OXFORD PtJBLlC LEDGER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER jlO, 199 PAGE Camilla's rrotest. Carranza's representative protests against the entry of our troops into Mexico, ine Liana"10" ""mum-ico might with reason rejoice that our roops have not put them out of Mexico, not for the failure to insure the safety of our citizens alone, but f0r ill-meant actions toward our country and failure to dominate at home But nature does not work in at way. Instead of thanking their destiny the Carranzistas presume on .J.,5- nnd fortune, or Amercan weak uess so far as to object to the pres- prnRsine of the border. 'r.chinjr's station in Mexico and the pursuit of Villa took place at a time when Carranza nan less cum pletely used up his drafts on our ood will. Those who looked, for ward to a restoration of order have suffered disillusion. Whatever we found it necessary to do in 1916 and 1917 we have added reason to re peat in 1919. . In Mexico, to be sure, there is still She is to hatch at any mo- A lit If , . ..the era of order and prosperity which we have been told at every .,mnt of the past nine years, was about to see the light. But hope has ceased. The incubation takes too , This country has come to realize the folly of waiting for Mexi co to produce again anyimub sembling our ideals of government. McLuke Says. Right now we can think of but i,inr Ann that is that one sure mi", - if you will let a small boy alone he 11 let soap alone. PH1CHESTER PUD V III TK VI AMONl BRAND. ' IMlla in Ked and Viola metallic i with Blue Ribbon. . t ... v DIAMOND RAN1 PILLS, for Xtfcl ve3is known as Best, baiesi, a iway i.. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVtKiwHtKE JOE N. PITMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow's Building L & M SER3B-PASTE PAONTTS BEST THAT CAN BE MADE Cost to you $325 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or LONGMAN & MARTINEZ " Manufacturers New York United States Tires 'Tires are Good MISSIONS NEEDED IN H03IELAND LOSSES IN 120TH WERE I i 1 m inmcim TTVT TATITTOTOAJ' Mill A V .LEiO J- XZ MJM-V While $20,000,000 of the $75,000,000 to be raised in cash and five-year pledges by the Southern Baptists be teen now and December 7th will go to foreign missions, $12,000,000 will be uevotea . to missions at nome, it nas been oiticiaiiy announced, nome mis sions is regarded by the Batists as quite as essential as foreign missions, . A Jl U XI ine larger sum ueins sei asiae ior iuo latter cause by reason of the larger field to be covered practically the entire world. A It TL vi i Service is Our Motto, to please. We strive D. G. BRUMM1TT Attorney-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA , E I 1 ML. r 1 DR. B. D. Grav. Of Atlanta. Ga.. Secretary of Home " f 9 Missions for the Southern Baptist convention. The adjutant general's office has received from the department of war thf first full rpnnrt nf casual ties in the 30th division, which con tained the North Carolina National uuard regiments,-says the News ana Observer. It is shown that the 119th and 120th infantry regiments sustained major losses as follows: 119th, kill ed in action, 6 officers and 296 men; died of wounds, 4 officers and 95 men: died of disease, 2 officers and in an rliod frnm nthpr P.aiises. 9 men; total, 1 officers and 434 en listed men. . 120th killed in action, 15 officers and 304 men; died of wounds, 6 of ficers and 91 men; died of disease, 1 olncer and 44 men; died trom oiner itf 11 1 C s 4- 4- r 1 causes,, l omcer anu i men; Lutai 23. officers and 441 men. The 119th, 4 officers and 49 men taken prisoners by the enemy; the 120th, 2 enlisted men. The 115th machine gun company which with these two regiments made up the 60th brigade, lost 4 men j n action 2 officers and 11 men irom wounds, 7 men from disease and 1 by some other cause. The 113th artillery, not with the snth division, but full of North Car olinians and commanded by Col Al- bert Cox, lost 4 men in action, i died of wounds, 3 officers and 12 men from diseases and 2 men other causes. MORE HOMES STIIL IN DEMAND HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. O.Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford. N. C. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Dec. 3 3m-. "Twelve million dollars is a large fiemrft when comDared with what we havo hP.en dninff heretofore." Dr. D. B Gray, corresponding secretary of f the Heme Mission Board at Atlanta, ae clares, "but it is very reasonable in comDarison with our ability and small in comparison with the needs of the Home Mission fields." Setting forth the particular obliga tion which confronts America since the war has transferred the center of education from Europe to this coun try, Dr. Gray says: "This brings a new day of opportunity and responsi- n i i . j bility to our peopia. uur scnoois anu colleges must be strengthened and en rtnwpd. Thev must be made thorough- v w f ly christian in fact as well as in the ory. In this way. we are to counteract the vicious ideals of Germany anu ner allies in the world war. Our youth must be trained on proper lines as to religion and ethJes. This, can De uuuo