fir? 1 r ' I I "'IV : I pi ( t 11 - I'1 PAGE 4 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGE I ; FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920 W "l 1 1 - I I ii M J! '' V"1 !' f i1 &"Klf Pi e f! r f L'l 4 1 - , 1 r ' ! f f , U hi -.i rf'rl ; ' ' H I J 4 m y n 'it s - 4 r. i ,1.1 ill 1 1 'J-r-i 8' IB .1 m. V v it f i' f s JI IN..! -, 4 i.. . t5 t'J ? an - 1 la. 1 , H THE PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFORDBANNER PUBLISHED SEMI-AVEEKLY DAN A. COBLE Editor and Manager C. EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three .Months 60 Ccirespondence on all matters of in terest news items notes or sugges tions for better methods of f rra or in dustrial developments, improvement of roads, schools, etc. is earnestly solicited. XOX-DELIVERY OF PUBLIC LEDGER Please notify us of railure to get the Public Ledger at any time. We use the greatest caution possible in mail ing out and wish to know of failures in delivery. OBITUARY NOTICES Brief news items of deaths, immed iately after decease, of twenty to thirty words without cost. Life Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of 2-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send cash, stamps or check with the copy. Entered at the Post Office at Oxford, North Carolina, as second-class matter. legal notices i i houses were ceiled. - Now the school houses in the country have gone ahead of the churches in the mat-! ter of comfort. Better school! Pursuant to an order of sale, made houses, have been built and each i h? ?e Superior Court of the County 01 vranyiiie, -in me oiJecitii rruueeu- SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS COULD NOT STOOP ' TO TIE HIS SHOES Gets Rid Of Rheumatism And Gains Twenty Four Pounds By Taking Tanlac "Tanlac not only added twenty four pounds to my weight but put me in as good health as I ever was in my page Hig death was caused by old ing therein pending, entitled "Robert Moore and wife and others, Ex Parte1 I shall on. SATURDAY", MARCH 21, 1820, 3VT 12 o'clock, noon, life," said Augustus Heihs, a well- sell to the highest bidder, by public j k, Cwn farmer of Morton' 111. auction, FOR CASH at the court house , , , door in Oxford, N. c, the following! "For four years I was troubled ?tV rheumatism and indigestion," to relieve him M I fc' A l U V- - V. A AX KA. -L A X A -A. W V 11 kill ljf i Granville County, on the waters of he continued, "and many a day 1 Grassy Creek, and bounded as fol- , , , ., , . . ,. lows: gave cleanout while working m the Beginning at a stone in the Roxbora ) fi m and had to lie" down until I got and Oxford Road, and running thence ! , , . , , . ?, S.87 V7. 9.1 chains to Grassy Creek: ; Strength enough to get back to the school buys its own wood ahead and the schools are faring better. Im provement has been made in the church buildings but the ventila tion and heating arrangements are much neglected. In summer little attention in many cases is paid to the windows and therefore the ven tilization is poor. But in winter is when most suffering occurs in the churches.. In the first place very few churches are equipped with suitable stoves. Most of the stoves used are too small and not enough piping is used. Stove pipe is prop erly constructed helps to heat the church. IJut the main trouble with the comfort of the. country church in winter is a. want nf suitable wood. Wood should be preparM . " z w v nurh't's rest because mv inrtnevs wm-p ahoQil TCinHliiur vvnnd and nthor me same lanas conveyed to " . . , . . . Pauline Bumpass and ethers by F. O. dry wood ana piantey oi it snouiu nusnpass, by Deed dated October 2, OB I T U A R Y Death of Mr. Thomas H. Speed. Our home and hearts were indeed saddefied, when the death angel en tered and claimed for its own our beloved Father, on Wednesday, 18, at 11 o'clock in the 75th year of his thence with said Grassy Creek to a Spanish Oak; thence S. 2 1-2 E. 8 chains to a large Gum; thence with said Creek