OXFORD PUBLIC EDGER, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1810. ' r Plow to be civen by Baird & IT HAPPENED IN ARKANSAW. How the Old Man Put Aside His Bible to Perform an Unpleasant Task. Chicago News. Opie Reed told this one not long jvso: "Old Lem .Hawkins of Possum Trot had come into rii-? country judge's office. The judg aid- " 'Why hello Lem.' " 'Howdy.Jedge?' " "Anything going on nvor at Pos tum Trot?' " 'Nuthin' wuth divldi i.' " 'That so?' " 'Yed: nothin' wuth dividin. Then after a pause: 'Me an' them HightOA hs aint gittin'a along good for a fcpell.' P. Mo MONTGOMERY & CO. Sanitary Plumbers, Steam Fitters and Electricians. WORK New Stock Arriving Daily. Special Attention Given Repair Work. :-: :-: PRICES REASONABLE. I Office and Shop 0 SdDnninidl IBamlktogj MeffllndDdls M&te ar-Sfflflce" IBsninlko THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Oxford, N. C, is well known for its GJf It is also well known as the originator in Granville County of paying 4 per cent interest on Deposits. d The First National Bank now pays nearly $14,000. 00 per annum in way of interest to depositors. Our policy is to live and let live. 4J The Up-Building of this Bank is due to the fact that we always made the interest of our customers our interest. We have adheard to a policy which has been conservative, yet progressive. We stand for the ad vancement of Granville County. Any account placed with this bank is highly appreciated, whether it be $1 or $1,000. Be sure to call in to see us. All business is done in accordance with the laws of the United States Government, djf When you have any banking to do you are cordial ly invited to call at The First National Bank. Cour teous treatment and a glad hand awaits you. TTIHUE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Chamblee in Boys' Corn Contest. "No?" " 'Nah, not righfTgbod.' After an other long expectorationpunotuated pause the old man leisurely contin ued: 'T'other night about chiicken roostin' time I was a-settin' in th' house a-readin' uv my Bible when I heahs some shooting outside. Th' ol' woman was out thah a-feedin' th' chickens. I ain't paid no 'tention thah' shootin'. Purty soon the ol' woman comes in, lookin' kind o' pale and nahvous. 'What's the matter, ol' woman?' I says. " 'A lot o' them Hightowehs is out thah a-shootin' at me,' she says. " 'Now, I don't lie that. Jedge, shootin' 'round about my house an they orto be a-goin' to roost.an' may be killin' a calf critteh somethin'. GUARANTEED. 46V2 College Sf. I ovah in th' conn eh an' picks up my Winchester an' I locks out th' win ; den. Than stands five of them High- tow-ehs outside my ence with theh guns. I jes' drajxs a few bullets amongst em an' goes back t' my readin'. " 'Next mornin' I goes out an' iookss whah them five HigMowehs had been a-standin'f and they was gone but foV " Ten thousand yards best calicoes Orders placed before the big advance all 5 cents a yard at Crenshaw's. PRUDENCE says buy a bottle of GowanV Preparation and be prepared for croup, colds, pneumonia, coughs and sore throat. Gowan's pre vents and cures by destroying inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. $1.00, 60c, 25c. All druggists. Are Youp Eyes Good? In the future. I shall meet those desiring to consult me at the rooms ot Dr. Henderson's dental office, instead of the Exchange Hotel as for merly. My next visit will be Tues day, April 26th. Consultation free. Dr. S. Rapport. EteWitt's Kidneys and Bladder Pills are the well known remedy of today for all kidney trouble but when you ask for De Witt's Kidney and Blad der Pills insist on having them. Be ware of imitations; avoid substi tutes; get the original ESe Witt's Kid ney una -Bidder Pills. Sold by All Druggists. " . m Seaboard Schedule. Trains leave Oxford as follows: No. 428 at 7:45 a. m No. 438 at 11:30 a. n No. 440 at 2:40 p. m. No. 442 at 5:15 p. jm. Trains arriving Oxford: No. 429 at 9:40 a. m. No. 439 at 12:20 p. m No. 441 at 3:20 p. m No. 443 at 7:15 p. m. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. j Undr and by virtuee of two dseds- i in trust executed bv T. W. Stovall ' and wife to WilliaAn L. Taylor, Trus tee, one on the 10th day o Novem ber, 1908 and registered in the office of the Register of Deetle of Granville County in Book 70, no page 372, the ether executed on the 18th day of November, 1908, and registered in the said office of said Register of Deeds in Book 70 page 39G, default having been made in the payment of the deb secured by said Deeds-in-Trust at the request of the holders of said two bonds secured by said Iseds-in-Trust, I will sell for cash by i'blic Auction on MONDAY 16TH, of May, 1910. at 12 m. the houses and lots describ ed in said Deeds-in-Trust, to wit: " FIRST: Bounded on the North by the Rook read of E. N. Dickerson, in the town of Stovall, on the South side by the Oak Hill road or street, on the West by strips of land belong ing to Miss Nannie Gregory and boun dfcd on the East side by the T. W. Stovall lane attached to his home