K MlMER, AVE CAN SAVE '"'":. cmnd money on your cill cast- ,,;Vfor that Gobber, No. 10, 13, 1 Valid 20 Plow if your will let us figure with you. Samuel Davis, Ciarksville, Va. pHICHESTER FID U " TnE DIAMOND BRAND, f -X Ladle! Ask your Drnrrlat for Chl-chea-tert Diamond Brand, Fills in Red and old metallic boxes. Sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Bar nf vour DrugglNt. AskforClIl.CIIEjg.TER'S yeass known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD EK DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE it uSSk A7 YOU ARE PROTECTED ; SWS YOU BRING YOUR PRE SCRIPTION HERE. Because we respect our pro fusion and will not tolerate any but the most exact methods, the m.st scrupulous care, and drugs of absolute purity, freshness and strength. Taking into consider ation the quality and varied line of drugs Ave carry and the quality anil experience of the men who compound those drugsjve believe our ability to do your prescrip tion work just as your doctor wants it done is second to none. After closing hour at night Mr. Roland Gooch, one of our regis tered druggists, can be found in his room over the store. J. G. HALL, Druggist. A.W.Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Dec. 3 3m-x. D. G. BRUMMTTT Attorney-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown Building. Office hours: 0-12 a. m. 1-5:80 s p. m. F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows' Bldg. Oxford, N. C. HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow's Building Service is Our Motto, to please. We strive J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK arden Seed FRESH AND NEW We wish to call your atten tion to the fact that seed planting time in GARDENS is near at hand and that we have just received a FULL ASSORTMENT of all the popular varieties of GARDEN SEEDS and hereby solicit your or ders for what you may need in that line. OUR SEEDS are NEW and FRESH and our prices right. Don't forget the place but call on us when ready for seeds. . Pittman GARDENING IN THE PIEDMONT (By M'ss Ethel Gowans Varieties of Vegetables That Grow weu m mis Locality and Sche dule of Planting Dates. j- Beets. For the spring crop Sow seed in garden February 20 Crosby's Egyptian. For the fall croD. Sow in garden July 1 to 15 Red Boold. Butter Beans. For the' summer crop, Sow seed in garden May 1 to July 15. Bush variety Henderson's Bush. Pole variety Carolina or small butter beans. For the earliest crop. Plant seed in berry boxes in hotbeds in Febru ary for plants to put into garden as soon as danger of frost is over Rocky Ford. Carrot. ; ' For the summer crop. Sow seed in garden March and April Chante- nay, ox Heart, Half Long Danvers. For the late fall and winter crop. Sod seed in garden July 15 to Au gust 15 Chantenay, Ox Heart, Halt Long Danvers. Cauliflower. For the summer crop. Sow seed in hotbeds in January for plants to put into garden in March for heads in June Dry Weather, Snow Ball. For the fall crop. Sow seed in seed beds nin June for plants to put into garden in August for heads in October. Celery. For the fall jsrop. Sow seed in seed beds in April for plants to put into garden July 15 to August 15 Self Blanching, White Plume. For the winter crop, Sow seed in seed beds in April for plants to put into garden August 1 to 15 Giant Pascal. Com. For the summer crop. Sow seed every two weeks from April to Au gust Early Cataeba, Country Gen tleman, White Evergreen, for sweet corn. Adams Early and Truckers' avorne are tne most popular va rieties. Cucumber. For the earliest crop. Plant seed in berry boxes in hotbeds in Febru ary for plants to place in garden as soon, as danger of frost is over Long Green, White Spine, Japanese Climbing. For the summer crop. Sow seed in garden as soon as danger of frost is over Long Green, White Spine, Japanese Climbing. Egg Plant. For the summer crop- Sow seed in hotbeds in February for plants to put into garden as soon as danger of frost is over New York Purple. Garden Teas. For the spring crop. Sow seed in garden in February, March, and Ap rilAlaska, Gradus, Telephone, Marrowfat. Irish Potatoes. Forthe summer crop. Plant Ir ish Cobbler from February 20 to Ap ril 17. For the fall crop. Plant Green Mountain from July 1 to 15. Kale. For the sprang crop. Sow seed in garden March 1 to April 15 Scot tish Curled. Pepper; For the summer crop. Sow seed in hotbeds in February for plants to put into the garden as soon as dan ger of frost is over and the soil is warm Ruby King and Sweet Pep per Glory, for stuffing; Pimento; for canning; Chili, tor not peppers ior pickles. Parsley. For all vear crop. Sow seed in garden from February to May and again in August Moss Curledf Dou ble Curled. Parsnip. For the winter crop. Sow seed in garden from March 1 to May 1 Hollow Crown. Squash. For the earliest crop. Sow seed in warden March 15 to April 15 Cymbling and Crook Neck. These may need to be protected from., cold. Merchants in the Philippines. That a merchant does not need to have or retain