V45) OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. i I if it? I i I i The Publishers of the Ledger find that by adopting the Cash-in-Advance System, the price of, subscription can be kept at a dollar. If yon are not a subscriber, send in a dollar and get a good paper. Im provements are being made and you can not afford to be without it. The Publishers are determined to double is tne Circulation, and get the "Le widely distributed in adjoining It is the paper for the people, dollar ana It is now upon the Gash-in-Advance Sys tem; so please don't get angry if when you fail to re-subscribe,you do not get your regular copy. Everybody is treated alike si ! I -f-gffPfflfTWMr-yrv'!-JI' iibmii m wrru imp m 1 n inrii wurjgULE:tar:?T iffTfTTn-'t'i 11 iw iii 11 ill rrriirTBirTiTrniTnrTfift mi rf wt- )rnriTT,TTr",""Ti''"Tn TanivviiTnr"x'nJ5?'g AvmaM.wm-KM&& mini iiiwiiwi w miiri n inirmmir-i '" " - - jBCTtjw irm imii iwh.'i mailing iinnntaroi icmwiin iiimiwpawwiw wt ngWM zmmm (ffr : " ' Li --- . iii I It 1 pi i .-. ,.!vsv. tvr-BS5 i I w :iienf nip w II f FtS '- '----' t.i-1 -S-"-'" i-- .j-'----- j I Si JS:P;lSiS735- i Ji BmBsessaxsmem Vgsa. , . gsMsagaaEs ill THF. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. lj OXFOMB, NORTH CAROLINA.' j t'IpiSii ill mliKMSsCOiMT III 1 No man, however wealthy he he9 sl&ould he without a Ready CASH RESERVF for some quick business stroke which may yield him quick forlune. No business is a profitable business from which a man may not draw out some money and bank If WXXt if&TF VJff5TB& ESsarii? We pay liberal THE FT or the next w L' -i. w J2 interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. counties. Send in a 52 times. WAL BANK Tiii eest Kiiefiier in Town. Some years ago there died , in Ne braska a man named Walsh, who. as a boy, started a suspension bridge. When Walsh was about ten years old the Crst steps for the construction of the sasrensioii bridge at Niagara were taken. The first thing- necessary was the stretching of a single wire across the chasm. The engineer in charge had thought of a way to get it across. "What boy is the best liitefiier in town?" he asked. The "Walsh boy was named as the best kiteSier in the town of Niagara Falls, and the engineer accordingly asked that he be brought to him. lie was made to understand that he must fly his kite across the Niagara river. He flew it across and allowed it to come down cm the ether side. Men were there to seize it. Then tke&m gineer attached a wire to the string on his side, and the men 03 the ether side detached the kite and ' by means of the string drew the wire across. By this, in turn, a cable was drawn across, and the bridge was wcli begun. Har per's Weekly. Antiquated CuEtcrrts. There is no court in Europe mere tenacious of its etiouette which was inaugurated several hundreds of years ago than that of Spain. It is said that King Ferdinand VII. once made a minister resign because he had ac cidentally touched his hand. One of the quaintest ceremonies is the closing of the royal palace gates at Madrid every night. Electric light has been in use in the palace for Quite a long while, but nevertheless every evening at 11 o'clock the officiating gentleman in waiting appears, accompanied by several servants, who carry ancient lanterns, to demand a huge key from a higher o2icial to lock the doors of the palace. This is ail the more amus ing as the huge key does not fit the modern keyholes. The key is then re turned to a third chicial, and every night gentlemen in waiting have to patrol the corridors of the palace, though sufficient guards are about, to watch over the slumbers of their royal master. Paui the Tyrant. Paul I. of Llusski was very doaf and also very tyrannical. One day an aid-de-ciimp, intending to please him, ap proached and cried in his ear, "I am glad to soe, your majesty, that your hearing is much improved 1" "What is that you sa3-':" growled the czar. Kaising his voice, the aid-da-camp