OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. Q - Va nc 'DisHo-.-e.Lt 4 Ml 1 illXl Zier makes a state- that quest:ci:.eu He a'V int'ali'nl;ij atitiicuty to ai'iicu iw Vf fnui? it in The word there j an tmi of discussion, i-i-e l-i---writh t'i i-rd' settles it. ij-. the realm cf Democracy, the fo:tx;nate :n nav.-i.g a all mooted j::t- irtv.uC-m - : - ! : n ' mocritt u- from xhi ;ro. How : should se . turn and after voting- themselvt-s. they; a:iv tli!.:i; knew? Yen have never (lone to prove s our nanciii- thaf Incain.ti iripmbei's of if there he any, shall, be ' To tllie Editor The Call cf the Republican Convention. t h e partv brovight xo polling places and their Hi plau'ciin toasts that you are the vote cast for democrats., consistent friend cf the negro; that Though of a different political par- ty frcini myself I want, xo endorse and Let, the democratic voter of North maim, yua iui )uu, u.uUt;9 c CI t"e -"-e- The to v.iiicn IX-mocat v. ijmT-. source miestiors can be sale-y p.ppesii. a. .iei u'fTicn the founder of the i?moc-.r:ttK-party ) -.n in writing principles that lit ccndlv.cr.s new as well as i'.u vhen he was chosen president. It- , North Carolina, from to hi.s r?cv3tH word of Vance was the Last .Vn; vhat von wrote into the organic Oat Butler, Bonds and Booze are ! publican tomveui-on. i ou cam eve-j th- declaration that proclaims, ! not wanted in North Carolina and i ? kedy eljse know tn.e call made no. r-, e vil and political rigrhts; and will not be tolerated. Durham Sum. ! material deference ot the colored yo- i progress. Yoi farther declare the spii The I?mocrats of GranviWe County suite a. it lngidutuae is in ixiew it of the grandfather clause the clau- are Le ginning to wak up and take ' Che callers of the convention are of whch "trees vou torn the negro d;inot-. acv which means trouble for j all men the worse sinners of G-raai- nnA-i.rMvica.i. a -id renasminf to t!r T, -mrkiVaiiK. vjlle County. I doai't lutow" who l& re- . t A - " ' ----- - X - . the sr. nr Line taw 01 xne ikum. .we I -d in Democratic ccunci i m North Carc!ii:as. and -tiiougii cieaa. ne e tpeaketh.' In matters of n a ti en..! party principles, Jeffersc-n is th? law-'invfs-: in matters of party policies, so far as North Carolina is concerned ih cGur-Sxli cf Vance is still sought iid followed. In 1852. Vance opposed , i .v.c2 cf Cleveland, but wlusi he was nominated gave h:m sincere . support. VVhrn some other Democrats bixned inc-rVncd net to support tb? j reoularn ominee of the party, vance we to accept your pStttorm decl-i ra tions cc are we to take jour word foi snoinsible- for tne spirit and wcra- Weil it gees without, saying that i Ui.? of the call. I do know however Captain V. A. Devin wLlB be elected ! that there are some true and tried to the Legislature bv increased j white Iiepublleans in the county xuo Yo- v th- Rmii4!can partv ip , democratic majority witnout' aiexir- nave lai every posiuie y y . t'ie r. i-ty of Wcuxcss a business- ' bin-g the Peace. ! ai:id .i.ngrattiJtud.e.FOirth.-ean stidl) we' shave 1 i-i '!.