S. 76 w. 6.12 chains to an house. My rheumatism was so bad that every morning I had to rub mys legs before I could stand up and my Ashe; thence S. 24 E. 14.50 chains to I back was so stiff and painful that it a Red Oak; thence S. 88 w 19.27 chains nearly killed, me to stoop over. My to stones; thence N. 5 w. 16.57 chains U.' t worc co cHff anH to a stake; thence S. 86 1-2 w. 27.36 i Jmtj3' to0' were Stltt and sore chains to a Dead Pine! thence N. 2 w. that I could not bend over to tie my fiS'.Oo chains to a stake and stones; J shoes. My appetite was very poor thence East 79.14 chains to Clarks- H whPn T flirt iaf -nvtbino- t woe i ville Road; thence with said Road S. aA.a wnen 1 aicl eU nytnmS I was in w. 14.22 chains to a stone; thence I misery ror nours aiterwaras. 1 age and influenza. He had been sick, and suffering for six long weeks, and not a thing could we do He bore all his pain and suffering with christian patience and seemed to think it was all his share. He never, complani ed. Every thing was alright with Daddy. He left behind an example. we all hope to follow. He was a- Grant with hTm in thinp pmhr eAtX ciiT. anA fAiinmoH urant wun mm m mine embr heavenly gain. He leaves beh i r a five sons and four daughters u mourn his loss. 10 Happy they who trust in Jesus Jesus turns our loss to gain' Still his balmy mercies ease us Sweeten all our grief and pain. When he called our father to inherit All the glories of-the blest He assured the childrens spirits "Thou shall quickly be at rest." Though our flesh and spirit laneu's'h Let us-not too much complain Sure at last to out live our angvieh Sure to find our Father again.' Ransomed from a world of sorrow He today is taken home, We shall be released tomorrow Come, my dear Redeemer, come. From our sanctified distresses inow, or wnen tncu vut, rece-'vo ces. After all our deaths, to live BESS. confederate soldier and followed Lee from 61 to 65. He served his j country well and . to his family he ; has been a f aithtul ana lovmg . Father. Oh, how sad, how heart-, NEW OSBORNE MOWERS AXD breaking to know we will never hear i Rakes, Grain Binders, Ridir his voice again. His chair is va-; Cultivators. We have the good cant, we do miss him in our home.' Farmers Hardware Co., Vircilma' But we nope our eanniy loss is ma va,. so badly out of order, and last spring ! mv condition srot so bad I wasn't.! be kept on hand. Wood should be LL liable to work and for several weeks! nspd freelv so as to heat the whole ! Granville county." " , j I could hardl; builduig. Every church should have a sexton and it is well for him to choose an assistant . When the weather is very cold fires should be started an hour or more before ser- GOT TOO FAR AHEAD Cailiaux says he foresaw omic alliance with I tough on Joseph. The gets too far ahead of men is -always in cancer cf beine: ! pauses accused of deserting them. are often responsible for the small j C02im5SSI0Ner-s sale of land L P..ni0 ara ot minIr tJnaer and by virtue of tne author- rtiicuuau.c. xF owity. conferred upon me by a certain to crowd Churches Which are not ; decree of the Superior Court entered Kept comfortable. Nothing we can ;f "th. do is too much for the Lord and we j pjoceeuins inerem penamg, dly get out of the house. The above tract of land has been i "The man I hired to take my' place subdivided into four smaller tracts, ' rccc-mmended Tanlac hihlv that and it will be offered for sale by the "ilJeiiU;e.u dinac so mgniy iHat smaller tracts, and then as a Avhole. 