OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, MAY 6,1910 OF BUSY THRONG PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND PEO PLE YOU PONT KNOW, The Faces of. Those Caught While Coming and Going by Our Man-About-Town. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heggie, of Siov were Oxford visitors last Monday. Mr. Bob Pittard, of Bullock, was in town Monday. Mr. J. L. Allen, of Creedmoor, was in Oxford on business lasit Monday. Mr. J. C. Cawthorn.of Wilton spent Monday in our city. Mr. T. W. Bullock, of Creedmoor "Was on our streets last Monday. Mr. Will Daniel, was in Oxford one day last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene in our Moss, cf city sb-cp- K.reiimccr were ling las Mtonday. Mr. A. D. Pitts was on our streets Monday. Miss Lizie Pearson has returned isit to friends in oudan, Va. Dr. G. A. Coggesfcall and Dr. Ed White went to Raleigh last Monday, on businses. Miss Janett Gregory is quite sick and her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Thorton Lanier has been quite .sick for several days. Mrs. R. L. Brown, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. John "Webb, Mrs. Hicks, and Mrs. B. K. Hays are in attendance upon tht Woman's Federation Club which is b ing held in Henderson this week. Mr. G. H. Faucette. of Bullock, was in our city a short while Mon day. Mr. William Wilkerson. of Bullock spent a short while in our city Mon day morning. Mr. J. B. Elliott, fo near Cornwall, .spent one day this week in Oxford. Mr. J. M. Watkins, of Oak Hill was an Oxford visitor this week. Mr. G. B. Royster, of near Oak Hil j was in attendance upon court this ! week. Mrs. J. H. Daniel, of Hargrove was ' in town shopping last Monday. ! i Dr. Thomas Royster, of Oak Hill ! attended court the first of week. Mj;. C. E. Lloyd, of Grissom was or j our streets Tuesdav. j I Dr. . JF. Sanderford, of Creedmoor was among our busy throng Monday. Mr. Sam Bullock of Creedmoor, was in town Tuseday. Mr. Mat Currin and Mr. Jim Mea t dows went over to Durham Last Fri K day on a business trip. Mr. .J K. Daniel, of Berea was in j Oxford Tuesday. Mr. Will Cheatham was on our streets last Tuesday. Mr. Horace Williams, of near Be rea spent Tuesday in town. Mr. Ralph Wesley Bruniniitt, visit ed Mr. Roger Gant last Tuesday. Mr. L. T. Wliliford was on our . crow ded streets Monday. Mr. . M. Cannon, of Durham was an Oxford visitor first of the week. Mr. W. X. Coley, representing the News & Observer is here at court working in interest of has paper. Mr. N. N. Cupp, of Wendell spent Monday in Oxford on business. Mr. Thornton Yancey went over to Durham last Saturday on a busi ness trip. Mr. Willie Thorp, of Berea, was in attendance upon court this week. Ben. Adcock, of Oak Hill, was in ou city first of the week. Mr. W. A. Jenkins, was one of Ox in Oxford. Mr. Frank Hester of Hester was in town Monday. Mr. G. C. Allen, of Creedmoor, spei Monday in our city. Miss Lucy Thorp of Oak Hill visit d relatives in Oxford the past week. Miss Anna Cole, was an Oxford visitor last Monday. Miss Ara Hunt was in town, first of hte week. Miss Bessie Floyd who has been spending several days visiting Mrs. Jim Floyd, has returned home. Dr. E. B. Meadows of Culbreth was on our streets Monday. Mr. Charlie Lewis, of Stovall, was in Oxford last Monday, spent Saturday and Sunday in Ox ford. Mr. A. J. Yancey of near Oak Hill was on our streets Monday. Mr. Rat Cannady, of Route 1, was in town on business Tuesday, were in Oxford Tuesday. Mr. Will Fleming and Mr. Ed Wooc spent some time in Oxford first of of the week. R Mr. B. M. Caldwell, of Gela, was n itown on business Tuesday. Mr. D. H. Currin, and T. G. Cur rin, of Route 6 were in town last Tuesday. Mr. L. L. Crews, of Tar River.was among Oxford's many visitors the first of the week. Mr. Ed. Parrot of near Bullock's church was among Oxford's many vis tors this week. Mr. G. W- Royster, was on our streets first of the week. Mr. C. R. Robards spent some time in our city last Tuesday. Mr. Graham Clayton and Mr. J. W. Chrsiholm, of Route 6, were Oxford visitors' this week. MOVING Mr. Sam Jones, of Culbreth attend ed court this week. Dr. P. Hardee, was in Oxford a short while last Tuesday