- irivtv 'n.'i tp nd n'v some- . , i t.he highest regard and what I am -vt TixJ i lr -1 Tf f-ite We adn Vt 1 Is- !t a P1 th H?publican Ci-1 does init apply to that class. ihat3 n vVtv s a partv cf f ro- mention, for GranvClle did not noani- , k a, nmn fact that the negro i6 ' i? 1 buSe- bu?ldin- so far ; r. Ben Thorpe, a regular talk- generally a Republican and for very; ft Vds tAvSdVhe cen f21 5f as h B natural reens. It is also knewn ; 'H L t foerL cf those ; Rf:,ICfI Mr.d he ilS about that tJle white Republicans of this ot capa.a ana i-k lo-ieiii. u c . to DUist Ins hat band. Come togettiei i f.n,,,ntY , th 1.1st have not cbier ted ' strut and interes t wihc sorely op- : Demcorats of OM GraBivilift and take At J? Wurafpohtics but pres the Ua'jormg man. and the far- , . ... .h rflllfH. LO ltie.."VsTO Jiaimdi puuu., mer To the Ameian Tobacco Com- j we, tLe lonCal reducing tae Iiav1e ii:,ni eVery possible way en- regurn 01mr.ee h- I",;;" pa:iv. you are the party of pro3ref3 wrote a ter wat contamea taes, ; jilding. tQ the standard Qil wrd : If we refuse to abide by the voice Comnany. and hand redes of great est corporations that are bleediimg Repuiblican vote of the state from 12,000 to 15,000, and again bury Mary Anne Butler with his Bonds, Boodle, and Booze in the o!kl North State- o, ne m-joriiy . .....w..- comnl0n p-opl- (and nerhars to crats, freely and unanimously ex- j- Tn'St) vou ar- the part-v pressed in frier.diy convention, there j e Lxqucr liuSU u ai . r' . " J. , , ' i cf ti regress and upbuilding. But what fort in aovernmert- ij "w Personal- I do von offer the laboring moa! pie hunters, sort in goernrr.er.x. it we pe. uni , f.rttf ,n miilc t c rin ; , in that consultation ; " . V." "1 ll " ! x-ui Ll The old itoie Republicans are a galn Ciu- guard in Gra.nvMle witJi the exception cf a few additons to uhe. The LegJs'latiive Pieace lend Leak is without ' '..,; ri ahirip hv i a aay tor ims,fii, rtim xv even a taste camparea witn tne tfosi " dS cf th tribunal o? oS children which grirds out the:r Master M:nce Pie. But Alas: Leak -wr Section then there is an end Hves and morality, and sometimes will not even occupy that 240 aaat m ;-nM h r Vml Ven anc ' you shut, down ycur mivlfc and throw pace-fully even in the Lesitslati,ve tne cof dlnce whTch iT necJTsarV 1 father, mother the little waifs as Capt D.evin will be elected by I?.6 ?Zrrferffnr? J aon forver. i out of work ar,d into h -iger. l;ast 12000 majority. eot these words of gold that contain ; niote them wnenever an lis attempted to become a man" in the definition of the immor tal Vance. News and Obesrver. "What do you otter tne tanner? The Southern farmer today is niak- We have Eieard that one of the old irig- a fight for his very exist aince. ' Radicals in, the Counts- said "It was The cotton farmer through his own i a pity just at tlhis time that Butfer cause ? g The man who is proposing to col z if he wins and to repudiate it if he loess is by ail classes of people 1 .1 : : eiforts for organization is coming i should have enered poliics in North il wu.11.' itr ""J ivf v.-. 1,; o rV.w.lin,o o. H- to,,,!! 1,;,, ; II1IO Hi UWIl. nU' e .UW utiuru di-iiu ; v.-i,ivi,i.a u "'"'U me vId'n OI POai.-cai lOltsUl- cil- -n wmnirr i SOO votes in th-D. Pmiintv " IvJ Hnnlht v Democrat l" 1' -,J,Ui xx.-.xJO x .....o , r - - ----- -v, dishonest i ',vitn cneap cotton save .r.d except, j il win yiovt irie eaan uemiK-rat win. ,:i i . . l, l - A,--, i i :i i ii v i.ui ' . . - - ' , " - Wall Street ? The tobacco farmer to-; he can bury Mary Anne and bis fol day is getting less than cost of pro- j lowers on tflie 8th day of November, ductiien for his tobacco. Are 3'ou I , rfi.nr nxi,; to hetTi .him 7 vrai We a11 upon eaon member of each Democracy and Young Men A young Mr. Grcome, of Gulford j not onlv promises him no succor frcjn j Preenct committee in the county to eoTinty, has written a card announc- (il depredations and rebberv of j ??m to Pu. inJ.od T? m ire tnat he nas ueci-aea to ca&x a: thQ --n'nuitn-i ti-nct hnt vnn a-pilw"1 Vi UUIC1CUI cmuaun. lot with the Reput-i oan party Decduse .ng an jn vour power to iacrease seems to recognize ?