4X OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1910 , - ir3 11! 4k 2 F YOU HAVEN'T EXPECTED W rfl! SOLD MORE WAN ONE THIRD OF WE TOBACCO SOLD ON OXFORD MARKET, WHY? of COME You Shall be Pleased if You Will sell at MAM(GUM & WATKHNS, K Never M Ti If You are Thinking of Buying a GASOLINE ENGINE, Learn Something About the They are made in all sizes, to do all kinds of work. You can run anv machine made with one. The CHEAPEST power you can get, and the BEST. Get my prices on small lighting plants, all complete, to!ight your home or factory. 1 can save you money on Pumps. Wind Mills,Towers, and Tanks, Rams, Pressure Systems, Gas Systems. Steam Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Work. Supplies of all kinds. Estimates and prices on application free. R. E. STARNES, m Agent for Fairbanks & Morse Engines and Supplies, OXFORD, mi Valuable Farmni Laiud att PuMIc 'Aectliioini. On Monday, December 5th at 1 2 o'clock m. we snail sell to the highest bidder for cash by Public Auction at the court house door, Oxford, N. C.? a valuable tract of farm land. Descrip tion and further particulars can be learned by inquiring at our office. GRANVILLE REAL ES3TATE & TRUST CO. Real Estate and Insurance in all Branches. A. H. POWELL, Prest. j. A. MILES, Sec'y-Tres. TELEPHONE NO.' 88, OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. km 1 nrrr IPILaee BEEN GETTING MORE WAN FOR YOUR TOBACCO TRY :5s Because we work harder and bid more liberal for our customers. We make highest aver ages on all grades tobacco. N. C. t8hFmum i Learn mm YOU 5 TOYS the Johnson With Scholarship Honor Roll of Oxford Graded School. First Grade. Daisy Cooper, Bernice Usry, Ef fie Lee, Thelraa Poole, Augustus Carroll. Second Grade- Bransford Ballon, Idie Kerr Tay lor, Annie Landis, Ruth Howard, John Ferry Hall, Olive Webb, An nie May WatMns, Lorene Turner, Ks tie May Frazier, Lillian Cheatham Sarah Covington, Irwin Jackson, Thad Parham, Fritz Hall, La vera Harris, Chandler Watkins. Third Grade. Zela Newton, Sam Hall, Roy Ur church Louise Currin, Beulah Far gis, Mary Day,,Rassie Hobgood, Le lia Currin. Fourth Gi-ade. Junius Cooper, James Ballou, Se die Crews, Fannie Taylor, Lula Hunt, Robert Parham, Julian Abbitt Jewel Thomasson, Charlotte Carroll, William Webb. Fifth Grade. Georgie Winston, Irene Pierson, Sudie Adcock, Sophronia Loonain, William Pace, Easton Parham, Ed ward Ballou, SThelma Averett, Lilias Millis, Mattie Burchet, Joe Ragland, Rial Loonam, Forest Longinire, John Covington, George Cheatham, Joseph Bryan, Irma Grant Joe Parham. Sixth Grade. Fannie Buchanan, Dorthy Royster Compton Bobbitt, Susan Webb, Mu zett Daniels, Lila. Currin, Richard Turner, Lossie Perry Lorene Peed, Edward Abbitt, Charlie Hundley. Seventh Grade. Ruhv Adcock. Alva Lee Currin, wtti'Hunt. Tom Pace. Buxton Tay- jlor, Kliose Cannady, Ercelle Jiurch !ett, Carrie Harris Eight Grade. Lillian Tavlor, Paul Daniel, , Ma Irian Wyait, Grace Critcher, Harvey Jones, Harvey Renn, Robert ;uaiidiu Marv White. Ninth Grade. Esther Mitchell, Myrtle Fagan, Lucy Wyatt, Virginia Carroll Bev erlv Royster. Oxford Cotton Mill School Honor Roll Winnie Allen, HughA lien, Theo dore Wilson, Heathie Linder, Mar vin Bragg, Thelma Falkner, Bessie Falkner David Long, Mack Long, Evelyn Hamilton, Callie Wilson, nrchett. Lonnie Wilson.Pat- itie Arrington, Sarah Arrington. Wants to Help Some One. For thirtv years J. F. Boyer, of Fertile, Mo., needed help and could not find it. That's why he wants to help some one now. Suffering so long himself he feels for all dis tiess from Backache, Nervousness, Loss of appetite, Lassitude and Kid ney disorders. He shows that Elec tric Bitters work wonders for such tioubles. "Five bottles," he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also positive ly guaranteed for Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Female Complaints and Malaria- Try them. 50 ceits at J, G. Ha's. MOVING OF BUSY THRONG PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND PEO PLE YOU DON'T KNOW. The Faces of Those Caught" While Coming and Going by Oar Man-About-Town. Dr- Morris, of Route 2, to town Tuesday. came -vi r. J. 1. Veazey, of Route2,was I m the city the frsit of the week. Messrs J. B. Pruitt, and Ben Ad jeock, of Route 