OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, JUL! 1,1910 7 PROFESSIONAL aHiaHBHHHmiait)ianMmBaaaMHiKMaBr STEM & BRUMMITT ASZcrneys at Lav. OXFORD. - - - - - ISJ. C Oifiee In Ilteiis EtiZellng Oppo site Court House. jf - iff I 1 ft f Pit Wl BLA m il If Hi i f s Hi 3 til m i si! e & h w a i v f i i g i -y k fc f. i& tit El 3 5 B ' lit j GOOD SZZE FOE GOOD GECOTD. Matthew 13:1-9; 13-23 Jure 13. "Whercfnre. pnitbt'j aicay ill nWtinrs y oicrjioicai'7 or tctaccancss receive tcitn mceicnee the tngrattcu word, ichicn is uim to sais your souls." James 1:21.-11. V. The Publishers of the Ledger find that by adopting' the O ash-in-Advance System the price of subscription can be kept at a dollar. ' If you are not a subscriber, send ;md get a good paper. I ru in a dollar provexnents are being made and you can not afford to be without it. The Publishers are determined to double the Circulation and get the "Ledger widely distributed in adjoining counties. It is the paper for the people, Send in a dollar and get it for the next 52 times. It is now upon the O ash-in-Advance Sys tem; so please don't get angry if when you fail to re-subscribe,you do not get your regular copy. Everybody is treated alike "EASING a boat as a pnlpit. our Lord taught a srreat loss .nenod usee, by ilia Almighty in the selection of the "little Leek"' whom he invites to be members with Christ Jesus in rl n. I mtnist ra tion of his Millennial Kingdom. The Kingdom message or iiivitatiou is the "seed" which is under consideration in thc above parable, which, under f'l rnt'oMn . . .-i : : . "l'viao,B -wsi-aiLio.is, germinates ami brings una the required fruitage character-development. Oar Lord was the great Sower of this good seed tne -Kingdom, and after him came the Apostles, his faithful people more or less in tills seed son Since then he lias used all n respecting tho or of of O 11 YflD TTF1TT0 (ill T O D Ao Y The fact that most of the "seed' the V JLW. SB &r. m W'-S SsS cZt f'A SSS 5S ,nKo r j - -r iiilSiPiiasiii N N A AN OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA; m HEN IT YOU KNOIWIfOlS JAMES J. HILL, the great railroad king, made money slinging a pick when a young man. He BANKED and SAVED his earnings. He became a contractor and muiti-millionaire. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consis tent with safety 4 per cent. TME NATIONAL BANK no proof that the message is not good and desirabl the real fault lies in the soil in the heart. If all sage or seed would bring forth much fruit evervw The parable states that not a!i of' the soil is pood message seems wasted is ?. This parable shows that no:ms were right the mes-iere. suitable: nevertheless. the intimation is that it is within the power of many to correct and offset the unfavorable conditions in themselves. We are not loft to conjecture, for this is one of the few parables which our Lord himself interpreted a fact which many seem not to have noticed. The "seed" is the message of the Kingdom. Many do not understand it. On such ears the message is lost, for the Adversary is on the alert to take it away, as symbolized by the birds devouring the exposed "seed by the way Bide." Such "wayside" hearers constitute the most numerous class iu every congregation of the nominal church. They are merely formalists. "Stony" ground represents another class of hearers of the Kingdom mes sage. To them it sounds good; they are interested, but they lack depth of character. They make professions and for a time flourish extraordinarily, but they lack the depth necessary to a character development suitable for the Lord's use in the work of the Kingdom. -and when the trials and testings come they stumble. They thought they might be carried to the Kingdom on "flowery beds of ease, while others fight to win the prize and sail through bloody seas." There is no easy road to the Kingdom. The Master declares to all who woiild be of the elect "Bride," "Through much tribulation shall ye enter the Kingdom." The ground which will produce thorns is rich, and very suitable for the production of proper Christian character, but it is infested with thorn seed, and the soil cannot successfully produce both wheat and thorns: hence, as the parable shows, the thorns choke out the wheat, so that a sufficient crop is not produced. These thorns are not. as some have suggested, sensual vices and criminal appetites. Hearts in which sensuality dominates have no ear what ever for the Kingdom message, and are not mentioned in the parable, which refers only to those who are no longer willing