OXFORD FiJLLaO jLEDGER, XUESDAY, JULY 29, 1919. Legal Advertising. w our magnificent piano-book jt yon are interested in buying a " rfpictures and de'scribes the largest stock of pianos shown . by any piano house in the South. Ve Save You Kwraey on Pianos At Ftfoe. .. - 9 . By dealing direct with the firm of Chas. M. Stieff, manu facturers of pianos, you save the ordinary dealer's profit. You -et a far better piano, and you t avoid any possibility of dissatis faction. Our binding guarantee g0C3 with every piano. Special list of bargains in used pianos SWT FREE. . B. G. B.TKH Manager. 117 West Bro9d Street, Richmond, Va. Please send me free cata logue and information regarding: Pianos ( ) ; Player-Pianos ( ) ; Used Pianos ( ).x Check the ones you are interested in. Name A.d dress 2? DlSTlilCT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST- CAR. In the ninttof A ' 1 YLli.an,LD?S.f CLAYTON, V, & company!- ORDER . .DIRECTING SERVICE BI - PUBLICATION. Whereas ' a; petition was on the" 31 iXr med herein for adjudication of hn.nkmntnv . Mr-, - --r-vj ijjamoi rniU.. i , . 4am. via iuu, as Individuals and against M. ,T. Clay ton and Dora Clay tbn trading?" under me style, or firm name of Clayton & 2?Sa-ntft'" an.d " PPearing that sub S ?w ?Tex?; 'I8?? has been returned S'tUi?itedSes Marshal endors NJLl Executed. after due diligence pS?viK.arCh- Ciayton and Dora ?t11?10 e:-found in my Dis u VVnd that Personal - service of the subpoena can ; not be made on the alleged Bankrupts; now, on- mo tion and petition of Hicks ' &' Stem, 'Attorneys- for, the Petitioners, filed on J uly, 19, 191b,v It is ordered: r " V That service of subpoena be made by publishing- thisorder, together with auupoena, in the Oxford" Public Led ger, a newspaper published at Oxford m said District, 'once a week ior two consecutive Weeks, the last of such publications to be on the 29 day of July, 1919; and by mailing a copy of .this order , and said petition and sub poena to the, M. T. Clayton and Dora Clayton at Oxford,. N. (Via' said'. Dis trict, tne last known place of abode CORN OIL SUPPLANTING : ' : v HIGH-PRICED OI4IVE OILS High Burning Point Makes Itf Su perior , For All Cooking ' Purposes Oil Used for Frying Onions Can , Then Be Used to , Bake Delicate I Cakes. ; '. . (By Edwin F. Bowers, M. D.) America has made another' im portant discovery. This time it has lioi tne alleged, Bankrupts, oh or be ITore the 'first . dav of mihliontinn. Witness,, the Honorable H. G. Con- People who allow surplus fruits and vegetables to spoil in the gar den in summer and buy canned gar den products in winter will soon be as scarce as dodo birds. . The enemies of John Skelton Williams, 'comptroller of the curren cy, are making desperate efforts to desiroy him. The latest is an al tempt to show that Williams profited by ihe sale of a building to the 'gov ernment, but the story was shown to be false. D. G. BRUMMTTT Attorney-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. A.W.Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Dec. 3 3 m-J. adjudication; of,, bankruptcy against1 to do witn an .essenjion article1 of food the lack- of'which, during Ihe war, was found to work; a, greater hardship upon a population than the deprivation of any other variety of food form. ' - ' This nutritivevsubstance " is fat. The particular fat which "has-been evolved by- the American food " ex perts. into an indispensable article of food is the oil derived from the germ of corn. .' v . : ' , v It has been found that this oil is J unusually rich in lecithin, consider ed by many .physiologists as one of the most important tonics, restora tives", and tissue-builders known to science. v . .; - Lecithin is a dominant element in the fa that goes to make up brain and nerve cells, and ha's a very de cided effect in increasing nutrition. Corn oil is digested and assimilated more, rea'dily- than almost any other variety of fat either animal or veg etable. , ; - : .N-. It is the low burning property of animal fats that makes-frying with these fats such ax nuisance ar.ound meal-time in most