PEOPLE AND THINGS Man Dead .( ! .nil" ; - Pp died at his home in Brassfield T cuuesuity. last of iwm three year oia cnna or Mr. (',.,.( j Mize died at the home of the Walnut Grove last Wed- m''kvy. ip!,th of Child 'ih ... four year-old son of Mr. ana Stephen L. Slaughter died at home of the parents near Berea Monday. Mi tin' las "Piri Cheap" OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 CARD FROM DR. HORSFIELD Tw- The Public Ledger: id SSSSH? tout of. a spirifof PAGE 5 Business Builders. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Awr piayr ana notin w.,;u-M": now,orat;any:otherUmha,nv HXiff.L; " i r . PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE the Orpheum Th0Whg2; 1 have r sale one Two-ton Ste ciosea. It is the only bit of secu-wari Truck good condition; one w V5fin? 'affecte' y the Board of I pair of Scod mules and one horse. rwSflSL11 tne other business oflTnis Property can be seen at the RmviEJ1 Vtfe Samuel H. Jones. rTiT "-... oiow , me regu lation of oilier niisinocc ; v, reach up to where the backing was mg the possible danger to the com munity. Now, what do we intend to do about the accumulated loss of profit during the prohibition of that bus- uiebb;.- . ine proprietors of the Or pheum -must have suffered a snh- no fault of 3-t-pd. LILLIE B. JONES, Executrix. land selling at $100 per" acre stantial loss through lty, one ne dirt cheap" in this .mm m i ,i v . uiir nrvri iih i n i tiiii uvv ii. .I.IM1 iiir t ne civr-rr. 11 i -. I t i 1 1 1 v' , ; ,7'. oupyuccu UtUl- vvuiiii 1 1 1 1 i i v . i u i i Tri n rr i v " Auiiiuau lV.. (e er cnt T ra s must be paid, and now is a tr opportunity for the taxpayers , ; vo a nice sum uy paying ineir v and county taxes before the ! March. . O ,?osjo McGee Dead . josie McGee died-at the home . C. Averett, near Corinth Chur ist Wednesday morning. The . a. -s tt-11 rti t- ;itM-p.ient was at uruve mil jnurcn,. ii ,. a i v ices being conducted by Rev. i buys and pays for the right of way uwiu&s private property. If .it is necessary to kill a tuberculosis ani mal, the btate pays for the animal so killed. Does the State pay for the loss incurred by the closing of a omas busines during an epidem ll She DUsiness of the Orpheum Theatre must be liahle tn snoiai losses: the contracts running NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS This is to notify taxpayers that tiiree per cent will be added March Jst. e. B. HUNT, Sheriff. 2-t. DAVIS, WHITE ARGSTAL POUL try farm, south Oxford. I can furnish you eggs of the high egg strain from hens. . 230 to 264 eggs per year at $4 for 15 eggs or $i ior so eggs. I guarantee j my eggs to hatch 85 per cent Call and see my stock of hens Yours truly, James ET Davis LAST CALL FOR TAXES Tax payers will 'please take no tice that all . property on which the taxes have not been paid by March 15th, 1920 will be advertised and sold as pro vided by Town Charter. Why not pay now and save expense. R. B. HINES, Town Tax Col. Feb. 17th, 1920. 2-218 WANTED DRY PINE WOOD AT market price. OXFORD OR PHANAGE. - - F20-2t FOR SALE-GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE with two halls and bath. In good condition., CHAPMAN & BY PtUM. 2-20-tf months ahead, the risk of the lack, ' r- 1 l i! I'! ii. r. Tnompson. are Numerous Tni- ves in the County seems to 'iniltiV'lied during the long spell it . T J. 11 J. X ,i wcatnor. ii appears mat most thieves confine their operation M'.'ken coops and smoke-houses, i (.st v;ay to stop an epidemic of . iy is a free use of the shot gun. u'our.d Hog i'riends of the ground hog as ; 1 hi v prcgncs'ticator are claim : all the evidence is on their year. According to them rrvnd hog saw his shadow on ;iy tecojid and there is to be s :: Y.