o 8 OXFORD FUBLIC LEDGEF, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1910. AIMS OF FARMERS' UNION. 'Itis First of All an Educational Or ganization" Does not BeSieve in Radical Changes. visible Pffo-is of tko Farmers Union I ganizaticn in which -we can meet m,nifn, themselves slowly, it ! as friends and worx rcr pie common ui & aj-iAAii A-vj ' should be remembered that this 13, good of the country without regard to partizan politics. V. T Cheatham. JC O SBi first of all. an educational organiza tion and it proceeds upon the idea that education must come before co operation, if the co-operation in con- ! President Helps Orphans, ducted uixn the safe and conserva-j Hundreds of orphans have ' been five basis that will guarantee sue- ; helped by the President of the In- cess. i dustrial and Orphan s Home at Ma- "From Carolina Union Farmer. Individuality asserts itseff mere in the farmers than in any other ciasd rvnip Therp. seems to be me- iteri in actual contact with the i Radical or revolutionary changes are con Ga., who writes: "We have used jioil tlvt stiffens the backbone ana seldom beneficial, ihe .development. Electric Bitters in this Institution pots an independent leering "pon that lifts the human race to a high- j for nilie years. It has proved a the fellow who tills the soil. Then j er civilization and is most benefi- , most eXCellent medicine for stomach too the scattered condition of farm- j cent in effect always comes slaw I Liver and Kidney troubles. We re els' makes it more difficult to set : y. During its existence the Farm- , gard it as one of the best family them together in a cooperative or-; ?rs Union has carried forward its I medicines on earth." It invigorates ionization than people who live dosa? , work just as rapidly as is safe to : an vitai; organs, purifies the blood, to each other in towns and cities. ; carry it. To carry tne co-opraetive j aids digestion, creates appetite. To Notwithstanding these hindrances. I work faster than the educational j strengthen and . build up pale thin, the Americans farmers, who have so ; work would be to get upon clangor- j Wak children or rundown people it long stood alone, thought, planned j cms ground. ! has no equal. Best for fefmale com- ftud struggled alon ehave at last bo- j plaints. Only f,Cc. at J. G. Hall's. Sun to see the necessity of standing THE FARMERS' UNION. ! tolhSr on .TfcV arr?miriSmtS Mr. Virginius T. Cheatham Writes A j When Rubbers Become NcceSSSSy. submit to the quasi-military discip-, c,v ie A,-m -n.. i And your shoes pinch, shake into line that is at the basis of all or- ' your shoes AEen's Fc ganization work. . j Throughout the enure cwmue uai on of Being, arttd Other Things, I have been asked by some of my iiand industrial world we are confront ; friends to give the object of the farm S with lass organizations and al-: ers union. I wiU first take the ed most very line of human endeavor j ucational part. We propose to meet itas its far as wroni ration that nrevents, as iPnHiv romnetition. This give cacti other the benefit of cur ex perience along agricultural lines and Foot-Ease, the Li OTi IJIO pVfT cures painful, swollen, smarting, swea ting feet, and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Just the thing for patent leather shoes. Many pec pie cannot wear heavy stockings comfortably without shaking Allen's Foot-Ease into the shoes. Sold every- rvrminpntiv an ase of science, o impress upon every one the im- i on at st tosto a,i tnd. -scientific prouueuon anu sueu- i' '"-"'"a .i tific di&tributicu is moanying uie iuu y. Don't accept any substitute. effects of the old natural law cf sup- I of building up or.r wornout scUs.more : pir -rd demand in such manner as to schools and better schools, in fact " almost eliminate comoetition. ! everything that pertains to the wel- (A Q Thn form in t-eir isolated con- fare of the old county in genera.!. f WOOCl S ELr&T&y JlilO -the the cooperative part and this is the i j ling part that every body kno,W3 some- j " " -- . i -r i i i . . i . . . -i i Virion and with their naturally m- I e-ryooay raovra wnat tae eaucat-:on- j ie pendent disposition, have been the j at part means and I can almost har last people on earth to seize upon ; every good man in the county say a- I r;eiriii to adopt the new way- cipr.Hfir- wav Thev are learnJ oot to 1-t their individuality assert j thing about except the rarmer. U j itHi- tco- strongly if it means a i has always seemed strange- to lao j scattering of the strength that will that every class cf people can organ- j Siring material prosperity if applied aze and cooperate to their muia-al f In a coIIeciive,co-operative way. advantage and apparently to the The Farmers Educational and Co- satisfaction of every body, but just. ' operative Union in America is now let the farmer start to organize and recosnrlzed as the strongest organ- i every body will; jump on him from azed force that exists new or ear ' the crossroad politician down. You ! lias existed among the American j are going to ruin the country and j farmers. And yet the organization j the party. Some cf these days we j as in its infancy, and many of its ; are going to trail up our political j iPians have not passed beyond tilth- f trust busters and find out where j fnrmat-vo n -ir-.i hevnnrl the .