kitchens. ' For the degree of heat generated by " gas,' gasolene, coal, -wood, or electricity averages about two thousand de grees. - . ' ' ' ' ' The higher burning point of corn oil, on the contrary, lends itself ad mirably to modern cooking methods, as it makes it possible to cook the food quickly, and at a higher tem perature, without, at the same, time burning and searing theyfood -No Kitchen Odors With Corn Oil 1 . ' ' .Cooking. ' Meat, fish, or odoriferous vegeta bles, cooked in corn oil, are quickly sealed' over on their surfaces. This forces them to retain the flavors and odors otherwise lost during the pro cess of cooking with quick-burning fats. r-f':.. So complete is this sealing effect that many families who employ corn. oil in cooking, fry meat or fishballs, 1 onions, and other food products, all! in the same' pan finishing up, not infrequently, by using this same oil for the baking of a delicately flavor ed cake or 'some, form Of pa'stry without crarying the slightest, odor or flavor from one food to the other. The oil content in corn averages about- five per cent of the grain. Sd that from a three billion bushel crop of corn, there is a potential prospect of four hundred million, gallons of corn oil. Which insures a compkra- nor. Judge of said Court, and the seel thereof, at the City of Raleigh, N. C... in said District, on the 19 day Of July, 1919. V S. A. ASHE, Clerk. SUBPOENA. ' United States of America, Eastern District of North Carolina To M. T; j Clayton & Dora Clayton,, of said Dis trict, GREETING: - For certain causes offered before tjie district court of the United States of America- within and for the East ern district of North -4 Carolina, as a court , of bankruptcy, we . command and strictly enjoin you, laying all other matters aside and notwithstand ing any excuse, that you personally appear before our said district court to be holden at Raleigh, irf- said dis trict, on the 11 day of August, A. l. 1919, to answer a petition filed by Wilson Bros, et als in our said court. praying that you. may be adjudged a- bankrupt; ' and to do further and re ceive x that which . our said ' district court shall consider' in this behalf. And this you are in ho wise to omit;, uhder the pains and penalties of what may befall thereon. Witness thex Honorable HENRYy G. CONNOR, Judge of said court., and the seal thereof, at Raleigh, this 19 day of July, A. D. 1919. S. A. ASHE, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haying this day" qualified as . ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs; I. F. Bowden, deceased, this is to no tify all persons , having claims 3r gainst said" estate ' to present then to me for' payment before, June 24th, 1920 .as required by law all persofis indebted to said 'estate are request ed to make immediate payment. W B. DIXON, Admr. Mrs. I. F. Bowden. This June 24th, 1919. (paid.) PAGC 1 0; t 'Spfe.iKSBa -&bcr . . "'I iwti .jr ; ,111111 m TUTt a pipe in your face that's fille :rAlbert,lyoi VtSrJ sing you a song In. II I llMlilllllllM"'MHlUIIIIL i'.o To'dov red be: tidy red tint, handsome pound and half-pound tin hamt-dorm-' and that ebuy. practical pound cryatat f lata humidor with mpongemoiatcner top that kmepa tho tobacco in auch perfect condition, - cheerily brimful of Prince smoke peace ! For, P. A. will lat will make you wish your life job was to see how much of tiie national joy smoke you c couia get away witn every twenty-iour nours i You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thirv Youll be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the ; boys think of the old front line in France! ' P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And, let it slip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu- sive patented process thalt cuts out bite and parch assurance : that you can hit smbke-record-high-spots seven days out of every week without any comeback but real smoke joyj ;' R, J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows' Bldg. Oxford, N. C. ' SALE OP VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of an