OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1020 PAGE 4 THE PUBLIC LEDGER AND oxfordsba mm PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE Editor and 3fanager C EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 60 Correspondence on all matters of in terest news items notes or sugges tions for better methods of f rm or in dustrial developments, improvement of roads, schools, etc. is earnestly so licited. NOX-DELIVEUY OF VUBLIC LEDGER Please notify us of railure to get the Public Ledger at any time. We use the . greatest caution possible in mail ing out and wish to know of failures in delivery. It is yet too soon to decide wheth er the Overall Club is a movement or a fad. The primaries are settling one thing at least, the question who is the heir of Roosevelt. The opinion grows that Admiral Sims might better have saved his criticisms for his memories. AN OPEN LETTER TO MR, W. W. BRUMMITT Every friend of every candidate is willing to swear that without the plantom voter the other fellow hasn't a ghost of a chance. Now that the doctors have rais ed their prices, the only way their patients can get square is to get well and keep healthy. Agents of the Department of Jus tice continue to insist that the bogy man will catch the sugar profiteers if they dcri't watch out. Tentative ' inquiries concerning campaign funds reveal the fact that to open a presidential jackpot it necessary to have the "jack". is The Durham grocer who charged eleven cents for a quarter of a pound of sugar and forty-four cents for a full pound evidently believed that good arithmetic is good policy. OBITUARY NOTICES Brief news items of deaths, immed iately after decease, of twenty to thirty words without cost. Life Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of 2-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send cash, stamps or check with the copy. Entered at the Post Office at Oxford, North Carolina, as second-class mat ter. )yyKyjysyy INDEPENDENTS ON PARKER. The Charlotte Observer quotes the Greensboro News as believing that Mr. John J. Parker, Republican nominee for Governor, "is doing yeoman service in the cause of the Democrats." It believes that in the course of his speech at Durham, Mr. Parker "managed to make it exceed ingly uncomfortable-for any man possessed of both honesty and in telligence who might have wished to vote for him." The News was re ferring to Mr. Parker's contention that the Legislature will repeal the revaluation act, and that if it should fail, he would be elected and would remove the law from the statute books. The News does not thing it . u -u;i , n ai :..4. vunu mie tu uutui upon tue yumi There ig gQ strong a suspicion cf that Parker has promised to do . wildfire in the "overall" movement something that no governor could j that there is reason to believe it do, but it rather rakes him for re-may soon he an "all over" move pudiating "the honest and intelli- f ment. gent Republican membership of the J last Legislature, accusing tnem oi; 0ne brick may explain the whole Mr. W. W. Brummitt, Oxford, N. C. Dear Mr. Brummitt: I appreciate very much your favor of the 14th. I am in favor of the Public School Plank in the Democrat ic Platform. I am in favor of tno Good Roads Plank. I am in favor of the Revaluation Plank as far as it goes, but my views are not covered by the Platform. I herewith enclose you a statement of my views of the Revaluation Ques tion made in answer to the Question naire of the Farmers and Labor Peo ple. s I was opposed to Woman Suffrage two years ago and helped beat it in the State Convention. ' I voted; again st it in the recent State Convention, and a majority of the Delegates from Mecklenburg did. I am against Wo man Suffrage, and expect to go down in defeat without changing my views. Of course, I suppose the General As sembly will feel bound by the decla ration in the Platform. I can go fur ther than to say at this time that 1 will discuss this question in a public speech in which I expect to urge some limit upon the right of negro i women to vote before the Legislature acts. Very truly yours, CAMERON MORRISON. (Political Advertising) A FORTHCOMING EVENT Business Builders. