3 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1910 For Neighbors! Why, why, why go out of this town to shop? You are select people. We know your tastes. Therefore our stocks are bought to match yoa. We buy no trash for the passing crowd ; no "mail order quality of goods. We are personally responsible to you. We are handy. You can come in here and "kick? We like it, because it puts us still closer to your tastes. Again, you can do as well here in price as you can in nearby cities, big or Me. Now, here's the new Yoeeg Mae tffliie WorM is Yoers. mmm a m m 7 -Jewel Watch ct move ment only la 10-y-at 3M aoid-bil4 O It cannot be bought anywhere for less money. That's only one thirjg Sate ty Oxford Jewelry In the bright hey-dey of youth is the time to make provision for old age. Young man the world is yours but to obtain it you must prove your worthiness. Establish yourself in habits of thrift by the maintenance of an account with this bank and thus secure for yourself and your judgment a place high in the world's estimation. We pay 4 per cent, interest on Time deposits. - mmm ' I I I PROMPT ATTENTION Given to All Orders. THE PO?'J K 3 ia.j-.-vu..wa COAL YARD a&p' rsZ) Egrf or Lump Splint . . S6 per ton Pocahontas Lum S6 per ton Anthracite $9 per ton Above Prices Delivered. xtoM Ice C Phones 132 and 133. Several TEuMgjs There are several things to be con sidered in selecting your bank. 1st 2nd 3rd 4tti 5th Strength financial strength. The care which the bank is managed. The courtesy and spirit of accommo dation displayed by the officers and employees. The banking experience of its officers. The ability of the bank to properly and promptly handle all your business. To those wishing desirable banking rela tions, we offer our services as an old estab lished, permanent, conservative and accom modating bank, promising courteous treat ment and careful attention to all business intrusted to our care. Tine Grain vMe. E. T. WHITE, President. H. G. COOPER, W. T. VANCEY, Vice-President. Cashier. The Oxford Savings Bank & Trust Company, 1879 J. G. ELAJLL im Leading Druggist Seedsman of Granville County. Doctors' Prescriptions and Family Receipts a Specialty, Compounded by Regis tered Pharmacists. Pore Drugs and Medicines, Every Kind. Agent for "REX ALL" Remedies. Everyone is guaranteed. If not satisfied after taking any of these medicines your money returned You cannot lose. SPECTACLES and that suit your eyes at reasonable prices. Two registered optometrists. Money hack if not satisfied. High Grade Gradcn and Field Seeds. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. J.F Ropster's Special Horse Bower. Hall s Celebrated Ho- Powder prevanU and cures ; Hog Cholera and adds one pound of meat for every cent s worth or the powder fed to hogs. Oxford, IM. C (Freo Uuor Homody A whole lot of people never blame j the fool for parting from his money untill after it is all gone Philadel phia Inquirer. MOST FASHION ALE STYLES IN STATIONERY p.IMi- Ta.hif.tA ikn.i r.Vioni SnnnilM. 1 eoository for f 'ublic- School Books Bibles, Teachers Bibles Family Bibles and Testament at every price. Fountain Fens from 81 to $7.r,0. Guaronteed Kazors and Pocket Knives. Lame Stock ol Toilet Artie! es,Eac tracts and Other Perfume. Comb and Brushes, all Kinds ol Soaps. Toilet and Talcum Powders. CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS AND CANDIES. Huyler's. Fen ways and other high grade Chocolates and Chocolate Boa Bon. They are the ii EST. pjvAfi,' GSTVUINE.CHL.OKII!': CALCIUM WATERS AN I ALL OTIf Kit KI VI8 OF MINIIAL WATKRS. ALL THE MOST POPULAR SODA FOUNVA1N DRINKS. THE BEST - ICE - CREAM - ON - EARTH. Your Fried J. G. HALL, Oxford. North Carol In. It is well to stop a physical ail ment at the first signs of its approach, and that is especially true of liver trouble, which can eventually give rise to so many serious complications. Many have liver trouble and imagine it is indigestion, and hence take the wrong remedy. When the liver does not store up suf ficient gastric juices it becomes sluggish, and in this way disturbs the stomach and bowels, with which it is supposed to work in harmony. Then comes the sallow complexion, the pimply face, the dull pain in the forehead, the thinning of the blood, etc. A very Quick and sensible way to stop the trouble as