OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1920 PAGE 0 ERSONAL ITEMS Miss Annie Lee is visiting pur m, Hollowly, of. relatives and Oxford. frieiu'S in Born to Mr. and Mrs. Aulbrey v Moore February 10 a fine baby , Mother and baby doing well. Mrs. Charles A. Taylor left Mon- a Trtlr'o irfcit in vain da;- in Asheville. G. B. Phillips and baby .... .," eturned from an extended visit to Fiirmville. The friends of Mrs.- C H. Par i will be glad to learn she is im- vilV- jiss Fan McKimmon is spend iie time at her home in Wade Miss Esteile White has returned lC from an extended visit to New : V ;hui Richmond. goiaaffi' : People and things fflS County Deonle who are no, living; at Verona, Wake county, afe .dowa with the flu. Miss Emm Meadows, of Oxford, went over Sunday to be with them. Miss Marguerite Capehart, who has completed , a course at a Rich mond! business colege, will resume her duties in, the register of deeds office hereMarch 1. Miss Cape hart is a very valuable office assist ant, and Mr. Powell is fortunate in securing the services of one so profi- cient ' )mmm The many friends of Col. H. G. Cocper are glad to see him out' after wrestling with old Col. Grippe for ten days. The good doctor says, that Col. Cooper was a cheerful, oheriipnt patient not addicted to worry and r Te cniliren of Mrs- Hunter Dunn main was me little-, magic silver spoon of : Mrs. Cooper that brought him back to health and strength. Tobacco Plants A Farmers are determined to have enough tobacco plants this yeah They began burning plantheds in De cember and are still at it. Cameron Morrison Club- It is said that a Cameron .Morri son Club will be formed imjGranville County. The date and place will be announced soon, it is said. School House Burned The colored school house at Fair port was destroyed by fire last Fri day. Defective flue is supposed to have caused the trouble- Card of Thanks COUNTY IN WORLD WAR Handsome Volume ToBe Delivered In Sixty Days. . The publishers of "The History of Granville County In the World War" have had their troubles and delays like all other printers and publishers. First, there was a shortage of paper and mechanical help; followed by a shut down on account of sickness, which has delayed the volume for several months. -Miss Mary C. Owen 'has -return- Washington City to resume her ie?- Miss Nannie Herring of Clinton eono to Statesville after a visit . v sister Mrs It is announced by the war de partment that the 30th division (Old Henry) head-the list in the awards of medals of honor. xIn other words Tar Heel soldiers and their associ ates .showed more personal braverv in the 'face of the enemy than those i A. H. A. Williams of any other division. Twelve of the Congressional medals of honor, tne " nignest honor medal, went to the 30 Mrs. Y. W. Crowell, nee Miss th. That is, 15.4 per cent of the to- Speneer, or iincouon, wno ; tal awards made. The 27th division received 5. Seven ty-eight in all were given. .. . !i i i e 1 "I A en a Vlsii iu iiti iciiuei, Vvtiyi. k Spencer, has returned home. v ' NT J i 1 yrjr ayoid that 1 ' f stuffy feeling m W you chew 'a 1 Other benefits: to teetti, I breath appstite. nerves. That's a good deal to I set for 5 cents! I Sealed TiMmPt Right S WWM DANGEEOUS . wish 'to-thank their friends for the sympathy and kindness shown dur-i ing the illnpss and death of their mother. Regulai Services - There will be reaching at Enon and Hester on next Saturday ai.d Sunday at the regular hours Ser-. vices conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. T Tunstail. Rural Carrier The Civil service commission has announced an examination to be held in Oxford March 13 to fill the posi tion cf rural carrier at Stem. See Mr. N. M. Ferebee at the Oxford postoffice for particulars. Oxford Route 1. Uncle Tom Daniel, one of the goo-a men on Oxford Route 1, was in Ox ford a few" hours Monday." Nearly every family on Route 1, said Mr. Daniel, had been visited by the grip pe, flu or colds, but the situation, he said,,. had greatly improved. Marriage Licenses Judging from the small number of marriage licenses issued by Register of Deeds Powell during the past few weeks, Spring has not yet turned the young men's fancy towards thoughts cf love. -.Mr. Charles G. Powell, the handsome' register cf deeds, might start the ball rolling by taking out a pair of licenses for himself. Building Material on the Rise Building material prices are again ftl WHO is THIS? In the large number of names of Granville County Soldiers who figur ed in the World War the name of one young man is wanted to complete the