The Only Weekly Paper in f his Seclion qf the State That Has 2690 Bona Fide Subscribers. . rr if VOL. 23. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 1910. 5PM Mill in - -wwwMl1--il--liM-Bi I I 11 4 -4 -NOLO(ilCAL AND SOIL MAP OF j last gkaxyjlle county. firing Location of The Churches Schools Houses and All Other Prominent Places ami Telling Wliiit Rind of Sv-il and What Kfu-I of Fertilizer to tis-i. The bureau of soils of the United States Department of Agriculture under The direction of Prof. Milton Whityney and the North Carolina Department of A griculture tb. rough the State Chmisr. Ir. B. W. Kil gore, have co-operate in making a soil map of Granville County. Mr. K. B. Hardison ox the Nation al Go err.ment, who has spent six and a half months in the county do ing this work, will leave about De cember 1st, for , Richmond county, N. C, where he goes to do similar work. Preparation of this soil map has been a. heavy expense to the National and State depart ments of Agricultural, neither time nor money having been spared in making the map accurate in every detail. The expense, however, has not beer, so great as it would have been had it been necessary to make the map upon which the soil has been mapped. The base map used in this survey was made by the Fni ted States Geological Sun ey in eo- : operation with the X. C. Geological ; and Economical Surv,5y. Many roads yield . . 62 . . 61 . 61 . GO 60 . 60 located :;nee tne base map ana ; completed at son man nine: was been e preparation wert of u:ose which the time the completed have rrespcudingiy changed . map will show all iublic private roads, streams, rail I i n e s . houses. ch u r- u'it":. aaa ail known places v., re-aas. townsmp c?ter-.. school houses, prominent and well irt x .'it- i'rmcj. . !t v-or,- a scale of one in mile, thus giving a veni-'n: sized map of Oi; this map wi?? be vari'-its types of soil r.r.Ci tie;: i: u if IV rem colors, or;- will r-t lithographed no: hi am- v.-:j v cover at hous( s or streams. in addition to the soil map vefy c-mpleic. report : forty to fif ty priJ'-ced pages will be written on ?Gr:nv;n '; uunty. treating of the following, subjects: general ciiscrip tion o:" the county, its location, ac curate Novation 01 different points, of lioys ami S'-mley Currin . . Crawford Kobood . Roy Daniel .... Roy Daniel . . . . ; .Irby Tippett . . John Roberts . . J. T. Thaxton . . Sam Daniel . . . . Buxton Hobood . . Calvin Dean . . . . Herman Currin Edward Floyd . . Vivian Currin . . E. B. Green . . . Thos. Allen . . Alfred Dean . . Stephen Veazey . . Edward Crews . . Fred Elliott . . G. M. Bennett . . Nathan Turner . . Claude Allen . . . E.C . Harris . . Lee Black well . . Fred Daniel . . Alex Yeaxey . . . . Wiley Bmpass. . Leonard Cheatham I.onnie Newton . . Thos. Hobood . . Lawernece Moss C la reu co O "Br ; en t Early Frazier . . Parrott Hardee: . . Willie Daniel . . Roy Bureh . . . . Oscar Ragiand . . Joe Daniel . . Joe Ragland ... . lvie Moore Ovid Frazier . . Claude Wheeler . . Roy Franklin . . . Granville! Ba gland Mr. W. C. Currin. says that raised 39 bushels of corn on an of ground. per Aero, j 106 . S6 1-2 . . S4 2-3 S4;2l-32 ' 1-4 SUPERIOR OOFRT. A rOOf 81 74 70 70 70 6S 65 1-2 71 3-4 1-4 1-4 3-4 . 65 1-S Man;' Cases on ror-k.. -fudge Lyon Presiding. xue lOHowmg are the criminal State vs. Frank Chappell, L'obnig or moragaged prosed. C3 ses dis- projerty; Rol "HE HOYS COIIX CONTEST. Forty Four Boys Making an Av erage of 57 Rushes to the Acre, the Highest Yield Being io Bxtsh el Made ly Stanley Currin of If EN DEKOX NEWS. Hnederson Nov. fith Mrs. R.J . Corbett gave a luncheon, one of the' most elaborate affairs, of the kind ever given in Henderson, on Wed nesday at one o'colck in honor of Mrs. Sidney Sims Stevenson 'Six tables beautifully laid, with IV MKMOKIAM Walnut Grove; Tovvnship. Granville county scored again to- decorations and place cards sugses tiay agriculturally when at the wind- tive tlle Thanksgiving sessons, 53 0 3-4 1-4 1-2 4-11 1-4 . . 