order of sale made bv ,the Superior Court of GFanville County in the Special Proceeding therein pending, entitled "D. C. Frazr ier and others, Ex parte,- I shali.,on MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1019, AT 12 M. sell to the highest bidder, , by public auction, for cash at the Court House door in Oxford, the following described lands: - ' First Tract Adjoining the lands of Wm. T. Chandler, A. P. Harris, Joe Clement and othfers, containing 126 1-2 acres, more or less,. and. being the same tos. nf lonrl nnvPVfid to ,Mollie S. .Frazier by M. D.. Harris and wife and others,, see Deed isook i, page i a, the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County , . y. Secorfa Tract Adjoining the lands of (Mrs. Settie Downey, J. W. Winston and others, containing 51- 1-2 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of, land conveyed to Other R. -Frazier bv Mollie Harris, Executrix of M. D. Harris, deceased, and others, see Deed Book 71, page 177, of the office the t t4- nocdo rf Granville County. In making sale of these lands the family burial grouna,- wmcu i on the first tract, will be reserved. , The two tracts will be offered tor sale separately and then as a whole. Th-is July 1.. 1919. B. S. ROYSTER, (Paid) Commissioner. DR. T. T. FRAZIER DENTIST Office in Mitchell Building Over Union Bank. OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. YOUR FRIENDS can buy anything you can give them except your photograph. Why put it off? -: Bring or send me your Kodak films if you want them finished right. . " , J. It 1 Ctfencybp Q ISI Soneca Cameras J. P. HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANS oiTi? nu MERCHANDISE AND &rkju v va- : FIXTURES. Pursuant to authority contained in a certain deed of assignment execut ed by Clayton on the 16th day of June, 1919 and recorded m jook o 9t paM123 in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Granville County we will on - ' j-, MONDAY, JUIjY 14TH; 1919 ; sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder -for cash 'all of that certain stock of goods, wares and merchan dise belonging to the firm or Clayton & Company and also all furnishings and fixtures belonging to said firm and used in the conduct of their bus iness. -Said stock of goods consists of dry goods, notions, shoes etc. and in thp store house on the , South ' side of Hillsboro street next to the store of J. D. BrooKs.: : this stock of goods is in first-lass condition most of it being enrely new and of the latest style. ' The trustees will be glad to show the same together with the inven tory to prospective purchaser at any UlSaid goods will be sold at ,12 o' clock M. on the above date at said storehouse. " . ' -ft1Q This the 20th day of June, 1919. T. LANIER,. ;.: F. W. HANCOCK, Jr., v W Trustees. dW tively inexpensive article of diet for American consumption. . y ? Not An Acquired Taste. I ;Corn oil is - a clear, limpid, pale yellow 'fluid, free from odor,' and with an agreeable, sweet flavor., It possesses qualities of palateabilky that do not have to be acquired. ( It has been found that corn oil is a great improvement over butter in the making of cakes, cookies and puddings; whilq it is superior to lard as a shortener for biscuits, pie crust, bread and crackers. As a dressing in the fom" of a mayonnaise or French ' dressing for cold boiled vegetables, such as cab bage, beets, turnips, potatoes, cauli flower, and other vegetables, corn oil is all that; the most critical epicure could desire. ' f - In fact, it is not going too fStr to state that corn oil will, within the next decade or two do more to re make the well-known and justly celebrated American stomach over in-, to a healthy organ-, than any , one discovery of modern times. " A Disturbing Thought. "v (Philadelphia Record.) . V What disturbs one of our Repub lican statesmen most about the so called, cession of Shantung to Ger- r many 21 years ago, when William McKinley was President, is that the "40,400,000 piteouly " pleading" Chinese who Were handed over to the brutal Japanese contain 8,000 000 