OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY, JUNE 4. 1920 THE PUBLIC LEDGER ' AND- 5 OXFORD'TTBA nner PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE Editor and Manager C. EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS . One Year ?! Six Months Three Months MO Correspondence on all matters of in terest news items notes or sugges tions for better methods of f rm or in dustrial developments, improvement of roads, schools, etc. is earnestly so licited. NON-DELIVERY OF PUBLIC LEDGER Please notify us of railure to sret the Public Ledger at any time. We use the greatest caution possible in mail ing out and wish to know of failures in delivery. VOTES IN ELECTORAL COLLEGE The State Will Cast a Total of 531 Votes and 266 Will Be a Majority. This list has been tabulated en tirely from memory, and without the aid of notes' or books of reference. Hence any corrections will be appre ciated. . . Maine . ,V,:r .'.HU'i. '.'Si: . . New Hampshire Vermont ( . -.s. . , Massachusetts' " . . V. , Rhode Island, ttfi I . Connecticut New York New Jersey 14 Pennsylvania 38 Delaware 3 Maryland . 8 West Virginia 8 Virginia 1 6 4 4 18 5 7 45 North -Carolina Georgia .12 .14 OBITUARY NOTICES Brief news items of deaths, immed iately after decease, of twenty to thirty words without cost. Life Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of l-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send cash, stamps or check with the copy. Entered at the Post Office at Oxford, North Carolina, as second-class rnat- WWVVvWlA. AS TO TITCH The address of the retiring Mod erator of the Northern Presbyterian church, Dr. John Willis Baer, ad vocating the active participation of the church in politics, indicates the awakening of the churches to the necessity of taking a more active part in the things of government. It is good advice, and if , followed will be a "short cut" to the political re generation of the country. Gang politics exists only because the best citizens of a city or state choose to let it exist. The churches should be the most formidable ene my of the Political gangster, but the political interests of the church heretofore has been sporadic and has been confined to single issues fath er than with the general evils which lie at the root of our unsatisfactory political situation. The policy of the church in the past has been too much that one can not touch pitch without being defil ed. This may be true, but it should also be remembered that pitch can not be removed without touching it. Florida 6 Alabama 12 Mississippi . 10 Louisiana ' 10 Texas .1 20 Oklahoma 10 Arkansas 9 Tennessee , 12 Kentucky 13 Ohio . 24 Indiana . . . . . 15 Illinois .. 29 Michigan 15 Wisconsin .13 Missouri .18 Iowa " 15 Minnesota 12 Kansas 10 Nebraska 8 South Dakota 5 North Dakota 5 New Mexico 3 Colorado 6 Wyoming 3 Montana . 4 Arizona 3 Nevada 3 Utah 4 Idaho .' 4 California 13 Oregon 5 Washington 7 Total electoral vote 531 Majority .... 266 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Business Builders. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY AUTOMOBILES REPAINTED AND tops recovered by first class me chanics andhigh grade material. Come let us reason together, thou gh your car may be rusty and worn, we can make it look like ' new. Prices right when quality is considered., Give us a trial and we will prove it. We are Head quarters for all kinds mechanical work. GRANVILLE, MOTOR CO., Oxford, N. C. LOST OR STOLEN OX LAST SUN- day, May 30, a tire'-oni rim. - This tire was taken from my Chevrolet in front of Mt. Zion Church. Fin der will receive reward by notify ing B. P. Elliott, Berea, N. C, Rente 1. ' ltx. TAKE IT FROM THE GRANVILLE Motor Co., that brains will put you on top; Character will keep you there. It's the enduring quality of Kelly Springfield Tires and Tu bes that keep them on the best cars in America. GRANVILLE MOTOR CO., Oxford, N. C. TAKE IT FROM GRANVILLE MO ' tor Co., that Kelly Springfield Tires and Tubes get their reputa tion the same way Methu -elah got ' his, by outlasting their Contempo raries. 4t. GRANVILLE MOTOR CO., Oxford, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S. L. Wilson, de'd., this is to notify all persons holding: claims a grainst' the1 estate of the said S. L. Wilson-, dee'd., to present them to the un dersigned on or before June 2, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment to the undersigned adminis trator. This June 2, 1920. . D. L. WILSON, Administrator S. L. Wilson. - - pd. Jno. W. Hester, Att'y. FOR THE HOUSE I hereby announce myself a -candidate for the House of Representa tives from Granville County, subject to the Democratic primary. The cordial support of the county wouiu be greatly appreciated. I promise, if elected, my faithful services. JOHN S. W ATKINS, Virgilina Route 2. n ''-'iiiiiiii LOST, ON THE STREET IN OX ford Monday, May 31, a brooch. Setting of amythest in gold weath. Reward if returned to Perkinson Green Co. 6-4-x. PRICE CUTTING WOOL HAS strick W. D. Amis and Company, Virgilina Va., 25 to 50 per cent cut on slippers. 3000 bushels best no. 2 White Spring $1.45. ' 7 cars choice no. 1 Timothy Hay. Big cut on Gingham, Lawns and dress goods. Drive to Headquar ters. W. D. AMIS & CO. Virgilina, Va. -3-4t For Sale Cheap Ten Tons 7 Cotton Seed Meal $3.85 per bag or $77 per ton. Buy now for corn or feed. . . Low prices for good meal.