; r OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY. JTINF 4 1Q90 WANTS! "Field fence v LOAD OF AMERICAN 26", 32", and 47" IZ fence with 6" stay. Farmrsi , rn VlrfHlina.. Vo. nStf! rZvsWV WANT RFING, SB Rarrett's, the kind that gives ser Sie Sold my Byrum-Hunt Co., 30 Coege street. Phone 159. TnXDOWS, DOORS AND 1 ;ii work of quality see Byrum- gt Co., 30 College phone 159. street. rr WILL VAY SOb TO KEEP the year 1920 I will send my or der tor PRINTING to the Printing Department of the Oxford Orphanage. There's a reason. King Phone 24 and we will call. Jlfi KtTEIVED ONE CAR LOAD " nails. Farmers Hardware Co., Vir gilina. Va. A13tf 77 CS Si: LL YOUR FARM AT auction. Every sale - conducted by an experienced force. We get results. Make your comract now tcr IiUi t1 WANTS! ONE CAR LOAD VULCAN CHDLL ed plows and casting and sulky riding plows. Farmers Hard ware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf 4tx. PRINCE REALTY CO., Raleish, N. C. OXE CAR LOAD HOtSE PAINTS ar 4 different prices, Bad Paint, ordinary paint, Medium Paint and rcod paint. Farmers Hardware Vircilina, va. al3tf YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS. and will tell you unless his pre scriptions are filled with the ut most care and with the purest and freshest druga his ability to cure you will be wasted. Bring your prescriptions to this store where we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's Instructions. FRANK F. LYON PRESCRDPTION DRUGGIST Day Phones 125 225 Night Phones . 116-J 101 Legal Advertising. ! WORTH f!Anni Tr GRANVILLE COUNTY In the Superior Court, July Term.1920. The Byrum-Hunt Company v. ; Oden-EIUott Lumber Company Notice of Summons and Warrent of Attachment The defendant above named will take MH to the aW-V Public lrSS" SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Pursuant to an order1 of sale made by the Superior Court of Granville County in the Special Proceeding therein pending entitled "Hattie F. Rogers, et al, ex parte," I shall, on MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1920, AT TWELVE to., MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF BUG- des and harness ever offered. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. alStf ONE CAR LOAD STUDEBAKER Vagcms and Farm Trucks Farm er Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf ONE CAR LOAD OF SPIKETOOTH h.in'cnvs (Keystone double trap) Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE special farms in Nottoway and Dinwiddie Counties, s Va., near school and churches, n the best road between the Polomac "knd the Mississippi rivers. Second to none in North Carolina or Vir ginia for tobacco. Also two old estates on the Appomatox river. BRAGG & BRAGG, Real Estate Dealers, Wilson Va. 3-9-ltw. v- HEADACHES RELIEVED QUICK ly by Hamilton's "Head-a-Cure." For sale by all druggists. J13tf and ion for cash at tho Court House Door in Oxiord. said County of Gran ville, the. following described lands: First Tract. " Situate in Brassfield Township, ad joining the lands of Major Jones, Bud Lawrence, Buck Eaton, H. D. Mangum, and others, containing 62 acres, more or less, and being a part of the "J. Y. Mangum Home Tract." Second Tract. Situate in Tally-Ho Township, ad joining thex lands of S. H. Jones, L. Meadows, and others, containing 105 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to B. G. Rogers by R. W. Winston, Trustee, see Deed Book 58, page 287, of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. Third Tract. Situate in Dutchville Township, ad joining the lands .of W. E. Suit, D. C. Walker, and others, containing 5.9 ac res, more or less, and being the same ; land conveyed to B. S. Rogers by J. W. Coley and wife, see Deed Book 70, page 468, of the, Office of Register of Deeds, of Granville County. Fourth Tract. Situate in Dutchville Township, at Wilkins Station, on Southern Railway, adjoining the land of Freeman Veazey, L. A. Wilkins, and others, and being the dwelling and lot conveyed to B. G. Rogers by B. S. Royster and L. L. Til ley, Commissioners, see Deed Book 71, page 553, of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. This May 12, 1920. B. S. ROYSTER, Commissioner. 