V If. OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY JULY 22, 1910 ! -1 I n iyi C . i C B 1c a" OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. P1NNIX & PINNIX. Editors and Owners. ONE YEAR -BIX MONTHS $1.00 .50 Entered through Oxford. N. C. Post Office as mail matter of the se cond class, in accordance with the Act of Congress March 3 1879. LET'S GO TO GREENSBORO. We must take a large delegation to (Greensboro to root for (Jen. Roys tor. Wo must go there with the same r let :'ri :ii'.:it.i on as we went there Jul:; nth., and stick to our guns ne or .(;; s'::i,g for a mom net. is the man for the plaee- i? in- -lihe only place. man Li! t:ae district icr uh1 JUDGE GRAHAM. We were exceedingly sorry Jiulae inn was (H'leait ti ai v mn lcrptM-aticn Commission.', r. place. ie-r i ! 1 coiw t-re. V. ( a nom.inat:ioii but the l.ee ot tO'UT-ihei- v.vd managed to ,1.) some trad'ng. .1 adge twaauam ; i, ,-.v i,...,i, -i ,Miit ('Wiimissicn ! U lli 14 mini. ;-v.i. . . . i i . r - , c;:-. ile woul.1 nave lo-oiveu .'iuo i-m-- dx-'avs :viul wrecks. He is a hard worker, and weld deserves the posi tion to wfiikh ho aspired. M 1 SOUTHERN HIGHWAY WORK. )From Alatiuacturer's Record. July j The wounded woman's courage has ' ' 14. i:H0.( I been remarkable, her coolness throu- Mids-mimer shows little, if any, re ! ghout the affair beVag commented up Ir' uio- "n the movement of highway on. She has been entirely conscious iii" country, town and city. The j and while friends were cutti'ng heir weeklv statement of bonds voted, or j clothes to expose the wound, she di to be voted contracts awarded, or to rected where io cut. and never see be awarded, published in, the Manu-; med to lose her had throughout the -r-i-Mnvx- Record contaiins many ito-, ordeal ms i iiii g of the activity in thifc fo'-m of municipal, county and State j itiiprov nui T. and. although local : newsiop' is may not be giving as I niTicli" pr-ce to the subject as in. the j earlier part ot til- year, there is iv. pvi.lt v 1 hat there is am v fallin ol"! in iurere-t anywhere. Four or five announceiments of the ' past Week are typical of the general j ppii lt in the South. The Commission-j -rs Court of Grayscn county. T?x.. j has called for proposals for the ecu-1 cri'Ct ( r Gt t- ill .lies OI m:Hau.iiii i rout in Road IV strict Xo 1 of the 1 cour.tv. The plans, specifications j and nici'i s are on file in th ,i otnee of -I. i . FV-Vd, engineer in charge. at Der.isor. opened or. and the bids are to be d on August. 10. Conimission- .; ers cf Orange county. Fla.. at Orlan- divided among -my children direct- me sireet ana tuea in a iew. m-.mues-do h ive cUled an election for Sept-! ing that thr-s he left to their sev- I The heat in Norfolk today caused t-iuber 14 tj decide as to the ifesiie eral wislies subject to the will of; much suffering. A messenger boy of bonds to the amount of $1,000,000 i the executrix Item Five days: "It; was overcome by the heat while e'i for the ecustructioii or brick high-; is my desi.re that my said wife shall i deavor tig to deliver a telegram and vvavs The Board of Supervisors of ' rake entire control cf my estate of i was sent to a hospital. The mercury Ha.rt:.scii. count, Miss., Y. A. Griffi Ii j every kind, and manage the same Gulfport chal-man. has agreed to the ; according to best jubgement,. etc, at $r0.0t.0 Lend issr,e for road '"Improve-1 the same time a desire was express meat in L"'St.rrct No. 2 of the county. ; ed in the will that his retail busi and it i-s expected that work wi'X le- j ness conducted in the same place gin eor.'y in the fall. The city i in th? same manner, etc. as under Council cf BirminghalF.i. Ala., is now f the circumstances. It was also sug dealing with the ordinances whic.h j gested that the stock in the White approve iIans tor fSoO.OOO of street paving, involving the use of bitu.li thic, asphalt, bituminous binder, macadam, granitoid, brick and Ken tucky rock asphalt, while the Board of Public works of Louisville. Ky.. Avi.ll open en July 20 proposals fcr Sll7.!"i0 of street improvement, in- eluding 502.. square