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing Player piano work a spe cialty; all work guaranteed; I can make your old piano like new. Prof. J. A. Boyer, Exchange Hotel, or a card in General Delivery will reach me. Here two weeks only. 4-27-2tx. If some enterprising tailor will begin to make khaki and denim suits of conventional cut he will soon have a market unless he tries - . a. to profiteer. Counsel for the Los Angeles man held on a charge of having twenty five wives ought to have no difficul ty in proving the insanity of his client. In Memory of the Late Lieutenant Calvin Capps General B. S. Roys ter Will Speak. A forthcoming event of great im portance is the unveiling of a memo rial tablet to the late Lieut. Calvin Capps, an old Oxford orphanage boy who' served in the world war and died of wounds received in battle. The unveiling will take place Sunday af ternoon, May 2, at the regular chapel service. Mrs. Maggie Capps, of Lu caina, mother of Lieutenant Capps, and Messrs. Frank and Carl Capps, brothers, and their wives will be pre sent. The speaker of the occasion will be Hon. W- A. Lucas, of Wilson, i i who delivered the address at the me morial service held in Lucama last year. Gen. B- S. Royster, of Oxford, will be present and speak on the oc casion. Miss Myrtle Branch, music teacher, is preparing special music- Orphans' Friend. . FOR SALE SEC OR EIGHT FRESH milkers. Apply to T.in Oak Farm, Northside, Granville Coun ty, N. C. 4-27-3x ' M. L. COLEY & SON. FOR SALE A NICE LOT OF Brimmer and Earliana tomatoe plants at 20c per dozen. C. H. EASTON. 4-27-30 Stop! Look! Listen! If you fail to list your property for taxation before the end of April, you will be placed on the Deliquent List, and that means a twenty-five per cent increase in your taxes. Tax Supervisor's office, 2nd floor, First National Bank Building, turn to left as you come up the steps. W. A. PARHAM, Supervisor. 4-20-4t LOST ON LAST SUNDAY EITHER between Oxford and Henderson or m the suburbs of Henderson a 34x4 India tire on rim. Finder will receive reward by returning to A. D. Capehart at Blalock Mo tor Company. a273tx "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NEW Colt twin generator Acetylene gas lighting outfit, complete with fix tures. Call or write if interest ed, if you want to buy at a bar gain. D. H. CURRIN. a273tx FOR SALE ONE 2-HORSE WAG- on, one dump cart, one br.ggy and set of harness, one fresh four-gallon milk cow. 4-27-3X. W. E. CANNADY, Oxford, N C. FOR SALE CHEAP ACETYLENE gas lighting outfit, complete with fixtures. Call or write if inter ested, if you want to buy at a bargain. F. Y. CURRIN. a273tx FOR SALE CHEAP ACETYLENE gas lighting outfit, complete with fixtures. Call or write if inter ested, if you want to buy at a bargain. T. G. CURRIN. a273tx WANTED EVERY CITIZEN IN Granville County to purchase one of the best fountain pens on the -market. Snap Fill, get it at the Oxford Jewelry Co. a271t 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imita tions. They are dangerous things in the, medicine line adv A few cents buys "Danderine. ' After an application of "Danderinc" you can not find a fallen hair or anv dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. 666 Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and i Grippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic. adv NAME "BAYER" MEANS ASPIRIN IS GENUINE Get Relief Without Fear As Told In "Bayer Packages." having helped write an iniquitous act upon the statute books." It is j "profiteering the belief of the News that if Par ker would drop his "piffle," and "jump on the sins of the Democrats instead of their virtues, he might make a campaign that would rock the old State to its foundations." And the Hickory Record, another "indepnednt" paper to which the Republicans have been in the habit of hopefully turning, expresses the bold opinion that "the revaluation act will not be repealed and Mr. Parker will not.be elected governor. i He is fighting honest progress and; i ought to know it." The Greens boro Record, a third link in the chain of independent papers, is call ing on Mr. Parker to make himself clear. It wants him to specify where in the revaluation act is iniquitous." Mr. Parker, says the Record, "should make it appear beyond ques tion that he is not objecting to the revaluation cf property itself, lest he be classed among the demagog ues as a danger to the mental health of the people." Mr. Parker will get cold comfort out of the direction in which the mind of the independent papers of the State is running. With the de liverance of his keynote speech be fore the students of the North Car olina University one very firm con clusion was formed in the mind of The Charlotte Observer. That was "that whatever hopes the Republi can candidate might have entertain ed of winning votes and for a Re publican candidate to win in a state election he must win a large number must