WANTS! . . i i iiii iir ..-irjiiii.iii 0'neld fence26'', 32", and 47" ; fence with 6" stay. Farmrs Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. a3tf S rnrrott' the kind that gives ser P Sold my Byrum-Hunt Co., j i CoPece street. Phone 159. "T WINDOWS, DOORS AND ill vork o. quality see Byrum Hunt Co., SO College street. T win fAY EOI TO KEEP Resolved, That during v.ar 1920 I will send my or- der? lor PRINTING to the Printing Department of the Oxford Orphanage. There's a reason. Kins Fone 24 and we will ei-L J16t Your Eyes. Keep the sight by getting glasses from J. W. Knight, ilic optometrist, "6 College street. HEART CEDAR, CYPRESS AND pine sninsies, iusu uiiiei giaues. Trices rim. MOORE LUMBER Co. F27-tf HEKT CEDAR, CYTRESS AND Dine shindes, also other grades. Prices rieht. MOORE LUMBER Co. F27-tf Tr?T RECEIVED CAR LOAD well curbing. MOORE LUMBER Co F27-tf X X T F. I YOUNG LADY BE- nveen age of 18 and 35 with high tehool education to iearn Tele phone operating. No experience necessary. Paid while learning. Applv to local Mgr. HOME TEL. & TEL. CO. 3-23-tf. KEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE THREE special farms in Nottoway and Dinwiddie Counties. Va., near school and churches, on the best mad between the Polomac and the Mississippi rivers. Second to none in North Carolina or Vir ginia for tcbaccc. Also two old (-states on the Appomatox river. BRAGG & BRAGG, 'eai Estate Dealers, Wilson Va. C-'j-ltw. FOR SUE BRAND NEW FORDS with starters and lights; Touring ind Roadsters always in stock. Prices right. Write me. F. T. COZART, 3-29-lr.ix. Stem, N. C. HEADACHES RELIEVED QUICK- ly by Hamilton's "Head-a-Cure." For sale by all druggists. J13tf Ji ST I N LOADED CAR LOAD Ni trate Soda; Large Stock Guano Distributors; Larpe Stock Corn Planters. LYON-WINSTON CO. A2tf FOK SALE ONE CAR RED DOG ships-tuff at $3.85 per sack, and "i) barrels of patent flour at $13.- )0 per barrel R. D. HOLEMAN, Stem, N. C. 4-2-lm. 3 1ST UNLOADED CAR LOAD Ni trate Soda; Large Stock Guano Distributors; Larsre Stock Corn Planters. . LYON-WINSTON CO. A2tf JIST UNLOADED CAR LOAD Ni trate Soda; Large Stock Guano Distributors; Large Stock Corn Planters. LYON-WINSTON CO. A2tf BRICK FOR SALE OR WILL AL do contract work and furnish brick. i-5-tf. J. C. DAVIS. 1 1ST RECEIVED ONE CAR LOAD nails. Farmers Hardware Co., Vir gilina, Va. A13tf ONE CAR LOAD RIDING CULTI- vators, with disc and hoe atach-mt-nts for cultivation of tobacco and corn. Farmers Hardware Co., Virinlina, Va. alStf OXE CAR LOAD HOUSE PAINTS 'it 4 different prices, Bad Paint, ordinary paint, Medium Paint and .-od paint. Farmers Hardware Co.. Virgilina, Va. " ' al3tf MOST ll'-TO-DATE LINE OF BTJG- and harness ever offered. ii'iners Hardware Co., Virgilina. Vs al3tf ;:l FOIl SALE 80 ACRES OF 'to land, 2 miles of Oxford, S:dem Township. Four room ::'"p. pack house and barn. f'Ot! P I K'( $200 per acre. R. O. GREGORY. 't WAVn i) AT ONCE 500 AUTOMO- '0 repair p F. E. or Co. r All Wv,rk guaranteed. A-16-tf. r !!;;U) 101 SALE TOBACCO FERTDLI- z"r mhi from Blood Bone, Tan kU'f and Sulphate of Potash. Blackctone Guano Co. Inc. . nn Blackstone, Virginia. :);2S-20-e. r(W SALE CHEVROLET TOUR- ln" oar. Bargain to quick buyer ;t li)0. Peed Motor Repair Co., Val1 Street, Oxford, N. C. al32tx ON ft ( All T.OAn ClT'ITrYFT'Tt TiT7!Tl aonS an(i Farm Trucks Farm "3 Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf N'IJ (:AU LOAD OF SPIKETOOTH farrows (Keystone double trap) farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, al3tf Cl!vjyi0N x SPARK PLUGS ON L 5 c,eacn- Auto Vluc. Co., 25 Main street. a20-2t WANTS ! ONE CAR LOAD ASPHALT ROOF- ing, all weights, including crush ed slate surface. Farmers Hard ware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf TWO CAR LOADS OF BARB AND smooth wire. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. A13tf ONE CAR LOAD OF GALVANIZED V crimp roofing. Farmers Hard ware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf F. E. YOUNG MOTOR come for your dead day or night, phone night. CO. WILL automobile 35 day 49 J A-16-tf. ONE CAR LOAD NEW OSBORNE Grain Binders, Disc Harows, Side Delivery Rakes, Hay Loaders, Corn Binders and Manure Spread ers, at special prices. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. tf The Taylor Home for merly owned by S. W. Smith, located near the Masonic Orphan age, the house is cov ered with slate and contains 9 larcre. niralL rooms. Has city water and sewerage and electric lights. The lot is 155 feet wide 330 feet long and con tains over an acre. This property is beau tifully situated and can be purchased on very easy terms. For other information write the owners at once. Atlantic Coast Realty Co. Petersburg, Va. OXE CAR LOAD VULCAN CHILL ed plows and castings and sulky riding plows. Farmers Hard ware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS. and will tell you unless his pre scriptions are filled with the ut most care and with the purest and freshest drugs his ability to cure you will be wasted. Bring your prescriptions to this store where we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's instructions. FRANK F. LYON PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Day Phones 125 225 Night Phones 116-J 101 ONE CAR LOAD MOWERS AND Rakes, (new Osborne Improved kind). Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf JUST UNLOADED CAR NITRATE Soda. Will have plenty of guano arriving this week. 4-20-tf. ' LYON-WINSTON CO. JUST UNLOADED CAR NITRATE Soda- Will have plenty of guano arriving this week- k 4-20-tf. LYON-WINSTUJN W. JUST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have a clean store and a clean stock of Hardware- tf C. D. RAY & SON. NOTICE THE CITY BARBER Shop is under new management and it has been remodeled and made strickly sanitary. In adT dition to this the prices have been changed. Our motto is S ANITA- ' TION and SERVICE- Come and see for yourself. 4-20-mx. Z. E. WHITLEY, Prop. LOST AUTOMOBILE LICENSE N. C. No. 29-766- Finder please leave at Landis & Easton's and get reward. 4-23-2t. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO PAINT? Use Acme Quality Paint You can depend on it. The best is cheapest in the long run. We can supply you. . tf C. D. RAY & SON. For Sale! OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY, WANTS 'HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO BUILD? ouiia n with our material. You know "It's right when you get it at Ray's." tf. C. D. RAY & SON. LARGE STOCK GUANO DISTRIBU- tors and Corn Planters. 4-20-tf. LYON-WINSTON CO. LARGE STOCK GUANO DISTRIBU- tors and Corn Planters. 4-20-tf. LYON-WINSTON CO. GASOLINE-OILS, percent off at Main St. SUPPLIES, 5 Auto Vulc Co., a20-2t RED TOP STEEL FENCE POSTS are time savers, labor savers, money savers, last indefinitely and look-ood. tf C. D. RAY & SON, Distributors. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us about it We handle Cort right Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every ether kind of roof rng of best quality. tf C. D. RAY & SON. J. N. PITTMAN, CASH DRUGGIST AFTER MAY FIRST. al6tf LATE NEWS ITEMS Robbers entered a store in Ire dell county the other night and car ried off the store's big iron safe. D. H. Winslow, manager of m I Everywoman's Magazine, has nounced as a candidate from lower house of representative Wake county. Prison gangs working outside are counted every night on return ing to the Port au Prince, Haiti, pri son, in order to prevent other peo ple sneaking in for meals and sleep ing accomodations. In many cities the embryo "ov erall club" received a severe setback in its aspirations last week when merchants announced a serious shor tage of denim and an incidental in crease in the price of such material. Bunk and Nick Hairston, negroes, have been arrested placed in Guilford's jail for two and safe- keeninsr. Thev are charged with with killing ex-Sheriff Joyce, of Forsyth j . . , , ttti couniy, m a ligui iroeiiuy a vvai nut Cove when Mr. Joyce and negroes were killed. two It is learned that J. B. Cobb, 01 New York, a millionaire, and former resident of Caswell county, has pro posed to erect a $25,000 school 1 building in Locust Hill township as a memorial of his moxher. His ot fer will be gladly accepted. A num ber of smaller schools will be merg ed with this school and the children j will be carried in trucks to this school where they will have the ad vantage of modern equipments aim up-to-date methods. A call to Ltother cats to nurse baby silver foxes has been received in New York from an up State fox farm owner. The fox farmers' dis covery of the success of cats as fos ter mothers was made in experi ments to devise some means of sav ing more of the young foxes. Moth er foxes object to having their young j handled by care takers and frequent ly kill them or hide them away un (til they starve. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full direc tions on each bottle. You must say "California." DODSON TELLS THE HORROR OF CALOMEL PYoti Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe, or Salivate Yourself to Start Liver. Tcu're bilious, sluggish, constipa ted. You feel headachy, your stom ach may be -,sour, your breath bad, your skin sallow and you believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start liver and bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful to night. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your, mon ey. Take calomel today and tomorrow you feel wak a;n! sick and nauseat ed. Don't lose a day. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling splendid. It is perfectly harmless, so give it to your chil- Jdren any time It can't salivate. Gk APRIL 27, 1920 Lggal Advertismg, AUMINISTRATRIX NOTICE ' Having been appointed by the Clerk or the Superior Court of Granville County as administrator of the estate of the late W. E. Dorsey, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent the same to me for payment on or oefore the 20th day of April 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ineir recovery. , All persons indebted o the said es tate are requested to make prompt settlement. This 20th day of April, 1920. MRS. W. E. DORSET, Administratrix of the estate of W. E. Dorsey, deceased. lw pd. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by a certain decree of the Superior Court of Granville County in a certain special proceed ing pending in said Court, wherein George Hicks. Jennie Hicks and many others were petitioners, entered on the 22nd day of April, 1920) I will sell for cash by Public Auction at the Court HOUSE DOGR IN OXFORD ON MON DAY THE 7TH DAY OP JUNE, 1920, that tract of land containing 12 acres and described in said petition as a part of the John Hardy tract, adjoin ing the lands of George Hicks and others and particularly described as follows: Lot No. 2, Beginning at a stake at the corner of Lot No. 1 in the line of Mrs. R. O. Gregory, and running thence N. 2' E. 20.28 chains to a stake, corner of Mrs. R. O. Gregory; thence S. 88 30' E. 5.75 chains to a stake in line of R. O. Gregory; thence South 1 45' West 20.53 chains to a stake, corner in line ot Lot No. 1; thence N. 86 15' W. 6 chains to the beginning, containing 12 ! acres, more or less. This is a valuable tobacco farm and is about two miles and a half Northeast of Oxford. Time of sale 12 M. G. C. SHAW, Administrator, of James Hicks, deceased. HICKS & STEM, Attorneys 4t-ltw (paid) ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court of Granville County as administrator of M. M. Nelson, de ceased, late of said County, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the 24th. day of March, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make prompt settlement. J. M. PRUITT, Administrator of M. Nelson, deceased. (paid) i This March 22, 1920. ROYSTER & ROYSTER, Attorneys. i notice of administration j Having been appointed by the 'Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran- ville Countv as Administrator of the estate of J. W. Hockaday, deceased, late of said county. I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same to me for payment on or before the 5th day of March, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlements. This March 4, 1920. S. A. HOCKKADAY, Admr. of J. W. Hockaday, dec. ROYSTER & ROYSTER, Attys. pd. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE I I ereby give notice that I have qualified as Administratrix upon the estate of my late husband, James P. Atkins, before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Granville County. A-l persons holding claims against his es tate will please present them to me for payment at once and certainly not lat er than April 10th, 1921. Persons in debted to said estate will please come forward and make payment of the same, without delay. This the 12th day of April, 1920. ELLA E. ATKINS, Administratrix. HICKS & STEM, Attorneys, pd. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA Granville County. R. A. Wiggins vs Martha B. Spencer. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Granville County to enforce the collection of an account against the Defendant and in favor of the Plaintiff for labor and materials utilized on the property of the Plain tiff in the town of Oxford, N. C, and to enforce a lien filed upon the prop erty of the Defendant by the Plaintiff; and the said Defendant , will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville County on the 10th day of May, 1920 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint This the 2nd. day -of April, 1920. 4-13-c D. C. HUNT, Clerk of the Superior Court. Funny how you can always think of something clever to say af ter the time for saying it has passed. The next time you buy calomel ask for The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c The judge who recently ruled. ,'that a wife should tell her husband all she knows must certainly hate to see married couples living together. When she is married she gives her hueband the key to her heart. 'But about a year later she changes Uhe lock. SALE OF TOWN LOTS Default having been made in payment of Town Taxes for 1919, by order of the Board of Commissioners of Oxford a special meeting April 1st, 1920, and as authorized by the Town Charter granted by the General As sembly of 1913, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door on Monday the 26th day of April 1920 the following town lots viz White Landis, Miss M. B., Main street -v ....... $18.02 Long, E. A., Asylum street 19.51 Turner. R. S., now owned by W. P. Parham 24.64 Upchurch, C. A., Coggeshall street 76.56 Colored Burwell, Dicey, 4.10 Crews, John 9.06 Jones, W. M 4.45$ Moore, Pattie 12.07 Pettiford, Lonnie sjqjj Royster, Wash 7.2s April 1st, 1920. , SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. Default having been made in the poyment of Assessments for Street Improvements for 1919, by order of the Board of Commissioners of Ox ford at special meeting April 1st, 1920, and as authorized by act of the General Assembly of 1913, I will offer to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door on Monday, April 26th, the following property viz White Cheatham, Geo. E., Henderson street $10.24 Landis, Miss M. B., Main street 55.02 Colored Colored M. E. Church . . ; Good Samaritan Lodge April 1st, 1920. OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not Upon Promises but Upon Performance We are Poineers in DRY CLEANING AND DYING PROMPT DELIVERIES In Business Since 1835. SEND GOODS BY PARCEL POST TEASDALE 625-627 Walnut Street n r flue Wiimdbwe t - Ytf3P 0)m1 YOUE EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. We are particularly proud- of There are shippers whose names aver since we started business. Our come-back business is a that we are obtaining values, jales will win the other half. J. W. PERRY COMPANY COTTON AT NORFOLK, VA. PEANUTS AT SUFFOLK, VA. BYRUM-HUNT CO. PAGfl ff 3 In Caharrus Superior Court. Tuesday, Walter Gray plead guilty to murder in the second degree for shooting Seamone, . a jitney driver, some months ago. He was sentenced to serve 8 years in the penitentiary. Seamone was found dead in his car. about three miles from Concord a bout 11 o'clock one night last fall. R. B. HINES, City Tax Collector. $26.32 28.01 R. B. HINES," City Tax Collector! Cincinnati, Ohio. consignments for old customers. have been actively on our books large one, and positively proves Give lis half a chance and our ini i

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