57 1-4 . . . 56 l . . . 56 55 5-8 54 19-35 T " M 1-3 3-S . 50 50 12 . 45 44 1-4 . 39 1-3 1-3 3 5 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 25 he acre 1J!LJfL.T? Prkr abandon o oruer. ing up or the bovs corn c.lnh it wa : and sparKlmjr with crystal anti il coaled vnnn ni'J;arrrIng con- : fo-Irid hat boys made an average ! ver we placed in the dining room, Stl? t ' coBtmued. . I of 57 bushels of corn to the acre, i library, drawing room, ball and at . 7 r -t "" jjt.ui, ui cost. i vtrove townswn. Pnnr nthorc mA. Sions. ine . center nfACPte i-i above 70. A number I hea(i Alexander t Smith TKivis Shor Sketch of hiy fife and ' Kvsolnl ion of KeFfwct AdpU'l by Whie ).k Camp, o. ij WcKKliitaii of The XVorKl. Alexander S. Davis was born on Lis fathers' plantation in Granville county X, C. in January 1 S.'.H. VVIv n a young man he came to Oxford, first going into tno tobacco business after which be ergay;el in Stanley Currin of Walnnt. i delicious courses there was nroeres- i tw. ' t A!'.t.. ' ; P.rnvi- fmrnJn. xr u" "rr: ion Th n-.t - ! r . 11 lwv,!' 1 nomas St-ito vc t ' A , , V , - "vutrrs. uiaoe w fivco at, uv i & ( o Alter 1 i vi li hero for Olttie VS. James Prnehv lo,... : fTe:.-T s- i . . v i, , ..t,t . t vv vw., .iiu.j iiiu ueii IOI ca- Ige, perjury, noi-p rosed with leave i sci fa VS" Pet EHiS' larceny- ni" . fetate vs. H. M. Clark, slander, c Mate vs. Henry Hod continued. State vs. Taylor Barnes, retailing guilty, fined $30.00. State, vs. Pink Hawkins, assualt. with deadly weapons, guiltv, 6 mon ths m iail. State. vs. Stacv Wriarht. i oi valuable prizes were given amons them temc: was tvera I v. u s his usiness and ? ttr II it i: ii i Js ri-fir.i f.y . ic o '-.: ... t . . x .: " " r - , .i..., "-v." ' i ITV iKJi'il Lir 111 ItKinoCU "il.rl tiv. n MUfc MUiig.v,sex oi narness. "'" wuwi. - Jiauj aa.n- . circles he wiM r.t V i vv"" aooux iuu m ! ""'" aim ircauiirui Sui:6 wtfe seen moved to Henderson whe.-o u cash. In addition to the 44 boys whe ; on this occasion. The guests were: -engaged in the druc bur.- n-iui uwie w ere a numner wno ! - -h;h-ubuu v. w. jiur i jjr, .Melville Dorsev maae very creditable nelds but af-! weu &- fc- Jamoe, vv. strause, D. i him for a ""fc eie ucQinu i - , . i . 'i-jr inis neaitJv became imp iic' Vv hen did not send in report. It is im- ! er, A- J. Hunt, Alex Cheek, A. J. ; he moved out to his , i , imr' in possible- to -estimate the value of ! Harris, A, S. Pendleton, J C. Kit- i the pountrr-tn ti-v..i ' u-, . i , . iutjiti, iu ii. i vj-w;-ij, j. neaitn. ror m i-arnam, j- 11. rarnam, r. J . Jones, J. H. Bridgers. rem; twenty . vith :ng -with .--, until the stimulus given to corn ; continued. the corn contest has raising in the countv. ; There is no doubt that it has al larceny, ; ready added thousands of barrels 37 i tO tfie COrrt fron in nrlflitinn rr V. , . j --- X' -- V - w 1 V X.MJ. oidie s. - Jb. L. Peace, point-) amount raised by the contesting! mg pistol, not guilty. boys. I State vs. Arihian Smith, larceny,; Mr. C. R. Hudson, State agent I otate VS. Mrs. J. D. Thomrtjssnn i the bovs nr. ':the r.nrn show w1iinl- with deadly weanon eon 1 1 wa fixhibltoH PHnm: in tt v-.-r ! 