-eeks of unfavorable wea 7' o v.eeks of the bad spell :nv past- 0 S on I-V,r Boys :;. :-ai(i the Indian, "I know v.;- co'7ici"ueo is. It is a little j ! :-,ercd thing in here," lie! hand on his heart, ' or the loss of public interest in the costly reels, soon withdrawn, etc.! Possible the receipts must cast thei cost or contracts closely sometimes, allowing but small legitimate prof its. Shut down such a business, al most without notice, and usually iur an maeimeite time, and you me me out or it m a peculiar manner. Who will pay the legitimate amount ot damage suffered bv the ! proprietors of the Orpheum during; the past month of enforced idle- j ness? The State might pay it; the city might pay it; the Beard of! Health might pay it. My idea, is! that if the loss is not paid through! one of the above agencies, that, J then, it is up to the citizens of Ox-! ford to pay the legitimate bill in j full, as presented by those young i men, or as estimated by a grateful! pubiic. This payment is not char-; ity; it is simple justice, whether i the Board of Health has made a; mistake or not. More than .that, such payment should come out of a spirit of thankfulness that the clean! and wholesome reels presented by I the proprietors of the Orpheum j j have never caused any anxiety, ncr 'have the police ever entered the' j threatr e for necessary inspecition of j : the pictures represented. Every j motuers son ot us, and daughter; that tu!J Knu-.vb iiiitt iiu toucii nt;ut;sciLtv : h v hen i am Oooci Dot ! administration. - nad it turns around, and j As Christians we should bear; rs hurt very much. Butif0ne another's burdens, and bei doing v. rong, by and by the ! ashamed not to do so. So' by every : S -eir off and it doesn't hurt j law of heaven and earth, these ; i young men should be remunerated! A a, ior tixeir ioss; ana tnat, -as a matter .mser at Church j of right. F. H T. HORSFIELD. j (.."r.neccicn with the closing or-j " ' j good joke is told on Rev. I ::. '-.-aclshaw, pastor of the First : t church. "Why," he said i .formed that the churches : u closed, "there was no need ' Only well people attend . i r.nd when a man is the least ; k he stays away from church. re- is no danger at church." ;or- Record. " li Mioiise Thieves Beware the "Something Better." i Although there are practically 500 j companies and organizations licensed ' to do business in North Carolina, hav- j j ing complied with the law respecting 'such privilege, still there are many 'from outside the state who want to; i reach the people, and try to evade j the law, never failing to so'-present j their claims by letter as to maid the ;1. .'. i '. Charles Averett, one of the ; impression they are offering some- - ! tv en on Route 1, discovered one! thing better than licensed operators mine: this week that thieves .had j are offering. In such cases, Commis- i rd hi3 meat-house and. took all j sloner James R young of the North that he had leaving onlyi( C Inaurance Department, gives : a-t m the box. There were sev-! .a 4. , x A, A tine hams, sides and shoulders Peciflc notlce tnat these contracts ihe lot and Mr. Averett was count- are not allowable under the law and - on not having to buy any meat cannot be enforced. Among this s year. The thieves had entered class, he says, the "Clergymen's Ben- key the meat-house by securing- a that fitted the lock. sla Chicken Law The thicken law-as it now stands a aires it unlawful for persons to al hvr fowls to run at large upon the crrjis of grain, including corn and r-as and truck, of another person :-,!. any person violating the provi shall be guilty of misdemeanor i '.nay be punished by fine not ex "iing $50 or by imprisonment for r."t more than 30 days. The penal ty in ay be exacted only after the '''': i' of said crop shall have noti- (l the owners of the fowls that are causing damage to such crops. eflcial Association should be rated. of Pennsylvania" thf-Y THY THE DURHAM SUNDAY HERALD FROM JOHN BROWN, 5 K 5c, A COMPLETE NEWS PAPER YOU WILL LIKE. f20-4t Questionnaires Framed and Ready. The State Federation of Labor wants to know how candidates for Btate offices in North Carolina and candidates for state offices in North Carolina and candidates for the state legislature stand on the proposed con stitutional amendment greatly reduc ing the constitutional limitation on taxation. This query is included in the questionnaire of the 'State Feder ation, framed by authority of its last convention in Raleigh, to define for the benefit of organized labor in the state' the attitude of