prospective soldiers for the. use of Japan Nin the coming war with the United States. What was leased to Germany: was the fishing village of Tsingtau and 117 square miles of territory, with about .3 0,0 00 Chinese population. And itall happened unT der a Republican Administration.' NORTH CAROLINA Notice is hereby ' given to the public DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown BuiUIng. , uuice hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-5:80 p. m. s "' ; that application has Deen maue. t Governor of' North Carolina for the Krdon f Thomas Faucette convict SdrStBthef Aprit Term , of the Superior Pourt of Granville County . for th i,Ouri ui u0' - morr worn. 1. iAiNixu Thomas FaUCette. The fellow who complains that he is not getting enough s usually not giving enough. - . Beauty A Farm Test. . The story comes from Wisconsin that a farmer who found it, neces sary to move failed by, $2,000 ' to reach an agreement with a prospec tive buyer. The latter came a sec ond time to see if the farmer would not reconsider his offer. Meanwhile the barn had been struck by light ning, and ; had been '. burned 1 ; down, owner again rjef used the offer . and was sadly deciding, to remain longer and Considering .the advisability of an investment in paiiit and repairs 'to induce, some one to buy at his price for the farm. At this point, as Ihe buyer leaving, between two elms he caught. x sight of a distant view of two hills that, had been hid den by the barn. They ; talked;; a while and the resul t was the1 sale of the farm it : the original price ask ed. The loss of an unsightly, ill- .' placed,-but serviceable, building had added $2,000 to the value of .the farnit property. :. N Beauty is ah undoubted asset. Yet countrysides endowed .by nature with kail that would make them attractive are marred', by ugly works f of man. r.There may be lopsided sheds, strag gling fences, unkempt yards, of 'ftaiinting advertisements monumen tal to the owner's loss of good taste and lack, of business judgment. Let the . moonlight soften the harsh out lines, and behold the change ; What if then seen may in some measure be gained by a proper use of shrub-; 'bery and the exercise ' of simple neat ness. The attractive farm ' is not be yond the mean of. any one who owns a few acres, wits dividends "are in pleasure, in self respect, and, - as the " Wisconsin farmer's experience show -ed, in cash as well.--Exchange. As a result of a strike which be-; ! gan Tuesday 10,000 employes of the McCormick reaper works of the In ternational Harvester Company - are locked out by the closing of the plant for' an indefinite period. The strik ers had asked for a 44-hour week, ? 1 an hour and a closed shop. "'. Kt 3 1 o'clock in the afternoon two men entered the jewelry store of J. A. Levy, the business dis tricts and on the main thoroughfare in Savannah, Ga., bound and gagged the lone clerk and got away with $6,000 in jewelry and $100 in cash. Pay For the "Upkeepers." ; (Maxton Scottish Chief.) - . , The salaries of the township toad ; supervisors (Robeson county) V have been fixed by the county road com- v mission' at from $125 to,$lfcjL66 per month. ; " ' ' RECEIPTS AND DISBURSE3D3NTS FOR THE TOWN OF OXFORD, FOR ,r f. . - ; . YEAR ENDING 'UNE, IOTH, 1919. y -. ' ; ;V ; -'v;. '. -rv7i.-y v'-v- ;: Receipts. ; ; ' tf'V.------iV.- v;-;X-;';. -Frombalance on hand June 11th, 1918 ; . . ... . . . . .... . . . $ 736.35 From taxes collected . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ...... . . . ..... ; . ; 34,459.3 4 From taxes penalties . . . : . . From rents . . r - From special license . V: :. . From Mayor vCourt fees . . ... . . . . ... . . . , From Sanitary taxes . . . . . . ; From sewer taps ... . . . . . . .... . 262.09 f 656.25 ' 986.80 714.05. 193.00 ' 66.00 200.00 -102.50 239.