1 Degan tailing it, and to make a The plats may be seen by applying to long story short, I haven't a pain in Sbited'onlhf daof'tL"6 1 my J50 nCW aild d0-aS hard a da's This land is veli improved." and i work as any man' 1 eat tnree S(iu" adapted to the growth of tobacco, i are meals a day, Qigesi; tnem perfect the ecou-hrices begin. If necessary wood oats, corn, grasses . and ether crops,' j ly and sleep like a ton everv niirht i taly. It is! should be bought and the sexton j UbiffiiE a SQ quaRtlty cf j in fact, I couldn't ask to be in bet-! man who Paid and money should be raised by This March 4, 1920. terheciltli. and all the credit is duej his country- the churches to defray these ex- (Paid) R &CoS2er. f nld in w.J T -U : . v-Ji-iu. uj X' i. Ct iA 1. cuuaucs ; Uncomfortable THE ETERNAL EXIG3LV Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, telling the world that she wouldn't accept! a seat in the United States. Senate; as a gift, may ease the mind cf Sen-; ator Wadsworth, of Xew York, who ! micrhf. r.ctnnllx- lor.o tn .0 sfr--n ! IXTTER FR031 i'HL F- Lyon and druggist everywhere. .--ill. , TIME TO ACT should make his houses as attrac tive and comfortable as possible." v-.nerein iarvey It. Bullock. Miss Jes- : ;e Bullock, J. X. Tilley Guardian and j others were petitioners, I will sell by hi me -lucuon at iocr i;i Oxford on ."lOSDAY, THE 5TII DAY OF APRIL, Don'i Wait for the Fatal Stages of! Kidney Dlness. -Profit By Oxford! People's Experiences. j Occassional attacks of headache,! irregular urination, headaches and! the Court-house ; dizzy spells are frequent symptoms! It's an error; The attacks ! cf kidney disorders, to neglect these ills The Weekly Ambon Of St Stephen's Parish THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT When Phillips Brooks first spoke to Helen Keilar of Christ, she exclaimed, "Oh I never knew His name before, but I always knew Him." She was acquainted with Him as the Christ of experience, the Universal Christ who lighteneth every man com ing into the world; but she did not know Him as the Christ of history, the Christ who lived a human life in Palestine years ago. To-day there are many who know Him as the Christ of history, who know Him not as the Christ of experience. They know His Name, out they do not know Him. They are familiar with the facts of His earthly life, they accept His stystem of teaching, they follow Him as an impersonal idea, but they have not experienced the compelling power of His living personality. They know Him as the Christ who came, but they do not know Him as the Christ who is here. The full knowledge of Christ possessed by those alone to whom the Christ of History has become the Christ of experience. Sunday Services. Sunday School 9:45 a. m.; Litany, Sermon and Holy Euchar ist 11 a. m.; Evening Prayer 5 o'clock. ,., . . 01? TivTV Vd at i2 two valuable houses and lots' f - ,rtaa.,uu LVL u ume OUl generally " , . candidate. Here again we are ccn-; CAPITA OP .xAx ; in the town of Oxford decxibed as return greater intensity. Don't I T" fronted by the awful mystery of the i Tl.rppiw, rZi pio-h 1 s' - !iay a te- ?in taking Doan's ! gr- . . , . ; Jiiuuen, i;.siv-a iem ; ft Dudley Builocic residence lot on Kidney Pills, ana keep uo their use : temmine inmcl. what can you. say; u-:r.hQCi rr,f yiY Ho Gi(M t!;G, s? oc Broad street, bound- i until the desired reSults are-obtain-! I r"rar,w:5ae ,,,1. -r,ri - s ( ' f-:7- U1S iGt OI lv. C. -BullOCk Oil thft 1 H n -r-l, rs,.4 j '! I'i l" vue ""J l School Keopesicd. I Xm-ii.. the Graded School Lot on the ,A CS nf YO, L?1 Wlt 1 f A VrW something that men have given vast sir. W. W. Bowman cf Culloden,j?3L oi,J?Jf- ?V ill?.!?: Inai raaaiv tmS Si eat kid- :! d g A ftfe- J - gjj K3 ?ia fi A rv fortunes to acquire? visitor in our i u iias a spienaia, well equipped :vl. L. Wheeler. New Col1eeejf3 - .l.i,1 rij. .- -. ' r c 5 cnereon. This i uxrora, says: "l was troubled I s ir.vsn Tnr-sdrv. No one who has -'-- ' resiuence warmer place , ca?Brla i Witn W kidneys and back. My ?rjTAJv T:..rTv; i?.ivrTPni t;.'-;. " ' ' .r m,. i w" p"ldl ieaiaential tcuon oi i baeK. was sore and lame and mv!i Universal military training is ua-' Bowman and we have yet to see ai, 2nd let. That house and lot in Rid- 4?zv . i i'-v -?r;-' -ei'iaTp o" v.vt leu izi.y ani m condition was -it Jikeiy io be an issue in the pr22i-! n-ere live, energetic business man. ( o jtllirr Pity bad. Doan's Kidney. Pills 1 campaign. Indication of1 Vve regret to icain iiom nim uidi ixt j tne oki B F. Taylor place. ;Tfais. lot. were recommenaed- to me so I got'!? ! T- 1 4-1,. . , : - f . T n - 0. I . f t r ' " O I : I t 2 '.ill. : T ' 7 'l . i 1 - t . , . .