0 assualt tinued. State vs- Frank Lewis and Henrv Royster, assualt with deadly weap on, guilty $5.00 and cost. State vs. A. A. Lyon, assualt and battery, guilty, $50.00 and cost. State vs. Caroline Thomas, and Bessie Thomas, Ressie Thomas guilty, Caroling Thomas not aruil- Misscr Mary Prurlen, Mildred ilc IVlullen, Pattie Burwcll The following cards are out: Mrs. R.B Powell At Home. Four o'clock tea Wednesday 30th Mrs. D. S. Larabc. Mrs. W. D. Burwell. Miss Hilda Jordan, the attract- f : ive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. i e. Sii a house in the. connection with the warding: of nrerniums. He- made most interesting talk on corn-grow- j Jordan, and .Mr. Geo. Rowland, a mg and conducting his lecture some what after the plan of a recitation x bl is hod s.o one ana eon con ::ty. ho-u n t he their loca These col and will the roads DutcliviTe Township PiTiiiiums on CoiTt Conest. The followin received in the Corn Contest in Township : Irby Tipjett, 1st prize . . . . S7.00 .Tohnie uoberts 2nd prize . . Sti-OO Stephen Veazey 3rd prize . . 5. 00 pair shoes. Alex Veazey 4th prize vl? persons that contributed State vs. Caroling Thomas. Bessie Thomas, both guilty, ment su spend ed- i State vs. Robert Harris, carrying concealed weapon, canias continued" premiums; State vs. Walter-Wilson, larcenv, Dutchvjiie j guilty 4 months on road. State vs. Walter Wilson, cruelty to animals, nol-prosed. nas the times im- with, popular young man of Hen.ocrson, were married at the home of the brides parents Wednesday rooming at twelve o'clock by Rev. I. W. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland left on will the make northbound 4.50 will a please place the money in the Cit izens Bank of Creed moor. W. A. L. Veacy. committee. In Memory of Jimmie Dames, boys to answer.M- -r. Hudson asking questions and having been to Granville five or six within the past year and the ; pression, favorable to begin and I has grown more and more. ; tdg-1 A very interesting conference of; ! eighteen or twenty - of the leading; I business men of the town with 3Jr. ' I Hudson was held in the office of ' , the Granville Commercial Club Tues , ' day mrht-The object of the meeting i ; was to discuss with. Mr. Hudson ' It be question or having a commission i is one of the most popular young j i er of agriculture for the county. The ; women of this place and it is re-j ! plan is to combine the demonstra- i gretted that she is to leave i lender- ; I tioa work, directing of the boys : son. Mr. Ward is a prominent busi- I weapon, guilty, 10.00 ! com club, secretaryship e.f the fair j and employ a man to, give his whole '. ,urjTJU auu Jee Lie - i.uis we-in.. - xic ue& JJeu- ; n:i : t,. o-ii.-o ,-,f Vfra T? 1V- j Harris, affray jdgment suspended ; pic in the county think this is -he eu " i upon oavmen t. of cost- ''thine: to do and the next Legislature I I State vs. Lawerence Davis, mur- ! will be asked to pass a bill creat- - Miss Mary Pruden is ! t. t 4 T"r. . j der, guilty man slaughter, jttdg- : ing such office tor. the county i ment 2 years in pentitentiary immediately train- The their home The announcement of the engage ment of Miss KMose Gregory to M. John Herman Ward, of Souib Hill Va., in the News and Observer Sun- j day came as a surprise to the peo j pie of Henderson. The marriage will ; take place Jan. fourth. Miss Gregory j iiil) my yea.t fie was ;. ! devoted. and sincere mrnif.e of the j Presbylerian Church- ; He vvfs- hpp:iy liti.-ii d soino years ago to Mfss A;;..iv of Henderson, V C. v. in, him toget her with i-' m-. t h" sisters and one brot :-,in !. vis of this p3ace. lie was a good ; inena, a coveted h;. jtionate son and brotj,. .--I Whereas. God in Lis ir.'