CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years OXFORD PITBTIfl TAPPER FRIDAY. JULY 9. 1Q20 Aiwtys tears the Signature of China's tea Industry. mentions are that the Chinese gov- the tea industry in that , aim l;'1 'wiIh foreign countries, and the tratlt ..u:,f rofpntlv decided to s- i.l.Mf.iT ("U'liitL prnir. - ,,A 4-vn ! toa Dureuu uuuti me luiuis- It I, ( .:L ' L Bands of kidnapers "recently have caused much alarm in Tenchowfu, Shantung, China. Operating in groups' of from 30 to 50 they have carried away and held for ransom wealthy Chi nese for whom they have obtained as much as $50,000 in some cases. Ten citizens were kidnaped in October. Promises to pay ransoms have been ex acted by torture. Troops have tried to capture the bandits, but have failed. It is believed the kidnapers came from Dalny, crossing the Gulf of Pechili in boats in which they es caped with their captives. : .t. .j'thnt the tea industry of China fr'ot ktvping pace, with the world's V.'v -.j-, consumption of tea. and 'iV China is still holding its trade in V finer qualities. India and Ceylon ve' "poetically captured the market fr0nl China as to the common black teas. Spanish Licorice Industry. The manufacture of licorice extract and paste is an important Spanish in dustry. , This is a comparatively new industry, as formerly the root was exported unmanufactured. Over 6, 000.0C0 pounds of the root were ex ported in 1918 and more than 600,000 pounds of extract and paste. PEOPLE AND TfflNGS Clerk-Carrier Position There will be a civil' service exa mination to fill the vacancy of clek carrier at the Oxford postoffice July 28. Blanks and information can be had at the Oxford Postoffice. Lawn Party There will be a lawn party on the Methodist church lawn Tuesday af ternoon and evening, July "13th. Ev erybody come and help a good cause. Ice cream and cake will be served. Well, at least the Democrats know where they are at in the mat- CRIBE TO JtbUO LEDGER ter 01 the League of Nations ;;! ..ililllllilllllllHUlSlillUIWUIII illll iiuuuM:uiiiuui,.imiuuiuu.iiMUiiHUUiiiiuiu MEN OF ACTION, MEN OF ARE MEN WHO BUILD BUILDING MEANS PROFIT. SUCCESS, BECAUSE V Every improvement built about your place is a sign of success and the source of additional success. We are here to help successful men build. That means YOU when you are ready. VmR COj ul ML i in ii hiimi ri m i ii ii - - mmmmmmmmm I'll ' "'m i M , . : ! U ti : I Ui I I 'i!ti.iiJ:iui!:i:iiaiil!,i:il!li::!iiiiii;ii;iii:!:iiil!li,l!iilluil on of Our e&ies Not only the children, but you yourself are liable to need some simple remedy for im mediate use ,and it is well to keep it in the house. ome in. and if necessary we can help you to select the things to give quick relief. We are Careful Druggists. PHONE 50 PHONE 50 Fine Cow 'Dead The pedigree Jersey cow be longing to Judge D. C. Hunt was taken sick Tuesday and died V day later in great agony. This was the finest cow in the county. Admirers of pure bred stock had offered Judge Hunt several hundred dollars for the cow, and his answer was to the effect that there was not enough money to buy her, meaning, of course, that he did not want to sell the cow. s -. i ":: ,. I I 1 FEELS BETTER THAJT SHE EVER; EXPECTED Miss Una Lindsey who has been the guest of Miss La Vera Harris for the past two weeks has return ed to her home in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Sidney Minor and son are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Hicks. They leave in a few days for their new home in Danville. Mrs. D. C. Mclver and Master Mclver leave Wednesday for a visit to relatives in -Baltimore. Dr. D. C. Mclver and boys are visiting in Maxton. The "I-told-you-so" having grown hoare, are ing up a bit. artists, slacken- nH.iHi.i.liiiiuiiiiuiiiHMHiiinnmitiiiiiHiniMilinitilllinni ' nm i i ii i t i i in i i i t i i k i n nil tn i i i - n I aeeD a TAILOR-MADE UIT REASONABLE EVER HEARD OF i