Place, it being the house and lot known as the T. A. Hester place and the lots adjoining the same on the West. Said property will be sold in six lots about 75 by 240 ft SECOND: That hwise and lot ad joining the T. W. Stovall homeplac and lying the North thereof, late ly occupied by H. M. Stovall, bound ed on the East by the Public road leading from Bullock to Oxford on the South by the lane running from said Public Road toT . W. Stovall's stable lot, on the West by lot next to stable and on the North by the E N Dickerson macadam road Said sale will be made to satisfy the debts secured therehv April Sth, 1910. WILLIAM L. TAYLOR, Trustee. -a e of Lsnd For Nonpayment of Tov Taxes. Under authoritv of an rwrdiim.npn of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Oxford. I will on .lONIMY. MAY 2NA 1810, at 12 o'clock, m., it being the f irst Monday in May, 1910, sell at public auction at the Court house door in Oxford, for the nonpayment of town taxes for the year 1909, the following described lots or parcels of land in sa'd town of Oxford: Mrs. C. H. Landis Willi a'msboro St. $22.70 Willis Moss Hillsboro St. V.77 L?e Ragland, near Foundry Branch $5.37 Mrs. Ellen Bryan, on High St. $4.36 I his April 1, 1910. J. P. ROYSTER. Apr. S 4t. Tax Collector, Treasurer. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Granville County to me directed in the Special Proceed ing entitled James M. Hobgood and others vs Mary Ella Dean and others, I win sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the Court House door in Oxford on MONDAY. APRIL 4TH, 1910, that tract or parcel of land in Wal nut Grove Township known as the Joseph Di. Hobgood homestead, being lot no 2 in the division of the Jo seph D. Hobgood land by the survey cC B. E. Green,containing one hundrei and forty acres more or less. Terms of sale, one third cash, bal ance in 12 months with interest from day of sale. Title reserved until pur chase money is paid in full. March 10th 1910. A. W. Graham. Comms'r. NOTICE. North Carolina: : Granville County. In the Superior Court. S H. Tingen Admr. of Ellender- D. Tinge n, vs. Benjamin Duncan and Joanna Duncan his wife.EUie Humphries and Louis Humphries her husband, John C. Tingen, Emma Franklin and Die Franklin her husband, Ada Long and Joe Long her husband, Gra ham Arrington, Hattie Humphries and Ben Humphries her husband, husband, Jack Arrington and Came ron Arrington. The defendants above named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Granville County by S. H. Tingen, Admr. as aforesaid for the purpose of obtaining an order for the sale of the land of the said Ellender D. Tingen, and particular ly the Jim Roe Evans tract for assets with which to pay the debts of the f aid Ellender D.. Tingen and the said defendant will further take no Tice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in Oxford in the said county on Wednesday the 11th day of May, 1910 and answer or de mur to the petition filed in said court or the petitioner win apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 1st day of April, laio. J. G. SHOTWELL. C.S.C. SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of sale contained in a certain deed-in-trust, executed to me on January 20, 1909, by T. XV. Stov all and wife Buna V. Stovall, and duly recorded in deed in trust book 70, page 540, of the office of the Reg ister of Eteeds of Granville County, I shall, on MONDAY, MAY 16TH, 1910, fcell to the highest bidder, by pub lic auction, for cash, at the court house door, in Oxford ,the following described int. or narcel of ianu: Situate in the town of Stovall, i. Vy., ami WUllUfU UU U"S" wj the puiblic road leading to Elillock, N. C; on the North Dy Macadam road of E. N. Dickerson; on the west by a strip of land owned by the es tate of Dr. F. R. Gregory; and cn the South by the Oak Hill public road, containing about 4 or 5 acres, and upon which are located the dwelling cf T. W. Stovall, the dwelling occu pied by H. M. Stovall and the dwell ing occupied by H. M. Stovall and the dwelling occupied by T. A. Hes ter. Time of sale:" Between 12m. and 1:30 p. m. This April 8, 1910. F. W. HANCOCK, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of th.3 es ate xf Parthenia Eakes, de ceased, before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Granville County, I hereby give notice to all persons in J indebted to said estate to come for ward and make immediate payment cf the same. Persons holding claims against said estate Willi please pre sent them to me for payment on or before the 1st day of March, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This tbje 10th day of March, 1910. AMOS L. EAKES, Admr, of Parthenia Eakes. A. A. HICKS, Atty. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a Deed-in-Trast exe cuted by Green Montague and wife, Sallie Montague to me on the 18th day of January, 1908 which is regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granvillie County, in Book 70, page 64, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby, I will sell for cash Dy Public Auction at Court house door in Oxford on MONDAY. APRIL 11TH, 1910 at 12 m. one half of the tract of land described and conveyed in s?id Deed-of-Trust to wit: The southern half of said tract of land beginning on the street running from the Goshen road to the front of Green Montague's hou se, Parham's comer about 105 ft. to a point 8 feet from Montague's house, thence in a North erly direction parallel with Parham's line 210 ft. to Parhain & Early Mea dows' line, thence along their line formerly Worthington's line to Peggy Cooper and Robert Parham's line, 101 ft., thence along Parham's line 210 ft. to tho beginning. This the 9tb day of March 1910. A. TYLER, Trustee. A. A. Hicks. Attorney. Look, Listen, Learn the advantages you get at Hamilton Drug Co. The best and most complete line of Toilet Articles in Gran ville Gounty, comprising Hu dnut's and Colgate's prepara tions. Some special values in Talcum Powders. Base Ball supplies, balls, bats, mits, gloves, etc. Also Tennis bills and rackets. TRUSSES for the unfor tunate and sizes, shape or style. A full line of Eye Glasses, come in and SEE. Don't worry yourself with Spring Fever ibut take VINOL the Great Spring Tonic and Body Builder. Guaranteed. Our Fountain is now in ful1 flow and wide open with the Best Drinks of the Season. Saturday Ganciesanc Gream Sundaes, any Flavors, and very popular. For your wants in the Drug Line ca.ll on or send to Hamilton Drug Co. the best equipped drug store in Granville Go. Oxford, N. C. Leichter No. 4099 We offer the services of our horse Leichter to the public at the follow ing prices: $5.00 down, $20.00 when foaled, $10 a leap $17.50 a season. Insurance $25.00. He is a beautiful seal brown solid color, full made, weight about 1400 lbs. Has broad flat bones, finte style finish and ac tion. Both German and American ped igrees of this grand horse can be seen, at the farm of H. C. FLOYD. We will stand him at Creedmoor, atW. R. Garner's and at my farm, and one or two other points if desir ed. South Side Stock Co. HESTER, N.C. H. c. FLOYD, Manager. Make Your Mead Save Your Hands. GET A WAGNER MOTOR TO DO YOUR WORK. You Give a Wagner Moter a Kilo. watt Hour of Electricit Wagner Moter r Saw 300 Feet of Tlmbe Clean 5000 Knifes. Clean Seventy-five Pairs of Shoes. Clip 5 Horss. Iron Thirty Silk Shirts. Grind 120 Pounds of Coffee. Knead Eight Sacks of Flour. Pump an Ordinary Church Organ for one Service. Pump 100 Gallons Water Twenty five Feet Hihg. Run an Electric Piano Ten Hours. Lift Three And a Half Tons Seven ty Five Feet in Four Minutes Run a Small Ventilating Fan 20 Hours. Run a Sewing Machine 20 Hours. Carry You Three Miles in an Elec tric Bruugham. Make You Happy. A Child Can Handle Wagner Moters. We Have The Agency For This Mo tor. STARNES & McKINSEY. PHONE 282. Seaboard Air Line Schedule. No. 423 leaves Oxford at 7.45 a. m. connecting with Shoo Fly for Raleigh and No 221 for Durham. No. 42D arrives Oxford D:40 a. m.from Henderson. No. 438 leaves Oxford 11:30 a. m. con necting viih trains both North and South, arriving at Richmond 5:05 p. m., V.Ustington at 9:00 p. m., Bal timore 9:58P, hiladelphla, 11:61, New York 2:12 a. m. for the South arriv ing Raleigh 4:00 p. m., Hamlet 7:45 a Savannah 3:20 a. m. and Atlanta at 7:15 a. m. Train for Portsmouth arrives at Portsmouth at 5:40 p. m. connecting with Boats. No. 429 arrives at Ox ford at 12:20 p. m. from Durhaim. No. 441 leaves for Durham at 2:40 p. arriving at Durham at 4:25 p. m., and the Southern, Ry train for the West is due to leave Durham at 5: 08 p. m. No. 441 due at Oxloid :20 p. m., which brings passengers from the North and South. No. 412 leaves for Henderson at 5:15 p. m. connecting with Shoo Fly for Norlina. No. 442 arrives Oxford 7:15 p. m., ani brings passengers from Raleigh. NOTE. No Sunday trains. $3.$359&$4.SH0ES DOYS SHOES. 52.89 THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." "I have worn W. L. Douglas shoes for th past six years, and always find they are far superior to all other hivh grade shoes In style, comfort and durability." W. G. JONES. 119 Howard Ave.. Utica. N. Y. 'If I could take you into my large fac tories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, 'fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. CJA.JTIO V See tliat W. J.. Douirlns nam and prl i8 stamped on the bortom. 'I'sikc .' iilitit n(c. If your ilfsiler reusnot li; you wih . I,,.! Ionian shoe, write for Mail OrJf i 'atalov'. V. f ..lioulns, Lioektoii, I8g- FOR SAXE BY Perkinson & Green, Oxford, N. C. PROFESSIONAL STEM & BRUMMITT, Attorneys at Law. OXFORD. - - - - - IM. C Office In Hicks Bulllding Oppo site Court House. A ANNOUNCEMENT CARD Dr. L V. Henderson takes pleas are in announcing that he has re moved to the second floor of the Britt Building, opposite the Post Office, where he has equipped an np-to-date dental office, and where he will be pleased to receive pa tients. Both Office and Resident Phones AT fX rP'

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