V ( r i 1 W4 ... X- ' . .. - .... -- ... , . V ' I- ' V 1 4 4 OXFORDPUBIld LEDGER, . TUESDAY, JULY; 29, 1019. 1 i i i i i ii w u v tT 8 9 10 11 12 I m I r i t i 17 lawn nawv - " ..""' a AO auy vaua. reason wny me 6dk?;.rm , 01 tne-Me- Police-officers of Oxford should 1819 S?SI ?7;.JU 29thf 'enforce the dog law? Hre it is: rnroni9. ..JCl0ck- The public "No person shall allow his dog over v- - L1U'A ' ' , I six months old to run at large in the The School Tearheri I night-time unaccompanied by the .School boards- that are offfirin Ipnly $5(or $!60,a month are finding YOUR FRIENDS. owner or by some member "of ;the : owner' family or some other person j! that first-class teachers are not at all b the Owner's permission. ' Any interested. Salaries from $75 to' y- mwimuiuuiy, Knowmgiy, auu noolmust be Daid or thprp i r,nt J willfullyyiolating this section shall PEOPLE AND THINGS . . . .Foiif Big JJargains. , Be sure to ead the Rose 5, 10 & 25-cent store advertisement on ;the "fourth -page of this pape and-find ;out what the' four-big bargains are that tney are offering. ' . ing doing in . these parts. The Daylight Saving Law , Many Granville county farmers and , quite a number .of town folks V Vi -re lntereted inhe daylight sav- ii-i in i Work T1,e welfare work of QranvilleUs he;n most intelligently prosecuted ,.'Jr j e. Jackson. Looking af ti'the orphan children "is a . very important feature of the work. : . MxuuA Helpfulness ; . me right and honest definition or Miinessis mutual helpfulness. Un- vou help the local paper- youi nnI iA k to nelp yourself or the j,f .y) ity in which ou nve. - 'trouble may. be. eliminated by using vvdian-e of Tulpits ' . ! pne.Part 6i lead tour parts of dry Kev Frank Pool, of Wake Forest, dust lime:VPut on with tow sick ffill preach at the Oxford Baptist sifter or a,dtist gun. The latter is hurch next Sunday morning, and the best , means of applying' the pois nr J D Harte will go to Wake on- s'This means is entirely safe and -nrest church. ivery effective, in -destroying these 4 1 pests', ; 4 .. ;' ;;,. v.' The losses from:the burning of to- ( Plenty of Turnip Seed." 1 The Hamilton Dxug. Co. announce on the fourth page of this paper be guilty of a misdemeanor, and up-ftnat they have plenty, of turnip seed, ing law contest ;in Congress and would-be gladuto see the act repeal ed. In mauy sections of the coun try the old-time. is adherred to, far mers, finding It far more satisfactory man me new.' , - - Psts On Cabbage A; remedy ! to use against worms destroying , . cabbage is given . by The Oxford .warehousemen have made great preparations for handling bacco Darns uccm iu viwuno ,:t0 heavy as they are every sea- Vn heretofore. Be more careful is i this year's tobacco crop. The ware wr,rri .'house floor space has been increased the watchword. t , , .. . . i more than one-third and other equip- Mi. Cientry Makes Good : ! j'ment for handling tobacco has '"been A letter from Mr. ' W. -L. '.Gentry, ' installedj--The,tobacco---cr6p of - Grah who now holds an important position ' ville is generally good and' the far in Kichmond, says: "Please send j'mers know that .they, can - get as the Public Ledger as I cannot get good prices here as at any other alons without it and am always an-; market "in the Stato. . In a few more xious to see the news -from' down weeks Oxford will be ah exceedingly home. I like Richmond fine and am busy place, it is busy now. There making good here." are no dull days here.' ' ' . on conviction shall be fined not ex ceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding1 thirty days, and shall also be liable in damages to any per son injured, or suffering loss to his property or chattels." Wheat Spoiled By Rain Mr. Q. D. Ray, who returned last week from a fifteen hundred mile auto trip with his family, via Lynch burg, - Roanoke; Natural Bridge, Staunton, Harrise-nburg, Philadel phia and other places en route to Atlantic