OXFORD PUBLIC LUDGEE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. y OAK HILL TIMES. Hammer Loses the Last of His dogs Farmers Busy and Tobacco Lock ing veli Should Raise Wore Pro visions. Mr. Editor: I hope the wad dog .season is a booX over wLtii us in our section, but I jmd .unoLkor dog that was taken fcKi; about a mon-Ui ago.I put hion up in au tli lien 'Iwwiee to see what lie would do and !Ue lived 4 or 5 days. S .ov test do i dead. Ms all requited frcfei the oao tlK?Jt came in Jan uary, bit my piga. tea or fiftea other ihvs! tlLr-ce and two fite stoats f, r j, r,ri)e. voVored. Tlie&'e PS Lad to be killed and the mad dog da.r. f.qid o-jr section more than a hun dred dollars worth. Mad dogs arc dangerous thiass and can do a real deal o:' damstge in a little time. Now. I think It would be a good inhi ior the w'jo e state- of North CarH-ra when r.e legislature men's tc put in a bill to lay L&avier tax en do:;s to make all persons keep their logs ou the'r . pr-e-inisos. I can convince the popl that I am right a bout it. Letme say that about tvo yax ago a' man nauwd Newton and hhi. brtuher liv.-d near Nelson, Va. Vv'hile they were in their plant bed drawring tobacco-plants a mad dog ran in and bit ace o the Nektons in the C&ceani mouth. He was bitten badly in niiiny pieces and died a horr: Me dath. Iio begged thorn to tie 2um. Now, just rimetnber what hap pened to tlia,t poor little boy iai Dur ham a short whrit back, how he suf fered so nracih in the same' way. Not culy that, just thank of the people shal have gone to hospitals in the last 8 or 10 years, f can count some t-Jgiat or ten cases myself. Now, the i.juesticia us., who do we vaiue the iaoat iK'o-ple or dogs? The uraw are ritfLt busy at this Tiuie. using the, good open weather seeding oats and pdcwCng their land. They are getting ready for the next crops, thouigika gocd many haven't ac cmpiitsihfcd laueh farjm work yet, but vhg time bias come when we must get u move ou us. A good many la'inors r-ay that their tobacco Is coming on eryrt'cely. We think this is the ;-eax to piant a big crop of corn and then i-oie everytJx-jig that we can in the shape of provisions. Ail this sluf is high and going higher and nvSll ke p on so until the people get to making more stuff than they have heen for the past ten years. We notice fchat one of our neigh bors wi leave us this tail. Mr. II. Vv'ilkerson wiJ5 sell bis 119 acres of K-xd land and seek other pastures. He has a lot of vaiuahla property that will be for sale. HAMMER. TFilP OVER IN WAKE. Mr. R. P. Hunt is a Boss Corn Rais- : er and Gets Ten or Fifteen Let- i ters a Day. F have just returned from a very : pleasant, visit to Wake County vo see i my brother. R. 1. Hunt, and sistt-r, ; Mrs. John Sauorwhite. 1 found all ! well and busy preparing for another crop. lirotiier was receiving rrom ten to fifteen "corn" letters a day, j and he had aH the weak he could da j answering letters, and shelling- com j and shipping seed corn. If you don't believe he knows how to cultivate, ! and make good corn just go down there next summer and see his coin sad let huu tell you how he raised his seed corn, lie also raises a quan uty of clover, oeas etc. He is oio to bacco man. And how I "did enjoy eat- I ing good svveet-potatoes. Jclm Satter white has recently moved down from Granville down there. I walked ov-e-i Shis plantation; he has one of the best farms I know anywhere. Twenty years ago that part of i Wake was called "Piney Wood"; nothing but a thiek body of woods fcr mils. Now it is thiekly settled with energetic farmers, who believe i. education. They have -gone to work and built up good school; have a beautiful school building witii. one hundred scholars and two teachers. The school is growing so fast they j another teacher before the fall term, j I went out to their Sunday school j last Sunday. Nearly the whole neigh j borhood, youug and old go to Sunday school; those children can sing too. I also went to ft marriage in the neighborhood. Miss Pearl Daniel, tlu j beautiful daughter of Mr. Joe Ewniel, was married to Mr. Enoch Me Iamb, a prosperous farmer of Sampson Co., There was a large number of rela tives and friends to witness such an important event-Dr. Cullom of Wake Forest performed the cereomny, and the bridal party left immediately after for the home of the groom In Sampson. D. V. HUNT. FOR SALE: Two Sample Durham ; We have just received one hun Bu?gtes at COST Styl'sh, Durable, drod dozen shirts the best 60 cent rTnVYH-M 'shirt made. They are going at 39c P. F. LYON. at Crenshaw. Mothers did you ever use Mother's Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool- : Joy for Croup and Pneumonia? ford's Sanitory Lotion. Never fails. : "Never fails to cure erouo and pnou-1 Sold by J. G. Hall. Druggist. j monia. For sale by J. G. Hall." 1 1 essz: p ill s 1 13 1.1 sciilie to tlie Le Are you interested in the Agriculture, Education, Road buiiding, PoJitics, Industria! Growth, Society. General Nevus, cf jour town, County or Section? THen take the Ledger. It proposes to give more local news in the future than ii has ever done. Send in a dollar and get it. Do it to-day. Mail check to Pinnix & Pinnix, Publishers Oxford, N. C. Saved A Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to .J A. Stone, of Kemp Tex., than facing it from what doctors said wtas consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold" he writes, that developed a cough, that tuek to me in spdte of ail remedies for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds. For Coughs Colds, La Grippe, Asthma.Hemorrhage, Croup Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, and lung trouble it is supreme. 