sinners, but who are walking outwardly in the way of righteousness. The Master's word is, "lie that re ceiveth the seed among thorns is he that heareth the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke tiie word and he becometh un fruitful." There are many coble people represented also by this portion of the parable. There are many who. if freed from the spirit of the world, from its ambitions and wealth and influence, its love of the goid things of this life, would be very fruitful in righteousness. When we lock about us and see the thrift and energy of many people of civilized lands, we say to ourselves, prop- Glad to Recommend i hem, backache left Lnd., say Kiuiioy Pills, mo. my kid e .-ecivt.jc-rLiJ loi.ger paiu- I a.m glad to reco:t mend for Kidney jf::s. in a yeuow ?old br Ail IV-a-gists. Mr. H. V"eakley. Kckom "After tak:g Fo the severe neys oecacue stvenu'er, t natural: mv bladder r.o ed me. us..? F pacicai V THE PRf i.ltb. I ANNOUNCEMENT CARbI gggj rrrrr-r- r Xtt is.- - Dr. L. V. Henderson lakf s pleas ure in amiotiRcing that he has re moved to the second floor of She BriU EuUding, eppeshe t'c Post Oiflce. where he has ceuipped an up-to-date denta! office, ti'd where he w Hi be pleased to receive j patients. Both Olficc and Resident Phones SeaSoard Air Line Schedule. Xo. 42S leaves Oxfcrd at T:C." a. m. connecting with Shoo Fly for Raleigh and No 221 for Durham. No. 429 arrives Oxford 9:40 a. m.frca Henderson. No. 43S leaves Oxford 11:4," a. rn. com necting with trains both North acrl South, arrmig nat Richmond, f:0T. p. m., "Washington at :):00 n. in. F;al timore 9:5SP, hiladelphia, 1.1:51, New York 3:E.'3 a. m. for the Soutii arriv ing Raleigh 4:00 p. m., Hamlet 7:45 s Savannah 3:20 a. m. and Atlanta at 7:15 a. m. Train for Portsmouth arrives at Portsmouth at 5: GO p. m. coan!ectiri.s with Boats. No. 429 aaxrive at Ox ford at 12:20 p. m. from Durham. No. 441 leaves for Durham at li:40 p. arriving at Durham at 4:2T p. .in., aaind tne boutnern iiy train icir erly. it these lives were reallv turned into the wav ot the Lord and were rid i Wpst is r1n tn ieave Dirham at : of these earthly encumbrances, what grand, noble characters they would make. However, their strength, their energy, is absorbed hy worldly affairs and cares, and they do not bring forth the fruitage demanded as the necessary qualification for the higher honors of n place with Christ in his Kingdom. The Master s message to such is. You cannot give your time and strength and influence to worldly matters and at the same time make your "calling and election sure" to a place with nie in my Kingdom. Whoever would be liry dis ciple, let him take up his cross and follow me. Where I am there shall my disciple be. "Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit." said our Master. Id this parable the yood ground varies in its productiveness thirty, sixty and an hundred loid. The larger the returns, the greater will be the Father's pleas ure and the Savior's g';"ry. Nor is the statement an extreme one, as some might suppose. The new "miracle wheat" some times produces more than two hundred grains from one. This parable seems to imply that the respon sibility for the fi-uitfulness of the heart and life and character depends very greatly upon the individual and how he receives the message of the Kingdom. Those in whom the fruits will be the most abundant will be such as grasp the invitation most intelligently and earnestly. "lie that heareth the word and tinder st andctfi it" and whose heart is in a condition ot loynty to God and who frees himself from hindrances and worldly ambitions and aspirations and, like the Apostle Paul, can say, "This one thing do," will surely gain the Kingdom. It is not sufficient that we hear t7?c messaae of the Kingdom: it is not suffi cient that we have good hearts or good intentions in respect to it: it is addi tionally necessary, as the Master says, that we shouid understand the Kingdom message; hence the need of Bible study. Intelligent people consider it very wise and proper that several years of study be devoted to preparation for the few years of earthly life. How much study, then, should be considered proper for our preparation for the eternal life and Kingdom blessings? The time and effort thus consumed in character development for the Kingdom are wisely spent, and the harvest of thirty, sixty or a hundred fold illustrates the degree and intensity of our earnestness. The rewards in the Kingdom will also be proportionate. "As star differeth from star in glory, so shall it be in the resur