various candi dates for office toward questions of interest to labor forces. The ques tionnaire is now ready for distribution. ft iestMwaiice Against Muenza ominent Educator Believes That Vapomentha Is A Sure Preventive ii i)r- R. M. Brame, discover of fame's Vapomentha Salve, has a U-r from C. C. Wright, Superin-H"c-nt of the Wilkes County, NC, ic Schools, in which he says: T e have used Brame's VaDomen- a.'llvo fr.V 7lnni.l,T -.11 tlin i 11 cs f ni . ucaiij ciu iuc 1110 iui 1 v."hir.'h it is prescribed and have al-i secured satisfactory results.! ,l y i'l in time it has never failed - 'reak up colds, usually the fore iai;:,(,r 0f Grippe, Influenza and 1 -umonia. ... I speak from J'( "Konal obsarvation. I believe if Uas Reparation is used in time it Wlil prevent the developmnt of r'n(,Jri'onia in every instance, if used , according to directions." ! . Atese strong statements' are fully justified by the remarkable recov-, ;nfcs that follow. Brame's Vapo nentha Salve is applied freelj oyer Hie est and throat and inserted in . each nostril. Brame's Vapomentha Salve penetrates the pores of the skin, relieving congestion, at the same time healing vapors arise and are breathed through the mouth and nose, loosening the phlegm and causing the patient to breath freely. Its absolute reliability is evidenced by dozens of unsolicited testimon ials. Brame's Vapomentha Salve will relieve pneumonia, influenza, grippe, pleurisy, bronchitis, whoop ing cough, catarrh, asthma, tonsili tis, hay fever and inflamation of the skin. , Vapomentha is applied externally, and it will not stain the clothes, as other salves do.. No home should ever be without it. Buy it from your dealer or direct from i the Brame Drug Co., North Wilkeshc- ro. N. C. A smair bottle eosts 3 0c.; a much larger one, containing six times as much, $1.28. -Ady. F20-4tx-ltw roofs BUY THE DURHAM SUNDAY HERALD FROM JOHN BROWN, JR. 5C, a COMPLETE NEWS PAPER YOU WILL. LIKE. f20-4t Greensboro is strongly urging an anti-shingle law, claiming that they have an average of a fire every iuui uays irom sparKs railing on THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING - The better it tastes, the more you want. The proof of our service to you t is in frCfe we obtain for your products. ' I ' ." . ..- - n.i. ' - e ' I J. W. PERRY COMPANY COTTON AT NORFOLK, VA. PEANUTS AT SUFFOLK, VA. fEsnipipppBnm Hill The governor of South Carolina has remitted the fine of $10 imposed on S. B. McMaster, cousin of Presi dent Wilson, for sending a wild tur-n key out of the state, according to Fitzwilliam Woodrow, another cou sin of the President. The turkey was killed at Goodwell S. C, a couple of weeks ago and sent to Mr. Wood row who presented it to Mr. Wilson. The H. C of L. has sent the I price of baseball tickets for the com ing season soaring. Before adjour ning in Chicago the baseball magna tes voted to boefst the prices of biea-. cher, pavillion and grandstand seats. The prices heretofore have been 30, 55 and 85 cents, war tax included. The new scjale will be 50 and Y5 cents and $1. X mmmmmmmmmmmmmxm 1 WtHHw Mi WMrHwMH,fBiii HifM'TwIHii W41r LM nil W.1 1 i'yVM.Miti.Hl Bw IMi4i4Uifii4MtMijliiiJJa t Lrl 1T1 11U I It II III I I I I 1 1 I 44-H4- IJwI Corby 's Recipe Calls for Plenty of n M LK And that means thousands of gallons of rich, sweet milk from great herds of Holstein Freisian Cows. Cows that are tested for health, and milk that is scientifically graded as to butter-fats, pur ity and flavor. . That's one of the reasons why Corby Cake is so much better than the ordinary in richness, flavor and satisfying food value. That's why Corby Cake is so much better for you and also why Corby Cake costs just a little more than some cakes. rts a quality cake,, made as good as scientific baking knows how, fine enough for any house wife to serve anywhere, ANYTIME. Just try it. sanitary. Order of your dealer TODAY. Put up in sealed cartons which keep it fresh and MERCHANTS GROCERY COMPANY DISTRD3UTORS Try a loaf of Corby's Pound Cake, or any of the many othev delicious kinds at your dealer! 3

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