list; The publishers have his picture and they now want his name. Take a good look at the above picture and tell Mr. E. G; Hulse, at the Oxford Orphanage printing department, who it is. ; r. .... - , Mr. Hulse, one of the publishers of the handsome volume, authorizes the Public Ledger to say that the book will be ready for distritution iu 60 days. RO'UKDTREE-BOBIXSOX Keep The Clean Systen . And You'll Be Healthy Elimination helps to avoid colds, headaches and epidemics ANYONE who has watched stipation that you may have himself knows there is noth- Take it when you feel drowsy, ine so important to health dirzv or bilious, when von feel a and comfort as regular daily elim- cold or a fever comine on, when ination. Half of the minor illness es of life are due to neglect of this. The five million men who were in jour army know the importance the doctor attached to this function. A By all means tryto regulate yourself by intelligent diet and exercise, but when these fail you will need a laxative, one as near to nature in its action as skill can make it. In the opinion of many thousands of good Americans such a one is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. It acts promptly, gently and with out griping and will with certainty regulate any tendency to con- there is an epidemic, when you have eaten anything about which you are in doubt; It is at such times that you need to be free of ?)isons and of fermenting foods, ou can buy Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug store. Thou- sands of families have it con stantly in the house against emergencies. In spite of the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each ' year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial botde-to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 Washington St, Monticcllo, Illinois, THE PERFECT LAXATIVE Jk Voioe From Sioux Qity Iowa, says The home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Roundtree, on College street, ''was the scene of a, quiet wedding lasi Saturday evening at nine o'clock, showing an upward turn on. the! when the eldest daughter, Miss Nan strength of the large volume of con-. nie Bland was given in marriage to struction that is foreshadowed tor 1920. Building prices do not usual ly undergo much change in Febru ary, but all signs indicate that the advance now. being seen is only the beginning of the rise that will come within the next three months. Oxford Orphanage The Oxford Orphan Friend sas: "There is considerable sickness at the Orphanage, but happily it is in a mild form. We have about 115 or 120 cases cf flu, 3 of pneumonia, and about 20 of measles. -So far no case is critical and hope that none will be. The sick are given the best ! of care and the situation is -well. in. Mrs. Gray Simpson of Norfolk, and hand. Thirty-two children with'fltr have already gotten up and are con valescent. . We feel almost justified in saying the peak of flu has been Mr. George Parks Robinson. The ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor Rev. R.y C. Craven. The bride wore a handsome going away suit of midnight blue with cor sage of roses and orchids. She was attended by her sister Miss Bedford Rountree. The groom is a prominent young business man of Charlotte. Many handsome presents attest the popularity of the young couple. After a supper Mr and Mrs- Robinson left for Charlotte where they will? make their home. Among the out of town guests were Mr. Moses Rountree of Chapel Hill, Mr. and. Mrs. Mount Airy. Z. V.- Robinson, of "Tokay," the famous vineyard passed, as no case developed the day at Fayetteville, where light Virginii this was written." Trained Nurses The Oxford Orphanage is well equipped to care for the sick children at the institution. The trained nurses are Miss Mattie Booth, of Durham; Miss Berdie Dvnn, of Ra leigh; and Miss Ramie Williams, or Durham. Assisting them are Miss Jennie Short, of Roanoke Rapids; Miss Edna McNeill, and Mrs. Ham ilton, of Durham; Mrs. Swanna Sten der, of Greensboro; Mrs. Robert Day, of Oxford; Mrs. Martha Hobgood (serving in the diet "titchen) of Ox ford; Miss Mary Kennedy, of Liberty and Mrs. Tajlie Nelms, of Spring Hope. - Mrs. Nelson's Pets Mr. W. D. Brooks, of Sunset, who was on a visit last week to Mrs. W. R. Nelson, a sister of Mrs. Brooks who lives in Norfolk, relates an in cident which attracted his attention. Mrs. Nelson has a fine flock of chicken, said Mr. Brooks, and her fine' Mai tees cat is a close companion and guards them day and night He says that the rooster and the cat are close friends and that he saw them several -times