E. Bobbitt, "was in town the first of the week. y Mr. IX W. Adcock, of Route 4, was in Oxford Tuesday. Messrs. Otho and Graham Baniei were in town Monday. Mr J. W. Floyd, of Rciite 2. was in the city Monday. Mr. F. O. Bumpass, of Virgilina, was in town Mondd'ay. Mr. S. T.Dickerson, was iu town the first of the week. : " Mr. and Mrs. C H. Cheatham werfe in town Monday. ' ' . Mr. VV. J. Royster, of Route 6,wa3 a visitor last Tuesday. Mr. E. G. Moss, of Southern Gran ville, was in Oxford Monday. Mr. H. C. Floyd, of Heste, wus in the city on business Monday. Capt. W. A. Devin left the' city Tuesday, for a short business, trip." ' , ( Mr.. Josie Roller, who has been in Virginia for some weeks, is in town. Mr. J. M Bragg, of Littleton, was in Oxford during the; Christmas west ' Maj. R. L.". tKaniel, of Weldon, was the guest of Gen. B. S. Royster.dur ing the holidays. -! ".Mr. Ben. T. Smith, of Wilson; was in Oxford visiting relatives during Christmas. ' , Mr. W. T. Minor, of Durham, spent several days with his mother and family during Christmas. ' Col. S. W. Minor, of Durham spent a few days in Oxford among his kinfolks Christinas week. Mr. A. E. Hobgood, of Burlington was in town during the holidays re newing old acquaintances. Mr. S. R. Winters, after several ddays visit in Stem and Oxford, has returned to the University. Mr. Jack Bullock.of Trinity spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bullod Mr. Geo; E. Upchurch' spent a part of the hoi his brother, Mr. W. H. Upchurch Mr. Chas. A. Gregory of Winstfih- Salemm visited his parents, Col and Mrs. R.. O. Gregory, during tie holidays. jmts. rnos. vv. vvmston -lett Mon day for Selma, being called to (the bedside of her sister-in-law" Mrsl Noble, who is quite ill. ' ' Mr. J. S. Vincent, of Graham, who is well rememberred in Oxford by many friends, spent a few days in the burgh during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Powell have re- I turned from a visit to Vdneland, . i where they spent the holidays with . j Mr. Powell's parents. Miss Janie Booth, of Greensboro and Mr. James" Booth,, of the Univer sity, spent the holidays in Oxford with their father, Dr. T. L. Booth. , Miss Mary Shotwell Who has been spending the holidays with her par ents, Judge and Mrs. J. G. Shatwell at Berea, has. returned to Kinston. Mrs. E. B. Ficklen, of Durham, .wfio came to attend the Minor-Skinner wedding, remained to visit Mrs.. Julia Minor for a few dava thereafter. Col. and Mrs. William Landis j spent a day or two of Christmas ! week in Weldon upon a visjt to i the: Colonel's sister, Mrs. A. U. Wil son. I Froi. R. G. Kittrell, Superintendeni i of the Edgecombe Schools, spent a j tordef visit in Oxford between trains j.whiie en route t othe Charlotte Edu- cational Convention. ; Mr. Littlejohn Taylor, Knight of . Grip, and Mr. C. A. Taylor, of Ashe j vlile, twere in Oxford during the j Christmas holidays visiting their pa-i j rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor. - , Messrs. Arch Taylor, of Concord j Henry Taylor, of Richmond, . and Mr, j Lewis N. Taylor, of the University, j j have returned to their respective du- j , ties, after spending the holidays ! 1 visiting their parents, . Mr.and Mrs. j j-T. G. Taylor. .. . j , Mr. . JP; Mize, who was in towtn .1. m JLth JMonaay, reports that his flaugnter, all returned to their respective plac Miss Vera D. Mize, who has been j of residence except the future for- weeks critically ill with typhoid j young Cadet who is confined to his fever, is improving and that her tefm-1 b'with a vicious case of grippe; perature is nearly normal. Miss j mt m ' 5ze?. was. brought home fsom Hick-1 r a WD BLIZZARD RAGING i( ory wnere sue nas j iBHHioay- was tne ursx u&j i -"- , Mlae was able' to leave her' bedside. Mrs-v A, W? Graham .and; Bishop Jf M.H oraer, of Ashevilte, accompanied Miss Mary Horner to New Yok Qi- list week to spend a few days with her while he is in .tne Lea- oohriess Training School. Miss Horner s prepflring herself Lpr5 jasting hef; brother ,"lthe bishop, j in. his missionary field. After the j 'tottr nttmths ' prepa'raVion in New j Yoric3ssj Hoxuer -:Wili go to Valla ) Crusts, Watauga vCgif. where she1 wflr Wake hef &ifaaier Mrs Gra ham jwjU. return home in a f ewljaj. ;v v Mr. J. F. Veazey, was in the city Monday. Mr.' Titus G. Currin, was in town Monday.