.'i j dom has seen fit to rvuu.vr ; our Camp in the Forest of jcr;ii. our eve loved Jiro. l.;vis. ! Resolved 1st. That we bow in ! humble submission to him who do i t fh rvll things well. nd. That we e:ae:l it e.ei r--..iua . a a i! irds v i ve ' i'"e ind ;i f '(- v i s f mm wood- Henderson j fclt sympathy to V. le ou r !'e:: v- !-i'l . ; ily and that, a copy of i lutions be sent to its also spread upon the- re. Camp and published in Ledger. p. VV. i C. A. t A. Will Cj.':i i i ; e hejjrt- f'.im 111) he it-roll, btate vs. .;ames ; nol-prosed. j State vs- B ! ing concealed J and cost. ! State vs. L W. Briggs perjurj L. Chambers, carry- ness man or tout.n Hill. Mrs. S- S. Lambe. o'. Elizabeth no- i tepo mane tions. toil?. - graphic features, drain; We are na.ined to learn that. Jitn- cli-! mie Dames died in a Xorthern citv c-endr.ions. geological forma-: iast week. Jemmie was a brother transpoi-tation, faciijues, its of L. A. and John Dames- He lived -each type being described in ! in Oxford two or three rears and lull and analysis given crops, fer-.;then went to Henderson to live. On tihsers, prices of land, conditions of j one occasion Jemmie lost the key agriculture and the opportunities j to his place of business and this for farther development. These re- j writer turned him in with a master ports will be published in bulletin key from his own pocket. Bv this form and will accompany the soil j act w-e made a lifetime friend of JIItlf- : Jim. He was a. arood bov and was T n e-c enrt oa-i r-ei tT-tnt-T"r- ii r -, i -i . -r -. - - been made in the soil and subsoil would go to Henderson Jim to a depth ot three feet. ; be the first man I would look Several duplicate samples from When I saw him last I talked each type of soil have been collected ? him ahnut hie snnk caimtinn vcould for. to He md Will he forwarded to the lab- : told me be -was ehr-ietinn unr? was all . ..... . v-.-. . iui ujc ixc was it .iii laticiii m:u oratories at Washington and Raleigl j trying to live right every day. for mechanical and chernicial anal- ! We extend our sympathy' to show ent s mine, a soil of the bereaved ones. D. N. Hunt. IMxie Theatre Changed Hanels The mechanical analysis will the percentage of the differ- zed soil particles and deter- the textural classification of In Raleigh a chernicial anal ysis will be made to determine the j and will be run under new' man age kind and amount ot" plant food pre- ; ment commencing, Monday, Dec. sent in each soil type. Each of i 5f.h, 1910. I also wish to state these analysis is important and has that nothing but clean and high a direct bearing upon the kind of j class pictures will be shown. It crops that each soil is best adapted ! wiiI be managed by Mr. J. L. Poole to.and sugests the plant food most ' until further notice. Good order and needed by each soil. According to I satisfaction is our motto Matinee Mr. Hardison there- are 1 7 distinct i every evening at 3:30 and at soil types and 2 sc-if phases inG ran vii!e. Countv. all ef vhich have been shown on the soil map. These fall into 9 main divisions, the red clay and reddish sandy lands having red clay subsoils, the light gray soils with yellow sandy clay subsoils.the Lice of appeal. State vs. OIlie Overton working roads, return to J lect cost. visum?,' Mrs J ft Kittrell and Mrc r lb ! Turner. i Oyster Supper at Stovall. ; a handsome silver loving cup was for not The date of the oyster supper to j presented to Rev. R. C. Crovcn, P. col- : be given at Stovall has been chan- ; Wednesday morning in the Graded i srer? tn the. third of necemher in- ! School auditorium by the teachers The ofM r Wake Death of Little llahy. Ixiath Ar.gel vis?teu tie homo and Mrs. H. L Av i of county, Nov. , !:"!i'. and c-laimeci for its own their (has Hf.tle baby girl, Lena I'earl, u-a (wo mont hs and 2 l days. Sh- i ) : r 1 b-eu fd.k all o: life. We we re s rty to give her up. bui all we a.i say, God's will be done' i'l it hotnr- h vacant, the little clothes !:.h by, a mothers joy, r. lathers ;)!