-.xPe-ri- I they have buried the eld monster. I i oriental stage. a F1 "ho possible ben"- ; will tell you what though, what I i lts that niav be derived from this expect to find, and I am pretty sure j sit Po-nnerative oraranizatiou are al most of you "will agree with me. You C3- ' " i. - - , nve being planted in increasing" quantities each year by the largest and most successful market-growers. This variety makes uniform ly lartre sisod potatoes, of excellent shipping, market rind table quali ties, and is proving- to be one cf; th.3 most profitable and reliable of eariy-cropping potatoes. We are headquarters for the" best j -.Landis Eeston. Landis & East on S5 SfOIE. I Busies si Store Nortlisr-R-grov "OlSCOSS anot unlimited and in, beneficent ei J'ect they will be far-reaching. The carrying out of this splfcndid t-uti-ationai and co-operative organiza tion means a gradual, transformation In rural life conditions, such as has never been seen in any age of the world's histor5 The Farmers" Union was not built up by useless appeals to class preju dice and it has not come to antago nize other organizations. It is here io meet a condition that can not bo successfully met except by class or ganization, combination and co-operation. To attempt to change gen real conditions would be felly. To ex jpect a return, cf former comp?titive c-cndLtious in which the law of supply and demand regulated things in the rnatural way, is but idle speculation. fRhe sensible and practical way is l-o meet the conditions in a business scientific manner, just as they exist, Without was tip g any effort cr ener gy in trying to change conditions tf&at are the out growth cr' orr in Mstrial development. If it may appear to some that the i know we had a terribly wind stor.-n down at Raleigh last .January and Fe 1 ruary and I expect the tracks are j all covered up where they burled i the old fell(Dw so we can't find him ' that way. It may be they didn't bury him so deep but what the Vul- i !; tures majr find his old carcass and we may locate him that way. The one thing tat bothers me most is the old rusty trust, busting gun. She has been laying up so long 1 am a fraid when we brirg her into play this fall she will taiV to fire. No. gentlemen, this is not a political organization. We still liove our re spective old parties and .will be found .battling for them gun cr no Wood's 30th AnnusS Seed Book gives fuil descriptions und iolbi-maticn, with the highest tes timonials from successful growers as to the superiority of Wood's lieed Potatoes. Wro fcr pncs arrl Wood's Reed Book, which wiii be mailed irec on leouest. i ii Si a flichmc: id, Va. q3) ! jl Tiiis store as usual leads all the rest in their showing of the newest la test and best things in White Goods in all the wantable kinds, Flaxon, Lykiinen, Kilkinney, Donegal and the celebrated Killarney Linen at 15c per yard. No where else will you find such an assortment of Linens and at such a wide range of prices an all pure linen 36 inch wide at 25c per yard and upwards 2 1-2 yard wide linen at 75c per yard. m INSUR Colored Wasls Dess Gnosis. Every new and popular style in Grash Repps., Lima G!oth46inch wide at 25c the most stylish and best thing on the market at 25c per yard. A large and varied assortment of the new styles in ginghams at 10 and 12 1-2 per yard. EmisrMderies. Monday we will place on sale at 10 and 12Xc the greatest value ever shown in Oxford for the money in embroideries worth frern 12J-2 to 25c per yard and your choice at this sale for 10 and ,12VoC, nothing like them ever seen I here before. Torchon and Val Lace . With the embroideries we will place on sale the greatest values ever sold by us in Torchion and val lace at 5c per yard. We bought these goods iast Au gust for this sale and had we to buy now they would sell for much more. Ladies Low Cist Shoes. We have just received our full line of low cut shoes for ladies in the celebrat ed Zeigler Bros, made in Patent Leath er, dull ooze calf in pumps, 1 strap 2 strap and three strap sandais.The pret tiest and nobbiest line we have ever shown already have sold quite a num ber of th-em. Gome to see us and look at our showing of everything new for the Spring and he convinced tiiat we are still headquarters. :un. us to a ii ft ;i !U: ! ae 'j ax il business men. o i; u you niiu i am s going t zation of business r; pose of dealing with And I am free to t mere hepefui of restiis along thi-j line than I am along political lines. iou can just put Tins m your pipe and smoke it. Farmers' Un