PAGE 6 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY, APRIL .27, 1920 JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow's Building Service is Our Motto. We strive to please. HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. I A. W. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. A Dec. 3 3m-j. 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. .Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation D. G. BRUM3IITT Attoraey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Vernon Mclver and some other negroes were practicing the music for a funeral at Jonesboro, when they heard the blinds of the house rattle. Mclver seized a gun, ran to the door and opened fire on what he supposea was a "hank" It was one of party of-young folks attempting to rright en the singers and she was killed. The House, Tuesday, passed the deficiency appropriation bill provid ing $390,000,000 for the railroad administration to wind up its affairs. HARDLY KNEW HER AT FIRST SIGHT W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows' Bldg. Oxford, N. 3. DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown Building. Office hours: 0-12 a. m. 1-5:30 p. m. After you .eat always take Mrs. White's Neighbors Are All Talking About Her Wonderful , Recovery. "When my wife began taking Tan lac she weighed only ninety-five pounds; now she weighs one hun dred and forty-three and her won derful recovery is the talk of om neighborhood," said Ben White, ot '111 Crescent Ave.. Peoria. 111. "Mrs. Whit? has been suffering from stomach trouble and nervous ness eighteen years," he continued, "and for a long time had been un able to leave the place. We spent all the money I could get for trea tments and medicines but she never got any better. She was a complete nervous and physical wreck and I have seen her nearly die with cramps in her stomach and after eating she could hardly breathe for the Headaches drove her nearly jtracted and I have stayed home with -her weeks at a time, fearing she would never pull through, for sne was getting worse all the time. "After hearing so much tain about Tanlac I bought some fpr my wife and in just a few days she could eat and sleep better. She has now taken about twelve bottles and is the very picture of health. Why, some of her friends hardly know her at first sight now. She is as well and happy as a person can be." Tanlac is sold in Oxford by Frank F. Lyon, and in Stem by Stem Drug Co. J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANE The State Democratic executive committee will meet in Raleigh Wed nesday evening. May 5, to elect a chairman and secretary for the en suing four years. (Tor your stomachs sake J Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloated Gassy ?eeling. Stops indigestion, food souring, re peating, and all the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC is the best remedy. Tens of thoa tands wonderfully benefited. Positively guar inteed to please or we will refund money. Zail and get a big box today. You will sea, J. N. PITTMAN, Druggist Dyed Her Faded Skirt, Also a Coat "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Just Like New So Easy! Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, draperies, everythig! A Direction Book is in package. To match any material, have denier show vou "Diamorul Dye" Color Card. MMA mm k - ft" t-i Mrv iA I. ',.T V'i ft - 1 r. - 7w mm In the world advertises ii 91 II I'll on Times Square, New York City: it is 250 feet long 70 feet high. Made up of 17,286 electric lamps. The fountains play, the trade mark changes, read ing alternately WRIGLEV'S SPEARMINT, DOUBLEMINT and JUICY FRUIT, and the Spearmen "do a turn. This sign is seen nightly by about 500.000 people from all over the world. Sealed Tight 4 uiaLISFTTOi mi 11 1 II (ll II I I Kept . m in mm Kisnr The Senate has passed the army reorganization bill, providing for a regular army of 297,000 officers and men, a national guard of 42,000 and a voluntary system of military train ing for men between the ages of 18 and 21. The House bill authorized a regular army of 299,000 men and 17,832 officers, while - the Senate measure provides for 280,000 enlist ed .men and 17,043 officers. gas. dis- How Diphtheria is Contracted. One often hears v the expression, "My child caught a severe cold 1-1- -J 1 ,3 i JjnV.Hin:n WHICH ueciupeu liitu uiimiuu m, when the truth was that the cold hda simply left the little one partic ularly susceptile to the wandering diphtheria germ. If yoi.r child has a cold when diphtheria is prevalent you should take him out of school and keep him off the street until fully recovered, as there is a huii drd times more danger of his . taking diphtheria when he has a cold. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. SOME FACTS ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT Local Financial Institution To Dis tribute Interesting Information. Not for years has there been such evident unrest as exists in the world today. Even the casual reader of the daily newspaper sees that the world is sick and needs a doctor. The way to social health is through an awak ened interest in the affairs of our Government and an increased feeling of our responsibility in its welfare, and administration. Not until we understand the magnitude and effi ciency of the United States govern ment do we feel the respect for it and the pride in participating in it that it deserves. At the present moment, in spite of all our unrest, the United States is the most favored of the world's na tions. We have enjoyed a century and a half of the "government of the people, for the people, by the people." It is not perfect but it is the strong est, most substantial and most ef ficient government in the world to day. The First National Bank is con templating the free distribution among its friends and patrons of a series of highly illustrated articles en the government of the United States. The articles, although written in popular form, will be of real educa tional value- They are to be mailed directly to the homes of this com munity without charge. This plan is in keeping with the new idea that every progressive financial institu tion owes a broader service to its community. The modern bank is no longer only a place where money is deposited at one window and drawn at another. It is rather a center of constructive and helpful information to -winch any one bring his financial problems with some confidence of finding a solution. for them. These stories are designed to show the benefits that each of us derives from the service of the government. They have been brought up to the j minute, and however well informed i the reader may be he is sure to find ! something new in them. They have a particular appeal to new citizens, foreigners and school children, as well as furnishing interesting and instructive reading to partically everyone. The community is sure to benefit from this distribution and every home should have a complete set. , Never before have Americans taken such an intense interest in their gov ernment. ' The extension of income taxes and t,he widespread purchase of Liberty Bonds have made us all fin ancial partners in its welfare. We all want to know more about it and we have a right to know. That is why the publication of this material com es at precisely the right moment and why it may be expected to be so wel come. This public interest in gov ernmental affairs is a healthy and natural interest. It wiir lead to 4n creased knowledge, a more intelli gent understanding and a long strong stride ahead. This community is to be congratulated on the foresight and enterprise that brings this mater ial within the reach of everyone. We understand that it is the desire to make this distribution as wide as possible.' Some however, are sure to be overlooked and as the supply of articles is necessarily limited, it is suggested that everyone who wishes to receive them call at the bank and leave their names for inclusion in the mailing list. It Iras been anticipated that many will wish to keep each number of the series of governmental articles as re ceived, as each will deal with a dif ferent department of the Govern ment. For this purpose it is under stood that there is available a limited number of beautiful containers, one of which can be obtained by any per son desiring it by calling during bank ing hours for it. We should like nothing better than to show you that no matter how severe your bunion, or how painful. FAIRYFOOT will prove your best friend. It instantly does away with all pain and in flammation. It literally melta away the bunion enlargement Buy a box today give it a trial. You must be satisfied, or you can return it and get all your money back. J. N. PITTMAN MOTHER NATURE OBJECTS TO FORCE Tender Intestinal Tracts Can't Stand Powerful Physics When a physic or miscalled "laxa tive" causes the slightest pain or gripe youjmay know that instead of helping nature throw off the poisons accumulated in the body, it is getting rid of them by force. This rending, tearing action is ex tremely harmful and painful to the tender membranes of the bowels and intestines. Sloan's Relief Tablets, gentle as nature itself, work in a soothing, help ful way. They eliminate all poisons and end constipation, yet do it with out gripe ,or pain to the body. They are not habit forming. Get a box of 30 tablets today and use no others. Sloan's Relief ablets are safest. Distributed by The Sloan Products Co., 18 Factory Street, Derby, Conn. YOU ARE PROTECTED WHEN YOU BRING YOUR PRE SCRIPTION HERE. Because we respect our pro fession and will not tolerate any but the most exact methods, the most scrupulous care, and drugs of absolute purity, freshness and strength. Taking into consider ation the' quality and varied line of drugs we carry and the quality and experience of the men who compound those drugs, we believe our ability to do your prescrip tion work just as your doctor wants it done is second to none. After closing hour at night Mr. Roland Gooch, one of our regis tered druggists, can be found in his room over the store. J. G. HALL, Druggist. Mother! Teach the Children) Their Daily Health Duty You can't be too insistent ! FEW children find pleasure in the. things most vital to their physical comfort and health, so it rests with the watchful moth er to see that they are done. The child will be grateful in after years. Chief among the functions necessary to the upbuilding of the little body, so that it will not be a dyspeptic, constipated body when it matures, is elimination regu larly every morning. 