yards of vitri- j estate." Further business direction fied block and 35.599 square yards "s followed by "my said wife is au of asphalt. at.horizes to make such advances to Good roads conventions. rallies and j my children, from time to time as pennantnt organization are neee?sr.ry I she may think best to them, care be !relinilT.avies to the wcrk of gilving j ing taken to make such advances the South an adequate system of j as near equal as mav be just cr highways one of the most effective right in her opinion.' I herebv noVn agencies for the upbuilding cf that j mate, constitute and appoint mv be section. There have been many of j loved wife. Rashel E. Brown, mv true xnem m tne past year, none ot them j without a definate practical purpose. ! ne actual worK now under way m all sections of the South demon strates that the gatherings have not been in vavn. NO ROOM FOR PESSIMISTS. Ninety mill' ion people in the Uni ted States are producing or consum ing; most of them are doins- both. ey moving to and tro v.pcn the j earui. ihey are traveling or work- j ing. Tcey cannot cease their act- j ayitLes. i ney cannot become nega- ; nve. i ney i'ie ot necessitv nos":t.ive . ju uiea eueeir, icr manutactured pro- dutcs. Even ore buyir.s: a :.: at the moiuei -t they . little less n?r c-ar.-'Vai -11 C'-i! 1.111FS. T.1PV Pffl O-t- : pre o-r- large extent. 'by j Politicians : an increase in numbers. oom-e r.n-1 go: financial scar co in with the ic customed regularity, but Th: countvy moves along, increasing j i: i i'U.;u:ai on. raismr rnnro r-o- -.i, ; i i :U!f tural products iir.T-ing out mo-re ! ii4.44Lui.tei' 4 to gocos and (torn: more i v.-ork. Kai.roads are wearing out : wL.t.i evry wh-el that turr.e?, and rnus.!. cor...:rue steady replacement. ! New railroads must be built to open 1 up ne.w territory avaiting develop- j f4 mem, ana new tac.iit.5-5 must be pro- j vided oy existing railroad? PnM.t- ical unceirtainity and harrassing leg islation may effect the ability" of railroads to secure money, and' these things do very greatly "lessen the amount cf capital that under more favorable conditions woulkl turn into ; railroad building, but despite these ! little care bears' out the theory well adverse factors, railroad expansion , Evidentlv he has brooded over his aimst continue, or railroads WP.i be ; faiJare & planned h".s campaign with bankrupted pnysically. .and that is as minute exactness and d'd net re toad as being bankrupted financially. : al,iize the awfulness It is stated Houses ar ewearang cut and new : that some possible difficulty that he houses must be built. The there-, might have been engaged ii in Rich ase of population means a constant ; mond could have been- the cause for expansion in buildiing operations. The ! desperation, but this is verv unlike growth of cities compels thebuildag ! ly as no hint of sueh was in h:K lpt- of water-woris and sewerage systems I the extenion of new streets and the j the better paving of existing streets The awakening sense of the country to the importance of good roads not us a luxury, but as a necessity, an investment yielding a larger profi't than any other investment which the country can make, means vast expansion all over the United States improvement of the internal com Tmistion engine, as typified in the automobile, means the utilization of these engines in every department of farm work and in thousands of places where heretofore manual labor Las been essential. TRAGIC SHOOTING AFFAIR continued from pagel doy has been of a wild disposition and his father a number of years ago had to pay him out of a v.ery unsa vory escapade, though he always, see med to be a young fellow of fairly good address. He came back from Richmond Sunday morning, and has been about town talking to acquaint ances. It was thought that his manners has been somewhat soften ed by rubbling up against the world, thouglh it is quite evident that lie has been1 dissipating a great deal. There was an air of sang fro'kl a sort of dare deviltry about him. for he seemed to have indulged in a nraii ber of theatrical expressions., Even in the very last mom mis of hiis life while he was actuallv on his way to . 