OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910. 6 CH It VSAXTH KMUM SHOW. ARMORY HALL. f Xovember 10th ami 11th 1H. On account of the lateness of tlu bloums, the ladies have changed the Jate of Crysanthemum Show from the 4th and 5th to the 10th, and 11th. t'lirysuiitlieimmi lVpart tsit'iit . !Mai:i;iiers and Solicitors, Mrs J. A. Niles. INlrs V . Devin, Miss Siis-i'.i (Graham. IVIrs John Hooth. Vi si.inuni.s Ot'iVre!. 1. Hst Yellow Chrys intluMnum. Cash $f.00 by National H::nk of CranviMe. 2. I Jvxsi White Chrsatthenntni. Cash $r.H--hy Taylor Cannaiij :i. Host pink Chrysant her.iuui. $.".()() hy Land is and l-'asion. 4. Ic-s$i hali' do.-:en I'hrysanlhe m ii nit?, v'm-dlass How! by Haird V Chamlee. f. Best dozen one variety and col or Chrysanthemums. Cash $:.M by Southern Wheel Co. 3. Hest five varieties any eoler and greatest variety of odd tyjus Chrysanthemums. Table by J. Koht . Wood. 7. I'.est iirowir.i; Chrysanthemum, one-half ton eoal by C. 1). Kay. These flowers and plants mast be exhibited at owner's risk. IMiAXT DKI'AKTMKXT. Manager uini Solicitors. Mrs. Harry Williams, Zlrs. P. H. Montgomery, Mrs. AY. Drew Bryan. Premiums Offered. 1. Best Palm, Mahogany Table hy Upchurch Bros. 2. Best Fern, Jardiniere, by C. II. Lamlis. ANY SPEC IKS. 3. Best plant, Japanese Vase by Hamilton Drug Co. 4. Best collections of plants lot pounds garden Fertiliser, by Horner Bros. Co. These plants must be exhibited at owner's risk. 2C13EDLE WORK DEPARTMENT. Managers and Solicitors. Mrs. R. L. Brown, Mrs. W. B. Ballou, Mrs Hill man Cannady, Premiums Offered. 11. Best Hand Sewing, 3 Id. box I.enox Chocolates by Lyon's Drug Store. 2. Best specimen Darning. One j load wood by C. J. Turner. ! 3. Best half dozen button holes i one Cmbrella. by Paris Dry Good Co ! 4. Best Crochet, Cash $1.00 by j Mrs. Mrs. M rs. Mrs Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs Mrs. Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs. M is--; Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. M rs. M rs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. T. N. Bur well. T. C. Harris. l4-covatint A. B. Dunawav, A. 1 1 . Powell," Mary Webb. Seivinj" Salad : E. T. Whito. J. B. Powell. ssisants. A. A. Hicks, Ka'.e Whit E. l.ewellyn. U. C. L:issiter. Scrini steels. M. Shaw. TiiiMoo nt MtvMs. H S. 1 1 . Cauu ad Assist atit s. Mem ijomerx . .losiah x'amiady. .1. IV Proofs. .1. Lous. Tables. .losiiiM i'aun.-,dy. Will l.oac.. Witt i.asuiis. X i!;i;'we!!. A w ;. ;e Ta lor. V.. 1 .ewell a. K. C l,asi!er. Jim l'ow U. Kijchiu M;tiasici .. C. D. Kay. John Webb. E. T. Kawlins. Assistants. T. L. !.oo h. T. W. Wiaston. W. Z. Mitchell, A. Sails. W. D. Bryan. Lizzie Gooeh. W. I. Howell. Xannie Yancey, S;le of Toi rii)VCv. Cnder and b.t tvlm of two 1 eeds o Vi ie?t cM'rtMnl mo 1 Samuel J. ' 'oie:5. cnlmptl, Hio first on vt. 2 2m1. I'JOM mm1 i ea itered in ' 0 p iio 4 S 1 ' : Hie s ud or. I Km-. Illsl, t'JOft and vi'jitfiil in be.-k JO. a p'H.'1 in the ot't'b-e ot u Hoatptoj ol' p.-.v? of '.;auille Conuty. up"H failure of t''e HMtd S:miiip ' Thom as: o: the biudf wilfil tlirli' by. :iud at tli' reipiepst uf I ho hold ers oi ihe ?utic. I will for ,.:ql, l. i'ublie Aut tiou at the Com I 1 lone ihe 2t I 2 ni sit uat and laud I 'rlda v. t '. t 0. at of laud ,i,,,r in Ovtoid. on th da of Xoxeinhor. il:t bouse and lot : tbe coi net ol OrattKe SI. Mudou ve MllomlllK 'be of J.uueH (liriKty. I'eler ; (ir.vcon and others, said lot (touts :' r, 7 tt. on OrauK1 ' 's ba'k j t:t;. ti to James Creuory's lino, j There is a new house on said lot I This the Mill day of Oct ober. 1 5 I 0. A. A . Micks. I rtistee. II Yi: A KKdl f TO AS!i. I i: e iiae a ptihlicai get i ti 54 tin the ( i urham Sun ) . j people of North Carolina , light to ask where the re- j ' camnaiun nuinagers are ! the money from to crtrry activc political campaign Miss Irwin Stark. Pay Your Taxes. The town taxes for 1910 are now due and you are earnestly request ed to make prompt settlement and save any extra costs. R. B. Hines. Tax Collector. SAM? OF HOUSH AX1) LOT. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust executed to me on the 8th day of October, 190G, and at the request of the holder and owner of the bond secured by said Deed in Trust, default having: been made in J. F. Chi no White Co. Best specimen Embroidery hv Oxford Jewelry Co. . Best drawn work one pair shoes by Pevkiuson & Green. 7. Best collection Fancy work one year's subscription Ladies Home Journal In- sizemore Bros. 8. Best srenciliing, Cash bv Lewellvn. $1.00- cy work tord This" residence and oldest piece of fan $2.00 Ice ticket by Ox ter & Electric Co. piece in possession of any the pavment of said bond, I shall, on MONDAY, November 21st, 1910 I sell to the highest bidder for Cash by public auction, at the Court j House door in Oxford, X'. C. the j following described lot of land: I Situate on the East side of Belle Street in the town of Oxford, front ing 80 feet on said Street and boun ded on the North by the lot of Mrs. W. H. White; on the East by Cue old Yenable lot, now owned by A. Y. Graham; and on the South by Seaboard Air Line Railway Com pany, it being the lot conveyed to S. W. Cooper by J. C. Cooper and wife, see Deed Book 39, page 384 of the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. Tin e of sale between 12; 30 and i.oO p. m. This October 19, 1910. B. S. Royster Trustee. Oxford. i 10. t3est piece of fancy work do- ; Tinted io Socio tv Cash $2.oo hy Y- i Z. Mircheil. j 11. Best, one dozen hand painted 1 score cards donated to Society Sea- j son's ; icket to Moving Picture Show, j ly Manager Picture Show. ? Ail ai ti,;l-s must tie exliibiTed at j owner's risk. j IJOsSE KKKPKflS ! )KP. I5TMKXT if J Mrs. C. A. Coggeshall, Mis James Paris. ' 3Irs. T. C. Hall. Pi'eJniutivs Offered. 1. Best Fruit Cake, Cash S3. 00 by Griinviyile Real Estate & Trust j Company-. : 2. Best layer Cake, Hat $.".00 by Long Co. :. Best pound Cake Cash $2.50 by J. F. Meadows Ware House. I 4. Best White Cake Electric Iron! by P. H. Montgomery. : 5. Best decorated Cake one-half i ton Coal by C. D. Ray. ; (. Bast Angel Cake Japanese j Cake Plate by Carroll fc Ferguson. 7. Best Devil Cake Cut Glass i Nanpy by J. G. Hull. 8. Best Sponge Cake Cash, $1.00 i by Pete Bullock Harness Store. 9. Best one dozen Tea Cakes i $1.00 in trade by R. S. Turner. j 10. Best two dozen Beaten Biscuits; 48 pounds Melrose Flour by L. Tho- , mas. 11. Best three pounds home made fancy candy one dozen Cabinet Photos oy Brinkley and Co. 12. Best three pounds Chocolates Fudge Parlor I.amn bv Cohen and Company. j 13. Best one pint jar of jelly j 3 pounds White House Coffee- by ! Breedlove and McFarland. " j 14. Best one pint jar preserves ! 3 pounds Toxoway Coffee by Tay- lor Bros. These articles must be given with receipt io be sold for benefit of Oxford Improvement Society. Other Premiums donated to So ciety merchandise by J. D. Brooks. .Merchandise by L. Pitchford, -Merchandise by Allen's Grocery, ' iMerchandise by Fuller Brothers. they arc now engaged in and not being answered they have a perfect right to their own deductions. Marion Butler's record and Mar ion Butler's activity in this cam paign naturally lead the thinking people to the conclusion that Mar ion Butler has an interest at stake in the campaign now going on that must be of more than unusual im portance to him. He has never been looked upon as a political philan thropist, one who would give lime and money for a purpose that did not inure to his own individual bne efits and it is but fair to assume that he has not done so in this case unless there was something in it for Marion Butler. What can that interest be? Is Marion Butler a property holder in North Carolina to an extent that he would consider it worth his time and money to protect it, if protecting were needed? Has Mar ion Butler manufacturing or agri cultural interests in North Carolina that would justify him in devoting his time and his money to pieserv ing, if, indeed, they needed pre serving? We have not been able to discov er them if he has and we have made rather diligent inquiry. What then can be Butler's rea son for devoting time and money, his own or that contributed by oth ers, to the political campaign now on in; the Old North State. Is it not fair supposition, in view of his past record, as admitted by him self, that his interest in the North Carolina campaign is