WANTS! PRINK KING -COLA Now 5cts a Bottle tf ilWK YOU A HOUSE TO PAINT? JUse Acme Quality Paint. You nn depend on it. The best i3 cheapest in the long run. We can supply you. tf ul ( AX SERVE YOU WELL AT ij10 Cash Drug Store, Very truly yours, J- N- Pittman, L. M. Hales, i'apton rarham. Kate Frazier, Wil lie Wrenn, Luther Critcher. We ore looking for business to improve I ov and you can help us by getting your drug store supplies of all kinds from us. 10-15-tj M-WE YOU A HOOSE To BUILD? Ba ld it with our material. You Kmuv "It's right -when you get it at Hay's." tt U. U. xv A I & SUN. n i) TOP STEEL FENCE POSTS ' are time savers, labor savers, li.orey savers, last indefinitely and look good. n t t a "V c oykt Distributors. si KJHTLY lTSED FORD CAR FOR ' gaie Electric lights and self- starter. Will sell at a bargain to Quick buyer. 17-13-tf ROBFBTS. J. E. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us about it. We handle Cort richt Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every other kind of roof ins of best quality. lf CD. RAY & SON. jlsT VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have r. clean store and a clean stock of Hard ware. tf C. D. RAY & SON. 11AYK I S SELL YOUR LAND AT auction. Atlantic Coast Reality Company, Petersburg, Va., and Greenville, N- C Write, wire or j.hor.e us at Petersburg, Va., or cee Granville Real Estate & Trust Co-. Local Contract Representativ es. Oxford, N. C 10 1 Friday, tfc FOR SALE SIX FARMS OF AN Av erage of 100 acres each. , On good road and in good neighborhood. Schools and churches near by. These farms are located near Wil ton Va., on the N. & R. Y. Terms ! 10 suit. We also have several ! line tobacco farms that we can lent for the coming year on easy? terms. 9-28-tj BRAGG & ERAGG. MAIL YOUR DULL RAZORS TO RA- leigh Razor Works, Raleigh, N. C, with 30 cents. 10-l-16tx WE HONE 'EM RIGHT. FOR WINDOWS, DOORS AND mill work of quality see Byrum flunt O., 30 College street. Phone 159. WHEN YOU WAJTT ROOFI:3, USE Barrett's, the kind that graves e-er-Tice. Sold my Byrum-Hunt Cv 30 College street. Phone 159. 3-7 1 in 1917 it was 308, 1918 the drop DRINK KING - COLAkf .is "J li2-z Now 5cts a Bottle tf STONEWARE, FRUIT JARS, Flower Pots. Crockery, Glass- the first being 18-47 and in the se- j . TTo,lth nffirer Yes- this is ware, Tinware, Enamelware, Al-!cond 6.88. Thus there is a marked, I Chief Health Of ficei Yes, wis lummumware, etc, at C. D. RAY radicai reduction in deaths. To the smallpox season. & SON'S HARDWARE STORE Sn Slongs the credit for this! Publisher-Suppose there will be y ! assault on the citadels of disease- quite a number of deaths? 1VPT IMLT TrTMr1 nfT A ! This antitoxin is furnished by the ,, Chief Health Of ficer Usual num LrUlMY IVlINUr - Ulxtt. j gtate Board of Health at 25c which ber, I expect unless there is an epi- NOW KH"5 a TiftttlP tf is below cost. Appropriations from demic 1UW d DWUC tJ-n,0 Legislature makes up the dif-1 Publisher What a pity we must i Oil SALE 1 RED POLE ItfILK cow, 1 Jersey cow, 4 heifers. P. P. WILLIAMS, 10-19-Gtx Oxford, Route 5. TWO HORSE FARM NEAR WIL- ton to rent on shares to the right loan. Six acres in tobacco and 6 to 8 acres in cotton with other crops- Apply to E. T. WHITE, Oxford, N. C. 10-25-tj- F'i n nm SALE BRAND NEW Ford touring car, self starter. R. A. CLARK, u TP-lmx Oxford, N. C. I OH SALE A tood bright 134 ACRE FARM,I tobacco land. Corn and wheat do well. Six room new 1 bungalow house, two new barns, j For price, terms and etc., write j to the owner. R- S. DEWS, Wellville. Nottoway Co- Virginia. 10-2 9-8 tx- A Kansas Thought For the Day. (Mulvane News) After she get a little used to it, I'fcw would your wife enjoy being a widow? It's a sobering question, isn't it, fellows? I 'OR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Household and kitchen furniture, farming implements, two mules tour years old and well broke, corn nnd dry feed, to be sold at public auction at the residence of L- L. resham, near Dickerson, Tuesday, 'ov. 30, at 11 o'clock A. M-H-7tx. L. L. GRESHAM. ' OR SALE 50 sote paint for BARRELS CRE- out buildings and j roofs at wholesale car load prices. ee J. Ennis Davis or S- M- Wheel er. ' OR SALE CHEVORLET TOUR- ing car in good condition. See J. Ennis Davis or Harvey Bullock. !l-5-8t. Qubscribe rpo public T edger Subscribe 'A 0 Public Aieder WANTS ! wnAL?ONE VAm mules, Varm,ng Pments, one cow and some household furniture. aSLS mJ place 011 Route 4 at 9 O clock Saturdnv mni.-,. 13 th. "iviuiug, XOV. J- B. BADGET, Oxford, Route 4. lx. CAFGEtPIjANTS FOR SALE 7 Jrsey' Cnarleston Wake neia, and Succession. 