ft . OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY. JULY 9. 1920 L i. ' . - ' : : After you eat always tako IP. ( FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACII tof anf Itr rolipvps Heartburn. Bloat ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, jepeating, and all stomach miseries Aids digestion and appetite. Keeps stonwch sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and rep. EATONICis the beet remedy. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money Pet a $ox today. You will see, - J. G. HALL, Oxford, N. C. Money hnck without question if HUNT'S Salve falls in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other Itching' skin, diseases. Try a 75 cent box ml our risk. J. G. HALL, Druggist Physique of Country and City 8oya, Under the selective draft law, regis trants were given two physical exami nations, one by the local draft boards and another by the army surgeons af ter the men who passed the local board examination reached camp. Analysis of these records of physi cal examinations shows that, the coun try boys made better records than those from the cities ; the white regis trants better than the colored, and the native born better records than those of alien birth. These differ ences are so considerable that 100,000 I country boys would , furnish for the I military service 4,790 more soldiers i than would an equal number of city boys. Similarly, 100,000 whites would furnish 1,240 more soldiers than would an equal number of colored. Finally, 100.000 native born would yield 3,500 more soldiers than would a .like num ber of foreign. The Importance of these figures may be' appreciated by noting that 3,500 men is equivalent to an infantry regiment at full wr strength. FORD OWNERS!. You Need Advance Cork Insert Brake Lining Cork Insert makes Fords work wonderfully smooth stops shaking and rattling makes the brake quick-acting and surprisingly smooth. Requires only slight pressure on the pedals makes Ford driving a real pleasure. Cork Insert is far the cheapest in the end. One set outwears three sets of ordinary lining saves you the expense and inconven ience of relining brakes. Does away with jarring vibration makes your Ford last much longer. lCW " p(Bk CRAKr PI DAL Ordinary linings get a slick surface from fric tion and oil. This slick surface hasn't any grip ping power. The corks in Cork Insert always grip smoothly, instantly and have great wearing quality. BRAKE - X$flr Bring in Ycur Ford Today! Let us equip it with Cork Insert. Our Repair Department is at your service. We do expert repairing. We carry a full line of accessories. The best tires and tubes oils and greases. BLALOCK MOTOR COMPANY ISM-' -Hlr-i WILL AGAIN HONOR MAGELLAN Quadrlcentennial of His Famous Voy 19s Likely to Be Appropriately Observed in 1921. March, 192 1, wiir be a good "time 'to visit thev Philippines, for it will then be an even 400 years since Fernando deMagalhaes, as he was named in his native Portuguese although better known, as English usage afterward changed it, by the name of Ferdinand Magellan, first visited the islands, dis covering find taking possession of them for rrnwu of Spain. ,And nlans are rn-.v under consideration to celebrate that anniversary in a way, tc outdo any celebration ever held in theOrient. One will hear, no doubt, a great deal about Magellan in the next 12 months, and the first naviga tor of the Pacific will reappear in newspaper columns and magazine ar ticle's; nor is it unlikely that his counterfeit presentment- will redis cover the Philippines in a proper pageant. The celebration, indeed, comes at an appropriate time, for the Pacific ocean Is only just assuming reality in the thoughts of the great majority of Americans, and it provides historic background against which the modern islands can display their prod ucts, their development, and their op portunities for the Investment of American capital.- Like Columbus, Magellan was not seeking, new lands for Spain. He set out to find a pas sage from the Atlantic to the ocean that EiOboa had seen some years earlier on the other side of the con tinent, and having passed through the straits of Magellan, he believed that he was steering for the Moluccas, or Spice islands. And so, incidentally, he found the Philippines. S!IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF . " II BACK OF THE jj V j COMES OF ANCIENT FAMILY L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS MAKES BEST PAINT WEARS LONGEST Cost to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready . to use. Use a gallon out of any yon bay, and if not the best paint made, return the balance and get all your money back. Sold by ACME HARDWARE CO., Oxford. X. C. mm Juullllliul FRESH LOT OF GARDEN