said, "I am glad that your majesty's hearing is so much improved!" "Ah, that's it, eh?" chuckled the czar and then added, "Say it once more." The aid-de-camp repeated the words, whereupon Paul I. thundered: "So you dare to make fun of me, do you? Just wait awhile." Next day the aid de-camp was on his way to the mines of Siberia. The Lessc:-! She Learned. A fair western co-ed and one of the taalo seniors fell violently in love and neglected their studies shamefully. Both were expelled. The fair co-ed thei-unon wrote this interesting reply ;0 the faculty: Gentlemen You have expelled me for neglecting' my studies, yet I have learned at your institution more than you will ever know. I have learned the meaning of love. What is the use of studying bot any if I am not allowed to Rather roses? Why Fhould I devote myself to astron-i-my if I may not look at the stars? "What does it profit me to spend years on mathematics ar.d neglect my own figure? Ton have expelled my fiance also. Do you think he is unhappy? We were mar ried last evening. Exchange. Sand Swept Asia. In the arid lauds of central Asia the air is reported as often laden with Soe detritus, which- drifts like snow around conspicuous objects and tends to bury them in a dust drift. Even when there is no apparent wind the air is described as thick with fine dust, and a yellow sediment covers every thing. In Khotan this dust sometimes so obscures the sun that at mid lay one cannot see to read fine print with out a lamp. It Really Happens. The Woman IIcrc"s a wonderful thing. I've just been reading of a, man who reached the age cf forty without learning how to read or write, lie met a woman, and for her sake he made a scholar of himself in two years. The Man That's nothing. I know a man who was a profound scholar at forty. Then he met a wo man and for her sake made a fool of himself in two days. Cleveland Lead er. N cthir; Mere to Say. "Sir," said the candidate, "you prom ised to vote for me!" "Veil," said his Dutch friend, "and vat if I did?" "Weil, sir, you voted against mel" "Veil, vat if I didV" "Then, sir, you lied!" "Veil, vat if I did?" - Smart Cobby. Minister So you are going to school now, are you, Bobby? Bobby (aged six) Yes, sir. Minister Spell kitten for me. Bobby Oh. I'm further ad vanced than that. Try me on cat. Chicago News. A Great Thinker. "Bliggins puts a great deal of thought into his work." "Yes; he works ten minutes and then thinks about it for an hour and a quarter." Half of success is in seeing the sig nificance of little things. Henry F. ' Cope. , . . . Figure It Out For Yourself. If you w;-rt a hard case there is the case of a man who late at night bought a bottle of whisky at a public house price, 3s. Cd. says the London Globe. lie handed over a five pound note, and the publican would not change it. "All right," said the cus tomer. "Give me the whisky and los. Gd. and keen my five pound note." Next morning the customer came in, planked down four sovereigns and said, "Give me back my five pound note and we shall be straight." The publican and the sinner looked at each other. Can you tell at a glance which got the better cf the bargain when the customer went away with his five pound note in his pocket? The question puzzled a whole ofliee full of literary, financial, sporting, philosophical a;& editorial men until it reached a ghl of eighteen who is en gaged in dealing wkh cash. Ail the rest were calculating on paper and reaching the result by devious ways. The cash girl saw it in a Hash of the eye. Do you V irhr.t your eyes and do it in live seconds if you wish to beat the easli curl. i VcrvJerfui Victoria Fc.h's. "It is v.-. 