&a One Township Falls Down; (Lumberton . Robesonian.) Wishart township , has the unen viable distinction of being the first Robeson, county township out of 17 that already have voted this year, to defeat a road bond Issue. It is not that the people of Wishart do not be lieve in the economy of good roads or that they do mt want good roads. .They do want good roads and no doubt are willing ' tos pay for them, but they feel that they have gotten so little1 return for road tax money paid put in the " past that they are afraid to venture. " . ; - DON'T BE BALD How To Make Hair Grow Strong, -Thick and Lustrous. ' , If your hair , is thinning put, don't wait ! another day, but go to J. G. Hall's and get a bottle of Parisian sage, the truly efficient hair grow er. " I : ; .'.'- .Don't say: "It's the same old story; IVve heard it before," buttry a bottle at their risk They guaran tee Parisian .sage, to stbp falling hair, and stimulate a hew growth, banish all dandruff' and almost : instantly stop scalp' itch, or nioney backr : Parisian sage ! contains-, just " the elements needed tb prpperly invigo rate the hair roots. It's a prime fav orite; withVdiscjrrWnating ladies be cause it makes the, hair so sof t and lustrous, and appear twice " as a bundant. V . , . " ; Parisian, age is inexpensive and j easily obtainable at all drug stores. From sale of 'bid sprinkler -. . . '. . . . . . . . . V'.: ...... .'i From sale of manure and rope ... . From Miscellaneous collection . 7 . From bills, payable note . . .... ... . ; . . . . . . 1,000.00 V Total .". ... . . 1 ............ .. $39,616.24 -"'. -'-:v" ':. ':J; Disbursements. "; .' :vv -';',' - . By executive department ... . . ... . . ... . . ... $ 2,727.39' By police department . . . ... '. . .. . . .'.v. . - ; '2,023.81.. t By street department, including parks . - . . .'. i. . . . . . . . 1.173.64 By stable expense ... . . . . .-. ...... . . I,t78.28 By fire department, including hose, bought . . ' . . . . . . ... M94.44 By water department ... . ... . ; . . . . . ..... . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,610.77 By lighting denprtment . . . . .......'.... ... . . . . . - 2,100.31 txxt canifarv ddnartmpnt inclndine trash waeon & street sweepig 2,995.18 By town property department, including fire truck ... . . . . . . 1,833.95 By interest on bonds . . '. . v . . . . . . . . . . .... . I ............ . 9r,b-05.8S' By sewer department 1. ; . ... : ,. . . . 307.31 By, cemetery' department . . . . ... ... ... . . - ... V 153.91 By amount paid graded school .... . . .V . . .... ........... 6,206.43 By amount paid sinking fund . . . .. . 800. 00 By. amounts rebates: on taxes . . . . .......... .Y. . . . . .... . . 159. 5S1 By note paid S. W. .Parker . . ........... . 2,500.00 By donation to soldiers. . .s. . . . t , . . 250.00 , By . wood account .... ..' .. : . r.. ........ r. . .... ,23.20 . By balance on hand June 10th, 1919 . . ...... 972.21 7 Totar..;.' .'. I. $39,616.24. r , . .'" ' ' - . R-B. HINES . - ' - - ' City Treasurer- t llcrtii Carolina State Colbge of Agriculture and Enginssring ! IVEST CIALEICII : A Land Grant College founded under an act of Congress by the State Legislature of North Carolina in March, 1887. bplendidiy equipped for e the education of the sons of the State in the technical and industrial arts. Four year courses in Agricultire, in Agricultural Chemistry, and in Z Gvil Electrical, ' Mechariical,- Chemical and Textile Engineering. New J (departments in Agricultural Engineering and Highway Engineering. j Numerous, short courses. 1 ') V ,'-'- . ' ' Unit of Reserve Officers Training Corps. Seniors and Juniors receive . pay amounting to $118 annually. All students receive free unifonns amounting in four years to.(lo4. 2 ' Strong athletic teams. . ' v 140,000 Y.VM. C A. puflding. Regular paid secretary. -t ; Two hundred and forty free scholarships. , Repuirement for admission: eleven 'units practically equivalent to. he completfon of, tenth grade work. - - - '-' . ' T-J OtX-rr TnitJrtTl 44.1 HA m VitAm Z A 1. 1 - AAA A ' ; ana ugnt xi.uu per year. , . j ' Enrollment last session 1,020, exclusive of all ssuuner students. 5" Fall term begins September 3L" ' .-."- v . 1 Tot cctdogue,' Ulustrcted circular or entrance blcrJcs, write ' . . E B. O VEN, Rctrai (J I-

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