oscu& I III w 1 1 I 1 r;rTj THE COLD AT on;: with tfUL'S QUININE r Standard cold remedy for 20 year3 -in taoiet iorm saic, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 iours reuevcs grip in j aays. Money back it u tails. The "enuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At AUDwf Storm Flow's This? rfe "ffer One Hundred Dollars Reward nr qnv rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv liallS vjaiaiiu ivicuiuine. j vr-U's Catarrh Medicine has been taken ! bv catarrh sunerers ior tuts yasi uuriy fl've years, and has become known as the Jrost reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's ratarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. : i.fter you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you wjll see a rrpit improvement in your general uh Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medl- rine at once and set rid or. catarrh, tnr tpst'moniais, iree. P J CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. gold' by al1 Druggists, 75c Send Electricity in East Prussia. According to press reports from Ko nlsbers, the provincial board has ap proved a plan, for the uniform supply i awful Of electric power lul me jjiuviuc East Prussia. The plants and Instal lations, the completion of which will require ten years, will, through the development of water power, Insure East Prussia's electrical supply inde pendently of the coal question. 3REAI"' TRUTH SIMPLY TOLD Warning Here to Those Who Neglect to Set Down Their Priceless Discoveries. , A noted author In the Satevpost writes: The commonest sign of. fa tigue is found lri feeling of weari ness." y x , . There are times when we are almost led Into believing that this is true! Equivocal, and ambiguous as the state ment may seem, at the first reading, it becomes clearer when read over four or five times. In fact, we don't know when the proposition has been stated with more clarity, after one masters the language in which it is couched. Have you not often read things and said to yourself: "How often I have thought that very thing.. Why did I not put it down in Imperishable words?" It Is so with this. Doubtless, in your humble way you have often thought that your weariness was a sign of fatigue At those times you thought a living truth, but did you write and tell some magazine of your priceless discovery? No. You al lowed somebody to come along, per haps years after, and do it , The moral is that when you think a great thought, put it down on paper at once. Even if you do put it away somewhere and forget it, posterity may find it. ' Now, many times in our career we have hadvfeelings of weariness. Some of our friends have been misguided enough to attribute It to laziness an word, particularly among OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. FRIDAY. .Ttmv Q iQ9ri friends. But, when we were weary, it was not laziness that ailed us. It was fatigue. ' . . And we never knew the truth until we read the magazine article men tioned. We have been slandered for years by a wrong idea. Exchange. c J) HARDLY STAND ALONE Terrible Suffering From Headadie, Sideack, Backache, and Weak Bess, Relieved by'Cardui, Says This Texas Lady. HIGH HONOR FOR SMALL GIRL Face of Ten-Year-Old Has Appeared on Millions of Coins of the United States. The government of the United States in 1835 made an offer of $1,000 for the most acceptable design to be placed upon the new cent coin soon to be issued. Some Indian chiefs traveled from the northwest to Washington to visit the Great Father and then journeyed to Philadelphia to see the Gonzales. Tex. Mrs. Minnie Phil- min wnose cnier engraver was, james pet, of this place, writes: "Five years j J3?1?011 Lonsacre, who invited them to ins 11 u nit;. The engraver's daughter, Sarah, aged 10, greatly enjoyed the visit of her father's guests and during the eve ning, to please her, one of the chiefs took off his feathered helmet and war bonnet and placed it on her head. In the company was an artist, who im mediately sketched her and handed the picture to her father. Mr. Longacre, knowing of the competition for a like- EXPEDITIONARX FORCE SHOWN The Story Of America In, The War 'Told In- Pictures On Walls Of Na - tional Museum. The stcry of the American Expe- ditionary Force is told in pictures on the wails cf the National Museum in Washington' in a permanent exhibit just opened to the public, says a Washington dispatch. Continuing the dispatch says; 1 "Drawn from life in paint, pen and ink or pencil (by American artists commissioned and sent tothe from for that purpose, the collection of al most 500 studies detailing nearly every phase of life in the army over seas is spread over the walls of half a dozen great, well-lighted rooms. It is a tale of stirring action which they disclose. ' , "Among the scenes depicted are ruined French villages made sacred to Americans because of American blood freely given to tear them from German hands. There are the home ly, appealing scenes from behind the lines