OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY, JUNE 25. 1920 .1 AN IDEAL CITY A city, sanitary, convenient, sub stantial; Where the houses of the rich and poor are alike comfortable and Ijeautiful; Where the streets are clean and the sky line is clear as ceuntry air; Where the architectural excellence of its buildings adds beauty and dig nity to its streets; Where parks and play grounds are within reach of every child; , Where living is pleasant, toil hon orable, and recreation plentiful; worshipped ; Where commerce in goods is great, but r.o greater than the interchange of ideas; Where industry thrives and brings prosperity to employer and employ ed; Where education and art have a place in every home; Where worth and not wealth gives st3 tiding to men; Where the power of character lifts men to leadership; Where interest in public affairs is a test of citizenship, and devotion to the public weal is a badse of honor; Where government is always hon est and efficient and the principles of democracy lind their tullest and truest expression; ' Where the people of all the earth can come and be blended into one community life, and where each gen eration will vie with the past to tran smit to the next a city greater, bet ter and more beautiful that the last. General Federation Magazine. His Plaint. The guy next door is a violinist, The sap across the hall is a pianist, The rube above is a solist, The nut below is a victrolist, My roommate's a linguist Can you wonder that I am a pessimist? Tale Record. Mrs. Whiter Beck, wife of a prominent farmer residing near Lex ington, committed- suicide by drown ing herself in a creek Saturday night. She was despondent on account of ill health. She leaves a husband and several children. innTimimmnfflniimmmnmiiiimnnmi mn n nmm m PHYSICIANS USE AND RECOMMEND i nn v 0::fc:i folks be- CONVINCING TESTIMONY Given By Many Oxford People. Experiences told by Oxford people. Those who have had weak kid neys Who used Doan's Kidney Pills Who found the remedy effective Such statements prove merit. You might doubt an utter stranger. You must believe Oxford people. Here's Oxford ' proof . Verify it. Read. Investigate. B3 convinc ed. ' You'll find lieve in Dor.n' J. L. Gar--' . grocer, 62 Spring St., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney complaint and lame and aching back and found them to be a most reliable remedy. They can be. depended upon to act promptly. 1 and others in my family have used them with the best of results, and I gladly recommend them." The above statement was given December 8, 1910 and on June 28, 1918 Mr. Garrett said: "I still re commend Doan's Kidney Pills as highly as I did before. When I don't feel just right, a few doses of Doan's never fail to bring me prompt relief." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't silply ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Garrett had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg., Buffalo, N. Y. Print Paper Prices Too High. The Senate committee, which in vestigated the paper situation char ged the manufacturers with "unjust, illegal and discriminatory" practices. Some of the recommendation made by the committee were: Establishment of a Federal news print board "to supervise the manu facture and distribution of print pa per," should government efforts to maintain a reasonable price fail. Amendment of the Lever food con trol act to penalize profiteering in newsprint paper. Imposition of an excise tax of 10 j cents on Sunday newspapers weigh ing more than 1.28 pounds a copy so as Ho limit such editions to eighty pages until an edequate paper supply can be secured. Apronriatios of S 10 0.000 fAV the purpose of experimenting with , substitutes for wood pulp Establishment of a rata of I cent a pound on sheet print paper to any; part of the country when sent by pai eel post without increasing the pres-i ent limit of 70 pounds provided un der the postal regulations. The committee also recommended that consideration be given by the government to the establishment of a newsprint paper mill to supply government's needs with any sur plus paper to be sold to small con sumers No Light In Darkness. The census-taker runs up against many amusing experiences. Chiel among these are the explanations some people offer for the various an swers they make to questions put to them. One of the census workers in Kan sas City assed a woman whether she could read. She answered, rather hesitatingly, that she could not, and then hastened to explain: , "I never went to school but one day, and that was in the evening, and we hadn't no light, and the teacher didn't come." Harper's. After you eatalways tako mm c I C FOR YOUR ACro-STOMACg) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aids digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONICisthebestremedy. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund, money, get a big box today. You will see. J. G. HALL, Oxford, X. C. CHICHESTER SPII o The BEST and ICHEAPEST insurance on earth IMS fAINT UR0DUCT5 FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY ' YOUR PROPERTY ASK YOU DEALER OK V11TTP EHE PUBLIC HDW. CO., DU1 N. C." 1 SUBSCRIBE PUBLIC LEDGER He adacle Powder Experience Has Proven to Their Satisfac tion That it Always Gives PROMPT RELIEF Headache, Neuralgia, Colds and all Pains. Reduces Fever, Refreshes Tired Nerves NO HARMFUL DRUGS NO BAD AFTER-EFFECTS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU 10c For Sale at All Stores- 10c 10c per package, 3 packages for 25c or $1.00 ier dozen packages, for sale at all stores. If your dealer cannot supply you, we will mail the powders to any address on receipt of price either in coin or postage. h - I I M m wr vv. tt.m "WM KI h tm C. M. REMEDY CO., Durham, N. C. 1 wism SET L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS MAKES BEST PAINT WEARS LONGEST Cost to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready to use. Use a gallon out of any you bay, and if not the best paint made, return the balance and get all your money back Sold by ACME HARDWARE CO.. Oxford. N. C. , !i:1::i;1iu-n,i!;;!:iii,il:liui,i;ii.ii;i!i!!li!iii: mm FRESH LOT OF GARDEN AND FLOWER 11 3SS 511 gllj Us SEED JUST ARRIVED THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AFFORDS! Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place." COLLEGE STREET, : : s. : . : OXFORD, N. O. f ha Wimdbw - PSI i Mir mm YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. 'hi y Sh .J J I '.MS J-tti I t T ire were some pretfq on waits for the Doctor s e horse-art A i r (5)1920 Select your tires ac cording to the roada they have to travel: In sandy or hilly coun try, wherever the going is apt to be heavy The U. S. Nobby. For ordinary country roads The U. S. Chain or Usco. For front wheels The U. S. Plain. For best results everywhere U. S. Royal Cords. PWU.C0RD-N0BEY-CHAIN-USCX)-PIA1N A K E it easier to get arourid and JL you make healthier and hap pier communities, No one any longer questions the worth of the automobile or begrudges any legitimate ex pense connected with it. But millions of car owners are rebelling at the idea that running an automobile has got to mean waste, . Every now and then you hear a neighbor comDlain that 44 he doesn't seem to have much luck with tires." , , Send him to us. The minute a man begins to question the service his tires are giving him, he's ready to listen to reason. Our business is built on the principle that the only way to get better tire service is to get better tires to start with. That's why we have taken the representa tion for U. S. Tires. U. S. Tires have a reputation for quality. Built up through years of creating better tires. Such as the straight side automobile tire, the pneumatic truck tire - It is not by chance that IL S. Tires are made by the oldest and largest rubber concern in the world. We are proud to represent U. S. Tires in this community. tJnitosrst&tiB Blalock Motor Co. Hi V. 'i P 3