-. ! - T . t . . . 1 v ) - T . , . 1 T x m 1 , la toeu -a the re3eai0il b the f-h,o ?nH bnvp n. nnmhe.r in. ?araiiel lines aoout 390 feet. There certainly made m fppl . ?rP!t dps, I 32 e military affairs committee of 'r, m r,ir-1 it, Jr1!n...i0ur ro,om cottag-e oa.jv;eUei. sni t eia.dlv ndnr thilii Dlans originally incoroorated inlhr.m irct r-0o.k. ! oak trees, and a well and -.thr irn.-i IOil oenent I received.". - l I Hi 9 t hi dential thi Hous the the army reorganization bill. Pres-; -sure from the Republican leaders is j !; said to have occasioned this com- j 1 plete reversal of the policv in favor r- -Stem High School and Tally Ho f- a on ?d ning wl'h a good attendance at havinsr been closed three .feeks account in-. flu epidemic of which the committee voted last! This disease is gradually disappear-y-QQk ing from cur community and cut of ' . . ., . i the large number treated by Br. Democrats in the House, repudiat-1 Hprdee7 C!1T 0ne has died, ing the President's appeal fr de-r- "lMr. B. M. Washington, who lay, registered their disapproval of I spent several years in Exetrr, Cali rnmnnicArv tminiiw ctiii Cnriim. 1 fcrr.ia, o.ikX who returned to this lien, by duly authenticated record of the preceec:::?g5 for the voluntary dis- f solution thereof by the "unanimous consent oi all the stockholders, de- ' f posited in my office, that the Rogers- i Karris and Co.. a corporation of this ; I o lh te, vvnose prmcitai ottice is situat ed at No. Street, in the Town of i Tar River, county of Granville, State of North Carolina, Gv- N. Daniel be- the agent therein and in charge : thereot. UDon whom nrornss mmr ho ii 1 ji !i i, l Ttjr T ( ix . . J -" a raiuer sieuuer majority. i navo never seen uaji. .viayes wnn i serves;, nas complied with : the re- Although the American Legion t KT'T- ' " " V-'V V' -v . ; elnd to rote nas decided to live wun officially indorses the policy, the; nip father, - W. H. Washington, near subject ccca-fdcned one of the live-1 here this year, and look after the in- liest disputes in which the league j tercets of his fine tobacco farm. of veterans has indulged it wW Mr' J- R Maycs "nd scn Cap" oi eterans nas mauigea. it was; tp.R B MaTCS Jr cf oxford,. were approved in a recent convention byj on cur streets Wednesday. We amoos" the heirs-at-law of the late J. J. MuiiocK. Terms one-half cash, balance in twelve months. T.. G. STEM, Coin. HICKS & STEal, Attys. (paid) STATE OF XORTH -CAKOLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissipation To All to Whom These Presents Hay o:ue ureeung: Price 6uc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same s hat Mrs. Wheeler had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. V most var ! $ - a "utxe....l.9Mt.(.aa,t3t.E.9. Whereas, It appears to my satisfac- ! f T FOGGY? ! M V e iiave m stock the largest am vied assortment of flower, seeds we have ver had, They are all new seeds, too the kind that always eome tip when'jplanted. If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy take Cascarets." t i I ? i m i " A FLOWER GARDEN adds brightness and cheer to a home as nothing else will. it. i I S3 ivmunuw luc ouii win toumt; lur i - ?5 looking o hpy; we doubt i auirements ot Chapter .i, . Re visa! of i you. HiVerytnmg will seem clear, II i whether he wore a broader smile ?y tftheSnS Your system isj when he had captured those 266 Ger-i of Dissolution: ?ltine filled with liver and bowel poison 18 ""rs Enough caid iov, inererore, l, - j. isKiAN i ,,ull,u li-cco .vuui &n.m duuuw, juux :ii ! " " '.j nl.j tn i.i j GRIMES. Secretary of state of th ! stomach unset, vour head foesrv and ! If ivii. ami . luiti. rieu uaiuci anu THE INDIAN'S IDEA Ex-secretary Lane tells a story ahnnt his fnrmpr