OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1920 PAGE I -Jal hair saver m now but a name story of France. 1 The greater portion of this high way, along which many American troops received their training and which figured so consnir.nnsiv in ha,L you to try Parisian sage at war accounts, has disappeared. Back want" i Quickly stop the OTW . hoir n; " of hair and make your jt. V. J s j, !1U? con- vwiume, miuio luugui lurougnoux i ,t Last. Parisian Sage Shows Fou(1 ' Us in Tliree Days , i -ire rapidly losing your lf liar baldness, J. G. Hall the romantic 1 fEOPLE AND THINGS i l'xc0 vt scalp look and nJn better, or money rtfu Vdrods of men and wc in'" .... 1nCc of hair ieei iuu refunded. women have Hunuil"r. ycr f thp wnndprful re- . f , .il l filing . -A . hniiW by using Parisian 511 1 People who were getting bald now glory in their beauti ?1 ' v ir Others who have had flll- X for Years and the head d , liVo mad sav they had a clean, ;u'hm 'alp after ust a few appli !u" ' of this splendid treatment. c3Y"mMtor whether bothered with -VJ .wnv Vmir strincv. dull. 'iiv hair, dandruff or ltcn- - " -. :"' tw Parisian sage today on l :!'vv back offer. A large bot il!V inexpensive at drug stores ev !l -.11,1 if vour hair is worth , -1 V :v .".v i).',r!inn sacc is surely worth ni'- , r,r AND FLOW OF WAR Road tne war, until the famous "ladies' road" was virtually obliterated. On ly huge craters, great mounds of earth covered with woods and crum bling concrete ramparts nov mark where the-tree-fringed course lay. Gone, also, are the numerous lit tle villages that bordered the road before tbe Avar, and returning resi dents are being urged to seek other places of habitation. The Chemin des Dames was built by Louis XV. for the especial use of his daughters, who delighted in the hunting, retreats in the vicinity and often visited the distinguished families whose chateaux dotted the abrupt heights of the Aisne. Amer ican Motorist. Solomon is all his Glory may have been some Bearcat. But we doubt if he ever had nerve enough to ( hemis des Dames Fntirely Obliterate. r,.,eivi completely from the crest if tVe Mil along which it extended, j wear a coat with the waist line belt- O ISlL'Il 11 Hit" ' i' uiiuuiuvi klttviv.tj. tn I INI! lillii, illlllJ ORPHEUM Friday, Saturday, April 30, May 1. HAWAIIAN SINGERS AND PLAYERS 1 1 Night in Hawaii" r Kg j Sign of Overproduction A wornout horse and a crippled mule plowed by a seventy-five" year old man and a little bov are about the only signs of an overproduction in this section 'this spring. The R. L. Knowles' Property a sale that means much to the ex pansion of Oxford will take place tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. The old Dela Croix property, one mile north of the court house, will be sub divided into 70 resident lots and 6 small farms. Pickert Stock Co. Coming On next Monday the Pickert Stock Company, a first-class, clean tent show, will open here, for a week's run. They will be located near the old Southern depot on Williamsboro street. Everyone remembers this company of players, as ihey spent a week here last spring. Watch for their advertisement and program in the next issue of the Public Ledger. It Pays To Advertise; Anv nprsnn hnvin? had stnlpn from them a blue coat during the past week can probably find it by calling at -this office and identifying one which has been recovered. This discovery was made possible by an article which appeared in a recent issue of the Public Ledger. "It pays to natronize as well as read our excellent local paper," is a re mark made by one of its admiring friends. Should There Be a Fire The fire truck should bo given the right-of-way. When the fire ben sounds pedestrians should take to the sidewalks and all vehicles should be drawn up to the curbing. This warning is given now because it is not yet too late. No accidents have occurred so far; and it is to be hopea that the citizens of Oxford will co operate with the fire department in such a way as to prevent any hap pening in the future. A Voice From the Farm A Northern Granville Correspon dent says: "The farmers in this community have been wearing over- 1 1 alls on all occasions, too; so it will be nothing new to them. .The only thing that pinche" is the price, which has begun to soar on aecor.nt of the increased demand. The price of overalls, like everything else, gets higher." Compliments Exchange Hotel The compliments that have been showered. uDon the Exchange Hotel by men of note is quite enough to swell the head of the average land lord. Dr. Thurston Price, who