! if PAGE 4 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER; TUESDAY, 23. 1919. .:. THE PUBLIC LEDGER OXFORD'XBA NNER PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY . DAN A. COBLE f T EDITOR AND MANAGER Entered at postoffice in Oxford, N. 0. as second-class mail matter. K SUBSCRIPTION RATES." : ONE YEAR .. . ..i ....$1.50 EIGHT MONTHS . . . . . . . ... . 1.00 SIX MONTHS . . . . . . . . ... .75 FOUR MONTHS .... . . . . . i. .50 NOTICE Subscriptions are pay able strictly in advance; WATCH THE DATE YOUR LABEL! All Communications, Checks and Money Orders should be made pay able and addressed to the Oxford Public LedireiV ' ' " ' PERHAPS. "vjl ! V' If all officers of the law "were paid salaries and all fees accruing to their offices were turned into the treasury, fewer traps would be laid for unwit ting motorists. HE IS BACK HOME AGAIN. . Our soldier boys proved in France that they were . the best disciplined men in the world; but woe betide the man who imposes on them! The po sition of "Hard-Boiled" Smith, the American officer convicted by a court martial in France of brutality to soldier-prisoners, is not one . to be envied. V DAISY ASHFORD. We advise pur clients to keep an eye open for 'The Young Visitors,'; a; novel by Miss Daisy Ashford, which is soon to be published. Miss Daisy wrote i this entehainingtdle " when she was hine years, old. . Unhappily she has since grown : to years of ma1 turityy which is af pity, f this is how Daisy wrote when she was nine: : : Next morning while imbibing his morning tea beneath' his pink silken quilt Bernard decided he must marry Ethel with no more delay. x I love the girl he said to himself and she must be- mine but I somehow 't eel I cannot propose in London it would not be seemly in the city or London. ! We must go for a day in the coun try and when surrounded oy tne gay twittering of the birds and the smell of the cows I will lay my suit at her feet and he waved his Carm wildly at the say thought. Then he sprang from bed and. gave a rat tat at Eth el's door. ' r Are you up my dear he called. Well not quite said Ethel hastily jumping from her downy nest. Be quick; cried Bernard, I have a plan to ispend a' day near Windsor Castle and we will take our lunch and spend a happy day. Oh Hurrah, shouted Ethel; I shall soon be ready as-1 had my bath last night so won't wash very much now. No don't; said Bernard, and added in a rather fervent tbne through the chink of : the door you are, fresher than the rose my dtar no soap could make you fairer. Then he dashed off very embar rassed to dress. rrn o imi frii o inr rfif iT r I r 1 b' '- : m n ' --- wasp )1 ? OUR 'OLD FRIEND HENRY Henry Ford is really a public benefactor for having permitted his mind to be overhauled and tinkered as to what is an anarchist or an idealist is no. worse than the vague ness of almost all of- us on many matters. And at any rate Henry is not vague in his sincere desire to make humanity happier, which is a thing that most cross-examining law yers never even think about. We hate to think what would hap pen to us if we were cross-examined in the Chicago fashion on almost any subject. Take Batik, for instance, which we see mentioned in the Wo-, men's pages every (Jay or so. Our ideas on Batik are so vague" that it THE HONOR ROLL, v y OF GRANVILLE COUNTY and Everybody Wants the Large 'Handsome Book. . The publishers of -the Honor Roll of Granville county report excellent with in public. Henry's vagueness progress with their book, but are Our stock of Fresh Turnip Seed has art. I' rived and are selling at half price of last. season. Plant your Ruta Bagas in J uly and early August; Save trouble and possible delay by getting your Turnip Seed at same tirrie. , . . - ; ' We also carry Millet, Rape and Glover Seeds. Come to see us. HAMILTON .'DRUG CO. Oxford, N. C. MRS, W. M. CUTTS DIES I - MONDAY AT STOVALL Survived by Husbajid, iTwo Children Rrothers and Sisters Ruriai At Stovall. , . ' : Mrs. W: M. Cutts, of Stovall, died Monday morning at 4. o'clock at the