-id, in it death's cold little babe is sue ping the. arms of Jesus wher am'! State vs. John DamessJohn Kerho j stead of the 5th, which is for the j and pupils of the school. The pres-j ty's oldest and las selling cigarettes to ! benefit of the Sunbeam Band. fendents plead guilty, judgment j "Come bring your, wives, friends suspended upou payment of cost and: end sweethearts." said defendants must appear m Literary court for a year to prove that they have not violated this law. State, vs. Mark Garrel. carrying concealed weapon, not guilty. State vs- Arron Neil Ernest Hawk ins, larcenv. - both suilty both ap prenticed out for two years. -parposc cock affray and assualt, not dispos- I ed of. the Gi-aded Society at School. The Carteret Literary Society is a society formed among the boys ot the Oxford Graded School for the of the advancement of I j entation was ny tne superintendent, j morning. She i Mr. J. T- Alderman. Mr. Croven will j tkc old famih leave Henderson soon j For the past four years Mr. Cro- ven has been here in charge of the : Methodist Church, and has rendered ; genuine service in eyry sphere of ; life of the community, Church Mun ; cipal social and school. io harder has he labored more lies. the dear swee;J.y in wo all inns twst citi.ens.Cap'". as laid to rest in burying grouiifl near Enon cburch of Granville county. The funeral services woro coii- ducted ford 4 by Di ll. H. Mrs. A. .v?;,rsh of ) (J. Crilcher. ; earnestly than in the interest. of ' the children of the community in S- A. Booth, was our representa-; t, school. Realizing this, and in t:ve in tne inier-acnoiuisiic -efw- night L. Ferreli Drham, N. Honor Roll e:v Kullock School- "black lands of black travel lands. the course textured light gray soils with yellow sandy clay subsoil grad ing into mottled subsoil (found only in Croedmoor section, ) the "white yellow sticky sub fioury" land yvith , the bottom soils and Tar Rivers, Dory soil" with soil, the reddish light red subsoil along the Xeuse same second terrace .soil found on ly north of river r.nd near Tar-River Station, and the rough rocky soils occupying Meadows Mountains and other similar positions. With the exception of the bottom lands and seconc terrace soils all i of the soils .in Granville County owe j their origin to the deeorne.osition of rocks and in every instance a person can trace the changes of that have taken palce in soil for mation from the soil to the sub soil, thence - into the decomposed rock and finally into the nondecom posed bed rock. The rocks in Gran ville County are varied and many of them, are of a complex mineral gical com position. Since the differ ent soils have been derived ' from the underlying rocks', it is nat ural to suppose that the different ty Ves of soil contain different ele ments and amounts of plant food in just such varying proportions as the original ro.ks, and since the soils' differ in amounts of plant food it is reasonable to think that the various types of soil require. dif freent fertilizer treatments. For in- . stance, a light gray course sandy soil would require a different ferti lized form a red clay soil and also from a bottom' land soil. It is impossible to analyze the soil from every man's farm but by having a soil map showing the dis tribution of the various soils over the county it is possible to analyze a few samples from each section , and these will represent the type wherever found. -! Mr. Hardison says he is constant- " . ..., ' - Advanced Department. Miss .