City and return, says that the roads were badly washed in some places arid that he saw many shocks 'of wheat in the Shennandoah Valley -and also giye a list of; other seed ; Ihey have (in hand that should be planted at this time of the year. : Anticipated Our Wants. . . . i Mr. Oscar Breedlove, buyer .for Perkiuson-Green Company, has re-! turned from the northern markets. ( He.said that he anticipated the wants: of every man, woman and child in 1 Granville ad that he was happy to ! say, that he was: able to secure the STOOds excentin e nnp , nr twn Iitips I A i . d) m -mm I - i : J -iu: , i i - n . i o ' : . i.'... .-J-k. . : i .. ....V.. - ' - ft , J' 1 f t .. ? 4 ",! '. ' ' . FRESH FROM THE LEADING GROWERS . Frank F. Lyon's . n "Is tHe Place," ! COLLEGE STREET, v : . t : t : r : ,OXFORD, N C. c , - ;: .Vt.j' which-.are not to be had "at present. 1 PROIWINENT VISITOR , ' , :v " ' AND PROSPECTOR TAKES argauis in rumirare. : If you want to :make your wife happy, take' her' vto the furniture store of. Hughe-Smaw and, let her that were ruined by exposure to the pick out just exactly the kind of a rain 'to such an extent;.1; that the wheat had sprouted and the green sprigs covered the top of the sheayr es, One. "remarkable incident1 was that Mr, Ray traveled fifteen; hun dred- miles and had no auto tire troubles. ' ' ' No Need to Hoard Sugar . Declaring there is an abundance of raw sugar in the country, George A. Zabriskie, of the JJ. S. Sugar Equalization Board, , announced yes terday that the war department ha,s sold to the board 37,10,000 pounds of refined sugar. Zabriskie saidthe price of sugar should not exceed 11 cents a pound and that there is no need of hoarding. , .. . A LOOK AT OXFORD Col. John Davis Kerr, one of the fciost prominent citizens of . Abbeville IS. C, and' owner of the largest fur- prise, but Col, Kerr stated that he had an uncle that had a little money and he' would probably be allowed y to take a little stock. : : - . Iftt ,1 bed-room suit that she' wants. .They have a large stocfc of the best quar tered; oak, : white enamel, mahogany 1 and ivory that voii can find anv- vhere. Their, advertisement appears wee fle was snpwn over tne. town iture stores, under one roof, in the South, was a visitor to Oxford last bn the third page of this paper. ATTRACTIONS AT THE V T ' , ORPHEUM THIS WEEK Card, of Thanks ; . ; ; --vvTvi-v?!;' Mr. F. w. Daniel and cniidren, qt Moriah, take sthis means of thanking kind-and helpful' . service . rendered: ' 5Svft'i during ( the sickness and death:; of ; ?f7;.t.t' TVJic ' "Martha Dan fpl - wifp nnd mnth- er. May you be repaid for all : tfre -; ) f I Mh "kind deeds shown. Mr. F. W. Dan- v - ; iel and Children. ' Hz-Zft' ':i'faG;?BRITlSH NAVAL -'GUNt'y': A great man is. one who can get people to change their minds. by one of our .prominent citizens. From information gathered it 'is understood that Col. Kerr ' is tour ing North Carolina and Virginia with a view of buying a farm of ; ls00 0 Every Night and Matinee Wednesday j'acres or more arid opening, up a and "f Friday . chain of - furniture ' stores. If he Tuesday Ethel Clayton, , in "Mag- j does, it is likely he will locate here. gie Fepper." , - , We hope it is true. He Will find Ox- , The British admiralty has reveal- Wednesday Marfeiierite Clark, in Jord .a progressive - town, and nof ed that one ofy the developments . of ':v' question; If he can be he will prob- j gun which fired a ton and ;a . half. ; ably build one of "the handsomest shell, seven; feet; long, twenty yiriilesf ' : It No Doubt Sounded Like ; Thunder. ' . : ' ;...vK.l:m ;'.ai .. '.v". I f ' Gretna Green. Thursday Vivian Martin, in. "Lit tie Comrade." -it ' . . . ; 't-: y Friday Ruth Roland, in . "The homes in the State. twith sufficient force to pierce a rfoot Tiger's Trail, and "Ladies First." . '. He will not solicit local people to of the hardest steel. It was used ' ; . I , Saturday William Russell, in take stock inhis futniturestores as in the memorable attack . on '-: Zee-';"' I "When Man , Rides Alone,", , lie is amply able to finance the enter- brugge with excellent effect. . , . . J . . : ; ; . , : , r . . J. - ' ' j . . i : r - ..... , . - , - ' . , pi m 3 1 APRON GINGHA3IS. 1 Different size checks, 25c value; very sharp reduction. Cohnt & Son's price, . per yard v. I6K2C HANDSOME NIGHT GOWNS. The most charming gowns we have ever offer ed for sale. Made of muslin with lace and em broidery. The $1.75 grade. Cohn & Son's price ..... . . . ...... 