V OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1920 I PERSONAL MENTION Mr. T. C. Howell of Virginia is in Oxford. Mrs. W. T. Lee spent Thursday in Henderson. Miss Effie Lee is visiting rela tives in Baltimore. Mr. H. H. Eatman spent Wed 'nesday in Henderson. Mrs. Kate White left Wednesday for a visit to Richmond. Mrs. J. J. Cfark is visiting her parents at Elmira, N. Y. Mr. Rob Crews spent Tuesday in Chapel Hill. Mr. Rob Crews has returned from a visit to Greensboro. Miss Euna Lindsey of Rocky Mt. is visiting Miss La Vera Harris. Miss Mary B. Minor of Raleigh attended the dance on the 24th. Mr. R. R. Herring is out after a slight illness for a few days. Miss Irene Grimesley of Greens boro is the guest of Mrs. T. L. Booth. Major E. R. Mac Kethan of Fay etteville has returned to his home. Mrs. James H. Haynes, of Clyde, N. C. is visiting her father Mr. L. Hunter. Miss Madaline Crews of Norfolk is visiting at the home of Mr. Albert Crews. Mr. S. T. Hunt, of Oxford Route 1, paid the Ledger office a pleasant risit last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Meadows and family of Varina are visiting Miss Emma Meadows. Misses Annie. Bessie and Mar garet Morton are spending several weeks at Montreal. Mrs. William Hill Powell left Wednesday for a visit td relatives in Greensboro. Miss Muzette Daniel, who taught in Kinston the past school session, is at home for her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Johnson have returned to their home in Wel don. Mrs. S. EL Prichard is at home from a week's visit to Buffalo Lithia Springs. Misses Annie Lou Williams and Margaret Davis have returned from a visit to Smithfield. Miss Dorothy Lunney of Green wood S. C. is the guest of Miss La Vera Harris at Kimball farm. Misses Silma Fountain and Miss Lula Stockard of Raleigh spent the 24th with Miss La Vera Harris. Mr. S. M. Hicks, of Henderson Route X, was a pleasant caller to the Public. Ledger office last Wednesday. Messrs John Mundy and Clifton Finch of Henderson spent Wednes day in Oxford on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Strop, Mr. Ellis Averett, Otho Daniel of R. F. D. No. 1 were in Oxford Wednesday. Miss Idie Kerr Taylor left Fri day morning to attend the Blue Rid ge Conference being held at Ridge Crest. She goes as a delegate from St. Stephen's Church. Miss Cannon of Nashville Term.; has returned to her home after a vis it to Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mrs. J. Clifton Robards left Fri day morning to- spend several weeks at Virginia Beach Miss Antoinette Lawrence, ot Smithfield is -the guest of Hiss Sa rah Cannady.i Dr. I. H Davis left Wednesday to attend the N. C. Dental Associa tion which is being held at Wrights ville. Messrs Thomas L. Pace and Geo rge Hunt are attending a houseparty at the home of a classmate in Rock ingham. Mr. E. H. Bunn and Misses Ru by, Litty, Masters Leroy and Edgar Bunn of Raleigh were Oxford visitors Wednesday. ' Miss Helen Knowles has return ed from an extended trip to Norfolk, Virginia, eastern shores of Virginia and Maryland. Mrs. J. M. Burnett of Henderson attended the funeral of Mrs. R. L. Burnett, returning to her home Wednesday. Prof. F. P. Hobgood went to Henderson Wednesday to join Mrs. Hobgood who is returning from a trip to Wake Forest. Misses Ava Wellons of Smith field and Evelyn Seay of Blackstone are the guests of Miss Margaret Da vis at her home on College St. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Thayer of Henderson were in Oxfora Tues day. Mrs. Thayer is pleasantly re membered as Miss Helen Harper. Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Pitts and children of Creedmoor have gone to Mulberry, Tenn, where they ''will spend several weeks visiting rela tives and the scenes of the Prof's boyhood days. Miss Le Vera Harris is enter taining a party of young people at her home near Oxford, her guests are Misses Una Lindsey of Rocky Mt., Selma Fountain of Raleigh, Dorothy Lumley of Greenwood, South Carolina and Lula Stockard. of Raleigh. WORH OF THE -, OXFORD WOMAN'S CLUB (Communicated) Pollyanna the delightful screen picture shown at the Orpheum Thea tre last week, under the auspices of the Woman's Club, proved a great success from every view point, and the community owes these ladies a vote of thanks for bringing this high class picture to Oxford. For some time the,Woman's Club has been using i influence in a quiet, unobt: ; .jive v;uy u promote better, cleaner entertainments for our young people. Several months ago, Mrs. J. D. Brooks, who was then president of the Woman's Club, asked one of the managers of the theatre to book Pollyanna for June He replied that it was such kn expensive picture they could not afford it unless the Wo man's Club would give them its sui port and help with the advertising. The support of the Club was pled ged, with the understanding that 50 per cent of the net proceeds should go to swell the Club treasury. Miss Helen White kindly consented to look after the advertising feature. So thoroughly was this done that nearly $70.00 was cleared, notwith standing the fact that the actual cost of bringing the picture to Oxford was $132.50. This does not include the expense of showing the picture, which was borne entirely by the thea tre. It is generally known that the Wo man's Club has pledged $500.00 to ward the children's play ground and supports an Armenian orphan besides maintaining a public library and oth er benevolences. The Club is to be commended for adding to. its exchequer in a way that sets such high ideals before the peo ple. In this connection a word of appre ciation should be expressed for the spirit of cooperation shown bv the managers of the Orppheum theatre. They are at all times ready to help along a good cause, and it is their ex prest desire always to book good, clean pictures. It is true that films are sometimes sent them which they do not approve, and this is the fault of the state sensorship. The public should begin to realize that the broadminded, public spirit ed people of Oxford are united in their efforts for the common good of all, and they say to the "knock ers, 'Come, go with us, and we will do you good." Mr. Robert Walters of Cardenas was an Oxford visitor X or the 24th. Mr. B. W Bennett f7T was in Oxford Thursday. ieeaoor Misses Sophronia. Nina Daisy Cooper left Fridav aM the Blue Rldge Just Received A Car Load of 3 WRITE FOE PRICES IS We handle in large quantities and can fill your orders from fresh stocks of: Southern Millet, Cow Peas, Velvet Beans, Soja Beans, Sorghums, Soudan (jraSs, Crimson Cloer, Grasses and Clovers of all kinds. Harrison's Quality Baby Chick and Scratch Foods. Full line of Poultry supplies, including the celebrated Buck Eye In cubators and Brooders. Buck Wheat, Dwarf Esse Rape, Etc. Write for our Crop . Messenger giving valuable information of interest to eery fanner and Gardener. FREE! LET US PUT YCT7 OX OUR MAILING LIST W. H. HARRISON COMPANY, Inc. 17-19 Washington it Petersburg, Va. HAVE just received a shipment of a car load of Thornhill Wagons -the wagon made in the heart of the hardwood region of tough highland oak and hickory. These are the long wear wagons with many patented features. Made with the old standard track. Not the lowest priced wagons but the best and in the end the cheapest. 6lMI1 -T- .1 . Erar Brothers Co, 9 F EC IBffil FOR THIRTY-TWO YEARS THE MANAGEMENT OF THIS BANK HAS BEEN SUC CESSFULLY ENGAGED IN BUSINESS AND WE ARE THEREFORE IN A POSITION TO FURNISH YOU WITH EXPERIENCED CO-OPERATION IN HANDLING OF YOUR FI NANCIAL AND BUSINESS PROBLEMS. WE ARE NEVER TOO BUSY TO GIVE YOU ALL THE TIME YOU REQUIRE AND WE CORDIALLY WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE OF SPECIAL SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. CHECKING ACCOUNTS MAY BE OPENED WITH ANY AMOUNT AND . FOUR PER CENT COMPOUND INTEREST IS PAID ON SAVINGS. Baimlk E. T. WHITE. President. H. G. COOPER, Vice-President. W.T.YANCEY, Cashier. V i SSSiSSSSSiSIiISSiS'eS 1 .... -v