- I. W. Manpm & Bro. Mangum Warehouse TflPW OIL BUY A FAN TODAY 10C AND 15C AND 25C. ($2.00 LIMIT) If liars had good memories more probes would be fizzles. Practical politics appear to devel po calluses on the conscience. Both backers and opponents say of the soldiers' bonus, "I hope they may get it," but there is a: slight difference in inflection. . " If the same enthusiasm manifest ed in base ball was lavished on peace gardening the likelihood of a food shortage would go glimmering. Men are interested in things that touch them where they live or, if they are hourse-hunters, in places where they would like to live. resident Wilson sees his own views in Carter Glass's draft of the Virginia platform. Kind of looking Glass, as it were. There is little likelihood that po litical conventions of the future will resemble a combination prayer meet ing and love feast any more than they did in the past. Subject to the action of the De mocratic primary, I hereby announce myseit a candidate tor county com missioner. I wish to thank all of my friends for their past favors ana will appreciate their support. J. ENNIS DAVIS. .".."ii.muimin IIIUIIIIWUMUIUUUUUUIUIWI WHY VOTE FOR PAGE FOR COUNTY, COMMISSIONER m I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner from dak Hill Township, subject ' to the De mocratic primary. If elected I shall give my time and talents to the up lift of the county. W. L. CLARK, ' ;': Virgilina, Pt. 2. ANNQUKCE3IENT For Hon. Robert N. Page for Governor A bal ance wheel for business. You owe it to the Democratic Party to nomi nate for Governor a candidate whom all ele ments of the party can support without res ervation. Mr. Page has embittered the friends of no candidate, and won the respect Commissioner;; of Labor and fin Printing. i 1 announce my candidacy for Com-1 LillCClUIil.i VJ X. J-JCl iJKJl. U11U J. llUtlllg J. 11 the June state-wide Democratic pri mary to succeed Hon. M. L. Shipman, incumbent, and will appreciate your vote and support at the polls. Ask I any one who knows of my labor in and about the legislature since 1909. DAVID P. DELLINGER, Gastcnia, N. C-, April 22, 1920. 5-4-9x. . : of all men. Mr. Page is the only candidate for Governor who has declared for changing the date of tax-listing for farmers back to May 1st. Page for Governor means a Dollar Tax gets a Dollar Value. Mr. Page would draw to the support of the Democratic Party that increasingly large number of independent voters in the State. We should have an eye to the future. Robert N. Page is not a lawyer. He is a plain business man. He is the only candi date for Governor who is distinctly a busi ness man. , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner, subject to the Democratic primary, and if elected I promise to do all I can to please the good think ing people of the good county of Granville. B. F. CURRIN, Walnut Grove., FOR COUNTY TREASURER NINE CLEAR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR ROBERT N. PAGE It is probably because progress is invariably made on a zigzag line that the world's slowly increasing production is punctuated by strikes and rumors of strikes. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Granville county, subject to the qualified vot ers in the Democratic primaries. Thanking my friends for their past support and hoping for a contin uance of the same. JOHN R. HALL. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Granville County, subject to. the qualified voters in the Democratic primaries. Thanking my friendsfcvfpr their past support and hoping for a continuance of the same , E. D. HUNT. .if.' ' To the Democratic Voters of Gran ville: I hereby announce my can didacy for the Office of Register of Deeds of Granville county, subject to the actions and laws ' governing the Primary. If elected, I pledge my best efforts to the fullfllment of the duties of said Office. Your Friend, CHARLES G. POWELL. Teachers will get more money be cause public opinion is back of the demand. The Weekly Ambon 0! St. Stephen's Parish SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY i "The wages of sin is death", really physical death, too. God allows the ills of humanity; He spared not His own Son, and He does not spare us, "because we are sons." The "sting of death" need not be feared by the Christian, who believes in Christ, the conqueror of death and sin, and in whose, power he may conquor. If we really believe and understand something of the meaning of God in Christ, there should a penetrating satisfaction, influ'enc ing our physical health, other things being equaVv Onef the v, ""t" founders of the Emmanuel movement was heard -to" say "No per sons practicing Confession of sins to a priest havecomfr tQ's." thus acknowledging the curative properties oLofficte'AlS011' for sin. Again, Holy Unction sanctifies the meevoaj ing and is itself a source of comfort, convevingi-feod and soul.; St. James connects its use with penitence . and forgiveness of sinsi St. James 5:14-16 as in all Christian healing. '4j Sunday Services. J Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Litany, Sermon and Holy Eucharist 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer 5:30 o'clock. , TO THE DEMOCRATS OF NORTH CAROLINA : When you go to the polls next Saturday, June 5, I hope you will make up your mind beforehand that you are toe ing to mark a ballot for ROBERT N. PAGE for GOVER NOR and that you are going to do so regardless of any pressure that may be brought to bear by politicians work ing for other candidates I ask you to do this simply because Mr. Page is the best man for Govemorand for reasons which I submit to your own thoughtful consideration and judgement. Here are nine definite and explicit reasons why I believe this: , 1. Mr. Page tells where he stands He started out by announcing a definite platform for State progress and de velopment and he was the first candidate to answer frank ly and expiicitely the questions asked by the - organized farmers and laborers of the State. Governor Bickett an swered such a questionnaire four years ago; so did Mr. Daughtridge. Mr- McAdoo has just answered such a ques tionnaire. So have Mr. Hoover and other presidential can didates. Mr. Page has never dodged any request for his views on public questions. 