1. ... . i ' . .. 4- t1l T(Vi pinvd h;n- u-d' .r ni- pu-atioi ! t .10, 1 io. u u..n i...u -iJ ... I'i . ti:irv:l I SP1 'l ? 'PS OT TUP UU'li'Si 1 man took place the following after noon at o'clock, qive a number of :ieo-e;!: b;:.ng In atterjdr.nco, and a iiuaibir of floral offerings being sent. The sermon being preached by , , - r. .M. Slianibergt r anu the m,- termont was made i:i El wood t eme tevy. Mrs. Ilrown has been under the care of Dir's T. 1. Booth, S. H. Can n,.uly, and P. K. Hays, who ciAaie ovei from' Buffalo Springs Monday n light. She remarked thr.t she did not i blame any of the ciiiidren. not even the one thet shot her. She even begged that poor Otis not be hurt. r.nd no one has told her of his death. The Brown Estr.te And Will. The late J. S. Brown left an estate reported as bt kvi worth from $40,000 to $70,000 though $60,000 is a fair appraisal. His will short and to the point contains the usual preamaable and five items. The first two re- n r nis ui.uai 444,11 un- i.i,"mt-.io i.-L lUUi.,5. A lie H4il u 4 . i; i.o i of give, devise, anu ueque-e.tn unio m In-loved wife. Racl el E. Frown all 1 my estate, real, personal, and mixed, i in iisph In- h pv (i:iri.n? her life i and alter her death ro oe equally Company of LVarham. and the J. F. White Company of Oxford be retain ed so long as profitable thought the executrix was directed to mike sale either public or privately cf any real estate or any of my stocks and bonds v. 'he never she may be opinion that such sale would be beneficial to my aand lawful executrix to execute this, my wLlll according to Sits true con- tents and meaning and direct that she be allowed to qualify and' inanagt my estate without giving- any bond." The will closed with directions 1-' follow in the case of death of a child who should leave issue, and is dated July 13, 1904. Unpleasantness Result The Will. Sincp tlio rlpiflth nf ATr Rrnwn there has been reports of domestic trouble over the estate. Mrs. Floyd and her older brother. John Brown. recently grocer on College St.. have rpe ived ps rli mdranpes nf S52 SfiO v.ril ; t his is said to have been the basis ! fcr ycuag Otis' demand. rr hciri no,-, irior k-.- t,,-,! TlTlt mat under the terms of thp will nothing could de dene and it seems to have ruhni rated -in tlia tra-rrlv - - . A XX V J-i t'liV-4,' -irs i-rown has been reported iving been 5 o-ojrl c; r 7, nth - A to have taken a great deal of trou- bvl to seek thp wel ro of her- ston- children. Rpr fi-i.o-i-HQ thint- dio hnl no option to do otherwise than she did in refusing to gixe Otis more money on the grounds that he would squander irt as fast as siren It is saxl that she had been -in constant fear fcr life fcr a whole summer she has !kept her windows clcsedi wij.1 uiauKeis. jjy many. the op Uicn that the suicide was "mentally unsoun has been expressed, and is ro doubt a plausible theory. His theatrical expressions and conduct which s?em-prl to treat the nremprlitntp nr-irTo w.-rth rt ters. while on the other hand he seemed to be anxious that small debts be paid. Mrs. Brown is in a very serious condition though t.-ere seems to be a permanent turn fcr the better, and hopes aire entertained for her recov ery. The shooting has been a ter rible sihock to the Oxford public, and lis universallv deplored. Hamilton Drug Co., July, 22nid We sell Gasoline, 20 cents per gal lon. Hamilton Drug Co., July, 22nd. ena siva SIA vM iuj 'JsqcuatueH,, pominit the tragic deed, was asked renonuiwiea iar tiie state tfnate ; " " " i.,.. 