11 nigh impossible to do- scrioe a scene of such wonder, such ! wildueHS," says hady Sarah Wilsyii in '. her "South African Homoiic-s" of the j Victoria falls. I:ut he gives thi I graphic description: "Standing on a j point hush wb'i the river before it makes its headlong leap, we gazed first on the swirling water losing it self in snowy spray which I. cat re lentlessly on face and clothes while the great volume was noisily disap pearing to unknown and terrifying depths. The sightseer tries to look across, to strain his eyes and to see be3'ond that white mist which ob scures everything, but it is an impos sible task, and he can but guess the vddth of the falls, slightly horseshoe in shape, from the green trees which seem so far away on the opposite bank and are only caught sight of now and then as the wind causes the spray to lift. At the same time his attention is fixed by a new wonder the much talked of rainbow. Never varying, never changing, that perfect shaped arc is surely more typical cf eternity there than anywhere else." Carrsn sind Lcrd Clare. Curran, the Irish advocate, was on terms of intense er.mhy with Lord Clare, the Irish lord chancellor, with whom, when a member of the bar, he fought a duel and whose hostility to him on the bench, lie always said, caused him losses in his profession al income which lie could not esti mate at less than ;iO,C0O. The inci dents attendant on this disagreement were at times ludicrous in the extreme. One day when it was known that Cur ran was to make an elaborate state ment in chancery Lord Clare brought a large Xe wf oundl ai: d dog to the bench with him and during the prog ress of the most material part of the case began in full court to fondle the animal. Curran stopped at once. "Go on, go on, Mr. Cru ra id" said Lord Clare. "Oh, I bog a thousand pardons, my lord! I really took it for granted that your lordship was engaged in con sultation!'"' Two Smart Actors. In a popular historic drama the ac tor who takes the part of Napoleon is required to read aloud a document of considerable ieugth which is brought to him by General Berihier. This, being written at length, is seldom com mitted to memory. A short time ago, however, the properly master at a:; English theater mislaid the document, and Napoleon, who was now to the part, received instead a blank sheet t.f paper. For a moment he was aghast; then, eager to escape from his pre dicament even at the expense of -i fellow actor, he handed the paper to General Eerthlcr, saying, "Read it to me." The other actor was not in the least confused. "Your majesty," he sail, handing it back, "I am only a poor soldier of fortune, ami you must ex cuse me. I do not know how to read!" Hie Es-nsncipatirn, Away back in ITT1 Joslah Woodbury of Beverly, iMass., thus published Ids happy emancipation from matrimonial woes: Beverly, Sept. 10. ITTI. Ran away from Jo:o.ah Woodbury, coop er, his house plague for seven Ions year a, Masury Old Moll, alias Trial of Venge ance. He that Ion will never Feck her; he that shall keep her I will give two Bushel of Bear.:;. I forewarn all i'orfcor.s in Town cr County from trusting- said Trial of Ver.ses.nco. i have heve all the old (f-hoes) I ran f:nd for joy, and all my neighbors rejoice with ma. A good Rid dance of bad Ware. Amen! JOSIAII WOODBUHY. Net Troubled. Irate Tenant I asked you when I rented this place if you had ever been troubled by chicken thieves, and you said no. Every one of ray chickens was stolen last night, and I am tcid that the neighborhood has been infest ed with chicken thieverj for years. Suburban Agent I never keep chick ens. A Nsrrow Escape. "What! You a widow, dear cousin?'" "Yes." "Well, that's a lucky escape for me. Do you know, I nearly married you ence." Bon Virsnt. A Roast. "It takes Freddie so long to make up his mini." "Why should it? He has almost no material to work on." Cleveland Lead er. Frugality is founded on the princi ple that all riches have limits. Burke. PROFESSIONAL STEM & BRUMMITT, Attorneys at Lav. OXFORD. ----- N. C Olfjee in Kselcs EuIiIng Oppo site Court House. ANNOUNCEMENT CARD Dr. L. V. Henderson fakts pleas ure in announcing thai he has re moved to the second floor of ihe Eritt Building, opposite the Post Cilice, where he hss equipped an