with happy-go-lucky youngsters of Perishing's division in billets mix ing among the pepple of France, the very old and the Very young' people. Here and there vare grim reminders of the great tragedy in groups of huddled dead in wrecked enemy trenches over which the tide of vic tory had poured. Again, half glimp sed through a down pour of rain, a trudging, sodden infantry column is moving onward through a sea of mud as the artist saw it; or an end less line of gun teams dragging for ward the batteries to blast the road to triumph. "At one point the artist causht "and held for his countrymen the! breathless tensity of a forest out- j post, peering thru the leafy screen' of his covert toward the enemy lines, his rifle hugged close with his fin gers clinched about the trigger; at another a slash of light from a half opened door has painted on the screen of night just axhint of a col umn; tramping on toward battle, just a young face or two in the line, weary, dirty but with jaws grim set with purpose. Again it is a hospi tal that has gripped the artist's im agination, a twisted wTritJiing form under the tumbled blanket with ag ony in every line ' and over it the steadyeyed surgeon or the merciful figure of an army nurse. "In rooms around the picture dis play are shown all the countless things with which the army and the navy dealt in war; the guns, the bombs, the uniforms of ally and en emy alike, captured weapon and German war gear of .many kinds. These form a striking setting for the epic tale of war artists have pictured,' probaoly the only such record ever assembled for it began with the army uud runs on to the departure of the iiumev.ard transports at the; close." League Covenant in Esperanto. ' In the . case of most international conventions a version In one language, customarily French, Is taken as the original text. The treaty of Versailles, however, stipulates that the French and English texts shall have equal au thority. But a perfectly equivalent translation of anything more complex than the multiplication table is im possible and already controversies have arisen over supposed discrepan cies in the two versions. . So the Es perantists of Paris have published their,"Kontrakto de la Ligo de Na-cioj" with the suggestion that by making Esperanto the official language of the league all disputes would be avoided: Independent. New York. goo uures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and La Griype. It kills the , parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic. adv -W. J. Hicks of Graham, Ala mance county, sowed 11 .acres in wheat. He harvested 258 bushels or an average of about 23 1-2 bush els an acre A Week's Wash for a Few Cents And Done in Ten Minutes fflagtepslt caste TKese biscuits are dwajs delicious m ago I was taken with a pain In my left side. It was right under my left rib. It would commence with an aching and extend up into my left shoulder and on down into my back. By that time the pain would be so Bevere I would have to take to bed, and suffered usually about- three days ...I suffered this way for three years, End got to be a mere skeleton and was eo weak I could hardly stand alone. WciS not able to go anywhere and had to let nay house work go... I suffered awful with a pain in my back and I had the headache all the time. I just was unable to do a thing. My life was a misery, my stomach got in an awful condition, caused from taking so much medicine. I suffered so much pain. I had just about given up all hopes of our getting anything to help tie. Cne day a Birthday Almanac was thrown ia my yard. After reading !:s testimonials I decided to try Car dui, and am so thankful that I did, for I began to -improve when on the Scccno bottle... I am now a well weman and feeling fine and the cure has been permanent for it has been two years since my awful bad health, i will always praise and recommend CarduL" Try Cardui today E 73 Cleaji Easy Naptholeine "Wash Soap has revolutionized washing. From eve'ry corner of this country, women enthusiastically say it is the best thing ever made to reduce household work. " j Think of it an average week's washing done in ten minutes, and tor only a few cents! It is almost unbe lievable, but true and you can prove It. Buy a bar of Clean Easy from your grocer. Soak your wash in cold water, preferably over night. Cut up bar of Clean Easy into iVs gallons of water. Boil, let chip3 dissolve, put in clothes and stir with a stick for ten minutes. There is no need to rub or scrub. Simply rinse, blue and dry and the clothes are clean, sterilized and wholesome. . ' And it is wonderful how much longt:i clothes wear when washed with ,Clean .basy. iou know, you don't scrub t them to death and Clean Easy doesn't harm the fabric. You save j yourself misery, time, trouble and expense. Clean Easy is good fcr many things. Full directions are printed on the in side of the Clean Easy wrapper. Fel low them, and you'll he amazed at the wonder work Clean Easj' will do for you. Notice how different Clean Easy looks from other soaps. At your gro 0 Occoj nee - chee Self- Rising Flour makes uniformlv frood j o biscuits, hot-cakes and yaffles becauseN it contains baking powder, soda and salt inpropor tions for perfect baking. It i$ economical because you pay less for the extra ingredients by buying them already mixed. . "V. o .1 It's so easy to use Occo-nee-chee just mix with water or v milk and bake that's all. A few seconds for each and no worry because these biscuits are always delicious. v OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour. Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money There' a an Indian Head on every bag of Oceo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flour. Look for it today. Buy Peerless Flour if you want the best plain flour. Austin-Heaton Co. Durham, N. C. iff m m t i mm m. m mmm l sXs) l M ill ness to go upon the cent projected, under the inspiration of the hour, re solved to contend for the prize offered by the government. To his deligh't the officials accepted It, and the face of his daughter 'appeared upon the coin, which was circulated about the nation for nearly a century. There were more than a hundred competitions. The cent bearing the face of Sarah Longacre has gone into more hands than any other American coin. A OXFORD COLLEGE OXFORD, N. C. 71st Annual Session Preparatory and College Courses. Special Courses: Music " Home Economics it Commercial Branch Kxpression Pedagogy All Under Specialists. H Standard Units required for admission to Fieshman Class. It is necessary this year to make early application for room. Catalogue sent on request. i F. P. HOBGOOD. How England Grows, great deal of interest is tnfcen In England. in the question of coast protection. The ocean, assailing the cliffs, gradually tears them away, but this very process furnishes a defense for the land by building up long beaches of sand and shingle which ar rest'the waves before they can attack the cliffs. An" effort is making "to pre vent, or better rejru' ate, the removal of this material for construction and rr-nd building, because in many plnc'es its removal has permitted the sen free ly to exert Its power of erosion. The ordnance survey has jiseertnined that in the l.Tst half century England has lost 6.640 acres by sea erosion and gained 48.000 acres through re claiming land the existence of which is mainly due to material brought down by the rivers. True Goodyear - 'Economy in Tires for Small Cars wmnmntmnwHimmHuginnimiumtitrfflmmHtnnnmiuiinntnm uniniiHiiiimniuniiuiiruimiNiniiuuiiniiuiiuiu dcct x rncinccT D31 ililll LULiULJl insurance on earth IfDUREr AINU Kroducts FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT, PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY 'ASK YOUK DEALER OR WRITE r,,U PUBLIC HDW. CO., Durham N. C." Growth of the Cities. A Cleveland editor once said that Cincinnati's -chief business was "pork and politics." observes Girard in the Philadelphia Press. T You have been tol,in advertise ments a million times that a certain beer "made Milwaukee famous." Everybody knows that "Washington. D. C, has one big industry iioldingj down government jobs. The new census figures from these cities, all above 400,000, are signifi cant. , Pork population increased only 10 per cent in a decade, while Jieer popu lation expanded 22 per cent. Both look smalf compared with the growth in government job population of 32 per cent. v f Ysmx fiJe Diplomats at Washington. There are 42 accredited representa tives of foreign governments in Wash ington. Besides these there are many unofficial representatives of nationali ties seeking recognition from the American government. Chief among the latter are representatives of tfit Irish Ukrainians, Armenians, Lithu anians andlbanians. Only the state? of Monaco and San Marino, twfl el the smallest republics in the world, are without representatives. A Built into Goodyear Tires for small cars is a high relative value not ex ! ceeded even in the famous Goodyear Cords on the world's highest priced automobiles Manufactured in 30x3, 30x312- and 31 x 4-inch sizes by the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes, every detail of the work done on them is marked by extraordinary skill and care If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, assure yourself true Goodyear mileage and economy on your car by visiting the nearest Goodyea Service Station Dealer Go to him for Goodyear Tires and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes; there;, is no surer means to genuine tire satisfaction jvAwv TOURItT. 30x3 Vz Goodyear Double-Cure 250 Fabric, All-Weather Tread! "T 30x3V2 Goodyear Single-Cure $ - 50 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread 1 : J Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit why risk costly casings when such sure protection ,is available? $50 30 x 3Vfe size in waterproof bag- T1" . A-.i - .

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