1- -M. liaxiey, ot miisocro, ho Jvi.i noon rc-mlieri ihar lie i ar.d now, without waiting for the IV ls " 1L taV-' ! hospital, where she had had'been '-doin- a inriu-s wrk." He 'result of the election, writes the ;l;t foth orenin- ! weeks URder ti,eatmnt of Dr wv. bplninsr to freeze cream at secretary cf state to reserve him a 11:C!;? .h1:61111-. ham fcr pellagra. STATE AND GENERAL NEWS T.it. a j today bv Governor Kitchen on the Oovirnor nf Knt,w for r0 Nicholson, wanted in Scotland count v for bigamy. He in under arrest in Kentucky, Winston Salem. Thp Tinstmnstcrc of North Carolina, or more than one hundred of them, will meet here in their annual meeting, September 23 and 24, and already it is assured that prominent oftacials of the Post- office Departmene at WaiJhin-ton will be iln attendance. T? n.1 o.?isr.Vi Tli o fives r-r,Tl;ci ! -v came to the secretary of state today for the reservatoin, cf a seat for the 1911 general assembly. It came from a a H.ii f nvfnni ,,. w, 1'; T 1 1 : ' 1 Mo 1G (Iftli1! . I'l III- i , 1' V I ill ,- to have. He feel 31 that GranvlTe has c i,5o- ,,,.ot; " "-ft -iiui win. iua :uh.l liiat ll.o IS till V W'11-t' ,ltcfl ill pni'llMlKr Charlotte. A ycung wcraan cf fine address, and giving her name Marie E. Barwick. after spending several weeks here, has departed and behind her are unpaid bills estimated at about five hundred dollars. The I- I1 1 1 1 , -- H-Alll 1 n t" , . M l-.'l l ' II I' I'I' - ficers in the reality building siatert mat sne was metrestcd m the insrrarce business. She is said to have ordered about three hundred dollars worth cf dress goods from one firm but upon investigation, the goods were withheld., She left next day. Tampa. Fla.. Sain Mclntosli a ne gro, was surrounded in a. swamp near Kathleen this aafternoon and shot to death when he resisted arrest at the hands cf a sheriff posse. Mci ntosh was being pursued for shooting six times at Ev Strickland, president of the Strickland Lumber company, fc tried tobcrrcw money from Stride land, and when he refused p ailed a revolver and commenced fireing .The negro was chasened to a nearby swa mp and trailed with bloodhounds. The negroes are considerable excited over the killing. Norfolk, Va.. Johni Sweeney a tel egraph operator, died in the street tomicht from aneurism of the heart superinduced by the heat. Sweeney was l't years old and was enroute to a drug store wiith a prescripticn ac- cuuipauicu u ms aT "fii ie ieu i went up to 91 and the humid.ity wjris almost un-dearable. Eni'd, Oklaho., The singing of a stipulation by which the waters Pierce Oil company is to pay a fine of $75,000. and be restrained from entering into any contract in res traint of trade, resulted in the dis missal today of the quo warranto suit brought by Attorney General. West aganist the company. The fine Is to be payable as follows: $23,000 in 60 days: $25,000 in six months, and $25.00 in nine months. It was agreed that the defendant company should mainta'in uniform prices upon, petro leum productsin Oklahoma. Chicago. 111., Two hundred and fif ty thousand dollas is the fee demand ed and may be paid to Attorney Clarence A. Knight for services rend ered in straightinig out the estate of Charles T. Yerkes, the Lite tract ion magnate. Master in Chancery Granville W. Browning, who was appointed as referee by Judge Cuttiai; of the Probate Court, yesterday de clared that the fee was just and not excrbitan. He not only gave it as his opinion that Knight was entitled to the full quarter million, but that ho well deserved it for honest and loyali work in recouping the dissipat ing properties following the street car man's death in 1905. Goildsboro, Early this morning wilii le a severe e-ectr'(c stcrm was sweeping over the city, lightning stru ck the' steeple of the Baptist church dama-ffinar sam.p wrv la.rilv -nrt Ipsv- ! ing it almost an entire wreck. The union passenger station wasi a mo damaged by the lightning and sever al people who were iti the station when the building was struck were . . 1 1 sigHiiitiv dazed. t or aocut an noun Richmond. Va.. Ely Runyon the 1 year-old Richmond boy, who has got ten into serious trouble with the police of th's city and Washflagton and w.ho was arrested in the last na med city Thursday last on, charge of house breaking and turned over to the officials of the Young republic,. 