2. were ono ur street luesday. Mr. Egbert Currin, in town Tuesday. of Berea, was Mr- L. G. Breedlove. came to the city Tuesday. Mr. J. R. Hobgood, of Route 1, was among the visitors at Oxford Tuesday. Mrs. J. G. Rude, of Durham is visiting Miss Hettie Lyon this week Mr. Charlie Hobgood, of Route 11 was in town on business this week. Mr. Evans Free-man, of Route 6, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. W. G. Thorp, of Oak Hill, came to town the first of the week. Mrs, Chas. Morris, of Route 2, was in town Tuesday- Mr. John Daniel, of Route 2, came to thecity Tuesday. Messrs A. E. Bobbitt, E. T. Hus kett, and W. R. Ellington attended court the first of the week. Mr.W. J. Covington and Son,were hi town Tuesday. Mr. E. E. Bullock, of Stem, was on our streets Tuesday. Miss Lilda Carr Vaughan and Mr. S. W. Minor, of Drham, spent last Sunday with Mrs. A. A. Hicks. Mr- J. Crawford Cooper, spent a few days in Oxford this week. Mrs. Coleman of Stovall, spent Monday in Oxford. Mrs. W-H. White, returned Sat urday from Durham, Avhere she had been on a visit in the home of Jud ge Biggs and attended the inter scholastic declamation contest at Trinity College. Mr. R. G.-Kittrell of Taroro spent Thanksgiving in Oxford. Mrs. John Bullock and pretty lit tle daughter, left Oxford, Saturday afternoon, for a visit in Greensoro, where Miss Estelle Bullock is at school. Mrs. J. AM athewson returned to Greensboro Saturday, after a visit in the home of her father, Dr. T. L. Booth. Miss Julia Winston returned home Saturday, froma weeks stay in Selma, where she was bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin Miss Ethl Winston to Mr. Spright of eTarboro. Miss Fannie Webb and her f rienc Miss Allan of Meredith College,Ral eigh, spent a few days at home this week. From the University. Mr. Marsh Ray was accompained by his friends Mr. R. B. Sears, and Mr- Pratt.who are well remembered as cadets of Horner's School now attending the University. Mr. Moreiiead Emmett reached Oxford Wednesday evening form the University and spent the holi days with his mother at the home ofMr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor.which was made bright by the return al so of Mr. James Taylor from Clustei Springs Academy, Va., Mr. Augustus Graham returned from the University and spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Miss Ruth Mitchell came home from Peace Institute, Raleigh, and made glad the hearts of many friends by her bright face and cheer fui manners. Messrs W. S. W- A. and J. F. Hester were on our streets Saturday Mr. R: L. Burnett came to town Saturday. Mr. J. E- Parham and son was in the city Saturday. Mr. It. Leo Hobgood came to towi on business this week. Messrs C. R. and O. C. Hester was in the city this week. Mr. Arch Clay came to town Saturday-Mr. Chas. Hester was in the city on business the of the. week. Mr. Henry Thorp, of Route 4, was in town Monday. Mr. John Bullock, of Bullocks came to the city the fnrst of the week. Mr. Obie Winston, of Creedmoor was on our streets Monday. Mr. Otho Hester, of Route 5. was in town on business Monday Mr. Luther Carrington. of Nel son, Va., was in the city this week, t Mr. Algie Williams, of Route 4, came to town Monday. Miss May White returned Thurs day from Wilson on a visit to Miss Mildred Taylor whose marriage to Mr. W. E. Pace, was soiemized,Wed nesdav morning, in the Episcopal church, at Wilson,on which occa sion Miss White was maid of honor Mr. A. H. Taylor, brother of the bride also attended this wedding. The friends ofM r and Mrs. R. L.Hamilton are congratulating them on the arrival of a bright eyed lit tle daughter inbeir home. Banks on Sure Thin Xow. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo, N. Y- "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others f ailed, "Un etmaled for Biliousness, Jaundice, Ir digestion, Headache, Chills, Malaria, a-d Debility. 