ion is hereto stay and if you donYc want to get run over keep off the track.'' I am so glad we have an or- that protects your life not in come only. Govau's Preparation ia the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lungs and throat by destroying inflammation and congestion. External tind penetrating. All Druggists. $1.6o, 50c., 25c In sure today. "EEFORT OF Ti EDITION of: T 4 si GRAN ' ILL At , in the State of North Carolina,, at the close of business, Jan. 3l9 190 Resources. loans and Discounts ...... Overdrafts, secured . ...... TJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation . . Premiums on U. S. Bonds . . . . .Bonds, securities, etc .Barking house furniture and fixtures . Due from National Banks (not reserve ageuts) 02,247.(37 3ue ircm approved reserve agents 35,502 61 Checks and other cash items :J0,793.13 2i"otes of other National B'ks 5 300.00 fractional paper currency, nickels and cents j 11.05 $243,378.94 1 820.89 15,000.00 tilo.75 5,071.90 2,ti32 60 Jjawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 3,900.00 I9gal tender notes . . Due from IT. S. Treasurer 5,000.00 151.7ft Total $416,529,27 .if ies. Capiial stock paid in . Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes ptid National Bank notes outstanding . . . Due to other National Banks . . . . Due to State Banks and Bankers . . . Individual deposits subject to check. . . Time ('crtificates of Deposits Cashier's checks outstanding $60,000.00 37,460.77 15,000.00 S, 89 6. 26 244.17 243,920.31 57,522.72 486.04 Total $416,529.27 State of North Carolina, County cf Gvanvlile, ss: I, W. T. Yancey, Cashier of the ahovj named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement -is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. V. T. YAKCY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd day of Feb. 1910. J. ROBT. WOOD, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: B. B. ROYSTEiJ, J. G. hi A LL, E. T. WHITE. H. G. COOPER, J. El. BULLOCK. Directors. in M S S & C 2 I 111! lH im "HT ifrh jr m& i jjjj 1v- ii i ii i ib i ii in r ii i rw i- mnrm -mmiiwiw iwm iwiTnmiiiinr mill r n i n 1111 m iinn mm ii imm ti --oi-TT"f;-ir;T-- t-m m m n n mi n nnii 'i " i i mi i mi mnwiiiiiiii n mt n him m iiwihiiiim whim in n i i mi niim wiimim i urn tmtmm ltMmmmammmammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm if! , Cr W 8 VV JW" (, j SS'jsaj- K THE MODERN .""PITTSBURGH PERFECT" m R6P0RT OF THE CONDITION OF SAYINGS BANK At Oxford, N. C, at close of business M07. 6th, 1909. (From report of North Garolina Corporation Commission.) NCB, WELDED BY ELBCTRICIl Resources. Xoans and Discounts . . . JSonds of Securities Odice Furniture ...... Casn and Due From Banks . . Total $139,663.01 1,000 00 380.62 . 52,225.42 8193,269.05 Liabilities. Capital Stock . Undivided Profits Deposits . . . $16,300.00 11,125.97 165,843.08 Total $193,269.05 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GRAN VI LI E- I. Vv. T. ancey, Secretary and TreasujeT.of tho above named bank Ctoent is true to the best ci my knowledge and belief. do solemnly swear that the above Bta'e- Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 2nd day of Feb Yiio! YAyUEY' Secrear and Treasurer. rORPi?r-r " x '.L ROBERT WOOD, Notary Public CORRECT Attests: B. S. ROYSTHR, J. G. HALL What a Marvel it would have ' been to Ahtaham Iriicclii, splitter of Mr. Farmer: Your procn-stsivGness is keeping you in close touch vIlh improvements in farm machinery, in ciry methods, and vith all t.h-8 scientific facts that bring about the greatest pessibis agricultural production. , Ycu arc also ihferming' youreelf about fence. Vie Know you ore. : "hird somsbody found a way to weave wire and slats. :curfch- aicnor came barb wire, with its marvelous sale. 1 i"-lLl? prs( thsre was the stone fenci cf medieval history. Second oioneer America converted its timber into rails e rP. i Fifth machine-s were invented to twist or clamp one wire around another: the woven wire fence. ggu2 zztOZt imp&TfSS?! Cf electricity now wriJdr. ihe wires at 6he join, m&kfng tsa Enor nscesssry there vrcps The greatest step forward in fence buHding- i ".a single, master stroke. . , O? '-c-'se. ou are n ,v - v.,.,r.-.2i witH th's retnancabie urorevemsr pittsburgu. Perfect. !i'ad3 vIssrcl-Iskc, become one. thus accompli aryt"::" ce. Surely you arrt fr.;: to oe lovr.. Oi lit 'The above wire represontB the best wire force that yon ran use and Famuel Dxvfs will m"ke VOU a, price equal to any WHUiraaie iiwusc. auu ueuvci ilc uuua 1 igjii iiuiii stock, same day order is received. Ilofe. v.ire and Held fence is my specialty as well a 5 4 ind 5 foot Pittsburg poultry fer.oe. rVant vour business, and ray ternis are cash with order or on receipt of good?, ko odvise me NOW while the price is low your needs. Respectfully, SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. 1. WHITE, J. H, BULLOCK, H. G. COOPER. ' Directors.