-ewel Irene Floyd, Teacher. Banister Royster, Jack Pittard, Martha Davis, Hugh Pittard, Dor tb.y Hicks, Broadus Hicks, Myrtle Blair. Nannie Norwood, Oscar Pit tard, Robert Davis, Jessie Pittard, Lucy Norwood, Salie Norwood, Lu -tie Norwood, William Blair. Primary Department. Miss Sue O. Boyd. Teacher. Thomas Blair, Susie Pittard, Paul Campbell, Pearl Royster, Fannie Campbell James Davis, Virgie Cren shaw, Zulene Evans, George Nor wood, Helen Evans, Mary Royster, Mary Norwood, Annie Belle Cox, El vin Royster, Gladys, Campbell. State vs. Dack Harris alias John Harris carrying concealed wea pon, guilty $10.00 and cost. guilty $10.00 and cost. j State vs. W- Revis, perjury, not disposed of. j State vs- Ernest Baskerville, lar-j ceny, guilty 12 months on the road, j State vs. James Royster perjury, j not disposed of. j State vs. Bob Cannady, injury to property, not disposed of. State vs. Stacy Wright, ' carrying j concealed weapon, $10.00 and cost- j I made a .nt st at Jb.rhan. i The program of last meeting was j I as follows: ! appreciation of this the cup was pre sen ted. ('-apt. H :;;:. The relatives of the late (.'apt. H. Bragg desires to know why was not given a Masonic burial his lodge as he was a Mason good standing as his lodge had pie information of his death? Relatives- A. lie by iu a ui- Resolved: "That capital punish-; ment should be abolished." Affirmative Negative John Stedman, Roy Royster, John B. Roller William Medford, The affirmative won the debate. Tom Face won over Neil Ilobards Rev. R. C. Croven preached his i farewell sermon in the M. E. Church: Ikath of Mr. Hernlon. i 1,'iumav uiuiiiiui.. iMC.arin uas just oeen reeeiveu i Rev. I. W. Hghes preac hed one of i in Oxir.n bringing the news of the ihe finest sermons ever heard in i death in Atlanta. Ga.. of William G. in Dec I a m a t ion Con test . Press Reporter MO YEARS OF SUCCESS. Mis. J. B. Powell and Mrs. William Taylor Entertained- The .L G. Hal! Drug Co. Offer a medy for Catarrh. The Medi cine 0-ots Xohing it" it Fails. He the Holy Innocence Church. Taking j Herndon. Mr. Herndon wis a mew as his texf'Who is this?this is Jc- bor of oim of the most prominent bus the prophet of Nazareth of Gal- j b:milk;s in Granville county. ILj iilee." He gave a resume of the his- j loft Oxlord about 60 years ago to tory of the christian religion. ! make i s ahorne in Atlanta and ar- How since that day in Jerusalem ' rived ii-4-re witli less than $1 in. hi.s when the hwy? and idle, the mother pocket. He became a very successful with her child, the Roman Soldier h'lZ.v.ezH man and accumulated a tr unc os frorae.tning over fiJ.xj.oun.tie whs 'tn extensive dealer in Atlanta real 'mhap and the rapid growth of had paused, to the present day wher. the nation of the East are pausing to ask this question. U has ever been asked who is this? It was a : that The social life of Oxford was em- j When medicine effects a ly being asked. "For what is the soil survey intended and what benefit is there to be derived from it"? In the first place the soil survey work is the basis for the study of the fertilizer requirements of each soil and also the adaptibility of each soil to certain and special crops. TheU nited States department of Agriculture at Washington and also the N. C. Department of agriculture, under the direction of Dr. B. W. already prepared to give out much valuable information in regard to soils and fertilisers. In the second place the soil survey furnishes every citizen of the coun ty an accurate map absolutely free of charge. In the third place, - it will show the various types of soil and their extent. In the fourth place, the report will give an un biased