- Mr. G. W. Dean; of Route 2, was in town Saturday. Mr. G. W. Wilbourne, of Virgilina was in town Monday. Mr. Ed Hunt of Salem, was ir town the first of the week. Mr. L. F. -Currin, of Route 4, was in Oxford on business Monday. Mr H: Taylor Hobgood, of Rouu 1, spent Monday in' town. . Mr. W. W. Grissom, of Route 3, Was one of Monday's visitors. 'Squire A. P. Overton was in town Monday as quarrelsome as usual. Mr. A. Perry, of Creedmoor,was an Oxford visitor the first of the week. Mr. Jos. A. Peace, of near Fairpont is ' reported as being quite sick at Ms home. .. ! ,. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lassiter are in Marion. ' Mr. H. T. -Osborn went to Virgili na Wednesday. Gen. B. S. Royster went to Raleigh Wednesday on business. Mr. Leon Marroow, of Soudan Va was in town last week. Mrs. R. O. Gregory, who has been quite sick for sometime, is reported i better. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Cheatham, of Henderson were in Oxford during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ram seur, of Vir gilina are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Osborne. . -Misses Alice, Katie, . and Lucile Hundley, of Durham have, been visit ing in Oxford. , : - Miss Josephine Brown has returned to school at Southern Female Col lege, Lynchburg, Va. Miss Lizzie Pearson spent several days of Christmas week with rela tives in Soudan, Va. Miss Ethel Adams, will return to Blackstone Va, Saturday to resume her studies. Miss Annie Louise Vaughan, of Lur ham, was in attendance upon the' Minor-Skinner wedding. . Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Body, of Louisburg, spent Christmas in Oxford visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Smith. Mr.E ugene T. Crews and Miss An nie Crews, spent several days in outh Hill, Va., visiting their sister Mrs. Garland Mitchell. Mr. and. Mrs. Dudley Bonitz, who have been on a visit to Mrs. A. H. A: Williams, and family, . have re turned to their home in Chicago. Miss Ruth Mitchell, after spending Christmas holidays with her parents, has returned to resume her studies at Peace Institute, Raleigh N. C. Mrs. W- J. Long, and Miss Irma Grant have returned from a visit in Greensboro to Mrs. Long's mother, Mrs. May. Mrs, May returned also for a visit. 'Master Charles Easton, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H quite ill with fever. Easton, is " Miss Annie Furman spent the holi days at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Furman. Mr. E. T. Rawlins, after spending the holidftys with his family, has re turned to the road, leaving for the South last Monday. Mr. A. W. Graham, Jr., after spend ing Christmas with his parents, i Judge and Mrs. Graham, returned to ! Chapel Hill Monday to resume his I studies. Miss Sue Hall, of the faculty of - .v., Carolina, spent the Christmas hoji- adays visiting the families of her 'brothers, Mesrs. .J G. and A.S. Hall. Mr. D. Y. Hunt spent several days of the Christmas week out of town. After spending sometime with his daughter in Danville, Va., he went cyer to South Hill for a sojourn with relatives and friends, returning on the 2nd of January. Miss Gertrude Landis, in charge of - the music department of Pied mont College, Demorest, Ga. Miss Fjorence Landis, of the Weldon Graded school faculty; Miss Augusta LandiS) of Durham; and Mr. Arthur ,Landis! who has been at Annapolis, Md preparing for examination for entrance in the navy, have been spending Christmas with, their moth- er Mrg "Annie Landis. They have brings : danger, suffering-often death-to thousands, who take colds, coughs,' and lagrippe that terror : f Winter and Spring. Its danger , sig nals are "stuffedd up" nostrils,' low er part of uose sore, chills and fever, iaih in back of head, and . a throat' gripping cough. When Grip attack . as you value your life.don't delay get- i ting br King's New Discovery. " One bottle cured me," writes A. L; Dunn, of Pine Valley,' Miss,,- "after being laid up three weeks with Grip. ' For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Cougns Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,' its supreme. 