4t (paid) on tne isth. day of May, 1920 by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County for the sum of. $297.85 due said Plaintiff by contract which said summons is returnable on the 29th day of May, 1920. The Defendant will further take no tice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Court against the property of said Defendant which said warrent is returnable before said Court on the 19th. day of June to which day action has been continued. The Defendant will further take no tice that it is required to appear and answer or demur to thecomplaint or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This- the 18th. day of May, 1920. D. C. HUNT, 6-11-x. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as. Administrator of the estate of T. D. Slaughter, De ceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for settlement within the time prescribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make settlement. This the 4th. day of May, 1920. WILLIAM THORP, (paid) Administrator. There are about 12,500,000 ac res of farm woodland in North Caro lina more than half of the total woodland area of the State. Farming methods that give greater yields at lower costs are ne cessary now because of labor shor tage. ' . The shadow of a man on the in side wall of a log house at mitt- f night is a pretty sure sign that large; litters are raised on that farm. joTICK THE CITY BARBER hpp is under new management and it has been remodeled and made strickly sanitary. In ad dition to this the prices have been chrr.sed. Our motto is SANITA TION and SERVICE. Come and ?.(- for vourself. 4-:0-r.ix. Z. E. WHITLEY, Prop. It is Easy to Reach Us When you want your clothes cleaned, pressed Dr repaired. Just Phone 183-J -We'll Call JACK CAPEHART v. STATE COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Teachers wishing lo increase their efficiency, the class of their certificates and their salaries, should apply for reservations at once for session June ISth to July 2Zth Also college entrance, college credit, and Home Economics courses. For catalogue write to W. A. WITHERS, Director - - West Ealeigh, N. C. Th Windows' t HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO PAINT? Use Acme Quality Paint. Yon c-m depend on it. The best is cheapest in the long run. "We car. supply you. tf C. D. RAY & SON. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO BUILD? Build it with our material. You know "It's right when you get it at Ray's." tf CD. RAY & SON. m 10P STEEL FENCE POSTS are time savers, labor savers, money ?avers, last indefinitely and look good. tf C. D. RAY & SON, Distributors. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us about it- We handle Cort- ripht Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof- i hz and every other kind of roof-j mg ot best quality, tf C. D. RAY & SON. OXE CAR LOAD MOWERS AND Rakes, (new Osborne Improved kind). Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. al3tf CASH BASIS THIS IS to inform our friends and customers that we will go on cash basis May 15 Please! do not ask for credit. Harris & ' Owens, Horsesheoij, Bank street 5-25-4t ONE CAR LOAD RIDING CULTI- vators, with disc and hoe atach ments for cultivation of tobacco and corn. Farmers Hardware Co., Virigilina, Va. alStf JUST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have a clean store and a clean stock of -Hardware. tf C. D. RAY & SON. FOR SALE NEW FORDS WITH starters and lights. Why wait 12 months when you can get one in 24 hours notice.. Price right. F. T. COZART, 5-28- lmo Stem, N. C. GOOD SECOND HAND DEERING Binder for sale at a bargain. Ad dressi 6-1-2 1. ' SAM C. HOWARD, Stovll. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Pursuant to an order of sale made by the Superior Court of Granville Coun ty in the Special Proceeding ' therein pending entitled "J. L. Vaughan, et al, Vs. Ada Vaughan, ' et al," I shall, on, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1020, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, sell to the highest bidder by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Oxford, said County, the following-described tract of land: Situate in Oak Hill Township, ad joining the lands of Mrs. Nancy A. Pool, the W. W. Hill tract, R. T. Chan dler, and others, and bounded as fol- ! lows: Beginning at a post, in W. N. j Pool's line, thence S. 17 E. 94 poles to j Aaron's Creek; thence S. 68 W. I5j poles to the corner of lots Nos. 1 and j 2; thence N." 1-2 E. 180 poles to N. 