01 the outskirts of the District, was protablj' fatally injured on the 1th of July, when ini diving from a spring board ihe struck hiils head against a submerged rock and fractured one of bis spinal vertebrae. He w-as brought to a Richmond 'hospital where iie is under treatment and where it is stated that he will) pro bably not survive more than a week longer at most. Norfolk, Va., There is an expert safe cracker on board the "United Statse receiving snip Franklin, if ths statement of Lieut. Commander Chad wick of that ship is true. He declared that the safe in the Pay of fice was cracked on Thursday night and a large sum of nioney stolen. Lieutenant Chadwick says the amoun was not as much as $6,500 as first reported but he declined to sayl just how much, was taken. The question is," said Lieutenant Chadwick, "who is the safe cracker?" There are 1, 628 on this ship and there is no doubt one of the mefmbers is the guilty man. Up to this time, hotwi ever, we have absolutely no clue to work on and no arrest have beem made." as tne entire city was iiocaea witn . - , . . OA t.r-c . "wc" - - ... n, ; , 4- flJUllP ll) tl U ei 111P iiSL Ul it cliUS ni-Tir-T Hl-ohtC 1 c tn rrmo r.nTTP ! water, the streets locking like VL "fe " ' It ! . , young rivers. Farmers living near Were a fmbef ,f Qeustiocrs de el- Xew BernMiss Mary Sm::th who i the citv renort serious) danxase to i cPed af ? st who yould make the ; resids at Xo71 Metcalf street. 1,5,. " " i most deSM-abie supermtenaent, with ; snrrnmhed to an attack of nella2ra I the re'Uit that there was an inae- : ai Raleigh , The. state's prison author lues nave received tne otnciai re- i out a privilege tax to sell nearoeer port from the state farm in. Halifax ' and kindred illus'lcns of the prohibi- ! tempting to escape the convicts f3 ay while they were at- ' wre John Featherstone, of Rowan city, iGecrge Caldwell of Cald- erty as a squad of convicts were pas sing dense swamp. Both were mor tally wounded by the guards. Feath- ! e(rfn serving seven years for I kbery. He san hls sentence in j 196il ard escaped with:n a few I raottths. remaining at large until little r V lUKiltl11 ",u:fTn ?e i taken m. Jersey .Oaty. N. J. Caldwell was serving eight years tor assualt with intent to kill. 1 c Roky Mounct. Three applicants be fore he c!r' bo3rd 0i aHett 5or harbeer license were granted the PrSe of securing them at the ... i? .4-1. n ..i 1 i i ,le ald!:mfn the A!e 'T.f i the niHtter under consideration, du- ring wnrt'h time the c-fcy has been ''to the saloons and recorders' court has noted a very preceptable dropping off in the drunks cf the city In fact the recorder remarked when speaking on this subject that there had been only one drunk tried in the city court in the- past three "weeks Raleigh. The first application ceived a cnarter eoaay vnxn .j.uuu capital by M. Ashley Cuit'.s, C. N. Evans and others. There were also charters today for the Lane, is Mil ing company, Lan djs. Rowan county, $25,000 capital fcr flouring and general milling' purposes by Dr. B. O. Edwards and others, the T. H. Pr it chard, Transportation company, Swansboro. capital $50,000, by T. H. Pritchard, Frank Thompson and others, fcr building and opera ting steamboats and ether Vessels, for carrying freight and passengers; the Woodside Lumber company, Bel- haven, Beaufort county, eapitaltf23,00( -i 11' - . 1T -1 1 . 1 4. ny w . 15. .-UKn ana oaier; me jioui - gomery Drug company, Graham. Ala- mane? county, capital $10,000 by T. C. Montgcinery and others. Rale.ish. j- riendi are searching in ain for J. T. Jon.-s. a well know.i1 co tract fng tinnier and rcofer, who ma'n tains an extensive shep on Sals-bury ireet. He has net been seen since Friday morning, when he left his boarding horse, presumably to go to hi.s shep. He has been greatly troub - led for .c:me time, his wife having left him some months ago. He went to the union station Thursday night to ma!! a letter that he seemed to consider very important. Tbere seems to be no f inane:,-?, 1 trouble that couia nave senousiv aititurpea nim mere are rears tnat lie ns.s wana- ei'eu oil in a demented condition. has suff ( iffe.red great deal with his nd other wirle for the past year he effects of falling from the head anc irom ine eirects or tailing ironi tne roof of the new Agricultural building at the Agricultural and