win between 30,000 and 40, 000 those hopes had been blasted by his position on the question of State tax reform. Mr. Parker has deliberately set himself in antago nism of the financial interests of farmer and laborer, capitalist and professional man. The one man in North Carolina with whom he hand and glove, is Marion Butler economic structure: No amount of prosecuring" will bring down the price of food while a hundred Granville farms remain idle. Overalls with rhinestone buckels at $43.50 are being advertised in New York. That merchant (or newspaper correspondent) is a hum orist who once read of putting a $40 sadle on a $3 donkey. Senator Frelinghuysen has intro duced a bill f OA" the coinage of sev en and eight cent pieces. But no law can make the new coins buy more than five cents' worth of goods. . After a man's wife has been out cf town for two or three weeks he meets her at the depot and kisses her and hangs on to her arm and 'acts like he can't get close enough to her. But if you see them on the .street a week later he is walking four feet ahead of her and acting like he can't get far enough away from her. ' ' ; Rub-My-Tism is a ' powerful anti septic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, Jiiw y)o The people who make clothing are working only a few hours a day and charging high for the time they do work. This results in a sea-city of clothing and high prices. So much so that some people who never wore overalls before feel forced 1 5 wear them now. FUPFOSE THE PEOPLE THE WEST WHOM AKE CORN, HAY AND WHEAT WOULD STOP WORK- The "Bayer Cross" , is the thumb print of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." It protects you against imitations and positively identifies the genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions to safely relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. As pirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Nature plays no favorites. A girl who has taken a , post-graduate course in Culture at Bryn Mawr snores just as loudly as an ordinary working girl. Many a man who marries to get a mate discovers later on that what he got was a commander. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. It relieves pain and soreness caused by .."Rheumatism, Neuralgia, tetter, etc. adv Sprains, etc. adv is WATCH NEW JERSEY If Jersey Goes For Johnson Today He Will Be the Republican Nomi nee For President. Washington, April 26. The New Jersey primary tomorrow promises to be like Micnigan primary a turn ing point in the campaign. Had Michigan gone for Wood the General would probably have been nominated. If New Jersey goes for Johnson it will be hard to refuse Johnson the nomination, though a victory for Wood in New Jersey will hardly do as much for him, for he has suffer ed too deeply in recent reverses to have his prestige restored by carry ing a single primary. New Towns in Burke. Two new towns, Valdese and Con nelly Springs in Burke county, have received papers of incorporation this week. Valdese has a population of 1500 with property valued at about one million dollars. Finish your walls and ceilings with a beautiful lustreless coating equal in appearance to the soft velvety effects of water color or fresco but possessing the durability of an oil paint or enamel. MME 'QUALITY NO-LUSTRE FINISH is off red in delicate or rich colors that will harmonize and enrich the furnishings yof any rom. Dust and dirt do not adhere" to its smooth sur face. Easily kept bright and clean by wiping with damp cloth, Far more beautiful and sanitary than wall paper stuck in place with germ-breeding paste. Let us show you colors and estimate cost. . D. MAY & SON. T WOULD BECOME OF US IN GRANVILLE COUNTY. WE WOULD HAVE TO M "EST OR STARVE. The reports are that the fo tops' in the West are being reduced on-account of the scarcity of farm labor. If this is so the people in Granville will suffer next year unless they make a big corn crop this year. SAFETY FIRST PLANT A BIG CORN CROP AND PROTECT YOUR FAMILY. Co 3 " " 1 I Perkinson-Green Coll Announce Good News Interesting Economies Fashionable Coat Suits in wanted colors and ma terials and well -tailored, at specially reduced prices. Your size may be among the lot. LOWERED "PRICES ON TOP COATS Included in the lot are tailored and sport models in various materials and colors. These are new and fashionable spring models, for your choos ing, and of excellent value. You, may find in the lot just the coat you have been wanting. , Perkin son-Green Co.

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