-oung men more, the effectiveness of the iniquitous tickets Congressicna State and county with the determination to than the Democratic party .He made j ntheds Yoa, surely do not cZt'iim to increase the Tvamocratic majcrity in be done if hard work wicrd all a long the line. reference to the nominatiicn of -Ma joi I bold m,t the an 0f friendship to 1 tne collllty more than 300. It cam larmer. If vcu do, you convict! ii nara wok mine wiavan ; tvl.yi o 11 o I rxri cr h -v lino Stedman for Congress by the Demo-; tle faarmer cjrats and tne nomination oi joung yourself of false pretense. Uiiair dj- tne Kepuoncans anatae momiination of young Frazier by the Republicans against Mr. Gattis for Solicitor. As a matter of fact, the only two governors the Re publicans have elected in North Car- The fixed a.nd definite something which j'ou st8;nd for is that centrali 'iatLion of weaMh and power that ru- Let every Democrat in the county manly support every nominee on the; county ticket, as they are truly the oliaa since the war were Hollen and j honorable class of human kind. Ics w-ith iron hand and knows no lpyecIlolc4 cf the 'majority and have 'faith or cuariiy icr me r giiist anu pi in- ; fu1 served the people. K'ges oi tne lesis iurumaie out no T?r.cl tv-ifti nIVt men uri on tTiox Wcrft I -dcerr. Both owed their election to "the negro vote. The last three Demo cratic Governors Ay cock, Glexin and K:q?hi,ii were yoin-g men, the last n.ai3:.e3 being the youngest. gDverror 3ti the United States. If Mr. Groome will go to the facts he will find that he is whoi-y mistaken. Not a Svijigle Senator cr member of the 'How do we know what you wiould It does our heart good to actually realize the fact that he Democrats s publican Conventioin- tlie white Re- j publiicaai so far from excluding tne negro would visit him even in the dead hours of the might and insist and beg him by all medias to be pre- ssnt. Of course the white Repub.c'ax j the.n wanted an office, and I feel t safe iru saying those Avho called the coinyenticn. the other day excluding the negro have not yet riisen above that want. Then they were, surer of satisfying their insatiable and ete rniail Avant by hitiggicig and cajoling the raegro, and they did it to per- j fection in secret and openly. To j day they tihiimk 'they are surer of j satisfying their want by excluding him. from their conventions. The j negro has not changed, neither has j the white Republican. His des:ire for office is about as fixed as the negro'si color. How true the old ; adage "take a serpent into your bosom emd as soon as he is warm he will bite you." Those whom we carried on our shoulders a few years ago through thick and thin, through hot and cold at a grea sacrifice to O'tiir selves have become our greatest j enemy. ine iemocrats) ustrancni sed the ignorant negro, but the white Republican of Granville wou?d disfranchised the educated negro al so. In parting with our white Re publican friends I want to leave with them ouir farewell meseage. Itn the first place -the se'peration so far as we ere concerned is entirley mutual We are still Re pub!'" cans, not for pie, but for principle. We are out of pcliti.es, for a whiMe, but only for a while, we are coming back soon. I a hunirsd thousand strong, not the j ignorant f nd credulous negro, max yc-ji delighted to cajo'le n.d use as J a tool, but as intell-gent voters, j Lik? Joseph cf old we have been; strt j pped off our coats;. not of many colori j but of color, ar,d casted into a pit, but