100 Dost- ll-2-4tx. w. B. MOSS, . Varina, N. C. TAX BOOKS OPEN The tax books are now open for th collection of the 1920 tax By se tting before December 1. von Ha I one per cent; therefore it is to your dllu "iy Pleasure that you settle at once. 11"2"2 E. D. HUNT, Sheriff of Granville Co. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE HAVE NOT DISCON TINUED BUGGY AND SURREY SSTir1?,0 AS S0ME SUPPOSE. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF MA TERIAL AND SOME OF THE BEST MECHANICS IN THE STATE. WE SOLICIT YOUR P -TRONAGE, PRICES RIGHT. ll-2-8t. OXFORD BUGGY CO. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN A Pointer dog white with liver spots; has a double nose a small cut on top ot head, a liberal reward re turn or notifv ? PTJiTPiiABn i Lightwood knot and stone in a line Oxford N c ' TSt A '!of Lot No- 9; thence by line of Lot Uxtord, N. C. N 5 9 cNo. 9 N 1 3'4, E. 20.95 chains to a LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE ine' fcorTner f Lfi0tMNofio8,; i?n?? ?J Ampripan pflf0 ic oi,,., i line of Lot No- 8 N. 88' W- 31.19 fWi !JL? yS ?Pein chains to a Sycamore on Meadows' Good meals are served at all!branchj corner of Lot No. 8; thence times during the day. Come in j up tne branch to the beginning con- ana we win see that you shall be satisfied with your meal. Ameri can Cafe, J. H. Kearney, Proprie tor. 11 5 4 tc Why Go to College? I know a young Yale graduate In Philadelphia who is now convinced lhat a college education is a bar to wealth, "Girard" writes in the Phil adelphia Press. He is a clever electrician and got a job after leaving Yale which paid ! being one-halt ot Lot jso- y in tne ai hlm $30 o week. In his new place he j vision of the lands of . L. D. Williford. came in contact with an uneducated foreman who tried to persuade the college lad to "turn a day laborer and join the union." He was assured that in a fortnight he could get $(50 a week. The young son of Eli stuck to his electrical job and when wiring a build ing in Philadelphia a boss painter told him he could get double the $30 a week he was then getting if he look up the paint brush. Do you wonder that this youth who holds his Yale sheepskin is puzzled in figuring out just how a college edu cation pays him? Diphtheria Being Conquered. In tne October issue of the State Board of Health's bulletin a success ful warfare against diphtheria is in dicated in a line of statistics begin ning with 1915. Then there were 525 deaths in each 100,000 popula tion. In 1916 the number was 418, vaiiaoie Biausuw iui hj.o oixu that, there were 252 deaths in 1,306 cases and in 1919 there were 242 deaths in 3,519 cases; the fatality in the first being 18-47 and in the se cond 6-88. Thus there is a marked, a radical reduction in deaths- To deaths in 3,519 cases; the fatality in ference- The bulletin prints a lei- ter from a woman who says her drug gist charged her $12,00 for the anti toxin. The Board does not rail at the druggist It appeals to his moral sensibilisies and asks him if he will cooperate in saving lives by selling this medicine at cost. The faniily j doctor can get the medicine, and he is asked to do as he should look after the financial interest of his patients hr wpII aa the disease. When results ! are the same he should save them I money. A Business "Proposal." There was no sentiment about Herbert Jones- He met the girl he wished to marry, and he proposed like this "Mary Dugh, will you be my life-partner. I am a business man- If you are agreeable, I will draw up a marriage-contract, we'll both sign before witnesses, and then we can carry on the world's work- She gasped, but presently regained her composure- "Fortunately," she said. "I've had a little business tram- I ine mvself , so we can discuss this proposed contract propeny ana ais-, propnation lor that purpose passionately." i Publisher Is it unethical to save he told her- She smiled sweetly. "I regret 1 can give you nothing better than the second option," she said. "What!" he exclaimed- "I'm afraid I have to inform you I am already engaged that is to say, the first option is already taken. But a first option does not necessarily mean, a closed contract. If you don't w nt to take a chance on a seconu option, say so; if you do, I'll drop you a line if I find myself on the mat rimonial market agm. "That's cold-blooded!" he com plained. "It's business!" she averred. "TM rather have first option!" he pleaded. '' "a tirst ontion in such a case never has been and never will be secured hr miKiness memuuB, out " .7 OXFORD PTTRLIC