embrace each other af fectionately. The cat and the chick ens retire for the night and leave the chicken house at the same time in the morning. Dare wine is now made, has been pur chased by William E. Housell and George Draper of Rochester, N. Y., who will-use the vineyard for making grape - juice and will establish a coun try club and recreation park at Green's pond, on the property. You cannot mistake the words of Mr. W. W. Northrup, of 908 Fourth Street, Sioux City, Iowa. He is enthusiastic about his present health and the merits of PE-RU-NA and wants everyone to know it. Here is a re cent letter froti him : - " "PE-RU-NA is worth its weight in cold and then some. I used to think it only a wo man's remedy but have changed my mind. I had a courrh, especially in the moraine After using ha!f a tottfe of PE-RU-NA was much better. I would ccngh up chunks of phlegm end mucus, my eyes itched and both ered ine. Judging from the symptoms given ia your almanac it was catarrh. My stomach Is in much better condition since using your ' medicine." "Use this testimonial, if you wish. Don't hesitate to advertise the merits of PB-RU-NA." (Signed) W. W. NORTHRUP. There .are thousands just like Mr. Northrup, skeptical at first but convinced by a trial of PE-RU-NA. DON'T BE AN UNBELIEVER. If your trouble is of a catarrhal nature, try PE-RU-NA, then tell your friends. It is fine after an attack of grip or Spanish Flu. Gold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid FOR CATARRH AND CATARRHAL CONDITIONS The New Maxwell The Oxford Motor Company, op posite the post office has just un loaded a car of 1920 model Max wells. There are a few mechanical changes -made in this new model that make it as' easy to handle and as economical to opperate as any car that is on the market today.7 Read their advertisement on the 5th page of this paper, or beter call and let them demonstrate it to you.' LIST YOUR TAXES! Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into, contact wnn sour uc crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone' ' Instead ! If you feel bilious, headachy, con-: '!pated and all knocked out, just go t your druggist and get i bottte bf XKdaon's Liver Tone for a few cents, s'lich a harmless vegetable sub-6-itute for dangerous calomel. Take. spoonful md if it doesn't etart your ljter and- straighten yoTi . up, tftter an4 qukker than nasty calomel and without making yon sick, you just go back and get your money. . If you takVcalqmel today , youU be sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may 8&livatevyou, while ii you take . Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full ol addition and ready for work or play. It is "termless, pleasant and safe M give to. children; they lfte.it ; ,; The listing of taxes - will com mence iii-each township in Gran ville county ' ' MONDAY, MARCH 1ST, 1920 and continue for ten - days. . The list takers for each township will advertise the time and place; for listing in his . township. , Important Notice .' Bring with you a complete list of your solvent credits. You must give name and address of debtors, and amount of debt You must al so give name and address of per sons to whom you owe money, and amount of debt. . List Takers , ; Fishing Creek C. Gordon. - Brassfield C. N. Floyd. Dutchviile S. A. Fleming. Tally Ho J. W. Crews. : - l Walnut Grove John W.- Morton. Oak Hill Jno. S Watkins. . Sassafras Fork H. H. Gregory. ; Salem Carl O'Brien. Oxf ord W. ki Parham. F13-5t Secret of ess o Swift s ertofaeffs acco Bright Tobacco to be grown successfully requires entire ly different combinations of .plant; food materials than are used tor general crops. : ; i i irriTar J if PAYS TO USE THEM 1 III Many years ago we realized this, and our Research Department developed the best that was known in 'special plant foods for tobacco fertilizers. Swift Tobacco Formulas were the result! The success of our special formulas for tobacco is the talk of the Bright Tobacco Belt, Tobacco grown with Swift Tobacco, Fertilizers brings top market prices. Our customers enjoy the profit that comes from, this extra yield and better quality. ' ' " , The fertilizer supply is far short of the demand, and we urg-e that vou order your needs of Swift's Tobacco Fertilizers at once irom these seieeiea oranas. my Write to Our Nearest Sales Office for Free Booklet "Bright Tobacco-It's Growth and CntenTe'. Swift's Carolina, Tobacco Grower 8-3-3 Swift's Gold Leaf for Tobacco 8-3-2 Swift (Fertilizer Works) . Charlotte, N. C Atlanta. Ga OTHO A. DANIEL :-: Oxford, N. G n ii"!; mi i f '!' - 5 i I :t i ;iii 1