well as to cure it is by the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which contains ingredients especially intended to promote the ac- ; , ,i- rf t tin 1 i C Among the many thousands wno nave written the doctor about the results ! achieved with his remedy, and who are j glad to make the facts public so that ; others can help themselves, are Mr. Jas. Kennedy, St. Louis. Mo.; Mrs. S. A. La. Rue of Smith's Grove, Ky.. and many others. These, like thousands of others, started the use of Syrup Pepsin with a sample. If vou will send your name and address you can also obtain a free trial bottle. This will prove to vou that liv?r trouble is proinotlv cured with this remedy or money will be refunded. Having tried it you can then buy it in the reffula way of vour drusrgist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, and the latter is sufficient for an entire family. This remedv is a vast improvement over cathartic tablets and salts, which onlv do good for the time being. Syrup Pepsin is permanent in its results. Is pleasant to take and does not gripe. It Is espeeiallv good for all tho?e who can not stand a violent purgative, i Dr. Caldwell personally will be pleased ! to trive vou anv medical advice you may i desire for vourself or family pertaining to !the stomach, liver or bowels absolutely i free of charge. Explain your case in a ! letter and he will reply to you in detail. For the free sample simpiy senu name and address on a postal card or otherwise For either renuest the doctor s address is Dr. W. B. Caldwell. R.500 Cald well building, Monticello, 111. 1 For Sale by CRENWILLO DRUG CO. CHICHESTER S PILLS Vrv THF. 1HAMOND BRAND. A. Uiaies. aw your uraniM lor C'hl-thes-terB Diamond Brands J'ills :u Kcd and Ciold mttai!ic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, i no other. Ituv of Toar nrnctfimt. A,k for CHI-ClfEW-TEB S DI,V ViOM It RAN Ik PIj.I.S. for years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliabla SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE in JH J. G. HALIj is ready to supply jthe material for that Thanksgiving cake. Send him your order for Lon When you make your Thanksgiv ing; cake, don't fail to come to J. G. HALL'S and get your I-ondon case, sena mm your oruer wi , il 17 A , hiina l don Layer Raisins, Seeded Raisins, j Layer Raisins, Seeded Raisins, t igs, iFigs, Citron,Nuts,and Currents. j Citron, Nuts, and Currents. ' ifr ii 7 ITOBACC Do Vou Wanf Ihe Highest Prices for Your Tobacco? If You do Then Sell With J. F. Meaiows & Co Prop ricttr. FARMERS WAREHOUSE ! Time of Lodae Meetings. j Oxford Lodge No. 103, I. O. O. F j Granville Camp No. 49 1st and 3rd i Friday nights , Junior O, U. A. M. 2nd and 4th ! Friday night Masonic Lodge A. F. & A. M. is. ! Monday night. I W. O. W. No.17 Thursday night. Tou an't Get Medicine Too Good i ..j::ac. ar more necessary than good food When you're strong and v. ell alittle poor food won't have any lasting uuu t- when you're weak, and sick a little poor medicine ynll work untold harm. Good medicines arc the only kind we sell. We put the purest and freshest drugs into . prescriptions. Our prices are right, too. $ We have an excellent dys pepsia cure, if you ar.e suf fering from any f ?1hi3 common disease REXALU DYSPEPSIA TABLETS assist the gastric juices, act as a gentle tonic, enable trie body to derive all the nutn- - x.am tnrA an A cure dyspepsia and indigestion permanently. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. ..... N. Ct r We sold a large break of tobacco a few days ago that made, an average of $22.72 for every pound on our floor, including scrap. Since the above sale we have sold two large sales that made an average of more than $20 for every pound of tobacco on our floor quite a number of piles ranging in price from $45 to $25. Prices are Strong on all Grades and we Propose to Lead And Let Others Follow in Getting For You High Averages. We think our books will show we have sold the largest sale for the largest amount of money-made the highest average and gotten the highest price. Try us with your next load and be convinced that lour house is headquarters for highest prices. Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past and".prom ising you our best efforts in the future, we are, yours for highest prices, CDo A n r-. m