Tnrlifin -nrts-rflo ii- ! iiuie son, wno nave oeen on a visu to relatives in Tally Ho for several weeks left Tuesday;.; for their home in Leamington Canada, accompanied by Mr. Daniel's sister, Miss Hallie Daniel of Tally Ho. Tallv Ho Sundav School .will be oil lands to producers and paid the! open nest Sundav at the usual time, Oklahoma. In the lands of a tribe's reserva tion oil was struck. The United States Government, acting for the Indians, leased the Indians the royalties. Every man in the tribe was rich. The secretary went out once to make a speech to his wards. The hall where they were to list en to him was full. Not a man or woman in it weigh ed less than 200 pounds. When the meeting was over an old chief came up to Mr. Lane and said that the government must get more money for him from the white oil producers. He could not live on the $25,000 j a year he was receiving. "Why don't you till the soil and raise your food on your farm?" asked the secretary. "No" said the chief. "I want to live like an American gentleman." "How do you mean live like an American gentleman?" asked Mr. Lane. "What is your idea cf the way an American gentleman lives?" "He eats a lot," said the chief, "and does not work." We want, as the chief said, "to eat a lot." . That is what the 2 per cent in crease in the cost of living in Jan uary and the 100 per cent increase since 1914iAmeans. Henry Ward Beecher said "Flowers are the sv.eetstx things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into." WE ASK YOU TO INSPECT OUR LINE FIRST, WE FEEL SURE WE HAVE EXACTLY THE KIND OF SEED YOU WANT, n e j s s i i it i , v I COMFORTABLE CHURCHES Years ago it was hard to decide which was most uncomfortable, the school house or the church, says the Smithfield Herald. "In the country both of them, if heated at all, were heated by the use of lightwood and -rotting wood picked up here and there near Hhe church or schoo house. Very few churches or school 10 o'clock A. M. We hope that a good size crowd will be present. Mr. W. J. Royster cf Oxford Route 6 is now Superintendent and is al ways on hand to do all he can to make this a live Sunday School. Miss Lucy. Hardee, postmis tress, who has been confined to her some several weeks with an attack of influenza-pneumonia, we are glad to note is able to resume her work at the post office to the joy of the patrons and public in general. Mr. J. . H. Gooch left Tuesday for Greensboro where he goes as a delegate from Granville County to The Republican State Convention. Before his return he will visit his sister, Mrs. D. S- Reid, of Winston Salem. Mr. Pervis Bullock of Richmond Business College, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and- Mrs. J. M. Bullock, and returned Monday accompanied by his cousin, Mr. Ray mend Bullock, who will also take a business course at the "Virginia insti tution. Mr. Elijah Daniel, a progressive young farmer of Route 2, left Sat urday for Petersburg, Va., where he accepted a responsible and lucrative Dosition with the Railroad Company. Hb family will follow in a few days, j Mr. J. W. Davis of Oxford, Kou te 6, purchased a new Ford touring car a. few days ago, this being the seventeenth wjrich has been sold at this point for the past three months. We regret to note that Miss Maye Stem of Route 2, is quite ill. She was taken to Watts Hospital Monday. Miss Laura Elam, of South Hill Va.. is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crymes. Mr. H. N. Coley had the mis- rtune to lose a fine young horse 'Tonday night Mr. H. G. Minor, of Route 3, purchased an up-to-date engine and wood saw last week. " Mr. J. A.' Brinkley. of our town was an Oxford visitor Wednesday. State of North Carolina, do hereby aching. Your meals are turning in-! certify that the said .corporation i did, j to poison, gases and acids. You! i my office a "duly executed Snd at 1 Can n0t feel .right stay bil" t Ay cVnnf ififfl to th?d2: US or constipated. Feel, splendid solution of said