PEOPLE AND THINGS Co Shortage Oxford is face to face .with a shortage, and no immediate in sight. The shortage is to confiscation by the authori-j-X for use of railways. - (..1S.,1 of Thanks ye desire to thank our friends J neighbors for the many deeds "kindness shown us during the ' i't-,.t sickness of our family. Mr. : Mrs. W. R- Seat. . c,u of Thanks ' ,,-0 jesire to thank our friends .., a neighbors for the many deeds "! - kindness shown us during the re- .,..r ciokness 01 our iamny. mr. Mrs. J. M. Currin, Creednioor, in ;ite 1. 6 r,..,!)lo to do Either "n anonymous writer sends us a , , vi uurlcaivon that if we do not i ii?h came to return the - manu ' to him- Because he failed ,V '..'.jrn his name we are unable to : . 'i;,ie!idable Work- Oxford is being given a good .n nin?; u? by residents in various wines, in fact in most localities Church Service ' There will be services at Geneva Presbpterian Church on Sunday at ternoon March 7th at 3:00 o'clock. Card of Thanks- We desire to. express our sincere appreciation for the many express ions of kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and dea th of our mother, Mrs. W. H. Black well Her children. Good Service The people of Oxford have reason to expect the same high service from the Town Board as they re ceive from Mayor Stem.. If a pub lic utility,-hearing a charter in the town of Oxford, it is up to the commissioners to see that they don''t fail down on the job. Oxford Presbyterian Clrarch-- Services Sunday morning at elev en o'clock. "The Principles of Christian Stewardship". will be the subject of the sermon. No evenine i - w services on account of the Metho dist meeting- Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Women's week of prayer be gin Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the residence ofKtrs. W. J. Long. Stuart R. Ogleeby, Jr.: Pastor. Four Eclipses Daring Year Here is a little meteorological in formation for 1920 that may be of! AMUSEMENTS "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" Coming to the Orpheum Next Fri day and Saturday, March 12 and 13th. .The orpheum theatre offers some thing for next Friday and Saturday different in pictorial drama from the run of great film offerings put! forward of late. Represented in this achievement are Harold Bell Wright, author of the famous story, which has had a sale of over two million copies in book form, and W. i H. Clune, who was associaed in the production of "The Clansman" I ("The Birth of a Nation") and other ; large film ventures. j The noted author amplified thei story for this production and person-J ally assisted in the work of putting j his characters on the screen. While ; "The Eyes of the World" is primari-i ly a romance, it is melodramatic in the best sense, bristling with adven-i tUre, hazard and dramatic clash, as! well as idyllic charm. The cinema 1 version is in nine acts, was seven months in making at unlimited cost i on the actual scenes of the story in southeastern California. " I V Yn i s is I am again telling you that we are fully prepared in every de partment to furnish your every want, both in merchandise and service. Mr. Keen Gillis, of Roxboro, has joined us in busi ness, so we invite you to come and see our clean line of Hay, Gram, Feed, Flour, Meat and a general line of Groceries. Gar den seed kept in stock with sweet potatoes and Oats, the burning of trash, rubbish j interest. It indicates four eclipses ,i .w-hris generally. Those who ":ul the signs of the times ' says ;s is one of the certain omens that ri ,g is near at hand. , : ; ; ; f i ipla ted Improvements ignite a number of new residen .1 some large and costly and win be seen during the year. Two will be of the sun and two of the moon. The first will be a total eclipse of the mcon on May 2: the next eclipse will be a partial eclipse of the sun, May 17; the next a total eclipse of the moon, October 27, and the last a partial eclipse of the of less costly pretensions j sun on November 10- The infor- .'..ions me mans vl numuci ui lo. a'.ui may be counted among material industrial improve rs of the present year. k oi Viayov :-e ladies of the Presbyterian .-vii will begin a week cf prayer, ,. - the series of meetings i ill be held in the several ..hcs cf the city,, on Monday af !. 3:30 o'clock, at the home V,'. J. Long. Members of !? -v con gr.?gations of Oxford :':vrul to be present. $ mation is rrom weather bureau. the Government Rene, LYCEUM SCHEDULE Be the Business Builders. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS to sell Imperial Self Heating Gaso line Iron. Guaranteed. Excel lent opportunity. Write quick for territory. Imperial Iron Sal es Company, Box, 525, Kinston, N. C. 3-5-12x. the Magician, Will Next Number. j Lyceum Course will be presented! as scheduled with the exception of j the Dunbar Quartette for which will be substituted the Lyceum Singers Male Quartette. This is fully as good a company. The Yodlers were not sent into N. C. during the Epidemic but will be sent in at a laier date so that all the other three j numbers are assured now. Rene, the Magician, will be the next number. He will be in Oxford on March 19. The Yodlers and the Singers will appear in April. Watch the advertisement regard ing this very tertainments. popular course of en- iraware. lite. Our line of Hardware for" farm use is complete, and our line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Dress Goods are pronounced by the ladies to be up to date. Our line of Ladies', Clothing and Gent's Furnishings are up to the minute hi style, and our line of Ladies' and Gent's shoes merits attention before buying elsewhere. And here, let me say that our stock being so varied and com plete in every detail, with Notions, Millinery, Cooking Enamel W are, and in fact the Large Stock of General Meachandlse Ever opened up in Stovall since the Flood. Anyway, this is for you and me. I want you to continue your :k appreciated patronage, assuring you of all the help you may need, and the same treatment in the future as in the past. Humbly yours to serve, Y. STUMP PULLERS A SPECIALTY for the next few days only. Farm-. ers Hardware Co.. Vircrilinn Va ! r-nl A: Lo GILL Stovall, No LY if. A Carolina. l; .1 p 1 3 of coal nrices-to v.r.ced April 1 will be high the present, according to a r b;- Frederick W. Saward, ivv oi the Coal Trade Jour- ! ::io fourth regional meeting . Xoh" York State Coal Merch Association. "Railroad rates j unce -0 Dei cent ueiore tiiu ; b-:- said, "and on March 9 .r-ralcia v.-ill meet the miners ;r-:? v.agcs. Anthracite, which 'is to the consumer at $11 a ill cost $12. Dealers every- ixpects that the miner will ;u crease in wages." FOU SALE13 ACRES OI adjoining the lands cf A- W. Gra ham and W. H. Hunt, one mile from Oxford. On easy terms, for particulars see T. Lanier. 2x. FINE YOUXG FRESH COW FOR sale to quick buyer. Apply to D. I jlj. JLi. Uilliillli,, UAi'JiU, rtsjutu o.- 1 -tv i- ; 15?; i5tf m:Mmm$mzzg?w ? LAND, i J1 1 1 If-&m ks9 h FOR SALE PURE BRED WHITE Orpington eggs. for $200. io one young rooster. J. Davis, Stovall N. C. S-16-20x. Mrs. C4V 3Tt UTT -M OTT5.TiSTT?.S SOT".-, i .! t;y;V. r U jviTi i foj en V A kfs 1" eS. Y 17 V - V- VZ2 ", tTrt V7 A v."' "-it 'i,l"w5r rf7 vijriv M. J I 1 I IKl Shi L,a2SEra4i f !&BS8 ResdPii, .oral M1MUUiMMMIMiiMMiB aimii -Mm miiih 11 ii 1 m tm mini iwinm nmm "ran RIGHT OUT OF A Oven ALFALFA SOUNDS GOOD-GOOD COPPER SOUNDS Alfalfa Biscuits baked in a Copper-Clad oven is about the Goodest Biscuit you ever tasted. Come and taste stay and eat. Alfalfa Bis cuits with butter and hot drip coffee will be served every day. Come bring your, friends and make yourself at home. OP am t w y the, Co ieK. . Beginmug the pper-CIad be demonstrated er-CIad Crank. AEROPLANE PLIGHTS AND MOLINE TRAC TOR DEMONSTRATION. at Test Farm 'Saturday afternoon, March 5th, from one till four. Lieut. Roscoe Turner the (taring- wing-walker will positively walk out on tne wings and drop a souvenier message 1,000 feet in the air. Upon landing he will prove his ability as a power farmer by plowing the Moline Universal Tractor. Everyone should witness Tr'is great feat. As the automobile replaces the fine . driving horse so will the Moline Universal replace the mule. No other tractor has 6 exclusive features. Let us explain them to you Saturday. our Service pleases you tell others, if not tell US. Mi ii Young Motor Co. Dealers In DODGE CARS, REPUBLIC & DAY-ELDER TRUCKS AND MOLINE FARM MACHINERY gjBMAN OPERATES BOTH TKACTOB. J4P - "-""-f 'g'ftjjj S3 TV HE ASBESTOS SWEAT If you Yrant to know why range bodies rust out from the inside leaving an otherwise good range, come and see the Asbestos Sweat. See where and how the Sweat-Rust forms. See the patented Copper-Clad Idea: "PURE SHEET COPPER BETWEEN THE RANGE BODY AND SWEATY ASBESTOS." SEE THESE THINGS FOR YOURSELF KNOW FOR A CERTAINTY. SEE THE LATEST STYLE IN RANGES The range with concealed hinges, catches, latches, corners and crevices. The range as smooth as a dish because the nickel parts are free of rivet and bolt heads. The range with four walls and an air space built like a thermos bottle. The range with a solid one piece malleable iron back flue. The range with a square smoke pipe. COPPER-CLAD MEANS PURE SHEET COPPER IS PLACED ' BETWEEN THE SWEATY ASBESTOS AND RANGE BODY. TO PLACE IT ELSEWHERE WOULD BE LIKE CLIMBING ON TOP OF A ROOF TO GET OUT OF THE WET. Set of Elegant Aluminum Ware i lf "Free" means that this ware does not cost Copper-Clad buyers a single penny. It is a reward lor buying while the Crank is here ant is offered by him to justify you in attending his sale. This ware is very substantial and just the kind that you would select if buying for your own use. The 7-in-l convertible cooker takes the place of seven different vessels, as shown in figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. You can use this utensil in some form everyday. Free to every Copper-Clad buyer during this sale. valine see uic sueaius OWCal. HOT ALFALFA BISCUITS FREE! 1 IO HOT DRIP COFFEE FREE!