Petersburg Woman Would Like To Tell The World How Taiilac Helped Her. . "I feel just like $ different ? per- flUU aiuce a siarted taking Tanlac, and would be glad to tell the whole! worm wnat it has done for me" said Mrs. S. A. Harris, 111, North Dunlop street, Petersburg, Va. r or live years," continued Mrs. ! Harris, "I had suffered from indi- gestion.,. My appetite would corne, and go one. ; day eating heartily' and the next, unable to eat a thing.. I was actually, better off when II AX A . . . i am uot eat, vtor everything I ate disagreed with me. After every meal I would feel all stuffed up and have such , intense pains around my heart and in my chest I could I hardly breathe, ani I could- not get a long breath at all. I had severe headaches, and at times became so dizzy I could scarcely stand up. I was so nervous I could not sit still a minute, and slept very little, and! when I did manage to . doze off I had such 'horrible dreams that of ten I would wake mp almost fright ened to death and my heart beating like, it would jump out of my body. I also suffered terribly "with rheumatism in my knees, which pained me so I could hardly walk and at times I got past going at all. "My husband bad been taking ! Tanlac with fine results and advis-i ed me to try it. Well, I took his j advice and am glad to say I feel better today than I ever expected to feel again in my life. I eat hear tily every day a'd never have a sign of indigestion; I never have that stuffy feeling any more nor (any trouble in breathing. I have not had a headache or, dizzy spell since I started faking Tanlac; I sleep well without having bad dreams and always get up feeling rested and ready for my house work, which I lok forward to with actual pleasure. I am ' certainly free of the rheumatism and can get. about as well as ever could. I am only too glad to say a good word for Tanlac, as I think it is perfectly grand." Tanlac is sold in Oxford by Frank; F. Lyon and in Stein oy Stem Drug Co. Business Builders. TOO Li ATE TO CLASSIFY AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FORD Cars, brand new 1920 models, Touring and runabouts, an hand at Richmond fr immediate de livery. We can also ship to you in carload lots of three autos. UNITED AUTO SUPPLY CO., 327 West Broad St., Richmond, Va. 7-9-13-16X. ..vlA.? 1. j THE TAYLOR HOME PLACE NEAR THE OXFORD ORPHANAGE IN OXFORD LARGE NINE-ROOM HOUSE IN BEAU- " '. J TIFUL GROVE ON LOT CONTAINING OVER AN ACRE OF GROUND. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY THIS DESIRABLE HOME ON EASY TlERMS? ADDRESS THE OWNERS AT ONCE!"" i Atlantic Coast lealty Co PETERSBURG, VA. v LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Pursuant to an ' order of sale t VYi O V1T V Oil vAni .vwm 4"1 .a. ... J. hAlib O VALUABLE LADS Granville County in ll.e Snpoial Prn- Pursuant to an order of re-sale ceeding therein pending entitled Superior Court of S. A. Hockaday vs, Eva Hockaday made by the uranville County in the Special , and others", we shall on i-roceeamg therein pending entitled "Hattie F. Rogers, et al, ex parte", I shall OX SATURDAY, 5VLY 24TH MONDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1920 I S4B.00 SUITS REDUCED TO You are not well dressed unless your clothes are Tailored-to-fit. I offer You All pure wool fabrics, the very latest style, perfect hand-work, your figure fitted, pockets as you want, lining best for wear, buttons stay put and a rip impossible. It is to your interest to come and see my offerings. I will save you money and please you in every particu lar. Wm. Oherltas Oxford, N.C. FARM FOR RENT SIX ROOM dwelling with all necessary out houses. Would rent to a man with two or three horses and plenty or force. Situated on the Cannady road 6 miles from Ox ford. Apply to W. S. Howell, Kit trell. Rt. 2. 