best in our denominational schools." Some of the educational institutions festered, by the Home Mission Board are the forty mountain schools, serv- ing 3,000,000 residents ot tne &oum livine in mountainous territory where is T-l 11.. niihlin hiffh schools are lacKing. uny f $10,000,000 could be used to advantage A Man Without A Home Writes To The Public Ledger. Editor Public Ledger: Yes, daily the demand for more homes are made. No effort is oe ing made to supply these demands that wfi have heard of. Above all I things that our town needs at pres- 1 ? A. M iimaI AflCI ent is more homes, ana u is u&eicoo to build other enterprises until this important matter is given nrsi con sideration. People are clamoring daily for a house in Oxford. Many additional families could be secured for our town, could they find shel ter. It is useless for a man to saj' that it does not pay to ouuu icu, houses, with the present prices of lumber and labor, this is "bosh" talk. People will pay rent, what ever the price is, as long as it is in keeping with other prices, and peo nio that want homes, expect to have to pay rent, in accordance .with ev- j erything else. A reasonaDie mieiesa can be had your investment by build ing houses for rent, and it is time that some one was taking this mat ter into their own hands, if our town is to continue to grow and prosper as it should. A. RENTER. A , TTTT h" T? Your Money's Worth Yon want tires that give you the most for your money, measured in mileage. How are you to know ? Since we are in the business and you know us why not take our word for it ? We say to you there are no better tires built thanUnitedStatesTires. They have proved good, by performance. They are tough, hardy, economical, efficient. They stand up, and wear, and live, and satisfy. . There are five of these good tires. Let us show you the one that will actly "fill the bill" for you. , fRmalCord' 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Usco 'Plain We know United States Tires are good tires. That's why we seU them. RT.AT.nr.Tr MOTOR CO. W. S. CURRIN, Hargrove. JLf UXXJUIV on nnp wav for a girl to keep loving the man she loves is for her j loving Hie man ou in strengthening the equipment and gome other man. F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public Odd Fellows' Bldg. Oxford, N. C. r c - teaching force of these schools, it is estimated, so f:reat is the neea Another demand of the home tieia -1 1 nmn flAH C 1 Tl is tne 4,uyu cnurcu uigduwauuuo n omith urhirh need assistance in IUC KjWUVii hVm Potion of sutable houses of.wor I. A shin, while more pressing still is the problem created by. the presence in ALL KINDS OF HARDWAIvLj Farmers naruwaie Va. x. lit Mn. aaa hn nroven it win vui riiiii and Fever, Bilious Fev- mac and LaGrippe. It kills the problem -created by, the presence in ' le that causes the fever. It the South of 10,000,000 negroes. Speak- gplendid laxative and general e ua -r rrr-rf tit'i vr i iptii I ii . ii ci v i mK vi tne w w-, - - RUB IT ON 3SF WILL KOI 5IAU1 TT1E CLDTTiES 0 a . a i J4- --ri 1 1 mira Mqln. Less than 1 per cent of American nas prov.n men are college graduates. Yet this ria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, .... 11 Atc 1 r.nlfls and LaGrinne. It kills the l per cent oi coiiege giduuflico THE DEMAND FOR 666 CHILL AND FEVER TONIC IS FAR GREATER THAN THE SUPPLY For the Past Twelve Months the Demand for 666 Has Been Far Greater Than the Supply, But We Have Increased Our Plants and From Now on We Hope to Fill Orders More Promptly. DR. T. T. FRAZIER TVI? WTTfiT Office in Mitchell Building Over UI11UI1 Ximxv. OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. YOUR FRIENDS can buy anything you can give them except your photograph. Why put it off? Bring or send me your Kodak films if you want them finished right. MSeneca Cameras W aavq- "rnev are oi mure yiwi uuj 9 m cern to us than any hundred millions nnvwhere else in tne worm. ui :r. - a ciQiiv .noliticaliy. economically auu iitrinnsiv thsv constitute our great- icubvv " est task and wp negieci own peril as well as tneir innnue ww. uoni-oi rpintions are tense and the sit ItUWU . .1, ,,o.(if,n Pnlls unon Soutnern isaptiiw for a worthy program in behalf of the .... n V.Aili Attn 1Y1 rfiliffiOUS UplUtOl OUr uiutiicio i ui v wo must lead tnem in sauo .iinnnr QnH p.vaneelistic work and likewise in tha developpment of their religious life on sane and helpful lines. Tenic. adv COULD HARDLY STANDALONE Terrible Suffering From Headache, Sideache, Backache, ana nea- ness, Relieved by uraui, Says This Texas Lady. furnished: 55 per cent of our Presidents. 36 per cent of the Members of Congress. 47 per cent f the Speakers of the rIouse. 54 per cent of the Vice-Presidents. 62 per cent of the Secretaries of State. 50 per cent of the Secretaries ot Treasury. 67 per cent of the Attorney gen erals. 69 per cent of the Justices ot bu- preme Court. At the present time tne -resiuem, Snpnkers ot tne parasite that causes the fever. 666 is the most speedy remedy we know. A few doses will break the fever and if then taken as a tonic the fpver will not return. You can take 666 while the fever is on or off. a red, healthy condition, giving a natural, healthy complexion. 666quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Foul Breath and Headaches, due to Tor pid Liver. t We especially recommend 666 for those exposed to the weather, as they can take it, eat anything tljey want ana go ngni on wiuu wcu with no fear of being salivated. adv. Thfi Southern Medical Associa tion will hold its annual convention Ifor 1919 in Asheville November 10- 13, inclusive. Between 1,300 and 1,500 members are expected to at tend Doctors of nation-wide im- Vice-President SpeaRers l:portance who Will attend the conven House. all but two of the Cabinet 69 v w w Ue. out of 96 Senators 205out of 435 A.,.Surgea General W. iiMMiArnnTOTi v i ill nil tuv lltJyiCDCnttttif vm J tunc viQ SiinrAmfi Court are trained men. Exchange. rrn-r Mrs. Minnie Phil- t tiqo.i n lar"e company ui v-i uvuaico, wisest and "onW negro evangelMs oI tMs place, writes: F Ive yeara wisest auu p to m J. P. HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST- Office in Brown Butt ling. Office hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-S W d. m WliSCOL- .... and teachers vho shall help us to lift ud their race and maite tuem a -rr.u whil.. as Christian citizens. MMIl IYU1 1.11 , mnr mnng the foreigners in A licit Yl , the homeland oilers the best and most economical opportunity for missionary .... tvwvm anvwhp.re. is tne labors amuug declaration of the Home Mission lead ers These foreigners are m the fields, mines and ketones and are a vital part of iair civilization. This rk among the foreigners not oiuy iea them the christian religion, out contented and uet- American citizens, it i, pointed UGreit hopes for the future of the c ches in the South are held ouUn . ' , .i ..rnram of evangelism 'nreU t1ent wh t Baptise 75 riai-immsn win VUUluu "" , -i from ,t . Pna rn noues tu ZSOMOO people in the SOUU vvao fie riod of the campaign, Rub-MyTism is a septic; HkiHs the from infected cuts, tetter, etc. adv. powerful anti poison caused rnres old sores. ago I was taken with a pain in my. left Bide. It was right unaer my left rib. It would commence with an aching and extend up into my lew Bhoulder and on down Into my bac. By that time the pain would be bo eevere I would have to late io ueu, and suffered usually about inree cays t nf fered this way for tnree years, and got to be a mere skeleton and was bo weak I coma jiaruijr - Was not able to go anywueic to let my house work go... I suffered awful with a pain m "J rr I had the neaaacne uu u was unable to ao a tum&. was a.misery, my stomach got In an awful condition, caused from taking bo much medicine. 1 suffered so much tiain I had USt aDOUt bicu m hos of our getting anything to help tne. One day a Birthday Almanac was thrown in my yard. After reading Ite tSimonSls I decided to try Car dui, and am so thankful that I did, for I began to improve when on the eecond bottle... I am now a well woman and feeling fine and the curi has been permanent for it has been two years since my awful bad health, uvu yw" . nd reCommend WUi aiway - -g Largest County Bond Issue. . St. Louis county, Minn., by a vote of about 9 to 1, carried on July 1 a proposition for the issuance of road bonds to the amount of $7, 500,000." This is the largest sum .rM rrrt rf iV Pt aside for road CVCl IULCU vi u"" ( hniiHiner hv anv county in the Uni tori stntps. The second largest was w Xf naii Countv. Tex., voted a 111.1. Ill ' ' few weeks ago of $6,500,000. C. Braisted, U. S. N.; Surgeon Gen 0mi T?nnprt Blue.- United States pub- VI Ul w - un hoaith service, and Dr. Lewellys I 11V V., - ' . i F. Barker, president of the bouin ern Medical Association. . . . it!1.J 523 foreigners had lett tne umwu States since the armistice and a to tal o: only 123,522 during the 12 monihs ened June 30, 1919. For the five years ended June av, 618,223 emigrants departed, as com pared with 1,172,679 immigrant ar rivals for the same period, tne siate- 0 ment points out, an excess oi arriv als over departures of 554,456. . Anthnnv Caminetflte, commis- . : f immio-rjitinn. issues SlOlier geneitti ui imi"o j - a statement showing that only 102,-.steals from himself. The' dairy farmer not only stu dies how to feed his cow, but how to feed his land. He is not a soil robber, as he realizes that the far mer who reduces the fertility of his rnKo without reason, since he lCtllvl n Wiley Woodson was tried in Buncombe county for an assault, convicted and fined $100. He was i 5r,HiPtoH hv the erahd jury for wrecking a school house. On tne witness stand Woodson's attitude to- twi0 the law was so defiant that Judge Finley stated he would hate to impose a fine to make him respect the law. ' Good for Biliousness. T suffered f fr.ire of stomach trouble irequeiit ai ,, , uji,,,,, Sppti? Chamber- ana UlllUUlicao. wv-o Iain's Tablets advertised I concluded to try them, i improveu Miss Emma Verhryke, Lima, Okla. UQUIDS .PASTES: FbrBlackAVhiteJao and UX-DIOOU uarn wiw.v CEEP YOIHE SHOES NEAT Cardui." Try Cardui today. Hardware Co. "rS RANGES AND! Virgilina, Va. - 0 Hi Hi i 'Aft m I 1-i I Si ill i It