evening. Mr Joe Morris, was in t.own on business Tuesday. Miss Effie Oakley, Moriah, spent ashort while in Oxford Monday and Tuesday. Mr. .J F. Aiken came over from Creedmoor to attend court Tues day. Mr. E. C. Allen of Providence was on our busy streets last Monday. Mr. J. P. Mangujai, was in Oxford one day this week.' Miss Bessie Mangum and Miss Bes sie Bu,llock,both of Stem.were among Oxford's many visitors Friday. Mrs. Oscar Yancey and Mrs. Len j Knott were in town Friday. j Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pruiitt, and Mr. J and Mrs. E. H. Pruitt returned from j an extended vasit to Wendell Fri day. Mr. Crawford Knott was on our streets last Friday. Mr. L. W. Burroughs, of Dabney wa: iu town on business last week. Mr.C . H. Cheatham came to town several dayss ago. Mr. Nelson Ferebee has returned from a visit to relatives in Tar to ro. Mr. Ed LandLs and Miss Helen La nib, cf Henderson spent Saturday and Sunday in Oxford. Mr. H. C. Floyd came to Oxford Mo rid ay. Mr. J. W. Wilson of Dexter wajs on our streets one day this week. Mr. . WJ. Davis.of Hargrove spent some time in town Monday. Messrs J. D. Wheeler and J. H. Wheeler of near Creedmoor were in Oxford sveeral days ago. Mr. J. W. Wheelous attended court first part of the week. Mr. B. G. Rogers was among our many visitors Monday. Mr. Wilkinss Stovall was on our srteets first of the week. Mr. Pete Slaughter of near Berea came to town last Monday. Mr H H Latta, was. among Oxford' crowded throng Monday. Mr. Ralph Currin, of Northside was in town Monday. Mr. Arch Daniel of Creedmoor at tneded court this week. Mr. Ben Currin was on our streets first part of the week. Mr. Joe Griffith and his brother spending a fifteen days' leave cf ab sence with thier parnets Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffith. Mrss. W. W. Devin who has been in Richmond at St. Luke Hospital has returned home almost well. Mr. Henry Robards, traveling sales man, is spending several days with his fajmily in Oxford. Mr. F. O. Bumpass.of Oak Hill was in town Monday. Mr. J. O. Veazy, of Dutchville was on our streets one day this week. Mr. W. S. Gooch, of Stem was an Oxford visitor last week. Miss Sudie Aiken, of Route 5 came to town one, day this week Miss Margie and Mattie Critcher were in town shopping Tuesday. Mrs. W. F. Crater is visiting rela tives on Route 3. Miss Beatrice Council after a pleas ant visit to her brohter's family re turned to her home near MorrisviUe. Miss Bertha Yates of Graham is spending the week with Mrs. H. J. Conned!. Mrs. Gary Burnett of Route 5, was in Oxford several days ago. Mrss. Hicks and daughter of near Dickerson were in town shopping this week. Mr. Ruben Overton came to Ox ford one day tbi week. Mr. Claud Crews ofRoute 2, attend ed court Monday. Mrss. W. F. Craven was an Oxford visitor Friday. Mrs. Oscar Moss spent some time in town last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Gooch, of Stem were among Oxford's many vis itors this week. Miss Gussie Moss, of Route 2, was in Oxford last Tueday. Mr. Jas. R. Cottrell was on our streets first part of the week. Mr. L. F. Currin attended court Monday. Mr. Crudiuip Currin spent." some tfime in our ciity Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Bradsher of Route 6,came in town last week. Mr. W. P. Knott was in attendance upon court this week. Msesrs Ben aand Thomas Veazy, of Durham twere in attendance upon court this wreek. Mr. Clifton Roberts of Knap of Reeds is in the city. Mrs. D. C. Frazier and Mrs. C. H. Burnett of Route 7, were in Oxford shopping las tweek. Messrs Milton Blalock and Joe Thomas, of Culbreth, were on oui srteets Tuesday. Among the many visitors in town Tuesday were Messrs . JW. Wright and James M. Hobgood, of (Cornwall Mr. Joe Crews, of Tar River spent a short while in town Tuesday. Mrs. Will Dftxon and daughter were Oxford visitors Tuesday. iMr. and Mrs. Louis Thorp, of Be rea were in our city on business first of the week. - , , , . .Miss Mary Willie Allen, of Provi Mrs. E. T. Allen on Broad Street, dence is spending the week with Mr. E. B. Cozar,t Route 1, Stem, is attending court thisi w,eek. Mr. James B. Bullock, an old Gran ville man, now of Durham was here this