Mechanical i college while working on tlie rocf. h; is about 3S years old. Raleig'h, The farmers Institute parties, five in number, under ' the at spices of the state department of ag - j 4.1, ,ir,i! of T. B. Parker, of the state depart- ment. starts nut thris weV for t.rins into everr section ion of the state audience Peyton was remanaed to jail I well i-nto August. itn.out oau. continuing vntil The Seaboard Air Line party begins ------ its series or irvsTisrnrps at huts novo. July 12; the scutheirn party at Cedar Grove. July 15; the northern party at ; Oxford, July 14, the central! party i n.avt.hP-m .Tni,- n- or,., hQ woc.i at Carthage, July 20; and the west-j em party at Fletcher, July 20. At most of the institutes there are 1 to instituesi also for wives and da ugh ena cf farmers. A prise of $1 is to be awarded at each of these to the wife or daughter of a .farmer who brings the best loaf of bread baked on the farm. States5-ille ,J. A. Beach, and Sons, merchants at Morganton, have filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in the Federal court. The assets and the liabilities are about the same about $8,000 J. K. Morrisoni and Sons company, of Statesville, are creditors to the amount of $200. Raleigh. The board of trustees cf the North Carolina Soldiers' home is still halting as to the election of a superintendent of the home to sue - ceed the Itite Capt. R. H. Brooks, The select. kn was! to have been made a week ago, but vhen the trustees re'Uit that there was an finite postponement of the election. ; njornlug. Miss Smith was carried to ' Henry Rogers. K'.ira Cousins. Jam-s The trustees wish to select some ! the sanatorium Tuesdav morning and Cousins, .loo Pott: ford. Annie Wal conrpetent Confederate veteran one j at tnat time was suffering intensely, mu. rolly Han. S. B. Hart. George whose health and genral qualifies- Dut it was thought there was some Hart. Whined Hart. tions will be equal to the require- ments of the placea. M'onroe, La., Returning here today with phllip Ward, alleged horse thief. Sheriff Parker and his deputies re parted that they came upon Ward While he was standing by the half fillled grare of his wife near Quach- ita Citv. Ward drew a revolver, but the deputy knocked it out cf flS hand. He drewr another and it met the same fate. As he was drawing a third revolver, the posse decided it was' time to intrude still further upon the obsequies and thej' placed hi)m under arrest and handcuffed him Ward's wilfe died yesterday. He says that he had self-destruction in mind when the pesste drewr up and no thought of harming: them. There are at least half a dozen charges of hcrse stealing against him and he iis alfeged to hare fired on a negro farmer from ambush several days' ago. Pittsburg, Dr. Robert J. Black to day threatened to run on an inde pendent ticket in opposition to Con gressman John DazeM in the SCth dis trict. He also said he would de mand an audit of Dazell's expense ac count which he could, prove was irreg ular and the money spent durii'ng the primaries was greater than Dazell had sworn to. j Asheville The fifth place to takejFOR EVERYBODY i t.icn vnrtv fnr the real stuff, waa the Old American saloon oajest Col lege street. I. H. Revis today pa.d ! to the citv tax collector the $1,000 Th's makes $5,000 that Asheville has derived from the privilege on "soft drink places." Winston Salem, Education has re ceived a dec ided imp-etus in the town of King, near here, a modern school building to cost ?3,000 being hi im mediate prospect. Frof. J. T. Smith, county superintendent of sthcofe, se cured a few days 2go, a deed to four acre track upon which the King High School will be begun very soon. Durham, The item lias caused the publicity that it needs, but within the past few daysj announcement has been made cf a discharge of Mrs. it. from Watts been many . Joe; Cra- She goes away completely cured, the first cure reported here since the seovrge was observed to nave aeSti., wl j obse wed several cases and 11 deaths ! were re;-"5stered. Witmn the past ten, ! days aboi-t Durham four deaths i ii.