'A. , Pool's line; thence his line East 117 J poles to the beginning, containing 101-j acres, more or less, and being the j same tract of land conveyed to the late j Li. B. Vaughan, deceased, by John) Ford and wife, and ethers, by Deed j dated December 11, 1905, see Deed ' Book 58, page 542, of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. The family burial ground on this tract of land and a right-of-way to the same will be reserved; the size of said burial ground will be announced on the day of the sale. This May 5, 1920. B. S. ROYSTER, Commissioner. 4t-lt. (paid) Prince Henry is a keen" athlete, probably the most atjiletic of King George's sons, and ' is particularly interested in running and rowing. Women ! I i - A L w m m w m mm Here is a message to suffering women, from. Mrs. W. T. Price, of Public, Ky.: "I suf fered svith painful...", she writes. "I got down with a weakness in my back and limbs... I felt helpless and dis couraged...! had. about grven up hopes of ever being well again, when a friend insisted I - Take YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. li!I'lll!!lll!l!:il!l!ll!l!!H!l! ULIIMUiiUlliliililllllliilil illiiiliiiiiuiiu PI FRESH LOT OF GJARDEN AND FLOWER ' u u u u David's Salve Great The Farm Exodus. One of our biggest farm problems as is being plainly revealed by the SHIT OUT THE FLIES GET THE screen doors and windoys from C. D. Rav & Son. 5-7-tj I early returns of the 1920 census, is ONLY THREE TOBACCO TRANS-t0 P tte continued exodus Planters left. Great labor savers. ' of Population from the country to Lyon-Winston Co. Mll-tfjthe city. WTiile the census figures j for the past 50 years have shown it continual drift of population city ward, the 1920 figures reveal a con dition that is somewhat alarming. 300 TONS GUANO FOR TOBACCO and corn just arrived., Car load nitrate soda. Lyon-Winston Co. M-ll-tf IF YOU HAVE PIMPLES SORES ! Cities tnrouShout the corn belt have on face; Eczema, old sores, cuts. I increased in population as much as Forv kjA 1 Eczema, Itch Jljj It Piles, Sores, jj Cuts, Poisons, jjpr yGsj and BUrX Tils Woman's Tonic I began Cardui. In 4 a short while I saw a marked difference . . . I grew stronger right along, and it cured me. I am stouter than I have been in -years." If you suffer, you can appreciate what it means to be strong and well. Thousands of wo men give Cardui the credit for their good health. It should help you. Try Cardui. At all druggists. J E-73 Sores, Poisons Burns ! J ot 1 I (SI i iijiyiiiiiiijiiiiisji It will not irritate the tenderest skin is soothing. Get and use one box and you will always keep it in the family. It is not made to compete with other salves, for it is in a class entirely to itself. It was made as a home remedy for many years and OXLY TUB RE TOBACCO TRANS- planters left. Great labor savers. Lyon-Winston Co. Mll-tf OSE CAR LOAD ASPHALT ROOF- TWO CAR LOADS OF BARB AND smooth wire. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. A13tf CAR LOAD OF GALVANIZED crimp roofing. Farmers Hard Jle Co- Virgilina. Va. al3tf 0X13 t AR LOAD NEW OSBORNE ram Binders, Disc Harows, Side oelivery Rakes, Hay Loaders, Corn Binders and Manure Spread-rs- at special prices. Farmers Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va. - .tf turns, piles or other skin troubles 100 per cent during the past ?ot a package of David's Salve j ears Small cities as well as the .'yoS?! surprising growth. n:oney refunded. David Remedy j'Manufafcturing and large business '--.. nenr prsnn. TV n AQ ' .nntnrc cVirvnr tho lirprpot increase. - . , . Av . 11 X U WUVM fc"v 'From whence comes this population? 