thanks to Heaven as jhj tbje j present House of Representatives ' nietd c,n the fCca : from Norht Carolina was old enough , state the s.han3e ard to go into war. me ueiiictracy in I'i-c-izi-ii yesrs has erred in the oppo site direction from that complained enough men cf years into the public service. The ncmimtticn cf Major Stedman is a reccgnr.tion cf the brav est men in the filss of time the do should vou ever bv chance get ! Ve wh able efnciertf: a.nd pain ? ntrn ct,f0 tn i tat"--ng officers m the court hous people of North Carolina since the I thaJ the Republicans did not nom v!l days cf the carpet-basher have ; Kiaif any one agasmst a single one beer afraid to t.t vcu Trne i)V ; of tneae accomadating officers. the betrayal of the Populist party! We are glad that they actually know; ca:a cf Joseph, the pit is empty. by the Marion Butler, ycu did get i a good thing when the rub up against j There is nothing in rit to harm us. j - t;-.t r -t-, -t i -C O-i-rt-- t-, , it WxCi tTrri'l i- honov T o . ."in -i i o ikI t.o 1 "1 V xcx rlrJIWm mil A 11 I i ty ever had better truer men to ad-1 w-iea the South becomes as it is j mirster thecr fathes. They deserve I destined to become, because cf "its; to be elected by an un voluntarily mar ! wealth, the Egypt of America. the: jcrity. negrio will be found rid gin- in the sec- j The Legislative candidates cf obtlV C;:i'd P-l'itcal charot. And thr.n when; parties in Granville are hpfo.ro the ocr Democratic friends speak cf hav-, ycu cut cf the templje j neole ar.d cf course the RsTmb'l can ! cat us into the pit we wMl say Louse of justice, which yct are new and gentle limbs to be led : to them,be not angry with your seizes ! , "now ycu abused your power, anel in- ecple cf the disgrace of Russellism and all that the name im plies. But the people wrenched from ycu toe power, of North Carolina. and drove out of the ho it was for our own good. But to t-l V r " T T 1 y-., di nT" T-rf--i-k l--i-t- . t -hit r TT.'-t - -i t m ' men firo nrn'l, v-lvu. mav vua v. a .11 ix j, ; .AS .ur. niUKS IS Campaigner tne Wi.dl I 111 . Ill cue 1-1UUI ' a 00 ,-,,0 moment n-MI votnr- to-.t- 1 lll l- i I .- linnrvr ,1 -nl, " '"-'" i"--. - ; jlliu 111 l-tlllUS V.U1A Oil I1I8 Stlllll J I U He.nOieU. I il av trt IWi ' A hmrt r-hH rl"o,l ! r,.;,- v,&.s - j- wuiii'i -'uu c-ua .ir xvi ueuiuvi c. . wine alls oppomentsi atcrl pi-rni- 1 - .jx t l t o uiai ait; mvJU iiiii rot in the bushes. Now, as Captain IT. i H6111' Jt ls supposed he Willi deal as c-rcumtanicess will allow with his op 1 TT L. j in j l j-t j. veiixiiurx, 01 am me normern states i penents, and will not puncture his : hrtl'lc its ctnfa cir-t inn c,orlirc in : -i . . 1.. , T t . , . x.-ii ' 1 ii.ut; uetp entjugn to uisturoe LeflK s i the falj pollirjr this year in that com j Peace-ful sliulmhers- in hid nTOiv Tn.H u-ie macte a cen of theives. T tell i to the Kinoiiter ivrpc-ii-c f&?K n, V"M fho. lnnla r.f VrtV. CarnfTia I T.or,., .ill , : j. 1 ! tho WHO AVrv'ilhl d 1 sfraTt ch! SA tile! .en il3 bxea tne fel-ate 111 KcCOn- J,, K 1,? Tl,.,. t.;,.i, . .. , . . . ! oiraf1 noT-r aa w-ll rta itmi. I lujguutn l iters iiiin.. 1 u.i . ij.tivs oeiiiaioi and i-anxam Ufvin. m-"j h-.i.