2. Mr. Page proposes to make economy and efficiency the keynote of his 'administration. North Carolinians now pay several million dollars a year in taxes. Any other great business having such vast expenditures would get the wisest judgement of organization experts as to how best to promote efficiency and economy in every line. If elected Governor, Mr. Page promises not only to give his own time to this end, but to employ the country's test experts to help him. Our systems of county government can also be made much more economical, and Mr. Page will formulate and advocate policies to this end. 3. Mr. Page has the training needed to make his pro gram a success. As Mr. J. Z. Green says: ... He began his business career when his enterpris ing family was seriously embarrassed by debts due to the general poverty of the South, and it was only af ter 'years of labpr with both mind and muscle, on the ,. farm and at lumber camp, that Mr. Page at last achiev ed his business success. He knows what it is to toil, knows the work and sweat back of a dollar, and in the great task qf administering our State government and its millionsfbllars in tax mocey, he will carry out his pledge tjp4ake efficiency and economy the key- . note of hisapinistration.' " because his trjiiSlg fits him for" this task. Te life-training of the other Wo candidates has been as lawyers. With out any reflection on that worthy profession, will not such training as. Mr. Page has had better fit a Governor for the great business of administering the State's business the next four years? 4. He lias the best program of rural progress and this ; interests city voters also. He' has been all his life an ad vocate of rural progress good schools, good roads, bet- i. ter marketing methods, and all the other agencies needed for the development of North Carolina farming. As he has well said. "Unless country life is made more attrac tive, the continued migration from the rural sections to the cities will inevitably result in such underproduction that there will be undernourishment and suffering in the ci tiesV' 5. As Mr. J. Z. Green says: "Mr. Page has no politi cal machine back of him. He has relied not on lining up leading politicians at everyv county seat but on a direct ap peal to the farmers and voters of North Carolina." - 6. He has conducted a clean campaign. He has not played the demagogue before the people, but has met ev ery issue courageously and he has always opposed the use of money in politics. "Men will not buy votes if they can not see them delivered," and Mr. Page favors the secret . ballot, as the most effective remedy for political corrup tion. 7. His platform on taxation is the soundest proposed by r any candidate. He advocates (1) larger inheritance and income taxesr so as to put a larger proportion of the tax burden on those most able to bear it. (2) Favors lower tax-burden on homes occupied by owners, so as to encour age home-ownership and discourage absentee landlordism. (3) Favors raising State revenues by inheritance, income, and corporation taxes so that real and personal property would be taxed only for county and local purposes and to insure an ample school term for all rural districts. (4) Favors changing tax-listing date for farmers from January 1 back to May 1 as formerly. 8. He is not a factional candidate but would unify all elements in the party. One of Mr. Page's opponents is running with the widely-advertised endorsement of ex Governor Kitchen, the other , candidate as the favorite of Senator Simmons. Fractional lines . are being sharply drawn. Is it not the duty of all Democrats who place the good of the party above faction to unite on Mr. Page a man whom Simmons-men and Kitchen-men alike acknow ledge would make a great Governor and who is objection- . able to neither faction? , 9. Last but not least, Mr. Page is a man of highest character. No breathe of suspicion has ever, been uttered against him. Free from cant, pretense or hypocrisy, the simply dignify honor and uprightness' of the man have won him honors beth from State and church. IF THESE NINE REASONS FOR SUPPORTING MR. PAGE convince you that he should be our next Governor, then I repeat that you should make up your mind beforehand to vote for Mr. Page and let no paid or unpaid workers for other candidates prevent you from doing so. . - - ., ; : - I V . . - - More than this, you should SEE YOUR NEIGHBORS and get them to go to the polls and vote for Mr. Page. He Sias no political machine behind him. No powerful corporation influences are supporting him. He is also opposed to he use of money as a means of getting the nomination, and the law also forbids it. ? To you and to all other independent voters therefore he makes this direct appeal and ASKS NOT ONLY FOR YOUR VOTE BUT FOR YOUR SERVICE IN GETTING OUT OTHER VOTERS IN HIS BEHALF. '"-I: fTT A T3T PO T1AOD -r -r - - . ... uvoo, manager rage neaaquarters, Kaieign. - ..',..-.v 1 mammal