-J.14 X'--1' fcii 4i 1 uiii.i.iivu, tiiat i line -wrs. aa xiy na . ceer., eurc'ii She came here in April with a .i . . i , . i . . . . . i- ;.4- ti.,ii.,.: . , . experimenting along his line, Dr. Jo? cod. He has not accepted, nor has he attacked the Indian ccrn theory, but has worked, his way aa:d with experiment along the line are beir.g i made. Lex'ngton. Ya., Information was re- ce"ved here today of the drowning yesterday, at Bryscn, N. C. of Char- les Firth Spencer, son of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Spencer, cf Lexington. He was manager and instructor in a summer camp sebcol conducted at Brysicn. The drowning occured Sat - urd-v morning while boating Mr. j Spencsr was about CO rears of ?.?9. ! j Rale'gh. Deputy Sheriff J. S ; Mi'iii-i jer is here from Greenville n jail at Lexington. Governor Kitch in an order henoring the requisition : of the Governor cf South Carolina foi j John Lowe, who i.s wanted in Green- vill e to answer the charge of assu - alt with intent to kill. Lowe is now in jaii at Lexirgtcn. Governor Kitch j in is in Scotland Neck at the bed- ! side cf his mother who :U desperate- ; ly Ml. and Private Secretary A. J. Fie ! Id has gone to the Democratic . state : convention at Charlotte. Col. A. H ' Arringtcn of the state treasure who j was private secretary to Governor ! Genn. provided tne necessary exe- ! entire order for Snerift Hunsmger. 4 11 -v- -? t . : . . . j . iouiiv -s stdic-mtji aren out; Governor Hughes" lias re - : ceived an mvitat'-on from Gol .Roos - ! erejt to spend Tuesday evening at j Oyster Bay as his guest and has I .v f &-ifc&L ana is ! accepted." It is, understood the Gov- ernor win spend tne mgnt at tea: am ore Hill. Wilson, The preliminary hearing! ' cf Ed Peyton for the murder of Will uew with a butcher fcnite at the 1 county stcckacle. two weeks ago, ; whila thp rnnvif ts; watp nt similar. hvas heard befcre 'Squire Barnes this : atternocn. Alter nearung the en- X'4,T- Vrvi-Ir T A 40 -. " n -ic. - - v "1-4 I vicmt3 lllere were four deatas aue "ea,lVou i -V 1- i nl C , V J Jaj. A alter Sade.l Seaisold as found dead m his bed in Brookhn. It ! "e, ?t?a V,0 1 "i! t i. i. -i -i pjisuiiiu-s t'dustu ea-ng ice utam corn. An autopsj ouceu -eat the cause w.n0,i0,. at!c iri,vQnPQ Jennilson and Miss Mary Pajaier, bott okc e v, yaa iQio Avria ey Coliiege, were drowned in lake ur.j -t,;i- 1,0,1, ing this afternoon. According to Mfss Elsie Jennison and Miss Con- stance Ruell, Miss Florence lost her life in a vain effort to save that of Ari Pnime-r miss aimer. Oyster Bay,-Theodore Roosevelt was hard at wcrk early today . He ; itors tcdav Dut a3 he st:.ll has thous-j ; an(d,s of letters to be answered as i ... lp 2S h.is pniTor;ai work to attend.; , he wps rct j,, vrant of AVork tcdo Tr ' j i(3 probable that there will be no; further important conference at Sag-1 : f.rnr.vo ,,nt?l n.evt Tuesdav whpn I Stewart's Sanatorium early this ! n.ops for .her recorrey but despite the ! fact that everything possible was ; -Idcne for her, she succumbed to the j dread disease. There are three other j eases in the city. ! j San Francilsco ,Tex Rickard has j given some inside facts about the ; deal bv which he secured the Jeffries ! Johnson fight two days befcre bids 1 were opened iin Jersey City. Tiie ! fighters were signed up with me two j days before the openiing of bids,' he ! saild yesterday. "When I went to New York I saw a joker in their ! contract, It stated that best indu- j cements would be accent ?;!. I knew j that meant thej' would do as they pie ased. I worked en Johnson and also j t on his wife. I ottered Johnson a bo-, uns of $10,000 and told his wife I ! would buy her a sealskin sack iif her , husdand woulsd sign. The champion , accepted, and in addition I had to : loan him 2,500 when the articles j were signed. i m Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomc, Ind.. say ! "After takig Foley Kidney Pills, ! the severe backache left me, my kid-; neys beca'ane stronger, the secretions i natural; my bladder no longer pain- ed me. I am glad to recommend for use Foley