25c at J. Q. Halls. SHORT POINTED LOCALS Mr. Horsei'ield will hold services at Berea in the school house Sun day afternoon at 3; 30 o'clock- Miss Fannie Greory, who has been quite sick, is now better and her friends are lad to know that she is improving. Among the visitors, toO xford, oaring me nonciays, was Miss Louis Jones ofH enderson, who spent sev eral days with Miss Marv Shaw. I Mrs. John Meadows who has ( been quite sick is now convalescent and it is considered by many friends with pleasure, that she will soon be well. The announcement of improve ment in the condition of the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Niles causes general pleasure among many friends. Oxford was unusually gay during the Thanksgiving holidays and the town was enlivened by the return home of many young people who are attending colleges of the state. Mr. W: L. Cadle of Vance Co., and Miss Mamie L. Turner, of Mecklenburg Co. Va., were married s.t the Exchange Hotel Wednesday Nov. 3 0th. Dr. A- B. Dnaway per formed the ceremony. Mr. William Cannady of New York is in Oxford and is receiving a cordial hand-shake from many friends. He has come to enjoy a few weeks hunting quail in Gran ville. The bright and attractive little daughter of Mr. and Mi's- Wallace Phelps is sick with an attack of bronchitis and it is hoped that the sickness will speedily be re lieved. Col. William Osborn, of Greens oro came to Oxford Saturday after noon and spent Sunday, with his aunt the aged Mrs- Caroline Osborn, who is now improving after a se vere attack of cold, A letter from Miss Belle Coop er, who is now in Norfolk, where she was called by sickness of Mrs. C. G. Elliott, reports the improve ment of Mrs. Elliott and the hope that she will be able to return to Oxford very soon. The marriage of Mr. Bixley Hob good and Miss Annie Dare Horna day, took place in Durham, Friday, Nov. 25th- The bride and groom reached here on the early morning train Friday. They are boarding at the home of Mrs. Henretta Currin. Invitations have been issued which read as follows: Graduating Recital. Oxford Seminary School of Piano Miss Mary Louise Peed Tuesday evening December the twen tieth at half after eight oclock Oxford North Carolina Mr.R . C. Farris and Miss Aman da Dunivent of Drakes Branch, Va., arrived at the Exchane Hotel in Oxford, Sunday afternoon accom pained by Mr. J. C. Critcher of Va-, and after securing a marriage li cense and calling in Dr. A. B. Dunaway, were married in the parlor of the Hoteh Mr. Irwin Man gum left Tuesday af ternoon for Richmond, accompained by his friend Mr. B. K- Lassiter,who was best man at the marriage ofM r Mangum to Miss Rosa Booth Marks, which took place Wednesday, after noon in Richmond. After a tour of Northern cities, the newly wedded couple will be at home in Oxford where they will oc cupy the new residence just being, completed on College CStreot. Mrs. J. D. Brinkley and Miss Lizie Pearson, were called, to the bedside of their uncle Mr. Tucker Hamlin who died Saturday, No.v 2otI), at his home in Virginia. He was stricken with attack of paral ysis just one year ago. The deceas ed was widely known and was one of the most prominent farmers and highly esteemed men of the commun ity. He left a widow and several brothers and sisters. The funeral and burial took place, Sunday after-noo- The hall of the barracks was a scene of beauty and pleasure Thursday evening, where- the ca dets of Horner School gave a very delightful dance, at which there were an unusually large nttmer of visitors. Tlie music was especially good furnished by musicians from Durham. After the dance there were several elaborate lunch parties. Mips Mary Shaw entertained a large number of young people serv ing tempting refreshments Miss Bessie Hogue Robards also extended numerous invitations and entertained in most charming man ner. Dr. A. B. Dunaway, pastor of Bap tist church in Oxford, tendered his resignation, Sunday morning which was accepted by the congregation with general expressiono f sorrow, that Dr- Dunaway thought i best to resign. His pastorship in this place has been emphasized with great good and the church has pros pered very decidely in many respects; Mrs. Dunaway, has been instrume tal in gathering together a large in fant class in the Sunday School now numbering seventy children. She has made many friends here and hat at all times impressed the commun ity with her fine traits of christian womanhood. The community deeply regrets to give them up. " ! Take Care; Remember that when your kid neys are affected, your life is in dan