LEDGER LEGAL NOTICES TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in Deed-of-Trust ex ecuted on the 4th day of November, 1919 by W. S. Watson and Nannie Watson his wife to the undersigned Trustee, said Deed-of-Trust being re corded in Mortgage Book 137 at page 485 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County, default having. been made in the payment of the bond secured by said Deed-of- Trust, at the request of the holder of j said bond I shall on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1920, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at the Court-house door in Oxford to the highest bidder for cash an undivided one-fourteenth interest in and to those three certain tracts of land sit uate in Tally Ho Township, Granville County, State of North Carolina, de scribed as follows: 1st Tract. Adjoining the lands of John Bowling, William Mangum, Lou is Williford and others, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Hickory. Bowling's corner; thence North 1' E- 32 chains 64 links to a ptone, Maneum's corner; thence N. 68' W. 4 chains and 21 links to a Blackjack; thence N- 29 chains to two Sourwood stumps; Mangum's corner in L. C. Williford's line; then ce S- 87' E. 19 chains 65 links to a stake in Williford's line; thence S 62 1-2 chains to pointers in Latta's line; thence N. 87' W. 17 chains and 72 links to the beginning, containing 113,9 acres, more or less, it being the tract of land conveyed to Henderson Williford by Mrs. Mary C. Cannady. See Deed Book 60, page 309. 2nd Tract. Beginning at a Black gum on Meadow's branch, corner of Lot No. 6 ; running thence by line of Lot No. 6 S- 88' E. 37-69 chains to a taining 75 1-4 acres more or less. See Deed Book 47. page, 194. 3rd. Tract. Adjoining the lands of Henderson Williford, Jessie Williford and others, described as follaws: Beginning at a stone in Lot No. 7, running South 3' W. 18-09 chains to a stake and pointers, corner of Lot No 5; thence N. 87' E. 21-76 chains to a stone, Jesse Deane's old corner; thence N. 3' E- 18.09 chains to a rt one and pointers in Dean's line; thence S- 3' W- to the beginning, con taining 38 2-3 acres more or less. It See Deed Book 47 page 209- This 9 th day of November. 1920. pd. T. G. STEM, Trustee. SALE OF CLUB FURNITURE For the purpose of settling the af fairs of the Granville Commercial Club I shall: ON SATURDAY THE 13TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1920, sell at Public auction at the Court House door in the town of Oxford to the highest bidder for cash: Two tables and one Billard Table together with balls, racks, cues and all other accessories. One Billard table together with Cu es, balls, racks and etc. Six Mission Chairs to go with the above table. One leather covered sofa or couch: One typewriter and typewriter desk One roll top desk. One desk table with drawers and t etc . . , .w Also a lot of mission cnairs anu om er miscellaneous furniture. Time of pale 12 M- This October 30th 1920-11-2-9-pd. T. LANIER Attorney- THE DIALOGUE FOR DECEMBER Publisher I suppose you know 1 c.-jmething about smallpox? have tnis condition ngm tuuu&. Chief Health Officer Yes, but it's all in a day's work- Publisher I suppose lots of these deaths are preventable? nif Wpnltb Officer Oh. yes! it V111VJ. AAV-'". -w , - Ithe people had good sense they'd soon be cut down to nothing. Publisher They don't know any thing about smallpox how to pre vent it or what to do when they get it- Chief Health Officer That's it They don't know anything. Publisher If they knew what you !knewabout it, conditions wouia oe different. ' Chief Health Officer They cer tainly would. Publisher Why don't you tell them what to do? Chief Health OOfficer How can I tell them? Publisher Advertise in the news papers. Chief Health Officer Now, my dear fellow, don't be absurd- Don't vou know it fe unethi cal to adver- t tiSe, and, besides, we have no ap- Chief Health Officer Oh, that's not the point! You see j published Where do you get the j money to pay your salary from the ! public? Chief Health Officer Yes, but Publisher Well, why don't you kick to get enough money to do the (job properly? Do you think the people would object to putting up the i money 7 Chief Health Officer Oh, I sup- pose they would not if Publisher if if if if. If Geo rge Washington had if-if-if-if'd we wouldn't hve any American babies to save. They'd all be English. A woman can sit down and wor ry over how terrible it would be "f she did not have anything to worry over. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of IT COSTS TOO MUCH TO BE SICK Keep Your Blood In Good Condition and You Throw Off Disease. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HEALTH No Need To Take Chances With It. Pepto-Mangan Makes Rich, Red Blood. When you first feel a tiredt alf gone feeling and look pale, your blood is losing in quality. Weak, impoverished blood has no power to fight disease. It takes red blood to keep you well. If you keep your blood in good con dition it will fight off disease. vou will not be such an easy preyT, and expensive sickness. With thin blood you take chances every day. There's no need doing that. Yon can take Pepto-Mangan and bu'ld up rich, red blood. With red blood you are able to win in the fight against prevailing diseases. Try Pepto Mangan. It comes in tablets or li quid form. Take either kind. The tablet has the same medicinal value as the liquid. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan. Ask for "Gude's" and be sure that the name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan," is on the package. adv. You can't make a man believe that any man who has a chin will grow a flock of whiskers and hide it. 'ORE THROAT Gargle with warm salt water 'then apply over throat V VapoRub Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly GOOD TASTE LINKED WITH QUALITY We make clothes for men who are particu lar to dress in good taste and we long ago established a high standard of quality which we have always rigidly maintained. CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE have the definite pur pose of retaining their shape the care" ful needle work and pure wool fabric gives our clothes real value to the nth degree. Won't you call? Cleaning, Pressing Altering. Wm. Gherkas Oxford, N.C. 12 1920 FOUR MILLION DOLLARS ANNUAL TAX BILL Three-Year Program For Tax Revi sion Required, According To An alysis. ,, , . (Washington Special) The nation will face a continua tion of the annual tax bill of four billion dollars for a period of at least three years if Congress adopts re commendations drafted by treasury officials and which, it was under stood have been laid before Secre try Houston for approval. Mr. Houston, it was said, prob ably will include such recommenda tions in the form of an analysis of the government's ' financial condi- i tion in his forthcoming annual re port to Congress. The analysis will show, and accompanying recommen dations will suggest, it, was said, that a three-year program for tax revision is in order to meet matur ing government obligations and cov er current federal expenses. Approximately eight billion dol Dr. D. B. BONNER of Drs. Bonner & Bonner EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N. C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of each week OFFICES N BROWN BLDG. 11-9-lmx F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows' Bldg. Oxford, N. C. A. W. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C. Practice in the' State and federal Courts. Dec. 3 3m-x. Insure in the largest and strongest com pany NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. With assets over $961,022,120.00 Writes the best contracts, pays the largest dividends. I EL Agent m II wmmamm Mi A New Prices October 1, 1920 Maxwell S pass , $1135.00 Maxwell roadster 1135.00 Maxwell coupe 1765.00 Maxwell sedan 1875.00 Chalmers 5 pass $1975.00 Chalmers roadster 1975.00 Chalmers 7 pass 2155.00 Chalmers spart model 2175.00 F. O. B. Oxford, N. C. OXFORD MOTOR CO. Opposite Post Office m i !! iimutMiiMMiiiiiiiiiiitimiimi I UK !!!i.iiiiai llllllll Self -Filling Well Buckets FOR USE IN ALL KINDS OF WELLS. CAN'T MUDDY THE WATER. Try Them Out i'iiiwiumj'wwi' ,. .11.. lars in victory, war savings se curities and treasury certificates of indebtedness will be due for pay ment within the next three years, treasury figures show. JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow'a" Building Service is Our Motto, to please. We strive DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown BuiMing. Office hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-6:30 p. m. J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK SFBSCRIBE TO P'TOLIO LEDGER HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. 1 Practice in State and Federal Courts. D. Q. BRUMMITT Attoraey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA HARRIS :-; Creedmoor, N. C. 01 wm. lllllffl You Need the IMPROVED WELL FIXTURE Simplest and Best of All Sold By Hardware Stores Mfd. by BRIGGS-SHAFFNER CO. ' WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. mi in 1 it

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