'From two places mainly, the small 'villiages and the farms. : People from villages have moved in large numbers to the cities because of bet- all weights, including crush- " teriwages and better living condi- e slate surface. Farmers Hard-I tions. This movement has directly-1 ie uo., irgilina, Va. alStl j affected the farmer. Farmers- in most communities have depended to a considerable extent in the past on labor from the community center es pecially in hay harvest, threshing and corn cutting. Today this source of labor is very near extinct and the ; farmer is the loser. It is reasonable to expect a gradual replacement of farm labor by ma chinery bpt when the condition gets to a place where it becomes impossi ble for te farmer to get a man to operate a tractor which will do the work of two or three men with teams it is extremely discouraging. This very condition exists today. Far mers who have purchased complete equipment for saving labor to make it possible for one man to accomplish as much as three or four men, find it 'next to -impossible to find the one man. As a result the machinery stands idle and land goes uncultivat ed. This condition will not improve greatly until the farmer receives a sufficient return for his produce to make it possible for him to compete with other industries in the payment of wages. Indiana Farmer's Guide. 10 i has without effort, gone into every State in the Union. Cut out this, ad and take to your druggist. If he cannot supply you.j send 75c and you will be mailed a large size trial package. If after us ing it you are not entirely satisfied with the results your money will be refunded without question. Take no substitute. Insist on David's or none. "". DAVID'S REMEDY CO. HENDERSON, N. C. u)) TONS GUANO FOR TOBACCO and corn just arrived., Car load i'i-ate soda. Lyon-Winston Co. M-ll-tf lv SALEA NICE SMALL FARM wiitaining 70 acres good tobacco Jn srain land close to a good ;nool three churches conveniently lotted on splendid road midway tween Dabney and Health Seat. rjiifcy terms. E. C. HARRIS, Oxford, N. O .,Rt. 3. (iOO!) SECOND HAND DEERING dress-1" Sale at a bargain' Ad 6 i-St- SAM C. HOWARD, StovalL The inventor of ice cream, soda has just died, but his soul goes mar ching on. YOU ARE PROTECTED WHEN YOU BRING YOUR PRE SCRDPTION HERE. Because we respect our pro fession and will not tolerate any but the most exact methods, the most scrupulous care, and drugs of absolute purity, freshness and strength. Taking into consider ation the quality and varied line of drugs we carry and the quality and experience of the men. wno compound those drugs, we believe our ability to do your prescrip tion work just as your doctor wants it done is second to none. After closing hour at night Mr. Roland Gooch, one of our regis tered druggists, can be found in his room over the store. J.G.HALL, Druggist. To Flake lure Join Us IN EARLY' DELIV ERIES AND QM Ml ESHS Btf JUST ARRIVED THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AFFORDS! Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place." mi COLLEGE STREET. i :- oxford, n. o. a L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS MAKES BEST PAINT WEARS LONGEST Cost to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready to use. Use a gallon out of any you buy, and if not the best paint made, return the balance and get all your money back, ' 60M by A' ,B HARDWARE CO.. Oxford. N. C. M COAL H-O-W'.! CD. & RAY SON The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth mm c SUBSCRIBE rzO PUBLID-ItEDGIGI iifMDUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY ASK YOUR DEALER OR WRITE rHE PUBLIC HDW. CO., Durham N. C." lie 'Mai on. Grid: BRING YOUR BATTERY TROUBLES TO US! - Batteries rebuilt. Batteries charged for $1.00. Batteries rented for twnty-five cents per day. The Diamond 6rid Battery with philco slotted retainer, carries a two year guaran tee. It is the longest life battery with the longest guarantee on the market. THE DIAMOND GRID IS A REAL BATTERY It costs but little more than the short lived inferior makes of batteries, which are be ing sold throughout the country. We rebuild all makes of batteries, some are worth a new cell, others are not, we will test thein and tell you. Diamond Grid Battery Service Company DAN A. SMITH, Mgr. - Next to Crenshaw's Garage. 555E l ! fill mm M '-. I. Si it mm 111 ilia mm 1) .IS?! 13! ii-' lSfi mm kf , mm i ( t .t v J t -, i f- . ft- t if :: : ',1 t ,:tj ' I i k fat I . I - - X AX 1. k i.vr A - K ..: '. p. v i : - : t K

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