write-up of the county in minute detail. And lastly, these" maps and re ports will he distributed not only in Granville county, but to a certain extent over the United States and hence will serve as an advertise ment for the county. The map and report will be avail suc- phasized Wednesday afternoon by 1 cessful treatment in a very large a most delightful entertainment giv- j majority ef cases,' and when we of en by Mrs- J. B. Powel and her ' jer our medicine on our own per friend Mrs. William Taylor, of j sonal guarantee that it will cost the Stovall, at the home of Mrs. Pow j user nothing if it does not complete ell. It was an elaborate and most j ly relieve catarrh, it is only reason pleasing occasion- The hall and i ale that people should believe us, parlors were adorned with a prof u-j or at least put our claim to a Pac sion of autumn's favorite flowers j tical test when we take ail the risk, and the chrysanthemums vied in These are facts which we want the size and color to lend their charms j people to substantiate- We want enhanced in beauty by the : them to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, a beautiful ferns and evergreens. A j medicine prepared from a prescrip- vprv eha.rmirtr pnme of enc.hre was . tion of a nnysician witn wnom ca- masterpiece of thought and came in a torrent of sacred eloquence. The town was shocked, although ; it was known that the end was j near yesterday morning whenitwas known that Mr. Nicholas Bulter had died in the night. He was the son of Mr. E. G. Butler: a young man about twenty two years old. The funeral took, place from Holy Innoc ence Church this afternoon. Tht i to multiply him his opportunity his resources- friends of the deceased, all young men acted as pall bearers Henderson's two new hoteds ar highly enjoyed,at the close of which tarrh was a e occupied by the Garage Co., is prizes were were awarded Mrs. a record of thirty- years of enviable; erected rapidly! I J H l, II. 1 I. (J . L V V. V- . V. J ' - - -J I OUVA L . ' ' . .im The ed in. Sharon Notes. crop of 1010 is now It is a fairly good gather-average prize, a beautfiul "Mayonnaise bowl I We receive more good reports ; and ladle. Mrs. E. H. Crenshaw re-! about. Rexall Musu-Tone than we do j ceived the Star Prize, a handsome , of all otner catarrn remedies soia , - i - m TV TUT A 1 "IT- --r- ! nrt 14? t-- -. 1- "1 J t". I S Tl ! Donnon aisn ana .virss. marLaa ucw m our siwc, - i rrnn Toh-iero wa; rather lirht in j i -v, o fimrnii .rrht-.- Hwipn ) crop. lODacco as latnci ngni in little olive bowl. j dable remedy Rexall MusuTone is ; 'ast year and so tl The refreshments were very ele- u. woum oe iue ""'J -" JT I have got some money, gantly prepared and beautifully ser- j we would hae any demand lor. , tufn cut ved in two courses, a salad course,; Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly ah-, expected, most people followed by ice cream and cake.The sorbed and hy its , therapeutic efrect P P With tne leuus to Purrin was in the corn entire mucuus meuiuiaueuus LittL, , . . . , . ! L rv. nuro-uoa i drought injured his corn, ,mhr. mado 65 bushels Itv. Ihnviwuy will Ixave. Rev. Dr. A. B. Buiaway, pastor oc Baptist church of (;xJrd for a. numlHpr of years, tendered his re? Ij:n;:lion Sunday morning, which was accepted by the congregation with e.i.i-Ij sorrow that Dr. Dunaway thought it best for him to resign. H has mad? a. ho?: useful and fai'hfur ; paster, and the nurcn na.s prosper. i greaUy ui.der his supervision. I)r ' buna way has made nany iriends in t!:5s community,, and they all regr-t ! eyeet dmgJv to give him up. Mrs. ; Dvnaway ha? been in charge of i h inlatit "iar-y ot the Sunday school. which