week. Mr. I. H. Harris went to Raleagh Tuesday on businses. Mr. W. G. Dean, came into Ox ford the other day. Mr. E. B. Parrott, of Brasfield, was in town several days ago. Mr. J. H. Daniel, was among Ox ford's many vsiitors Monday. Mr. G. L. Allen, of Brasfield was in town one day this week. Mr. W. H. Grissom, cf Brasfield attended court here several days thi week. Mr. J. F. Currin war. in cur city several days ago. Mr. J. R. Wilson, of Dexter was an Oxford visitor one day this week. Mr. S. II. Green of Dexter came ov er to attend court several days this week. ' Col. and Mrs. Hicks, and grand daughter Miss Ethel Bufalo left for Petersburg Pa., last Tuesday. Mrs. W. Z. Mitchell and Mrs. A. A. Hicks left for Henderson on a several days visit yesterday. Mr. Weed Amis, of Virgilijia recent ly spent several days in our ci,ty. Mr. Henry C. Floyd, came over froi Wilton to attend court. Mr. S. V. Montague, of Oak Hill came to Oxford last Monday on bus iness. Mr. Roy Badgett was in town last Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Hunt spent a short while in our cdty the first of week. Miss Virginia Puckett, the attrac tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puckett, is visiting old friends in Oxford. Mr. L. G. Puckett of Stovall was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Mize spent some tikne in our ciity last week. Mr. H. E. Crews, ofW atkins was in town on business Tuseday. Mrs. Blanche Ward, of eSattle is visiting relatives in Oxford. Mr. Irving H. Barnett, who has been away frcm Oxford for quite a while is on a visit to Oxford and him back. Lewis Williams of Wake Forest is visiting Mrs. L. Thomas. Mr. William Snuith, of Wilson was izi Oxford Thursday. Mr. R. W. Critcher was in town several days ago. Mr. R. A. Averett and daughter, of Hester, were Oxford visitors first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adcock. of Berea were in town on business Thursday. Mr. Jim Hart wsa in town last week. Mrs. C. G. Wright and little dau ghter, after a two weeks' visit to Mrs. W. A. Devin, have returned to Greensboro. ' Mr. J. C. Currin, attended court the first part of the week. Mr. E. J. Jenkins, of Brasfield came over to Oxford several days a ge. Mr. . B. Elliott,of Mountain Creek, was an Oxford visitor this week. Mr. W. H. M. Jenkins spent short whale in our city this week. Mr. C. F. Thomas was among Ox ford's many visitors last week. Mr. C. A. Whitfield, of Person coun ty spent some time in Oxford yes terday. Mr. Joe Cleiment of Route 1, was on our streets1 Thursday. Mr. R. T. Pittard, of Oak Hill was in Oxford last 'Monday. Mr. W. W. Adcock, from Oak Hill came to town the first of the week. Mr. R. W. Wilkerson of Oak Hill ,s.pent a short whjle in Oxford last Mondaay. Mr. A. P. Overton was on our bu sy streets first part of the week. Miss Nell Powell after an extend ed visit to Miss Hettie Lyon has returned to her home in Durham. The Ledger folks were greatly de lighted the other day in receiving a nice basket of fine straa wherries from Mr. R. Broughiton. They were the first home-grown berries we have seen this season. Mrs. Kate Clay was in town Thurs day. Mr. D. M. York, came into Oxford cne day this week. Mr. Bob Averett was on our streets several days ago. Miss Alice Gooch wias in Oxford last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Edwin Stark, of Ashbury Park, N. Y. is at home visiting his par ents Mr and Mrs. W. S. Starke. Mr. J. L. Erwin, after spending a short business trip in Oxford has re turned to hi home in Concord. Mr. S. T. Dickerson, was in town Saturday. Mr. Pender Cozart, of Creedmoor spent Saturday in Oxford. . Mr W. W. Hart, was in town sev eral days ago. Mr. B. I. Breedlove, was in town in attendance upon court Monday. Mr. T. L. Cannady came into Ox ford first part of the week. Mr. N. F. Hobgood, of Route 4, was an Oxford visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Adcock, of Tar River was in Oxford last week. Miss Helen Daniel, of Route 4. was j in Oxford shopping last Wednesday. Mr. Len Knott was on our streets cne day this week. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Parham spent a short while in Oxford Thursday. C. was an Oxford visitor last Thurs day. Mr Amos Harris, of Hargrove. -was no our streets one day last week. Mr. J.'C ''-Currin was on our streets last Thursday.- Mr. J. C. Puckett, of Stovall was in Oxford last week. Mr. J. R. Buchanan of Route 2, was in Oxford Monday. Mr. B. F. -Hester, spent Tuesday in town. Mr. day. JB. Eaniel was in town Tues- Mr. J. H . Stem, of Stem was an Ox ford visiitcr last Monday . Mss Lucy Thorpe and Henry Thorp of Oak Hill were on ur streets last Tuesday. Mr. J. Flemiing, of Hester was in Oxford Ttuesday. Mr. John Mangum Hargrove, spent town on business Tuesday. Mr. B. I. Breedlove, was in our city one day last week. Mr. oJhn Mangum Hargrove, spent last Tuesday in town. Mr. C. L. Franklinton, of Hester, was among our visitors last Tues day . Mr. M. P. Crews, was in town Tues day. Mr. R. Y. Crews of Route 6 was on our streets last Tuesday. Mr. Graham Daniel, of Hargrove spent Tuesday raorning in Oxford on business. Mr. Sam Daniel, of Hargrove was in Oxford Tuesday morning. Mr. J. W. Dean, was on our streets last Tuesday evening. Mr Yancey Oakley, of Stem, was in : town Tuesday m THE DOG LAW. What the Law is and What the Pun ishment for its Infraction is. C onjmunicated . As t lie re seems to be some misap prehension in regard to the dog law we wish to state that it will be frund in Chapter 694 of the laws of 1909. SECTION ONE makes it unlawful for any owner of or person having control of any dog raised and used in hunting birds or animals to permit the same to run. a tlarge between the first day of May and th efirst day of September. This does not apply to collies, shep herd, poodles, terriers and other dogs kept simply as pets and not uis ed fro hunting of any kind. SECTION TWO makes it a misde meanor, punishable with a fine not exceeding ten dollars, or imprison ;ment not to exceed five days. SECTION THREE makes it the dui of the sheriff, deputy sheriff, consta bles and justices of the peace to en force this law by having old dogs de scilbed in section rone impounded and, after keeinpg same for 5 days, unless' redeemed by the owner or per son having control of the day by paying the fine and costs imposed by the Justice of hte peace, he shall kail the dog. SECTION FOUR provides that any such sheriff, deputy sheriff, cons ble or justice of the peace, who af-tt-r his attention has been called to ? ny such dog runn .;g at large, shall fail ot ahve the said dog impounded and a warrant issued for the owner or person whose control said dog ma 3 be shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not exceeding twenty five dollars. So the provisions cf this law are of the local officers to enforce them. There has been general complaint very stringent and at is the duty that the partridges and other birds are very rapidly on the decrease. Anc many believe that more birds are destroyed during the breeding and raisiing time than by the hunters in the fall and winter. Thd is an ex periment in the right direction and we hope the people will give the law an honest trial. NOTICE. The Oxford Branch of the Retail Merchant's Association of North Car olina have joined the National Col lection Agency of Washington, D. C, for the purpose of collecting past due accounts which a lot of the mer chants have on their books. Merchants can't meet their obli gations unless customers meet theirs. It costs the merchants a lot of val uable time and expense to make out s tatements and send out by mail and take a man from the store from one to three days the firsit of each month with a lot of accounts to collect. Therefore we have taken this meth od to collect such accounts, as are past due and from such people who are so indifferent as to their obliga tions. So those owing accounts that are past due had better see that their names' are not sent in to this Collec tion Agency as all names are report ed to the Association for the Mer chants' benefit. OXFORD BRANCH of Merchants' Association. M 9 m POTATO BUGS? Hall's "Bug-killer" kills them all, at Hall's Drug Store. 