re cently held revival service at the Ox ford Methodist Churcn, stated from the nulmt that the Exchange Hotel ws the most home-like place he had t n V Thieves at Work Thieves last Saturday nigh, enter ed the rear door of the Oxford Mot or Co.. on Main street, and tried to iorce an entrance to the cafe. They were only after money as was evi- ueucea oy the fact that nothing was troubled but the safe. The worl: was done by amatuers, as could be seen by the methods ..that they em played in trying to open the safe. The only loss is the door to the safe This is the third time in the last few months that thieves have entered the Oxford Motor Company. Miss Morton In Theatricals Miss Margaret Morton, of Oxford, will take part in "The Forest Pnn- ed on May fourth in the Woodland Theatre at Flora Macdonald College. The entire cast numbers eighty stu dents working under the direction of Miss Helen Sayles of the express ion department. Special orchestral music will be a feature of the program. there is no indication that in either convention, will there be a candidate for the presidency 'With a command ing lead, and that in neither conven tion will there be one with enough votes to N assure his nomination, is accepted as a foregone conclusion. ALL CANDIDATES FOR PRESI DENT SHORT OF VOTES in No Nomination on First Ballot Either Convention. (Washington Special) Though delegates to both the Cni- cago and San Francisco conventions cess a fairy masque to be produc- are now being elected almost daily, The many friends of Mr. Her bert Crews will be glad to learn that the operation which he underwent at Watts Hospital this week was suc cessful. Some people place an order like they were setting an alarm clock. 666 qnicklv relieves Constipation, Billiousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver, adv In I nn if Also Regular Program of Pictures Admission 25 and 50c. A. J L 7 9 Residence Lots ALSO ONE Room Well Built House Known as the Mrs. T. Pendleton place on Henderson Road. Equipped with electric lights, water and bath, sewage, gas, nice lot 80 feet front, running back 160 feet, good garden, chicken house, etc. - ,...V SALE TAKES PLACE ON THE PREMISES, WATCH DATE. EC 2ES The lots are located on Raleigh Road just beyond the town limits, ail white neighborhood, some 60 feet front, others 50 feet front, on each side of street almost to city paving. FOR INVESTORS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE! FOR A HOME, AN IDEAL LOCATION. WATCH FOR DATE! 222 - li ! f mmammmHmm seen during- many years. Dr. Fin- cher, who closed a revival meeting at Oxford Presbyterian Church last Sunday night, was eqrally as enthusiastic over the generous treat ment he received at the Exchange. STHiSCItlBB TO P'TOLJO LEDGE3R Peace Selling Agent. Oxford, N. C. A V v t V v v V A V t V & J V A ; v IF! m , A , Jjy)iy) By W Mcjni Our eneffit. Beginning May 1, 1920, we will inaugurate a new system of doing business on a strictly cash basis. Business in general has suffered during the past few years through the steady and insistent demand for cash in all trades. All lines of business have increased in cost of operation, but peculiar as it may; seem investiga tion proves that while overhead charges of the drug store have Increased considerably to the purchasers has been held down to the minimum. Clothing, groceries, hardware, paper, meats, shoes, all have increased tar in excess of the increased cost of drug store goods. To give the public the buying value of cash cost, a cash business must be done. It is the only waya dealer can establish credit with the producer from whom he purchases, only way he can hold an established credit with his banking interests, the only way ha can provide the funds to pay his numerous personal and commercial taxes. . Buying for cash means buying for less-buying for less gives us the opportunity to sell for less. The lowest pS to . the consumer, therefore, are guaranteed by the druggist who buys for cash and insists on selling for cash. - ask vour co-operation in this matter. A credit business must be ab Wished, not only by the druggists, but bv evert other Commercial concern. On and after May 1st, we will i laugurate a cash business and m re Sni f ofS- support of this move w 11 promise you at all times the finest of -goods at the fairest of prices. tu SffdSStataB from the cost of the goods, and this saving by us will be turned to your ad- vantage. This applies to institutions and corporations as well as individuals. Yours Very Truly, f - - ; t OXFORD, N. C. f druggist : :- ,;; r - - , v V 1 ! . tr i t