7-6-2x. 1920, at 12 o'clock neon, sell to the! highest bidder by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Ox ford. N. C, said coontv, the follow ing described lands: First Tract divattd in ' PJrassfield Township, adjoin in; the lands of Major Jones, jl-;g Lawrence, Buck Eatr.n, H. 1) JV-snpum, and others, containing 62 acies, more or less, and being a pari of the "J. Y. Man gum Home 'Tract." Second Tract "Situated in Tally-Ho Township, adjoining the lands of S. H. Jones, L. Meadows, and others, containing 105 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to B. G. Rogers byR. W. Winston, Trustee, see Deed Book 58 page 287, o the Office of the Reg ister of .Deeds of Granville County. Third Tract Situated in Dutchville Township, adjoining the lands of W. E. Suit. D. C. Walker, and others, containing 5.9 acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to B. G. Roger by J. W. Cpley and wife, see Deed Book 70, page 468, of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. -Fourth Tract Situated in Dutch ville Township, at Wilkins Station,; on SOUtnern naiivvay, aujuimug iuc. lanas oi rreemau vcuscj, I at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the high- . est bidder by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Granville, tracts of Oxford, said County of the following described land: First Tract Lying and being situat ed in Brassfield Township, adjoin ing the lands of S. A. Hockaday, Macon Estes, W. M. Jones, and oth ers, containing 146 acres, more or less, and being tract No. 2 on the Plat and Survey of. the J. W. Hock aday lands as made by H. A. Chap pelle, Surveyor, June 7, 1920. Second Tract Lying and being sit uate in Brassfield Township, adjoin ing the lands of S. A. Hockaday, W. M. Jones, J. A. Catlett, Isham Staunton, Sid Catlett and others, containing 66 1-8 acres, more or less, and being tract No. 3 on the Plat and Survey of the late W. Hockaday lands as made by H. A.. ' Chappelle, Surveyor, June 7, 1920. Plats of the above described lands may be seen by application to the undersigned. This July 7, 1920. B. S. ROYSTER, D. G. BRUMMITT, (Paid) ' Commissioners -FOR SALE; 100 HEAD CATTLE cars of T 1 . - rrVt vrr t a i i nave just uuugm. i.v Wilkins, and others, and being the fine pure-bred beef cattle and in or dwelling and lot conveyed to B. G. der to make room for these cattle I Rogers "by B. S. Royster and L. L. . t fti 1fi0 head of 'my present iiNire wwch eonsists f e high- Book 71, page oDo, or tne umce oi 'aa wcov a Gnprnsev the Register of Deeds ot uranvme County. This Tulv 7. 1920. (Paid) B. S. ROYSTER, Com. lv graded Jersey ana uuernst-j heifers, 6 Angus heifers, 98 precent rartft Jresav. Ansrus ana nereiuiu bulls, 1 to 3 years old, about 25 TVinmrb thprp wil still be talk of Rrviin still cherishes the slogan tmra ana iourui yaiues, it i ----- - . i nointrnent , aa novtinf the Salvation Army. Though P0",: PvPciHmnt will he an Ohio newspap-1 down, .he is er proprietor. stpprs and some nice fresh cows. Do not write other than for ap- come and see cauie, not . out. Bumped Price 18 Tt HXDLEL, again, he will bounce again. ! July9-3t 'lioyaion, a. ortant Ann Garage ouncement! We wish to announce that we have secured the services of Mr W E Byrd, a fkst-class mechanic, one of the best, if not the best that L even been in Oxford, he mil have full charge of our shop. We extend to all who have automobile troubles to give Mr. Byrd a trU I We believe you will be pleased with him, and his work. It Ss andVver will be our aim and desire to do honest and faithful work, and to please all, in so far as it is possible. t irA mUtakps (and we know we have, and will) we beg the 2SS&rc SST K you are pleased with our wk, SnEsTif you are displeased come to us with your complaints. DON'T FORGET THAT YASS1 TOMOBILE PAINTING AND RECOVERING TOPb, fciu We use high-grade materials anssanks, n b Th Mvht nrnon miihiii,v la luiioiuva vu ' tpr. Trices arc ng"' "v" solicit your valuable trade. ! . i . Yours for business, Granville Motor Compa ny mm 31 mm mm i