fage of twenty-eight years. Funeral services were conducted' at Stovall late Monday afternoon by Rev. C. A. Upchurch, and the remains were buried in the family, cemetery. -Deceased is survived by a husband and two children. She leaves two brothers, Messrs. R. D. and L. G. O'Brien, and two sisters, Mrs. Claud Blacknall, of Oxford, and Mrs. Car rie Lumpkins, of Stovall. i REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. would really be very amusing to be questioned about them. " THE BATTLE OF THE, WHEAT. Mother Nature is wse, but any student will: tell you she is reaction ary. Everystep civilization has tak en hast been?, against her protest. She not thoroughly- pleased with' the way pictures and service records are be ing sent in. Many of the soldiers, it seems, are. negligent. They respect fully request that this matter be giv en prompt atnJo a hundred picjosiayup, Handsome Residence:; have been received and are now be- -v Wprr:n hflS niir(,hflSpd ing printedhighly Jmporan: 'Mr R; G LaSsiter the property mai an picuues aim uu,6HtyuxCuCjve south;orner of Gilliam and sent in ai once.., iu uiueio mBuiBjwfr getting your; .son's photo, and recor in this book, it will be necessary Jhat you send same in before epten&er, 1st. Pictures and records will 'not oe wceuwMwmwsm H 'on Spring street and Mr.-J. W. Har If you know the name and addr ! . , u t Qne of of any soldier, sailor or marine, as the best residential properties in Ox- uuibt;, uuxue -fj Tin-r;ntr will oropf a mnd- BUY COM ROD Don't wait until cold weather forces you when, we are told, coal will be hard to get. " ';. We have excellent SPLINT and POCAHONTAS coal on hand. Place your orders without delay. C. D. RAY & SON FOR QUALITY AND PRICE ON windows and doors I see By rum Hunt Co. Phone 159 4 18 tf. g streets, the - consideration be- Ing $7,500. " - ..; ,; 7 The property was the home place 'of the late Dr. Graham Hurt. It faces the residences of Mr. Gus Hall WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE reigns - supreme. ,,. At knight's Op tical Department, 6 College St., Glasses fitted and all kinds of Lenses duplicated. "4 18 tf. well as Red Cross service worker, etc., who has not been furnished with information re garding this book, send same to the Lock Box 121, Oxford, ; C, and they will do the rest. Dogft let any- seeks an injunction to restrain every j one in your community be left but effort to harness her forces. She 'of this history of Granville county would-let the weak die; and would" through your negligence. The pub- have humanity feel the full effect 0f jlishers want the names of all per em home as soon as buildings ma terials become normal, iooa ana arougnt, oi neat ana cola. " . , nflr;ftff lh,,h Hir.nimi 'is "heard bove durine the recent Wnrlrt War year oil inucn aiscussion is ueaiu But everywhere man's brain has' 00Te aurmg me receni vvona War.; . the raCe and much ad . iAl - . I and they sincerely ask your co-oper- concerning tne race, dim mum .au been winning the battle for civiliza- in sefin 1 U , l? ?fece is offered from all sides as to tl0n- ' s Thi4 b&Mvii Wumif s i" feeing wiU wln out ' ' I : In the circumstances it is strange gold an oyer Granville county. The Some gossip is .heard here concern- that in the oldest battleground of all j book cahbe seen at Creedmoor lin& Bob PaSe- Hls admirers seem to be placing tneir nopes on me umci fight to, be made by Morrison and f-Gardner. , t , GUBERNATORIAL OSSn. Bob Page --Is (Jaining Some In - - Granville. ' Bob Page, Max Gardner, and Cam "Morrison are holding forth on the gubernatorial stage at present, and while the election feCmbf e than a the wheatfield, man is least success ful. Wheat has been grown for countless cneturies and1 it still rip ens in the sun and, when cut, ig left to the mercy of the rainsT " It is estimated that the recent rains cost the farmers in - the West five billion dollars. Nature has won the, battle so. far butr sooner or later, man will rob her of her victory, and no food grown will be allowed to go to