50 c. $1.00. . Guaranteed by J." G. Hall. CELEBRATE EMANCIPATION DAY. Colored People in Accordance With .Usual Custom Have Parade and o : ' r i . - ; a. V , ocmces ot ise.icDraiion . Jan. rirsi. .In accordance with their annual cu (torn, the. colored people of Granville County assembled in very large num bers and observed Emancipation J3ay. The streets during the day, and es pecially at the noon hour when the rather long parade Was in motion, were full of the colored people who were; especially quiet and orderly in' their deportment. The. colored band headed the .pro cession which consisted of a great many turnouts in which were arrangr ed material illustrations of the bus inesses engaged in . by the negro. Mayor Dennis G. Brummitt deliver ed an address in the Opera House be fore -the colored people gathered there. He spoke helpful and encour aging words for the race. Superin tendent of the Colored Asylum Chea tham,' who was formerly a member of Congress, was the. orator of the day. His speech contained a good deal of wholesome advice for the coi'oi ed' people." During the day resolutions were adopted as follows : The Resolutions. " We, your committee on Resolu tions and Statistics take pleasure in offering the following: For .years we have met at this time and place and in humble and in offensive, way, celebrated the Eman cipation Proclamation, whiah gave us our freedom. We have -met today in this beautiful town, and in a com munity' where peace and harmony reign between the races. We have marched through the streets and lin der the shadow of a beautiful monu- ment erected tto the memory of the uonteuerate dead, who, fought heroic- ally for what they conceived to be the right. To-day the colored people pie as well as the whites, view with pride this monument and admire and applaud the spirit which prompt- ed its erection. The white people in turn unite with us in the celebration of this day. Such a harmonious blen - ding of what was once diverse and an tagonistic feeling and sentiment excites in us a - feeling that is inex pressable and almost uncontrolable. We can 'but exclaim: Behold what wonderful things Gcd has wrought! Slay this friendly, spirit that now ex Asifcs . know no end, and let us all u nite in invoking the: curses of Heav ven and Hell upon him who malic iously, by word or act dees any thing to mar it. ,t Foor 47 years we have lived andjmdebte to said estate to come for labored as free men. Our mistakes j ward and, make immediate payment" have been many, but etill our prog- to me; and all persons holding claims ress has been wonderful. We meet -j against said estate are notified to itoday as we have always done to re- j present them to me within the twelve view the past and take courage for ; ,months from thi3 date, or this no the future. ,) tice will be plead in bar of their re- Your committee has tried to stu- j covery. Dec. 20th, 1909. dy the conditions of the people of j our own County. We find that there . has been a marked progress along all j Unes during the. past year. There) are 377 colored polls in the coun- ty. We owned in 1906, 17572 acres of land valued at $115,000. Today, just! (three years later we own 21,829 a- ' cres valued at $206,225, a gain of 4, 257 acres, an increase in the value of our Real Estate property of $90, bove has been commenced in the 215. The value of our real estate j Superior Court of Granville County, and personal property for 1909 was i the object of which is to secure a di $37,207 more than it was for 1908. We vorce from bonds of matrimony, ex own but 1-14 of the land of the coun- i isting between plaintiff and defen ty and 1-11 of the real and personal j dant; and the said defendant wilt property. These figures suggest to j further take notice that she is re us, that we are moving in the right j quired to appear at the next direction. We therefore offer the fol-j term of the Superior Court of said lowing resolutions: ' ! County ,to be held at the Court House First That we thank our Heaven-i Oxford on the fourthMonday be ly Father for the material progress re the First Monday in March, 1910 that has come to us, and look to him ! for guidance in all the affairs of life Second. That we believe1 in edu - ,otinn fhorofnr. i0H,a oi,rsou Jveis to do all that we can in every j way to support the public schools, ; and other institutions of learning. ! Third. That we condemn all