50c $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. G. Hall. o Yon Know licit 'Now is the time to buy Gar- ; den Seed and HALL'S is the place ! to buy them. We keep the best. j J. G. HALL. ! STEM H. S. COMMENCEMENT. Your Servants Burn to Meat If liTf1 EFU 5jI EMPNS ? You Did You Would Want an Preparations for Closing of School Term Going Forward Interesting Time Antlc:pa"red The Program. The 3rd term of Stem High school v jil close on the 5th and 6th of A j .-Ll, naking one of the most success term the school has seeu.The ex-ercis-e v,:il be o-pemd hy the sermon of Re. R. C. Beaman, of Durham, on Tuesday Uie aith., at eleven o'clock Air. Jioamaa is one of the moit (able nieii of the Methodist conference. In the afternoon the intra-sciety de bate will come off, in which the fol Jcwing competitors for the medal, Let A. Daniel. Eheu O'Brien, J. G. Curria and Wiley S. Couart, Jr. Much Lniter t is manifested i-n this debate, and yt-u may a!o watch this tcLcol on an Eastern Carolina debate. TJie night follow in .g tlids debate be a part of the commencement. rine next day, Wei?n.&sday, Prof. J. B. Carly le, of Wahe Forest College, NvaE driver the I tevary addresi tegin ing at 11: GO o'clock. Prof. Oarlyle is u cie,f-.) man a-:.d oae wt0 is gifted In oratory r The night following tile address tHl be a piay given by the High Bchcoi department. "The Beacon." ThrS comrneiicement promes. to ) e very good ail ; e public is ask ni tn attend. The marshals wifflu try and t?ive everybody comfortable saats and very bet accorAmodations that toe place can afford. - Corrsepondent. SEED POTATOES for sale ton Yams and Jewel Yains. J. MERRILL PEACE. Nor- EllecMc FMl HircLDimo They save you money and are superior in ail respects. Think about this when the weather gets hot. Full inioi matlon supplied on request hy 0XF01D WATER & ELECTRIC 0 Stubborn as Mules nre liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appetite in digestion, NervoTisness. Despondencv cb.e. But such titubies fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wc,rld. rjst Stomach and Liver remedy cm asy. 25 cents at -i. G. Hall's. J I NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thai the in terest of W. J. Jong ,a the Oxford Jewelry Company has this day been conveyed to V. D. Stinison, and that said W. J. Long will no longer be lia fcle in any way for the debts or con tracts of said Oxford Jewelry Com pany. This March 19th, 1910. W. D. STIMSON. READY for SERVICE: Thorough kred Holstein Bull. C. A. Raglan d. 6t. m in ii ! j? jLb lln 1 The Publishers of the Ledger find that by adopting the GasIi-in-Advance System the price of subscription can be kept at u dollar. If you are not a subscriber, send in a dollar and get a good paper. Im provements are being made and you can not afford to be without it. The Publishers are determined to double the Circulation and get the Ledger widely distributed in adjoining counties. It is the paper for the people. Send in a dollar and get it for the next 52 times. It is now upon the C ash-in-Ad vance Sys tem; so please don't get angry if when you fail to re-subscribe,you do not get your regular copy. Everybody is treated alike T O D I - B 1 1m IEe EsL m m, Recommends -i f&. M i f For Weak, IUm-Dwn People, j I was run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also , R?fferer! from vertiro. I saw a end lS i j. i a j. e . anu ins rcuiLS were rnosi gratuyinir. ta After taking two b6tt!3 I regained my strength, and am now feeling unusually weH.' HENRY CUNNINGHAM, M Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. Vinol coiTtai nst he tAvo ' most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-budding elements 0Codu'Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtainable. We return yemr money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. HAMILTON DRUG CO., Oxford. f iinWrkrii i i Mtm'iamrT' 1 - t -munm.ni i miii Wssaea Do Uielr Gau Sewing If yoo have ever used a Singer you know what it is to get your needlework done without bother or trouble, without noise or annoyance, and without a bit of tiring. 9 Ask any user of a Singer. There are more Singers in operation today than all other makes combined. i? Their users constitute the Singer's best advertisement, A Singer does perfect work. $i The running end working qualities of each Singer are thoroughly tested before it leaves the Singer factory and that is why it will stand the hardest kind of use, and even abuse, throughout an ordi nary lifetime. I You'll find the Singer nameplate, the em blem of the Singer reputation and the Sing er guarantee, on every genuine Singer, Sold only by Singer Sewingf Machine Company Main Street With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag TRADE MARK :yster gy NORFOLK, VA l. ' . 'REGISTERED a SI CO. . O t I i i J 0 "W . i, - f frf urn