rection of the dead." Varying degrees of glory in the Kingdom will be mani fested, yet none will be acceptable to the Father who shall not have brought forth fruitage in good, measure. OS p. m. No. 441 due at Oxford at 3 :30 p. m. which brings passe-nigers from the North and South. No. 442 leaves' for Henderson "t 6:0.r p. m. connecting with Shoo Fy for Norlina. No. 442 arrives Oxford S:10 p ;i.,aiit brings passengers from Raleigh. NOTE. No Sunday trains. Marvelous Discoveries mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines, telegrams without wires, terrible war inventions to kill men. and that won der of all wonders Dr. King's New Discovery to save life when threat Conservation of Nature's Resources Applies as well to our physical state as to material things, C. J. Endlong, Washington, R. I. realized his condi tion, amd took warning before it was too late. He says: "I suffered se verely from kidney trouble, the dis- need bv coughs and colas, lagnuppe, as-: ease being nereaitary m our lanuiv. thma. croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages. I have taken four bottles of Foley's hav fever, and whooping cough or Remedy, and now consider myself as lung trouble. For All Bronchial AS- . thoroughly cured. This should be a fectioiiis it has not an equal. It re-: warning to all not to neglect taking lieves instantly. Its the surest cure. : Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is James M. Black, of Asheville N. C, , too late." Sold by all druggists. R.R. No. 4, writes it cured him of an ; m m obstinate cough after all other .reme- ! Smoke Royal Blue Cigars, made dies failed. 50c and $1.00. A .trial ! from 10 cent Cigar Clippings, bottle free. Guaranteed bv J. G. Hall, j Lyons Drug Store. legal Advertisement. NOTICE CF DECREASE OF CAPiT- AL STOCK. In compliance vith hectic thf in Ilevisal of-l!;0.". bv given that the paid-m stock of Keith ccul Con:icii (.. cf North side N. C. has- be'n sed from $8,000 to "..000. hy cate of amendnxciit f';el in in of the Secrtatrv of State cj 1 ; C4 of. caj.'itol Oli! 'i T! deer: 'A -cert if i- oi'tn'-o the State of North Carollia on tlie 7 dL.y of June A. I . 1810, wh'ch sasld or iginal Certificate cf amei.3iiieiit la now on file .in my office. In Testisnony Whcretf, I !ave hrj unto set my har.d and j-1' fixed my official seal. Doi-e in olf.'ee at Ral eigh, this 7 day of .iuir.e, A. . ltno, J. Bryan Grimes. . Secretary of Stato ADMINISTRATOR'S NCTiCE. Ilavimg qualified as Administra tor of the estate cf .John Hardy, de ceased, late of Granville County, N. C, this is to notify all prr.-cns hav ing claims agai-nst the est- tc of the said deceased to exhibit th :n to 'the undersigned on or before i'co 1 7th d-a. of June 1011, or this notice will bo p Headed in bar of their recovery. All pert-onst indebted to said estato will plMt&e make haniediat" iraym-nt. This 17th dy of Juno. U'1'-). G. C. Admiiii.tratiOt : 'Remember, that1 DAVIS pays freight." the : FOR GASOLINE call cn Hamilton ; Drug Company. Coupon For Subscription. Pinnix & Pinnix, Oxford, N. C, Enclosed find a dollar for which send me the Ledger for one year, i understand that unless I renew, you will stop my paper when the twelve months has expired. Name. Address. Route. Cut this out, enclose a dollar and send it in. B. S. of John Hardy, Royster, Attorney. Iced. SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to an Ord;r of sale niaIa by the Superior Court, of Granviffo Coumty in tne sreelal r-roceeding, en titled, "S. H. T'.ngMi Admr., of El lender Tingtn, vs. Btcijamm Duncan and others' we shall, ON MOXDVY AU:eST 1,1010, sell to the h'ghtest bid der, at public ausfion, for cash, at the Ccurt House dcor in Oxford, ai certain traict cf Ifind lyinig and being situate in walnut Orve Townshiip and mere particularly described .and bounded as follows: Ad joining the lam. (is cf C. N. Cri tcheir cn the North, Ben Cuirrin on the East, Nancy Dean cn the South, and Ben Cuirrin on th eWest, ocinttafari ing 33 and one half acres, mere or 2 and known as "Jim Roe Evans place, and being the same land deviised to the said Ellendger Tltgen under tha I will of said Jim Roe Evans. Tllme of Sale between the hours of 12 M. and 1 P.M. This June 28th. 13?.' A. A. Hicks. B. S. RoysteJr; Com ma sUynier ff. m m THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State fear tho Women of North Carolina. Four reg ular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should ap ply as early as possible. For catalogs and other information address JULIUS I. FOIST, PresidenJ, Greensboro, N. C