. '- OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER PAGE 6 "IS GRANDEST ON EARTH" SHE SAYS Mrs. Daley . Gains Seventeen Pounds Taking Tanlac Thought Case Was Hopeless. "They said I couldn't live more than six months longer, but I'm still here and feeing fine," said Mrs. Mary Daley, of 530 Oak St., Sau Francisco, Cal. "I have actually gained seven teen pounds since I began taking Tanlac," she continued, "and to look at me one wouldn't think that for several months I was unable to do my housework. I suffered from gastritis all the time, would bloat terribly and always felt miserable. I had no appetite and felt nauseat ed all the time. I Was so nervous the least little noise world start me and it was almost impossible to get a gcod night's sleep. I had night s-reats and was so run down and weak that the slightest exertion world almost exhaust me complete ly. I lost weight dreadfully and was told that I couldn't live six mon ths at. the rate I was then going down hill. "Mrthins helped me until I be gan taking Tanlac and I honestly believe it is the finest medicine in the world, for it has made me just like a new person. My appetite is splendid and I never have the sli ghtest, indigestion any more and I never enjoyed such fine and refresh ing sleep in my life as I do now. My house has eight rooms and I do all the wcrk with ease Tanlac has been a god-send to me and I would be selfish not to tell others about Where the Fault Lay. As the Irish police recruit strolled along on his first turn of night duty, loud, yells of 4"Fire" rent the air. He bolted quickly to the spot, and found a house well alight, with a man half hanging out of an upstairs window. "Help! Help!" he yelled. "If I jump, will you catch me?" "Sure, an' Oi will!" replied the po liceman readily. So the man -jumped, only to crash to the ground and He there stunned. When, a few minutes later, he recov ered consciousness, he looked up at the constable reproachfully, and mur mured feebly : "I thought you said you could catch me?" "Begorrah!" replied the "irishman. "Oi was only waiting for yez to bounce, an' ' Oi'd have had yez !" London Answers. A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It is pleasant to take and you are sure to be pleased with the re lief which it affords. This remedy has a wide reputation for. its cures of coughs and colds. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic; kills the poison caused from Infected cuts, cures old sorer tetters etc adv it. F Tanlac is sold in Oxford by Frank Lyon and druggists eerywhere. NAME "BAYER" MEANS ASPIRIN IS GENUINE Egyptian Women Prospering. The fellaheen of Egypt, for cen turies the most ignorant and improvi dent of serfs, has ridden into prosper ity on the tidal wave of reconstruction, and with him his long-suffering wife. Still, as in the days of Christ, one may see him on his donkey, while his wife, with her heavy burden on her head, trudges behind. Yet there is a real, if invisible change in their relations. Through the sudden rise in the, price of cotton from $20 to $100 a kantar since the beginning of the war, the housewife has been enabled to make long-neglected purchases and has been enabled to display her native shrewd ness in bargaining and financial mat ters. It is she who markets all the products of the farm. BETTER DEA Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and dpwnhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEM Cet Relief Without Fear As In ''Bayer Package." - Told Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Then you are getting the true, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets cf Aspirin" which contains proper directions to safely relievo Colds, Headache, Toothache, j Earache, iNeiiraigia, Lumbago, Rhe umatism, Neuritis, Joints Pains, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists al so sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer i Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester j of Salicylicacid. j 606 quickly relieves Colds and La-j Crippe, Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, adv Guns on Airplanes. One of the inventions of the great war was the art of shooting a machine gun through the propeller of an air plane without danger of hitting the propeller blades. The French aviator, Roland Garros, was reported to be the first man to employ this device, which was used by hundreds of air fighters throughout the war. Before that time the machine gun was mounted above the aviator so as to fire over the propeller blades. Ma chine guns maj also be mounted in a revolving turret or in the rear of the airplane. The Browning machine gun will fire 20,000 shots at the rate of 600 per minute. . Why Colds are Dangerous. You are often told to "beware oi a cold,'! but why? - We will tell you: Every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases." People who contract pneumonia first taKe cckl. The longer a cold 'hangs on, the greater the danger, especially from the germ diseases, as a cold pre pares the system for the reception and development of the germs of con sumption, diphtheria, scarlet fever and whooping cough. The quicker you get riLof your cold, the less the dangers of contracting one of these diseases. Chamberlain's Cou gh Remedy has a great reputation as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. TUis pleasant to take- ANYTHING FROM PEN, PENCIL AND PADS TO A DICTIONARY. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Strains, eac. . adv Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place.' COLLEGE STREET. OXFORD, N. C. The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation t Pottery-Makiny Simplified. An inventor has patented an elec trically driven machine which makes the rous'ii clay boxes in which pottery is subjected to heat in kilns, work heretofore done slowly by hand. Jerome Isaacs, a Baltimore "ravoH;''; salesman, is h-.--ld fj; Dan ville on a charge of posies: as :n fo-Apt jvr the government secret service and robbing a woman of S--00 tinu a33..mi'iiu0 anotnex- v oinan. COLD LD GOT YOU? FEEING GRIPPY? Dr. King's New Discovery own aiax ii yuu on me roau ' to recovery ONCE tried, always used. That s a trite expression, but one never iiiuxc a.yyiiK.auiV UIHU 11 IS CO Dr. King's New Discovery, you will like the nromnt. hnsfnooo. like way it loosens the phlegm-congested chest, soothes the tortured throat, relieves an old or a new cold, grippe, cough, croup. The kiddies can take it in perfect safety, too. No bad after-effects. Standard half a century. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle. At your druggist. Don't Continue Constipated Don't let your bowels bulldoze your system. Make them function regularly keep the body clfeansed of waste matter with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Biliousness, sick headache, sour stomach, indigestion, dizziness, furred tongue, bad breath think of the em- !)arrassments and discomforts trace able to constipation. How easily they're rectified by the occasional use )f Dr. King's New Life Pills. Move :he bowels smoothly but surely. Try :hem tonight. AH druggists 25c. as asual. SATURDAY MORNING, 10 O'CLOCK MARCH 13TH At the Farm and Home of T G. Gurrin, two Miles west of Oxford. We believe the Fordson is the most practical Tractor so far put on the market. That it is the lowest priced in first cost, simplest in construction and operation, the most economical in fuel consumption, the most powerful and efficient for its size, and that it will prove to be the most popular when the Farmers of the county become better acquainted with its performance. Whereever they have been introduced they are selling to beat the band. They have been on the market for about two years, and eighty seven thousand of them are now ir possesion, and use of eighty-seven thousand Fordson Boosters. Everj owxier is a booster, and if you doubt it ask the man who owns one. There will be three tractors in this Demonstration, pulling plows, harrows, pulverizers and various other operations. Doing both draw bar and belt work, v We want you to be on hand and see yourself how it does the work whether you have an idea of buying one at this time or not. You vail want one sooner or lat er, for with the scarcity of labor, and the high prices for Farm products, it stands you in hand to incerase your production at the least expense, and the Fordson Trac tor will speed up 3our production and make yours a better Farm. If Saturday, March the 13th is a rairiy day, or the land unfit to work we will not hold the Demonstration on that date, but will name another and advertise it UciU UcU uu U UtU Uc . Y The big trade on these Goods is due to the fine Results FISH BRAND ha s given. . n r i r II Mill! 71 1 I I !. Jl It is im the Formula amd Materials uased. r t Us Take Yours !?nl

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