the interest of that syndicate of bond holders who have for several years been en deavoring to compel the State of North Carolina to take up and pay for bonds that the state does not admit it owes. ! Paints and Finishes for Y OUT Home If there is a shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have just what you need for producing the exact finish desired in the line of WMITY PAINTS AND FINISHES Let us show you colors for painting your house or ham, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby surfaces look new and attractive. Come in and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tell what Acme Q:ality Pamt, Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy for VOTT to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would not bother with. Ask for a copy. IT' S FREE C. D. RAY 9 xfrcL N. C If a more logical conclusion can be reached as to Marion Butler's interest in the political campaign will some of our republican friends point it out? We really would like to know. o Self-Reducing Modcnor NS. 403 $4.00 SIS finnws An instant success, because it does mere for a stout woman than any other corset ever made. The long skirt comes well to the front, and reduces back, hips and up per limbs to the last degree. But the pressure re laxes when you sit down and you are as comfortable as if you had no cor set on. For Tall Figures Sizes 20 to 33 $4.00 Made with the new Nemo Relief Bands, which firm ly support the ab domen from underneath. And tfie Best Corset Made dt $2, S3, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Figure Build ers Make Your Suit ELf-f?EDUCING N'40S REUEF Bands LOOK Better. V Wear Suits Made by The E.B.Radford Co. We guarantee you a suit to fit you i made as you want it. The Only Satis factory way to buy suit i PEOPLE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO ACKACH Will find relief by applying . JONES' LINSMEMT 0or Reputation for Shoes is The Best in Town- KUJ.ES AXi) Itl-XiUIjATlOXS be charged for en- 1. No fee will tering exhibits. 2. No plant or piece fancy work having taken premiums last fall tv ill be accepted. ?. Exhibitors not nersonallv nre- . - xi i f m Renting articles will attach card i with name of same, and class in -which the entry is to be made. 4. All Fancy work must de done toy persons entering the ame. 5. All Cakes, Bread, Candy, jelly and preserves must be donated to the Society. Admission 10 cents or Season ticket 25 cents. Refreshments at the usual prices. 13IXING ROOM MAXACJEUS. Mrs. W. Landis Mrs. J.B Powell, Miss Carbutt. Cashiers Mrs. H. O. Furman, Mrs Lewis De le Croix. Mrs. A. Sails, Mrs. B. K. Hays. Door Keepers. Mrs. James Horner, SHOE FOR AND LITTLE uster SHOE FOR Chfldrai MISSES And toys 3Look at Our Shoes and See Quality I And Style Combined at The Most Reasonable Prices THE NEW STORE. FrMl(D)l & OffiCE to thho affected parts. 1 had been a groat sufferer with lum bago so that I was unable to bond. 1 had to got down on my knees wiu-n reaching for anything. A friend recom mended Dr. .lone.s' Liniment and the tie cured me. first application gave relief. One bot .V few days a lady called win com plained of great pains in her back. I gave hher a little of Jr. Jones' lani ment and she was relieved immediately after applying it. We are recommending it to all oar friends." M. P. STUTZ, J logins Pa. Dr. Jones' Liniment relieves pain omre promptly and with less rubbing than inflamation and swelling, and perma any other preparation. It sooths away nently heals sores, bruises, burns and scalds. Fop sale by F. F. LYON, None Genuine without the Beaver Trade Mark. IP v Price 50c per Bottle. Accept No Other. TRADE KA&S.)J n 0 9 eal Estate for No. 1008 Crabtree Mill Property on Knap of Reeds Creek,oontaining 37 acres more or less. This property in a fine neighborhood. A very reasonable price will be named. If interested write or phone at once. We are sole agents. GRANVILLE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO. Real Estate and Insurance in all Branches. A. H. POWELL, Prest. j. a. NJLES, Sec'yTres. TELEPHONE NO. 88, OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. v a " Sill 0

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