-, . -.i. - j i !" rant, tnose v. to wona exciuae us j from the conventions to which they j iniviited and entreated us to attr-nd, j a few years ago, we swear eternal ve j ngeance. j Cci a foot July day I saw a large j serpent basking in. the sunlight, and j as I approached, he lifted his homly j head and began to spit his poiosn-; ous venom . I passed that way again j in December and saw the same ser- j pent wriggFng and squirming and see! med to beseech me.to throw over hVn ; someithing, if even a filthy rag. "i;th j no negro with whom to divide the ! federal) patrona ge.thos e who t-iould ex ! clitide him from the Republican Con-! Vicntinn niri 'hms.lrino" iir th.tV slim- , He says that the Republican party I a iiH ' TZiZr: Av:, WU1 fia 'Tu 10 5et m.. t" wh i hows plainly that, it is a young man- enJeV eleetionT wiTl go and 7or th natural 1 d" Svernof'of M'l' stal coS, ! Plltical dent ere king tie ofFoS's KM&mermadl f be December ; tlvelv vouni li e a'even" nnS1 e the CTltCnie of the i m& wel1-" J- SibbuH of " Grand j the Lillie white Republicans i iSScc?p fenmexi - a we I P thSSe two, crt' stes. View, Wis. Commence taking it now. However much we may regard the ; .-c. tii. v,ongXfc,ilien, ana We1 In Vermont auWf in ATnina oo ia ei j 1 c mftva mitairl rif n,olitife The f'nm- i oii.au JA.ilo.ilU, t.fie car'O Tircttv miir nil m-r -.- li. I - i !.rt-l,- 'mflir nnm.-.n T Iiitiq .cni,-'! I .ructi'C-n as A'ell as fought bravely 5:n war, and the young to see those brave me Ore-c eh: Lor o Telegram facts in reply to oft-repe to Democracy and young men "In picking flaws in the Democratic1 KEEP EVERLASTINGLY AT f.c',m:;:trat:cn cf offices in this state did he compare it with Republican! ad ministration of those afairs? He re joice tnat tne time has come w-neai a mon wealth falline on SntAembr 6. i.rcKi 00,- ' ov. aoaxi can vote according to principle, ; tomorrow. Arkansas and Makie 1 vemher but did he stop to think that the : come next, election in each of these ! " b passage of tlie Constitutional Amend-j states occurring six days later or! Ue! Jcsfc from today' HftsireeSbf!osf tnei'r nanies- a re!f'al)l3 middle aged ,-"e' .P?-G:Iwm' Pre- ebu-j country, there is great diissat'ofac-! w VXTRT)-. v. - u' : ji i.nii ct riio wnn r-.r,ii w ro ti if , . . , i . - ra,,.,? 0 7 . ; Mli ,fUdii a aamm-sierea oy white woman to live with a small cai,:-d an olu man. Th8 judSe of the repubLcan party now, and for j family, ard to do genaral bonne ehis jaaicial distr.ct-J. Crawford : mary years past, in control cf the work. Good references required Fo Brg-s:s rii -:te a young man and th?i state govemmnet. remocrate expect ; particulars apuly to th- Lecr Of Democratic candidate icr judge in a to make a better showing in both - fire " Lane ; Vermont end in Maine this year! ? -1 . U3.juuii.s ":swiii ii. jjune v turn cut na in .iame this y : :J youiig tnat tne uepuDiccan press than, ever before and it wlfl be en ha,3 found great fault writh him. He la , couraging to other sections of th opponent of Mr. Frazier, candidate ' Uuicci where the Democratic party is tor sol-ictor, particplarly mentioned , in a minority, should this expecta bv Mr. Grocme, is older than the ' tion come to pa?s. It! will' encouragt Republican cnadidate, but may i,t not j Democrats in other northern states ce sa:d without any disparagement, to redouble the'r effects to turnj out whatever of Mr Frazier's merir.ts . the Republic ars and will be cf great that surely the experinece and years j benefit in this way. of training in actual court work that In. North Carolina however the Mr. Glatt's has had make him better k-ituatinn wmw,h ifi.. T - fT . , . . J " ' ' ' , . , UlllUCll'l, yiKujuwi 10 serve as solicitor? .Mr. Giroome is young, and with the im ";petl'!C'il1Pe;3 characteristic of youth he has IOe4 -Without looking". News and Obesrver. " 1 am sure that no solif respecting ccl- cerd man cf iGranvilile, who is qual fied to Arote wiO vote for one cf th em . G. C.Shaw. ONE BIG FOOL. "A BURNT CHILD DREADS THE i FIRE" i: ; News aai Observer. TTbe Republicani orators and news papers are always urging voters to support that party becaues it is. "the party of progress and business-buiM-iwg," and because they continually literate amid reiterate this claim. Soem people, accepting the statement with out ilavestife-aion, have actually voted the .RepuMfcoain ticket. Two years ago not a few in North Carolina accept ed, Rep-ubli'can assuarnces at face-val-ule a,nd have been, regretting it dua--Mg the long Taft panic Refen-.tag to that cladm of a Republican paper aiad its request to plead the statute rtttSWm aigains old crimes, W eb ster's weeMy .truly says : "You say the recoro 01- wc IWJ T xTi-fn Carolina is Jilr.QTI. T HH III V 1 11 - w j fnrret all abOUt it,. 11 ""-'i , j ISfM Ycu say that you are today f rfo ?T,a fto'? 'Bv what rUo.e aie " Vvhat xav,is. r don't' dra;v Judge your party? Vou) ce!pt i--moorats must alwaj-s bear in miiiind that trae republicans in North Caro lina have increased their voting power of late years, as was shown; by the last poll, thougih at that tfaie the D.3mocratic party was badly split over the result of a hard primary contest but a few months before election. ' :-- This year Democrats of the state are standing shoulder to shoulder ita alll sections and the outcoome of the coming contets cannot but be victo rious for the party. However nothing should be taken for granted. It is necessary this, year to do something more than; to be merely victorious, the demo cratic party must poll a vote that wi'Ii roll up a majoriiity for Demo cracy that will once for all show the Republicans of this state and of others, wRuo effect to believe that the party has a fighting enhance in the Old North State, the. folly of their calculations. Demo crate of North Caroliiiinia must also give Butler and that political leaders cf the Mi nority party will forever remember and in the future abstain from put ting, or allowing to be put, such men as Butler to the front. For these reasons, dtf for no other Democrat's shoultl go to the polls on, election day and vote the straight Democratic ticket from top to Pot- UP-TO-THE-HOTJR line of Score Cards for ALL Occasions at LYON'S DRUG STORE. DON'T FORGET, Calls keeps sin gle trees on hand all the tiane, nice ly painted and trimmed. mt m im The Rev. F. H. T. Horsefield will hold services in St. Tauls Church, Goshen, Sun(day next. 3; 30 p. m. Sale of Blacksmiith shop and Lot. I shall offer for sale, 423 the high est bidder, for cah at the Court House door in Oxford, on Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1910, at 12 o'clock M., the foUoiwimig descrbied lot of land in the town of Oxfordi: Situated on the South side of Hillsbcro Street, fronting about 44. 25 feet on) said. Street and running back therefore about 62.7 feet end known as "Sandy Parham. Blacksmith, Shop Lot." This Hot adjoins Kanjg Buggy fCo., lot and others. Tihst September 8, 1910. B. S. Royster, Attorney for Owner Administratrix Notice. Havinig qiuialifiiedi a.s admiiruistratrix upon the estate of WlBaan C. Peed, deceased, before the Clerk of the Court of Cran!vi.lle County Notiice is hereby given to all persons indebt ed to his etate to com;? forward and make payment of the same. Persons holcing claims against his estate, please present for payment on or before the 5th day of Sept. 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in. bar of their recovery. This the 5th day ofSept. 