a capital investment in an established business before he can be admitted to the Philippine island? is the gist of a decision handed down in the case" of a Japanese merchant who sold bis business and came to Manila for the purpose of engaging in business in the islands. He was de nied admission by the customs author ities or '.iie ground that he "did not be Ion; to the class of merchants exempt ed in the immigralion laws. IF IT'S GALVANIZED SHINGLES, and you want to save money, then write now to Samuel Davis the man wno has a price under the market. Samuel Davis, Ciarksville Va. DON'T LET THEM TELL YOU that you can't get Galvanized roofing for we have it 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet long and the price under the market. Samuel Davis, the man who saves you money. America now has less than 250,000 soldiers under arms; 20,- ,000 of her force are in service in Germany and 10,000 are doing duty near Archangel, Russia. SATISFYING RELIEF , FR0ML116AG0 Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion scattering circulation-stimulating rem edy penetratwithout rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick re lief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pains, sprains, strains, stiff ness, headaches, lumbago, bruises. Get your - bottle today costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for it by name. Keep it handy for the urhole family. The big bottle is econ omy. 35c, 70c, $1.40. Drastic reduction of permanent officers of the army from ' the tem porary ranks to regular army grades, effective March 15, has been order ed by General March, chief of staff. Of approximately 3,000 officers now holding temporary rank higher than about 2,000 probably will be return ed to their regular status. I WILL PUT HERCULES BUGGIES and Surries against any line of buggies made north or south, east or west, and I will guarantee them to be the equal to any bug gy made regardles of price, and I will guarantee you a saving, if you, will see me now. Samuel TV iavis, tne man who leads. M OTHERS Reduce your doctor's bills by keeping always,; on hand- VICIi'S VAR0R1 "YOUR BpDYgOARB-39A9! Dllv S I I 9 1'hone 50. Odd Fellows Building Oxford, N. C. Try This to Banish All Rheumatic Pains People who have been rheumatic sufferers for years yes, even so crippled that they were unable to help themselves have been brought back to robust health through the mighty power of Rheuma. Rheuma acts with speed; it often brings in only a few days the relief you have longed for. It helps anta gonize and drive from the system the poisons that cause agony and pain in the joints and muscles, then all sore ness should completely disappear. It is a harmless, inexpensive rem- njw v.,it o-rafifeine- and nuiC-aciiug and is the one discovery that has forced rheumatism and sciatica to yield and disappear. It's only necessary to try one 75 ' ur r,riri if vmi do not immed- iately begin to get the j oyful -relief you expect your money will be gladly J -r l TT11 nlnrorC! Vl 1 R fl. IT'S LIFE INSURANCE COME TO SEE US! IT'S FIRE INSURANCE COME TO SEE US! IT'S REAL ESTATE COME TO SEE ITS! . IT'S AN INVESTMENT COME TO SEE US! After you eat always take AT B e HZ3 I ( FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACfi) ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aids digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONICis the best remedy. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund nwneyt Get a at box today. Yoa will see. J. G. HALL, Oxford, N. C. IT'S A LOAN COME TO SEE US! PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. Gall to See Us and Talk It Over With Us. Satisfaction Guaranteed! P. 3C Oxford. tat T. C. HARRIS,Manager and Treas. Office: Union Bank & Trust Co. Oxford, N. C. Get Goodyear Tire Economy for Small Car mmiiiiiiimiiimiimiiiimroiiriinimraiiiiiniiMiiiiaiiiMH Just as owners of the highest-priced auto mobiles get greater mileage and economy out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear advantages The 30x3-, 30x3yand 31x4inch sizes of Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money's worth in performance and satisfaction which only the utmost m experience, resources a ca e can produce This extraordinary money's worth begins not only with the merit of these tires, but . also with the first cost, which in most cases is no greater, and sometimes actually is less, than that of other makes of the same types of tires f Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort,Maxwell, or other cars taking these sizes He is ready to supply you Good year Heavy; Tourist Tubes at the same time 4EAVY TouRitr: iOODVKAIg 30 x 3l2 Goodyear Double-Cure fc "7 AQO Fabric, Ail-Weather Tread U 30x3 Goodyear Single-Cure 1755 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tred 1 I Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost litde more than tubes of less merit., 30x3 12 size in water $'290 proof hag J iilil returned- j. u - supply yvZ&m grantees it J to you.