up-to-date dental olficc, and where he will be phased to receive pa tients. Both emceand Resident Phones Seaboard Air Lir.s Schedule. Xo. 423 leaves Oxford at a. m. connecting with Shoo Fly for Raleigh and No 221 for Durham. Xo. 429 arrives Oxford 0:40 a. ni.fr oca Henderson. Xo. 43S leaves Oxford 11:45 a. m. con necting mth trains both North and South, arrivig rat Richmond, 5:05. p. m., Washington at V : t-0 p. m. Bal timore 9:SP, hiladelphia, 11:51, New York 3: 3 a. m. for the South arriv ing Raleigh 4:00 p. m., Kamlet 7:45 a Savannah 3:20 a. m. and Atlanta at 7:15 a. m. Train for Portsmouth arrives at Portsmouth at 5:50 p. m. connecting with Eoats. No. 429 aarrives at Ox ford at 12:20 p. m. from Durham. Xo. 441 leaves for Durham at 2:40 p. arriving at Durham at 4:25 P. m.. aa.nd the Southern Ry train fop West is due to leave Barnaul at 5:- 08 p. m. No. 441 due at Oxford at 3 :30 p. m. which brings passengers from the North and South. Xo. 442 leaves for Henderson at 6:05 p. m. connecting with Shoo Fly for Norlina. Xo. 442 arrives Oxford S:10 p.m., ana brings passengers from Raleigh. NOTE. No Sunday trains. 'Rmnember, that IvVVIS pays tlio ireight." W-9-S The Foliy of Burning Off Voobs And Pastures. Dr. Cooper Curtice, of lin ITn'hed States LVpartnunt ct A -rlemture, who has had many years cx.-;).mM nco in tick eradiation work, a; s that the idea that, burn'.!!-- o: f Va: i'oi st will get ri of the cattle :cli is ail wrong. "It is true that vt couiaa-u tiniisJ cf the j -ar burning i.he grasrf on, an encdosfd 1'k-id may r. ui'jvo tin ticks whomever the i":iro travels, Out even then many places remain mn burned and lite ow.!;.?r dtp-.tubs o; the f;re for eradication, ar-d conse quently fails. Whei.'-er the gn1. is repeattdly b v. rued, th roots be come eventually do-.Troyed. th;-. sweet er grassed gifve way to the more re sistant, and'filuaty the lait'-r p-rish. Firing the leaves hr.s not ra'i V;i ted, ticks, although followed for y-ai's." Farming with fire :b, mvtty g-n.. rally very poor fanning, and Uiirestrn:i.ied: fire ti a forest is always harmbul Ilalijieh )X. C.( I'rogr s.-d-ve Farmer and Gazc-tte. Legal ASysemeiijs. ADMINISTRATOR'S K O TICE. Ilaviag qi-allfied as tor of the estate ct .Tohri " ceased, late of Granville C' C, this is to notify all ing claims aanim-L. thf csf sH'd deceased to e-xMoit th dminmtra !;;rdy, e!o- anty, N. .-,:;r.s 1 a v i of the m b tko undersigned g: of June 1911, i or before the cr th's notice 17th da. will bo pleaded in bar of thou- recovery. All persons indebted to r.-ud estate will please make immediat" payment. This 17th d'iy of Juno, 1 MO. G C. SITAW. Adiniiiistrntoi of John Hardy, I.'c'd. 75. S. Royster, Aaormy. SALE Pursur.r.t to Cr LAND. an Ord'T of ; :.le marl a G-raiivLJlo ding, t-n- i by the Sup ricr Court of ! County in the p :ecmi i'roci titled, "S. H. Tmg-i lonri'T Tin2Tn. VS. C Admr. lirmhr of El Dan can and others" we shall. ON ilOXLvVY AUGUST 1,1 '10, i to tne nrnies dcr, at public auction, tor casn au tbe' Cc"-1 House door in Oxford, a certain tract of rand lying end bomg, situate in walnut Grove Vownsflip, and more particularly described and bounded as follows: . Adjoimng the lands of C. N. Cr tchesr on the North, Ben Crrm orj the East, Nancv Dean on the South, and Ben Currin on th eWost, contarm ing. 33 8jnd one half acres, more or lis and known as "Jim Roe Evans place, and being the same lend devised to the said Ellendger Tjncoyn under the will of said Jim Roe Evans. Time of Sale between the hours oc 12 M and 1 P.M. This June 28th. 101 A. A. Hicks. B. S. Royster, Commmioncrs. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintaired by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four reg ular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fail Session begins September 14, 1010. Those desiring to enter should ap ply as early as possible. For catalogs and other information address JULIUS I. F0UST, Presidznt, Grccr.sbcro, N. C. M -