3t. WANTED A position as Book keeper. Book preferred double or sin gie entry; position preferred in Ox ford. Satisfaction guaranteed. LUTHER H.. DAVIS, It pd. Oxford, N. C. m m Tomato Plants, 10 cents a Doz., "Henderson's Ponderosa," "Acme' and "Earliena." A. S. HALL. It. SHORT POINTED LOCALS. BRIEF LOCAL HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK. Items to Keep the Readers Inform ed of What is Going on Around Town and County. The Court Docket is very well crowded at this tern of court. Mr. Pete Wood has gone to Monroe to see his mother who is very sack. There were great numbers of peo ple in town this week in attendance upon court. Mrs. Horsfield who has been quite sick we are glad to learn is a great ing by Rev. Horsfield. Services will be held at St. Paul's, Goshen Sunday at 3:30 o'clock.Preact by Rev. . Horsfield. Quite a number cf ladies have gone to Henderson to attend the federa tion of Women's Club. Turfing hi?s been put around, the monument, which adds greatly to the beauty of the structure. The Seaboard will run its platform out about fifty feet and is going to put down some more track. The contractor is pushing forward the work on the large roomy dwell ing of Rev. F. M. Shamburger on Front Street. The ladies of the Baptist -Church wil serve on the old Easton plaace lawn, ice cream, cake and strawber ries. Everybody come. The Trustees of the Graded School are now quite busy making prepara tions for the commencement of the erection of a fine brick Graded School building. The Southern Railway is having water works and sewerage put in at the passenger depot. This was very much needed and it will be appre ciated. Dr. Sails, who recently purchased the old Jordon place near town is ma knig quite a number of improvements to dwelling,and will probably spend part of the summer out there. The series of meetings at the Meth odist Church closed last Thursday Light and Rev. Mr. Humble returned to his home in Hamlet pleasantly re membered by cur people. Mr. Wyatt Cannady and Mr. Irvin Mangum, who atended the large horse sale in Richmond last Thurs day purchased several very fine ani mals and are being very much admir ed. ' Captain E. R. Outlaw, of Company C, 11th N. C. Regiment is the guest, of his son Mr. W. H. Hunt. He is on his way home from Mobile, Alabama, where he attended the Confederate reunion. Mr. W. D. Bradsher, who at one time worked in Hamilton's Drug storr went to Franklinton Monday to ac cept a position in one of the drug stores there. We hope he widl meet with success. A porch party wall be given at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Landis Fri day evening May 6th, from 3 to 10 o' clock p. m. by the children of St. Stephen's undSay School. Ice cream, strawberries and cake will be served. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifton Robards are glad to know that they have moved back to Ox ford.They are boarding at Mrs. D. J. Gooch 's. Mr. Robards has been ap pointed agent of the Southern Raid way to fill vacancy caused by Mr. S. H. Brown's death. The Memorial xeercises, in Court house May 10th, when a very attrac tive program will be given and the "Crosses of Honor" prsented to 19 vfterans. Will be free to hte public and all are invited and it is hoped al wfcll ibing a contibution to help cop plete the monument fund. Mr. James Freeman an industrious farmer of Brasfield Township, died 01 illness with pneumonia. He was a Friday night, April 29th, after a short bout 45 years of age, and was much esteemed by his neighbors and many friends. He leaves a devoted wife and several dear children to mourn his death. Watch For The Comet. The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring coughs and colds. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the house. It is the best and safest prevention and cure of croup where the need is ur gent and immediate relief a vital necessity. Contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes Sold by all druggists. .! I' FOR DYSPEPSIA. Vou Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy. We want every one troubled with hidigestion and dyspepsia to come tn our store and obtain a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. They con tain Bismuth-Subnitrate and pep sin prepared by a process which de velops their greatest jower to over come digestive disturbance. Rexali Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the irritable, weak stomcah, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, pro mote nutrition and bring about a feeling of comfort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you ar. no: satisfied with the result. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in O ford only at our store, The Rexall Store. J. G. Hall's. peg Six Words to the Line. Cash With Order Small advertisements will be pub' lished in this column and charged fof at the rate of 5 cents per line. Un less you are a regular advertiser with an account, send cash with your advertisement. If you want to buy anything, sell anything, ask for any information advertise a business date, need la bor, want a situation, or in any way to draw the attention of the public a small notice at an inconsiderable cost will probably bring about tho result you have been wanting these; many days . Try This Column For Wants. Bullock & Crenshaw keep every thing for the horse to wear. Black Draught Stock Lyon's Drug Store Medicine at See BROWN the Grocery man for PURE FOOD Groceries. WANTED At Woodlawn, for Sum, mer and Spring A few Select Board ers. Fine Mineral Water. For ternn address Box 77, Route 7, Oxford, N. C. NOTICE. J Save money by having your buggy; repaired at C ALUS' REPAIR SHOP. Oxford, N. C. WANTED: Every man and woman who owns a horse, or expects to own one, to come in and get prices on Harness, Wagons, and Buggies, before buying. Bullock & Crenshaw. One case Staple Ginghams bought before the jump 5 cents a yard at Crenshaw's. You want the BEST We handle nj other at BROWN'S GROCERY. Sweet POTATO PLANTS: Cataw ba Prolific, for clay land; Norton Ya Nancy Hall. 1000 for $1.50, 4,000 to $5.00. Tomato plants, 500 for $1.25. 1,000 for $2.00. Catalogue. WAKEFIELD FARMS, Charlole, N. C. Now is the time to buy Gar den Seed and HALL'S is the plaoa( to buy them. We keep the best. j J. G. HALL. ! EVERYBODY knows the way to Brinkley's Photograph Gallery. If you don't, you ought. Fall in Une. Have you tried the Bread? What; Bread? WHY BROWN'S. J Stop kicking about high prices and I give your hogs Hal's Hog Powder aq solve the high price of living prob lean. At HALL'S Drug Store. EGGS FOR HATCHING. S. C, Brown. Leghorns, Silver Spangled W( dottes. Eggs $1.00 for 15. 100 for $5. 8t. R. Broughton, Oxford, N. C. We handle the best makes in shoe known to the trade. There are oth er good shoes but they cost youi more than Crenshaw's. Fifty dozen "Blue Ridge" Overall bought before the Jump they are sold sold for less at Crenshaw's. If you want something good to eat. Phone 115. PIGS for SALE: . -50 pigs, call om or address LOUIS DE LACROIX. pd If you neel wheels, shafts, bodies seats or anything for a buggy, seet CALLIS' REPAIR SHO'. Ten thousand yards best calicoes Orders placed before the big advance, all 5 cents a yard at Crenshaw's. FOR SALE One Second Hand J. I, Case Threshing Machine, run only, part of one season. Cost $5'i0. Will sell at a Bargain to a . quick purchas er. TAR VALLEY MF'G. CO. Nice Line f Talcumo Powder at LYON"S DRUG STORE. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of tCie author ity conferred upon me by a certainedi decree of the Superior Court of Gram ville County, rendered by J. G. She well, Clerk of said court, on the 2 5 tit1 day of April, 1910 in a certain special proceeding therein pending, where ii. R. S. Williams, Administrator oil Robert Williams, deceased,, was plain tiff, and H. S. Williams aand othera ere defendants, I will sell for cashi by Public Auction at the Courthousei MONDAY, MAY S0TH, 1910, j door in Oxford on z t the two tracts of land described and! defined in said petition and as known as the Robert Williams land, situate in Oak Hill Township, Granville coujt ty, the first tract contains 209 acres and adjoins the lands of tho Thorpe Goshen tract on the South, Henry & Cupp on West, Claud Thorn a& on North and Wes Adcock on Ea Second tract contains 81 aacres and joins the lands of Henry and Cupp on South and West, Bill Williamson cn East and Robert Lawss on North. Terms: 1-2 cash, balance in six months. This the 25th day of April, 1910. R, S. WILLIAMS. A. A. HICKS, Commissioner.

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