2C y)Ll.A. ! 1? ify7f)'ri CURTAIN GOODS. 'Curtain scrim, neat border, -white and cream; Cphn & Son's price, per yard ... . ; . . IF YOU WANT TO SAVE , UNBLEACHED SHEETING, J. . - Yarkv wide, brown sheetingf-o'weVght. The 2 5c grade at Cohn & Son's store, only you ,will buy it at,' per yard . . ... 1 Q10 v.v- tnK ;9i 'to ii ul t- COHE AND JOIN THE CROWDS HERE ATTENDING, OUR BIG o .'.,';.; -.: ) 1 V. - - -" ' , . , V ... :-T:"r '" ' 1 Me Git Fir S1L V' JTILOiLCG : If there is a store in Oxford where you have an indefinite va-' rieur oi4inia pTinnaA f ityi at reasonable ! orices. it is at'this Bis: Bargain Store. We are-always looking after your interests'and put on the market things that you need and can't afford to go without at our prices. It is good policy to attend these sales even when -not, need-'-, in? particularly.so you can judge our values.' '. .. ; 'v ' Beautiful ladies waists, voiles and organdies, beautiful styles. Cohn & Son's price . . . . ......... $1.19 Ladies gauze vests, tape'd neck and arm hole, 25c grade: Specially priced . . . - 1 0 ::r-J IUU Ladies good quality muslin drawers Value 75c. Cohn & Son's' price .per pair .. .. . Q ; , tUb 3C 3IEN'S UNDERWEAR , Shirts or drawers, athletic style Cohn & Son's price N. 3(1 u Ladies georgette crepe waists, all the newest shades, a beautiful waist, $6.00 value. Cohn & Son's price . . f0 i?JiiIU I SHOES. Men's, Ladies' and Children's low cuts, will go at sale prices, former prices not even considered in this Cohn & Son Sale. Better buy several pair a grat chance to save money. MILLINERY MILLINERY Hat clearance Every hat must go regardless of cost. All dressed7 hats, and untrimmed shapes included. See these different lots. Buy your Ladies Misses and . Children's hats from Cohn & Son's sal6. You will save money. MEN'S SUITS, Young men's suits and Boy's suits. Great values. Unquestionable sav ings at Cohn & Son's stores. No need to do without clothes. They are here : to meet every purse, styles to meet ' every taste. Come to Cohn & Son's re- duction sale. Special Jot Men's fine dress shirts, limited quantity ' Specially pricecl at 98c per shirt. . , HOSE ? Men's fine 'mercerized hose, double sole and heel, the 40c grade. Cohn & Son's, per pair . . . '. . . . v.. - O0 TENNIS SHOES. " Men's, Ladies and Children's tennis slippers, white or black. : Cohn & j?on's price, per pair, . . . . . . . . . X 4ft- : v . ';;-: . PRESS GINbHAM Fancy patterns in dress ; ginghams. Cohn & Son?s price, per yard Q1 TABLE OIL CLOTH; Fancy patterns and marble designed. the "50c quality. ; Specially priced per, yard '.. ji"9fiUv. I 3 Ladies silk hose, all 4 colors, extra; high grade silk, $1.0 grade at 09c. $1.35 grade seam back at 80c. $2.00 . grade seam back at $1.48. per pair. ' 3 ' Beautiful camisoles you wlil want one of these camisoles the minute you see them. Nothing, has. been - offered similar at this price made of silk with lace border,' ribbon shoulder straps, worth- $1.50. Cohn & Son's 0110 Price... '. .:.:..,. 0 IS mm w ,!;: s at .; " ..Mi, mm V 1 r .: 'I .it ' U -; - " w ' L - . ' i , : III Ir-- . '- - - ' 1 - ; : . . ....... .. .... . - . ... . . ... ,..,v .,. .... i 1 (ffnTTif (0) (Qjf'RvI fte !w Big fce 01 F2m test ' -. - . - . . - . - I - . , - , . , . ' . - - i " - . - ' , 1 . , ' -t , .- . f .. 4 h 1

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