ger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y. says: "My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse daily. I felt slug gish and tired, my kidney action was irregular and infrequent- I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Each dose seemed to put new life nd-strength into me, and now I am completely, cured and feel bet ter and stronger than for years. . FOR EVERYBODY CENTS J5j LINE. r i Six Words to the Line. Cash With Order Small advertisements will be pus listved in this column and charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line. Vn tes you are a regular advertiser with an account, send ca6h with your idvertisement. f you want to buy anything, ef! anything, ask "for any information advertise a business date, need la bor, want a situation, or in any waj to draw the attention of the publtcv a small notice at an inconsiderable, cost will probably bring about th result you have been wanting thes many days . Try This Column For Wants. NOTICE NOTICE. I will sell to The highest bidder on December 19th. Monday at 10; C0 at my home in Fishing Creek township all iny household furni ture, cow, calf, horse, wagon, and all farming implements. Mrs. J. Y- Longmire. (2tpd) WANTED at once a young man to assist book-keeper, must be ac curate and write good plain hand, state salary expected, Address, "M. 22." Oxford N. C. NOTICE. All persons are hereby forbidden to fish, hunt or carry dog or gun or to in any way trespass on the lands of. S. W. Knott, T. (J. Taylor, It. T. Moss, J. F. Dean. Mrs. Emma LvncJi. J. R. Buchanan, W. H. Tillotson A. s. Frazier, J. T. Bobbitt, .1. VV. Dean (?ra fly Buch9.nart K W. C, Gorhairi v' Mgr. of Brook-Side Farm. WOOD FOR SALE on the stump at 50 cents per cord, 3 miles North, of Oxford, apply to W. C. Gorham, on the farm- (5t) FOR SALE Fifty acres of tine tobacco land adjoining the lands of D. T. Cheatham Cam Durnette, K. O. Gregory, and others. Apply to T. Lanier- (St STOLEN One dark overcoat with silk lining from in the Farmers Warehouse, $5.00 reward for the return of the overcoat. J. F- Meadows. (ltpd) Notice of Administration. Letter of Administration upou tho estate of James M. Hobgood senior, btiing this day issued to me by the Clerk of Superior Court of Granville County. Notice is herey given to all parties indebted to said estate to come forward and make immedi ate payment to me; anda 11 persons holding claims against said estate, are hereby notified to forward them to me within one year from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Nov. 28 If 10. James M. Hobgood Admr. of J. M. Hobgood senior. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank at Cr'"dmoor hi tin Ktato of X. -ut the close of business, Nov. 1 ltH ISKSCHTIICKS. Loans and discounts . . $06, 251. 99 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 699 23 IT. S. Bonds to secure circu lation . . 6,250.00 Premiums on II. S. onds 388.68 Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 2,251.36 Due From National banks not. reserve agents ..12,110.68 Checks and other Cash items 6.697.44 Notes of other National 0 Banks . . . . - :. 955 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickles, and cents . . 145.94 Specie . . . 6,009.00 Legal tender notes 1, 980.00 7,989.01 Redemption fund witli U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent circulation) ... .. 312.50 Total ... ... .,. $104,321-82 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . . $25,000,00 Surplus fund 8 25.00 Undivided profits, Jess Ex penses and Taxes paid 439.50 National Bank notes out standing 6,250.00 Due to State and Private banks and bankers . ... .52 Dividends unpaid 5.00 Individual deposits subject to check 25,997.46 Time certificates of de posit 28,550.57 Cashier's check outstand ing ... ... ., 253.77 Bils payable, including 0 certificatesof deposit for money borrowed 3 7,000.00 Total $104,321-82 State of N. C, Countv of Granville, SS. I, W. B. Lasley, Cashier of the aboved named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to' the best, of my knoledge and belief.. W. B- Lasley, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 day ot Nov.. 1910. I. E. Harris, Notary Publks. Correct Attest: J- F. SANDERFORD, B. E. MOSS G. T.'SIKES, Directors. t 1