forms; ...,. . i or lawlessness, ana pieage ourseives to use our influence to bring all criminals to justice. Fourth. That we urge the purity of the home and condemn all forms of immorality. Fifth. That we favor an appropri ate, and general celebration of our. emancipation, some time during the year 1913, by the holding cf a fair at some , appropriate place in the Sou th, that will show our progress dur ing the half century that we will have been, emancipated. Sixth That we 'believe, that for our progress to be' ever lasting and effective it must be moral and .intel- ! lectuaL as, well as financial and therefore pledge ourselves to work a long these .linos. s... f G. C. Shaw, Chair W. A. Patilioo. H. A. Pool. Committee. Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the use of Foley's Said sale will be made for parti Honey and Tar .which stops the cough j tion among his heirs at law. wic fho inn mill Mnels the coldi - This- the 4th dayo f Jan- froom your system. Druggists. Sold by All CENTS LINE. Six. Words to the Liner Cash With Order Small . advertisements will be pub lished in this column and charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line. Un less you are a regular advertiser witbr an account, send cash with your advertisement. If you want to buy anything, sell anything; ask for any information, advertise a business date, need la bor, want a situation, or in any way to draw the attention of the public, a small notice at an inconsiderable cost will probably bring about the result you have been wanting these many days . Try This Column For Wants. . FOR SALE. One cow fresh in milk also a pair of mules. W. R. Walters, Hester.N.C. Bjullock & Crenshaw keep every thing for the horse to wear. LUMBER WANTED: 1 Two million feet Ash and Poplar. For prices and specifications apply to HARRIS GLENN BODY CO., Oxford, N. C WANTED: Every man and woman who owns a horse, or expects to own. one, - to come in and get prices on Harness, Wagons, and Buggies, befor buying: . FOR RENT rSix room, two house apply- Box 261. story; ! FOR SALE AT great sacrifice 20 j gallons New Orleans molasses; una ! set computing scales at 1-2 cost. it pd. ' W. L. Pea;e. Bullock &. Crenshaw invites you to ! make their store on Main Street j your headquarters when in town. j We Want to Saw Wood, We nave fcougllt t wood sawhis j outfit of E N Bragg. We will make , rr trin hrh th .trv and ' want to have our trips arrang ed. All farmers who want their wood sawed will please let us know. W. K. WOOD. Dec 10-4t. .Oxford, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. ' Letters of administration upon the estate of T. N. Howell being this day, issued to me by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Granville County, no tice isvhereby given to all persons B. L. Bragg, Admr. of T. N. 'Howell, deceased. NOTICE. North Carolina: Granville County. ; Theodore Gooch, plaintiff. ; vs. Meta Gooch, defendant. Defendant aabove named will taka i notice that an action entilted as a- and answer or demur to complaint ; m saia aaiou- ur lu "W1UUU ! apply to the court for the relief de- ' manded in said complaint. i This 22nd day of December, 1909. i ii a i t5: 1 1 J. G. Shotwell, C. S. a COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of he au- : thoritv confered UDon me by a cer- ; - I tarn, decree of the Superior Court of Granville County rendeed by the Clerk of said Court on 31st day of December, 1909, in a certain spec ial proceeding, pending in said court wherein D. W. Peace and wife, Maj. J. Peace and wife and others were petitioners, I will sell for cash by Public Auction at th. Courthouse door in Oxford on MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1910, the same being the first day of the February term el : Court at 12m . the tract of land described and de fined In said, petition, situate in OaV Hill township,1 Granville County, ad, joining -the . lands of R. . A. Lloyd on i South, West and North, Ed Buchanan on Northeast, D. T. Wood and oth ers on East, for further descriptior see Deed Book page 372. Said tract of land contains 146 acres more or less and is known as the Doctor Peace place, the same being the land uon which he nveu ana auea. uary 1910. AA. -Hicks, Commissioner.

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