waste. LOOKING OUT BELOW Among Europeans, whom we like to consider backward, the regulation of air traffic was .being seriously con sidered years ago. In the United States the matter is one that has been left, until now to dilettantes and pokemakers. The trgaedy at Chicago may bring Congress and the state Legislatures out. of their trance. - ."' . " V - , ' An airplane when it crashes in the open will kill only the occupants. If it crashes in the city it may kill a hundred people. What a falling air ship can do was shown in the Chi chago disaster. v , The general public is protected by military, regulations ; from danger by army and navy dirigibles and planes. Pilots are compelled to operate their machines with plenty of leeway. ,1 But ' what of the thousands of ameteurs who are now taking to the air in various types of flying ma chines? A manufacturer's report shows that within the last year five hundred airplanes have, been deliver ed to tivilian , fliers in this country. Five hundred additional orders are being filled. The civilian fliers will be a serious problem, and since Leg islatures never think rapidly . they ought to begin to think about air traffic regulation now. . ' f , ' i . Stem, Provifnce, Berea, Stovall and 'Oxford.' Wewish to call bur at tention ".to4'he advertisemehlbnftfae I o of no rr- VvJ di icifec ui suns payers ..J BULLOCK NfeWSr if. Mr. Leo. T. Norwood is 'visiting friends in Durham. . Miss Sallie Norwood visited rel atives in Oxford last week. Mr. and Mrs: T. : A. - Rovster were in Oxford Thursday. , ,Mr. R. C. Vaughan, has gone to' Greenville, N. C., to; cure tobacco. Miss Hallie Norwood spent Friday night with her cousins Misses Lois and Lillie Rcyster. r Prof. Chas Wilson, of Virginia, closed his singing school at Bullock, last Tuesday evening. . We- are glad , to know Mrs. Frank Vaughan is still . improving after having a long spell of sickness. Miss Myrtle Royster is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Dean, of near Oxford. - . . Mrs. E. L., Morgan and daughter of Burlington, have . been visitine Mrs. B. T. Hicks; and others. v Mrs. Watson, of Roseboro, has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. O: G. Royster. There will be an all-day siniine at the Baptist church" at Stovall, next ! weanesday. .-Island Creek, Bullock, Stovall) and TJexter, will sing. ; Miss Cora Royster returned home ; Saturday after a pleasant visit to see her uncle, J; M. Hicks, of Dan ville, Va, Mr. and Mr$. t Geo. . W. Royster went over, to Oxford ilast -Tuesday to see their nephew. John Hi Frazier, uu lciurueu .irom overseas, r , Mr. Geo. W." Royster and son returned home. Sunday, after spend ing some time i visiting ' relatives in Norfolk Va,M M. r. Mrs. Taylor Vaughan was taken to Henderson Sunday afternoon and was operated on for appendicitis, she Is getting on very well.'. - , : , .. Miss Sallie Norwood and little sister Etta, spent Friday night with Business Builders. teTOPr. ORFHANAGE SHOE 3Hv)l ,wll. repair your shoes nicely. Will pond fcr them and return them promptly Call Phone 24 LET THE BYRUM-HUNT COMPANY ... i . ' do your screening. We , have . screen wire doors and windows' of all kinds. Prices right. Phone 159. . 4 29 tf. . LET THE BYRUM-HUNT COMPANY do yotir screening; We have screen wire doors and windows of all kinds. Prices right Phone 15 9. ' . 4 29 tf. BYRU3I-HUNT CO. CAN SAVE YOU from $3.00 to-$10.00 perthous and on your sheathing an67 fram ing. Phone 159. ' X 4 '18 tf. Tbe complete Electric Light and rower ; Why deprive your 'family of the benefits of Delco-Light? Buy now.- , " ' .... ". O. A. UPCHURCH, Oxford, N. C. 'THE BAN IV VITH THE -CH I MPs r i llj THEDAtKt1! C7 m a w ...v IF YOU WANT ROOFING IT TOL pay you to see us. It was made - for the Government and they use the best. Byrum-Hunt Co., 30 College St.. Phone 159. 4 18 tf. FOR SALE QUART TIN CANS, ' ' $ 5.0 0 ? per hundred.- Mrs. i P, B. FARMER, Oxford,- Route 5. 