r:ov: numbers nearly a hun dred childly under her line inairue men; won the, admiration of the people: heavier j jl0re v,v- Uey tjne traits of ctiaraeter farmers J of cre Christian womanhood." : -4 lie nas- maae a most, vaiumii- ber ef the community, and m. Those guests were impressed cordiality of the hostesses present were : Mrs. John R. Hall, Mrs Will Lan dis, Mrs. Henry Hunt, Mrs. E. H. Crenshaw, Mrs. R. A. Lewis, Mrs W. A. Devin, Mrs. A . H. Poweil,Mrs. A. L. Capehart. Mrs. Leake Peace, Mrs- L. W. Starke.M rs. T. L.Booth, Mrs. A. A . Chapman, Mrs.H . G Wiliams, Mrs. Ed, Hicks Mrs. W. T. Pace Mrs. J. W. Cannady Mrs. J.C . Horner, Mrs II. Shirley, Mrs. J. C. Reabrds, Mrs. Martha Chewn in, Mrs. W. D. Bryan.- Misses Flora Hunt, Jeanette Biggs, Susan Graham, Nett Gregory, Janette Gregory, Mary B. Williams, Lilly Wiiite, Maud Parham, Minnie Gray. contest.The but he t -.x-l-t i mTrim Th hm n orm c f i c . t.v,u x.- w.-v. "" was nrettv eood. sues, to sootne tne lntation ana i heals the soreness, stop the mucous j A farmer said "I have worked GULTV OF MAS SUAUMTKU Lawerence W. Davis, who was tried at this term rf Superior court for killing Braxton FSragg was found guilty of man slaughter, the ix hours. Supreme on ius. atrt. j iw i j jUry remaining out about Notice of appeal to the i court was given and Judge Lyon discharges, build up strong.healthy ! lxulld th y?ar' PlantmS. citivatxng.u , put the (iefendant under a bond of tissue aud'relieves the blood and sy j Tl n?- i 2.000 pending the decision of - Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup", Careful mothers keep Foley's rioney able in twelve months and will be ! and Tar in the house and give it at for distribution by Chas. M. Stedxoan. Congreasmat the first sign of danger. It contains uo opiates. Sold by all druggists. tern of diseased matter- Its intlu- f ence is toward stimulating the mu-co-cells, aiding digestion and im proving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time it brings about a noticeable : gain in weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. We urge you to try Rexall Mucu am going to taKe some rest, until time to begin another crop." The whole community is grieved because of the removal of Mr. Gra ves Shotwell and family to Oxford. Never did a neighborhood loose a more highly respected, and -useful family of people. The largest deer I ever heard of, was lately killed in this' section. He Tone, beginning a treatment today. . weighed a little over 200 pounds. At any time ' you are not satisfied ; Rev. J. R. Pace has resigned the simply come and tell us, and we ; pastorate of Mt. Harmony will quickly return your money with Church, and Rev. . E- G. Usry has out question or quibble. We have been called to take his place as Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 50 pastor. Pastor Pace has served this cents and $1.00. Remember you church two or three years. The can obtain Rexall Remedies in Ox- church has done the best work in ford only at J. G. Hall's store The j her history under his ministry. Kexall Store ...(.. ... . Visitor. that body. The lawyers for Davis were Gen. Royster, T. T. Hicks, of Henderson, A. A. Hicks, 'T- G. Stem, and B. K. Lassiter. The lawyers for . the prosecution were Solicitor Gattis, Judge Graham, W A- Devin, and Mr. Averett of Durham. Mr. Roy Wright left Monday for Elizabeth City where he married Miss Elizabeth Sawyer, of that place. They left for Washington City and other points. They wlU be gone about one week. ' mm Foley Kidney Pills are tonic fr action, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneya and bladder. They correct irregular ities- Sold by all druggists. . !