1910. AriieM. Peed, Admrs ojt VVilliam CA Peed dieacesed. But he Dceser't Live in Oxford ! Nor Read the Ledger j A man in Connecticut gave a dec- j tor a specialist in catarrh, $50 to j cure him, of this common yet moat ob j noxious dissaes. The specialist gave hi!m a bottle of (medicine and told him when and how to use it. j The fool took the medicine home, j took one dose, ptit it on the shelf and j made no further effort to follow in structions. Three months later with the medic ine still on the shelf he told a friteind that the speciiaBist was a fake; that he had paid him $50 and still had ca tarrh las bad as ever. This story ce told for a purpose. HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) won't cure catarrh if you don't ibreaU jt; dt will cure catarrh f you brea 'by it regularly. rrh. Furthermore you don't need t give a catarrh specialist $50 to cure you of catarrh, for the specialist yet to be bom who can write a bet ter prescription) thaml HYOMEI. zJ. G. Hall and dmggists4 everywhere gnianairee HYOMEI to cure catarrh o money back. A complete outfit whiicxi comisistis of a bottle of HYOMEI, a hard rubber inhaler and simple in structiioms for use costs only $100. Se parate bottles of HYOMEI df after wards needed cost but 50 cents. If you already own a HYOMEI inhaler you can get a bottle of HYOMEI at J. G. HalTi and druggists everywhere dosing just breathe it. m m m A Person County man called in Oxford to see Callis, the Buggy Doc tor, and after a skilful examination, an operation and application he wen home: rejoicing. TT Tfci Itn Tfek TSTB iT Open on Sept. 1st but we are Open Now. This Tag on Brass and White Enamel Beds is a Guarantee ot Satisfaction. It is Found on Evory Genuine o The bed that jou know will last a life time. "Bernstein" Beds are not only the best wearing but the best looking as well and are perfectly clean and sanitary. New stock just arrived, come and see them. Will be glad to show you. Stearns & Fosters Felt Mattresses. are just as good as the beis and are going every day. People come in and call for them almost daily. It is hard to keep a stock. They are well known throughout the South and the quality and make up are far superior to other mattresses. Car Load JFnistt Arrived. We are preparing for the biggest stock and best fall trade in the his tory of the town. Don't forget us please. Upctoinirel iroliers Oxford, ------ N. C 9 El VV. Z. MITCHELL, Proprietor. For The Sale oi Leaf Tobacco Hillsboro Street, OXFORD, N. C. 9 I beg to announce to my friends that the BANNER WAREHOUSE will be opened for the sale of tobac co on September first, and that, as proprietor, it will be my constant purpose to procure for my friends and patrons the highest possible prices for every grade of tobacco. An experience of more than 2b years in the tobacco business has taught me how to serve you in the sale of your crop and I shall be glad to advise with you at anytime. The Oxford market vill be a strong one for the coming season and the farmers may expect good priGes. I will buy largely on my floor and I am pre pared to pay the best prices. My force has been care fully selected, will be well organized and my motto will be "Good accommodations, courteous attention and highest prices." I am pleased to announce that Mr. Roy Gurrin will be with me and will be glad to see and serve his friends. I wish to express my appreciation of the patronage extended to the old firm of Bullock & Mitchell and I shall endeavor to maintain the high standard of uni form courtesy and fair dealing which it established. I shall be glad to have your patronage. Yours very truly, W. Z. IVMTCMEILJL-,.