Kidney Pils." In a yellow package. Sold by All Druggists. CENTS LINE. Six Words to the Line. Cash With Order Small advertisements will be pub lished in this column and charged fof at the rate of 5 cents per line. Un ess you are a regular advertiser with an account, send cash with your advertisement. If you want to buy anything, sell anything, ask for any information, advertise a business date, need la bor, want a situation, or in any wa to draw the attention of the public, a small notice at an inconsiderable cost will probably bring about the result you have been wantina thes i '" aays . Try TMs Column For Wants. j " Who said Pno:ocrapiis? W,-r t weather is alright and BRIXKLEY 13 4 O Cl 1 4 L 11 1 . -NOi-UUitr IlinilO MX' IV n 1 r. ing. GET BUSY. i the I ERIGFT " WANTED. Wanted at once; Carriage painter, who can stripe and finish. Apply to Durham Veil. & Harness Co. Durham N. C. 3t. Julv-22 i Trme of Lod MeetIngs. j Oxford Lodge No. 103, I. O. O. F. I Tuesday night . i 9ranvi!le CamP 49 1st and 3rd '' Friday nights 1 Junior O, U. A. M. 2nd and 4th ! Friday night Masonic Lodge A. F. & A. M. 1st Monday night. V. O. W. No.17 Thursday night. "Is Lifs Worth 6avtr-.it" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss M:'ss' writes that she had a severe case of 1 kidney and bladder trouble, and that j four bottles of Foley's kidney. Itejtr.ed; ! cured her sound and well. She closes her letter by saying: "I heartily ' recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy i to any sufferer of Kidney diseas -, i It saved my life. Sold by all druggist. j T"" A Frightful Wreck, j Qf trainf automobiles, or bugsr mav cause cuts bruises, abrasionsrsprair. or wounds that demand Buclden's Ar- r.ira Salve L 1 Quick relief and Prompt cure results, : rrnr hn.ms hoiiR ' cn.v.P f -.n i.-mw7 1 c.cnlma, chapd hands and lips so:v, j 0Ves or cclTis its supren,0 Su-et j p;ilp or ' t T a Hnll' pil,e cure orc at J G j " SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to Order of Sale mae by Superior Court of GranviiLe Coua- j ty in the Special proceeding, entitled Abraham Reavis and others vs. H ry Taylor and John Taylor," we shall i on Mondaj , the 1st. day of Augu, i 1910, sell to the hightest bidder, by , Q(m Hmse door in q xf or d , the ! foliowing described lot of land, lyin.? "C1415 ill L"t; LJ4. : nvfn,i not ,i.c;- - ag follows: n th corner of New College or m g p c-,.,4. ,--,.,,., 4.1, uvuiaii-aua-ii uuccl civi jvniiii 1 1 ii lu ! lands of the setate of Mrs. Hundley Ptllfl,0 ,4-1,., no he dNVelling no,,Se formalv occupied by Woodson Raevis. deceased. six i tenement houses, one small store' bull i TS- bUll?,1'IS' m i said lot and houses being all the real estate of which the said Woodson iinra.no uacu cn.fu ' 111.1; ui LU u4 SJ lCrvt n rnf j d ot of ew College or Gill ,"..,, . , . , , I .P.0.11 mJde of the land aox exhibited on the day of sale, and said land wiH be gold ,rst in SeIer. &tf&lmh hose V and Tv'v T 5' B. S. Royster. W. A. Devi::. Kl,r NOTICE OF SUMMONS, North Carolina : Granv'lU rmnrr. i. Laneir, Aum r. or" Billy Petti: or !, Liseased. Vs. Roberta Pettifo'-d. w Peyton Kinten. Earne.-t i- ------- -, ,. i PettilLK-d. Collins IVtt'.tVrd. Maggie Ro--rs. The defendants above named will take notice tnat an ac'ton entitled as aot e nas been commenced in the i- perior court oi Granville Count v to sell the land belonging to the tate cf Billy Pettitord Deceased fcr the purpose of making assets to pay debts, and the aid defendants will further notice that ther are rennir- to appear before J." G. Shotwll clerk of sa'Jj court on the 2otli day or --vugust 1010 and demur the co:..- Plaint in said action or the plau- tiff will appljy to the court for th-3 relief therein demand. m J. G. Shotwell. C. S. C. This 15th day of July 1910 ' - Announc ement I wish to Announce tn thp. public that I am now pre pared to do High Grade Job Work, and I earnestly solicit a share ol your pat ronage. All work guaran teed and furnished at low est possible prices. S. A. JONES, Printer. OXFORD, IV. C.

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