'If the moth er will be insistent and allow nothing to interfere with it, it will soon become a habit, a daily rou tine that will not be forgotten throughout life There are times, however, when nature will not operate unaided. Then give Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, and the headaches, the biliousness, the torpor will quickly disappear. ii acis genuy ana wiinout griping, and as it contains no narcotics and be given to infants. Thousands ofjfamilies have been regulated to kealthy maturity with Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. A bottle can be bought at any drug store. In a-'large family there is always someone who would feel better for a dose of a good medicine like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. In spite cf the fact that Dr. CaM weil's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative rgr in the world, there fmii being over 6 million . j p bottles sold each year, TJLL': iiiuity who Tieea lis benefits have not yet , used it. If you have not, send your name end address for a free trial bottle to Dr. V. B. Caldwell, 511 Washington Street, lis pleasant to the taste, it may hionticdh, Illinois. i;Vap Pepsin jir-i U3.W.5.CKC-.KUS T-0 - :. , sracppEPsai j' Mrs. George Maynard Minton, 01 j Waterford, Conn., was nominated j without opposition as president-gen-j eral of the Daughters of the Ameri j can Revolution at the 29 th continen- ,1.0,1 uuiigxcaa 111 sesiuii ill VV asmiis- ton, D. C. Nominees for the other national officers include: Historian, Miss Jenn Winslow Coltrane, of North Carolina. at An overall club formca Wheatland, Pa., has gone so far in its zeal to protest the high cost of clothing as to impose a penalty upon members for failure to dsn den in? Any members who fail to wear ov eralls at all times will be ducked in y 1, T71; 1 1 T j?n. tiie nil ic uiinai uy uia leuows, ac cording to a club agreement The club is composed of business and professional men. FRESH LOT OF GARDEN AND FLOWER 5 -i d .. m JUST ARRIVED THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AFFORDS! Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place," COLLEGE STREET. i ill llllllij! 1 illilliliiiii OXFORD. N. 0. m Gi IS A ID MEDICINE" Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The great benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been gratefully ac knowledged by many. Mrs. Benja min F. Blakoney, Decatur, 111. writ es, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs we have ever used in our family. I gave it to my child ren when smaH for croup and have taken it myself." HILDREH W should riot he'MftSAri7) for colds - apply theS "outside" treatment-' Says Rock Git, Ala. Gentleman, After Having Given It Conscientious Trial. Ziron is a new scientific combination of pure, inorganic, official, U. S.Pharmaco peia iron, with the hypophosphites of lime and soda and other valuable tonic ingred ients, recommended by the best medical authorities in the treatment of anemic conditions. Ziron helps to put iron into your blood and this helps to build strength for you, when you are pale, weak, nervous, de pressed. Read what Mr. Sidney Fry, of Rock City, Ala., says, and then try Ziron. He makes the following statement: "Something over a week ago I used Ziron for the first time. 1 was troubled with indigestion and had a spell of weak ness. Ziron helped bothtroubles. I felt stronger and my stomach quit hurting. I really feel that Ziron is a good medicine. It surely helped me." Your druggist will sell you Ziron on a guarantee that if the first bottle does not benefit you, he will refund the money you paid him. Get a bottle of Ziron today! ZN 13 bur Bod Needs Johns - Manville Asbestos Roofing For fifteen years without a leak, this fire-safe roof covers a building in the heart of a great city, exposed to smoke, soot, and corrosive fumes. And it would serve just as well, and just as long, up in the frozen North or down on the sun-baked plains oh Texasit's made from Johns-Manville Asbestos. Fire-safe because its base is an imperishable min eral. For that same reason weather-proof, too, and good for years of service with least upkeep cost. Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing for barns, fac tories and business blocks. Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles for residences, garages, and similar buildings. Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofings are examined, approved and labeled by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. under the direction cf the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Let us show you samples and quote prices - MOORE LUMBER COMPANY mCKS VAP0RU UR BO DYGU AR Qt, OjiLQ