corporation, executed always by taking Cascarets occasion by all the stockholders thereof, which ally. They act without griping or said consent and the record of the ! inconvenience. They never sicken nrccceding-s aforesaid are now on i' vmi likp Cnlnmpl Snltw Oil nr nnstv file in .my said office as provided byjharsh pills They cost so little .too "iii Testimony Whereof. I have I Cascarets work while you sleep. set my hand and affixed my official j :-eal at Raleigh, this 23rd day of ! February, A. D. 1920. j J. BRYAN GRIMES, (paid) " Secretary of State. NOTICE OF A I 7I I? I S I'll AT ION Having been appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County, as Administrator of the estate of J. w. Hockaday, deceased, j late of said county, I hereby notify ail persons having claims against the I estate of the said deceased to present j,-p thp flv r,f Vnh id'ii . fiuirine same British. colonies and in Great Britain bt to us. -Southern laborers who are "eat- j ing too high up on the hog" (porkj housewives vho "2at tco far back on the beef" iporterhcaee and round steak) arc U blame for the continu ed high cost ri living, the American Inetii'it'1 of Meat Fackers announce at Chicago. -Wra. G. Mcclco is in favcr cf ac this notice will be pleaded in bar of i pavmen't would give their recovery; all persons indebted ; w'rMt rivV-r vent di to said estate are requested, to make I CIvGlt cn immediate settlements. This March 4, 1920. . S. A. HOCKKADAY, Admr. of J. W. Hockaday, -dec. ROYSTER & ROYSTER, Attys. pd. SALE OF PERSONALTY. Don't forget that the sale of the Cheatham property at the late D. T. Cheatham's residence was continued uitii Wednesdaj', the 10TH DAY OF MARCH 1920 , There are many articles for sale, some shop tools, not a full set, one mow er and hay rake, one riding plowk lot of hoes and rakes, some old side meat, about 50 gallons of pure apple vine gar, one cook stove, lot of acid and fertilizer, about 25 barrels of corn m I the shook, a small lot of household ! furniture. Also one com shredder, ! which has been used some. One new i tractor and many ather articles. C. C. CHEATHAM, Ex. of th? Will ! of D. T. Cheatham, Deed. paid j BARB WIRE AND NAILS IN Stock. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. M5tf YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS. FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF rarin machinery. Farmer's Hard-j ware Co., Virgilina, Va. M5tf j I WILL SELL THE OLD LANDIS . .house by public auction at the . . court house door Saturday, March 20th at 12 o'clock, Cottage with land pertaining thereto will be sold privately. MISS MARIA B. LANDIS. M2G-20 MAIL YOUR ORDERS FOR THE best corn planter and fertilizer distributor made (the Avery) -to Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, , Va. ; , - ;: M5tf ONE CAR FAIRBANKS-MORSE Engines and Lighting Plants. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgiiina, Va. M5tf and will tell you unless his pre scriptions are filled with the ut most care and with the purest and freshest drugs his ability to s cure you will be wasted. Bring your prescriptions to this j store where . we pride ourselves I on the care devoted to carrying j out your physician's instructions. FRANK F. LYON PRESCRD?TION DRUGGIST Day Thones 125 225 . Night Phones 11G-J 101 n n I s 1 1 f-gwwnirirwT i .imTtrr mi miii i i unimr"""' ' ' j P (TWQ-I)0LAR LIMIT.) j !l!!!!!!!!l!!iili,!I!!!Mi!!IIIII!!!lll')l!!:' ii'!1""!!!!!!1! IHiWrWH' MM V ' !iII!iilHli!lll!" Il!in!l!!li'l!l!ll'i!!!i!ll'!illl! Ill II' HI 'IPIIIiii Hill II' tl!i!l!ll!ll llllllllll!l l!lil "-ililli'liilii'i'ii illilrtiiiaM i 9 WELL .TUBING. FARMERS H Hn ware Co., Virgilina, Va. AKET Urr JliKJJNli JfiXCJir- TIONAL GOOD VALUES IN NEW SEWING MACHINES. NEW $85 FREE SEWING MACHINES AT $50. SECOND HAND SINGER SEWING MACHINES GOOD AS NEW AT $25. tlUES-SEIHM Fl Ml 00 6 OTmwmfypwitartviiiiunwPBitttwiiiiiiiMiBUBiuifiJi IS

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