iillillll AND FLOWER Danish Minister to Iceland Traces Origin to First White Man Born in America. Information has been received from Copenhagen that the Danish consul general in London, J. E. Boeggild, has been appointed Danish minister to Ice land. Mr. Boeggild is widely known In America, having been Danish con sul in San Francisco and Chicago, consul-general in New York and com mercial adviser to the Danish legation In Washington. Mr. Boeggild seems especially fitted for this post, as he has Icelandic blood in his veins. On the maternal side he is descended from the Tulinius family of Iceland, which traces its origin back to Thorfinn' Karlsefni, one of the fa mous Norsemen who discovered Amer ica nearly one thousand years ago. Karlsefni, of whom a statue was re cently erected in Philadelphia, was the first white man to settle in America, spending two s years in "Wineland," where his wife, Gutrid, gave" birth to a boy, who was called Snorri. From Snorri descended a numerous and dis tinguished lineage, among whom is numbered the Tulinius family, and the new minister to Iceland can thus lay claim of being descended from the first white man bora in America. De troit News. SEED -JUST ARRIVED THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AFFORDS! .fen Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place." Cook With Oil on Warship. The Hood, the monster mystery bat tleship, launched from the Clyde ythe other day, is fitted out with a large oil-fue! cooking galley. , For several years past the use of oil fuel has been common In the British navy for pro pulsion purposes, but its employment for cooking Is quite an innovation. The galley referred to is capable of cooking for 1,200 men. The heat la obtained by means of special burners, which consume the oil 'under pressure, compressed air being used to atomize the fuel. 'The result is a white flame of extraordinary heat and cleanliness, which leaves no residue whatever and is easily controlled. There is an en tire absence 0 smell a usual disad vantage in cooking by hieans of oil -and there is no chance of the food being contaminated v m COLLEGE STREET. : ri n ' 1 mm n h m m n i " 1 n m m mm iimiiimmniiinm , 'Vi 1 I I 1 1 : 1 III 1 1 t H t inilllllllllMIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIlKHl MlHHIIIHHPMIHtllIIHIHIIIinrtlIIIIUUlUmilMH I ' i h U U IMIH I HU1 lit 1 llll MStfMSMBSMBSSSSSMSSliSBmBSSSSSBSSSSI OXFORD, x. o. m Ih W Yotuup ml YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT , BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE j? OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. The Earth's Crust The most important scientific In vestigation of the past year in any country has probably been the at tempt to measure the earth's crust. We know- very ' little . about the shell on which we live. Scientists have been studying the problem in Hawaii, Tuscany and Salvador, where the op portunities for investigation are espe cially favorable. Many data new to science have been collected concern ing the shell, its composition and prob able age. Still other tests have been made in New South Wales, where a great reservoir concentrates an im mense weight of water on alimited area, and instruments have been de vised to measure the, movement of the earth's crust under this weight. New light has thus been thrown on the ac tion of volcanoes. . A Last Resort. His Wife Mercy me, Hank! You shavin'? I thought you was goin' to wear them whiskers for always. Mr. Ijcngbrush I was goin' to, but we've lost two good table knives aa Tve locked eiery place else for 'am, eerore tne war JaparT used to sup ply most of the packing cases used for rubber setk out of Burma. Owing to the increased cost and the scarcity of shipping the Burma forest depart ment took up the business, and now suppler, the boxes required, which yield a fair profit, besides benefitina an uuporiam tocai industry. BACK OF THE I QARDNER MOTOR CO. STAND FORTY- I FIVE YEARS OF 1 BUSINESS EXPERI- 1 HALF A CENTURY OF MANUFACTUR ING SUCCESS SINGE 1875 AN ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, RESULTING FROM NEARLY HALF A CENTURY OF SUCCESSFUL MANUFACTURE, YOUR GUARANTEE TOURING - - - $1195.00 ROADSTER - - - J1195.C3 F O. B. FACTORY THE GARDNER MOTOR' CO. ST- LOUIS, U. S. A. Eraifille. Motor Co DISTRIBUTORS 0 OXFORD, Just Received ! A Caff- Load of 'OE HAVE just received a shipment of a car load of Thornhill Wagons the wagon made in the heart of the hardwood region, of ' tough highland.oak and hickory. These ai;e the long wear wagons with many patented features. Made with the old standard track, . .... - ' Not the lowest priced wagons but the best and in the end the cheapest, ibU. E raeir Brotlhiir, Co. X. C. ': :) "X J: a 1 y. - K