7 22 3t-x. LOSTBETWEEN MAIN AND SY camore streets and Alex Peace's an old fashioned gold : breast pin. Finder leave at Public Ledger Of -: fice. , 7 29 It. FOR SALE 278 i ACRES BRIGHT tobacco land, ; with seven-room dwelling newly built - and painted. Worth at least $3,500. New barn 24 by 40; two tobacco' barns, all . out' houses such as necessary a- round a frm in first class condi 1 tibn. Land gray loam' of the finest C quality. Clear 50 acres, - balance in wood and, timber, 4 miles from ' depot; 1 mile gbodv school. Price .38.000. Apply J. R. 'Ragsdale, Church Roads, Va.x' .7 29 2t-x A noisy machine is like a man wbo grumbles at is work both arerM?sseV Nannie Lee and Marie Roy nearing the junk pile. ;J6ter., ' " 1 ' - - . It wouldn't be a bad plan for In-' We've gott wash the breakfast dividuals to have -constitutions and. 'dishes if we want clean china for IT WILL PAY XQJ TO KEEP thh one: Resolved, That during the yeaV 1919 I ,"will send-my or- . der for P R INT I.N G to the Printing Department of the Oxford Orphanage. " There's a reason., Ring Phone" 24 and vo vin call. J16tf SEND ME YOUR SHOES BY PAR eel post to be .repaired. Men's ' half soles .$1.25; Ladies $1.00. rubber heels 50 cents. Stovall Shoe Shop, Stovall, N: C. 7 25 19-x HDDES AND JUNK WANTED C. Swartz & Co., Durham; N. C, deal er in Hides and all kinds of junk. We pay the following prices; A Oordial is sensed as soon as you enter our doors t v Surrounds every transaction yoii have with us Permeates our every association.. Welcome is in the air a sincere, hearty welcome you cannot help but feel. n Come in any time-we shall be glad to see you and assist you in every possible wayr Mi WlM. Hunt, Pres., Z. W. Lyon, Vice Pes., T. C. Harris, Asst. Cshr. THE. FIRST AND OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN ' -: OXFORD. J THE riANK WITH THE BIG CLOCK -V" ' 4 per Cent. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.: CAPITAL $100,000. .', A SURPLUS $60,000. r 30c 3 3-3 7c. 50-S1.00 . $5"$8 3 5-7 5c; 40-5 5c. . . . 10c 10-12c. . 5-1 0c. 3c. . . 2C; .. 6-8 C; Beeswax, per lb Beef hides, per lb.. Sheep hides,' each . Horse hides, yeach . i Goat Hides, each Wool, per b. . . . . . . . . ..' Tallow, per lb. .... . , J Copper, per lb. . . ... k. . . Brass, per lb : Zinc and lead, per lb Old Auto Tires, per Ibj Inner "tubes, per lb.; . Rubber boots & shoes, per lb 4c; J Buggy tires, per lb. . . . . lci Sacks,: each , . . . ; . . . . , 3-8 c. Rags, per lb. . . . ; . . 2c Bones, per cut . . '. A . . 65ci FOR IRON IN CAR LOAD LOTS .WRITE FOR PRICES, f If YOC HAVE - ANY OF - THE ABOYE SHIP TQ US AljlD WE WILL PAY THE FREIGHT FOR EVERY THING OVER -ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. FOR REFERENCE WE REFER YOU TO THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; A!ND THE HOME SAVING' BANK OF DUR HAM, N .C. . ' ' C. SWARTZ & CO.c , . Durham, N C. WE SELL EVERYTHING TO BUILD with, and can maice prices attrac- . tive. Byrum-Hunt Co., 30' College Street. Phone 159 18 tf. FARM FOR RENT AT LYON DEl pot, a good one. or two borse firm f six room ' dwelling out ' houses, . well watered, near churches and FOR SALE 1 GOOD FARM MULE ' : guaranteed to work any where, t 900. pounds, young..and sound; 1 good Hackney top . buggy, good as new, i gooa one norse r wagon, Tfci FOUR BIG BARGAINS YOU WILL FIND AT ROSE'S 5-10-25C. STORE THIS WEEK. Laundry Soap : A' full size cake of laundry , 6oap, made of they betingre--dients. It is always a satisfied customer who uses this Swift's Arrow. vSoap. Only 6c. a Cake Hammocks r Hammocks,- made ot substan-' y. tiaL material, with full-sized pillow, at our special price of $1.69 and $1.98. ; , . Vs Come in and look these oV' er. ' - ." : Toilet Paper A good quality toilet tissue. A generous roll for 6 . cents. .' Japanese toilet tissue, made from pure silk stock. Excel lent quality, 1,000 sheets to a roll. , 10c. Curtain Scrim v. White and cream, also white with fancy border. Special 15 cents per yard. Fancy curtain scrim, a 20c. value at 17 & cents per yard. J (TWCDqiLAil LIMIT.) by-lawfii j dinner. -y ' W' C" 2 9, 2t-xl- Stovan Roilte 2 -4t-xv t H