OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1920 Your Opportunity "iir . cigarettes THE NOVELETTE. CERTAIN fine types of tobacco, previously used for export, piled up in the United States due to the high rate of exchange. From these high grade tobaccos we have manufactured "111" (ONE ELEVEN) CIGARETTES - a new product a quality product made of tobacco never previously used in cigarettes in this country. 3s Finally try them! s f) Guaranteed ry which means that if you don't like "111" Cigarettes, you can get your money back from the dealer. The Teacher. (Monroe Enqquirer No matter how many factories may close, no matter how many in other ines may be out of employment, this s a busy time with the teachers and here are not enough of them to meet he demand. The dearest thing in this world is a cheap teacher. And on the pther hand there is no class . npnnifi who trive more for vhat they receive than do the good faith "ul teachers in our schools. Fortu nate that, child who has a teacher .vho not only teaches from the text ooks. but who inculcates great principles and teaches the elements hich go to make up high character. ftive encouragement to the teacher In your school- Visit the school oc asionally and see for yourself what the teacher has to contend with. See o it that the teacher has fair play Oo not send to him a numbskull and expect the teacher to turn out a men tal giant. The teacher cannot make brains. All the teacher can do is to cultivate and develop the brains fur nished. Before you put the tongue lash of criticism to the teacher be sure that you sent a child a reason able amount of brain matter to be developed. Many a fool whose chil dren took after him or her in the way of brains has complained bitter ly because the child was not proper ly taught when the whole trouble was not in its teaching, but in its birth. OPERATION NOT SUCCESSFUL GOOD TASTE LINKED WITH . QUALITY We make clothes for men who are particu lar to dress in good aste and we long ago stablished a high standard oi quality iiich we have always igidly maintained. CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE mve the definite pur pose of retaining heir shape- the care" ul needle work and "lire wool fa? vie gives !ur clothes al value o the nth cV.ree. '1? Von't you Cleaning, Alter essing wm. 0 Oxford, M. C. "16 years ago I was operated for appendicitis and later operated a gain for gall stones. Neither did me anv good and I suffered all kinds of torture since. Five years ago took Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and have felt no symptons or pain since All stomach sufferers should take it." It is a simple, harmless pre paration that removes the catarrha mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which caus practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appen dicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Sold in Oxford by J. N. Pittman and all leading drug gist. After listening to an ameteur harp player practice, a fellow gets an idea that maybe Heaven won' be such a delightful place, after all JIM'S LIABILITY (By William R. Cowles) "Well doctor, let me know the worst." Jim Hendricks tried to spak jokingly, but there was something a bout the coldly professional atmos phere of the physician's office which precluded jocularity. And besides, the worst might be so very bad! As a matter of fact, it wasn't. "You're suffering from well, not exactly shell-shock, but something similar. Quit dealing with words and figures. You say you're an ac countant? Well, get hold of a job where you handle tangible, material things and let somebody else keep the books- Farming, for instance. A few years spent thus will doubtless put your nervous system back on the rails again." Jim left, deeply despondent. All the long apprenticeship gone for naught. Farming bah! He had never fancied the country. He won dered about Shirley, his "letter girl" what would she thing of being a farmer's wife? Ultimately, Jim staked his all on a little grocery store on th eoutskirts of the city and almost lost out. The opportunity had been rather thrust upon him by the death of the owner, a friend of Jim's father, and the subsequent bewilderment of the widow, who wanted to go back to Canada to her own people. The first hing Jim knew he had purchased the store, lock, barrel and good will: had put Mrs. Kirkham and three children on the train for Montreal. and had promised to keep an eye on Molly Kirkham, who was staying on to finish a course in business college. If Jim's winter stretched ahead of him far differently than he had plan ned, it yet promised no idle moments. What with caring for the old trade and trying to build up new, penning ong letters to Shirley, in which he had not yet summoned up sufficient courage to tell her of his change in occupation, and keeping an eye upon Mollyas agreed upon. Jim hardly! ound time to lament for his lost job. Molly developed a not unpleasant habit of dropping in evenings and helping him make up his books the sort of work he had been told to avoid and at times Jim began to think' how very pleasant it would be if only his letter girl would break her rule that he was not to hunt her out for a while, so that he misrht have her companionship as well as the cheerful camaraderie of correspondence. "I say, Jimmy," began Molly one evening breaking in upon this sort of meditation, "what's the idea of put ting the soda fountain way down back?" I don't know," said Jim. "What would you say my idea was?" "Trying to hide it!" She nodded her head wisely. "Now, you know, away out here a soda fountain in a grocery store ought to be a paying line. Move it out front. Let it tick le people's imaginations on the way in, and they'll be too weak to resist it on the way out." She slipped down from her perch and helped her self to a salted peanut from the Jar "Molly," Jim waylaid her, took her by the shoulders and gave her a lit tie shake. "When I left for France you were nothing but a kid and now why " He broke off vague ly. He must hold himself in hand He had decided long ago that he was going to marry Shirley. Well, that meaiis nix on other girls and hands off! "Yep," said Molly, cheerfully. was only a kid and never would you give-me that much notice!" She indicated an infinitesimal amount of air space between her thumb and forefinger. Then, "By the way," she said at the very doorway, "if you want to bepr osperous, look prosper ous! Get a telephone and put it right up in front of the store. And Saturday I'll come around and wash your windows. "Then she was gone Now it happened some three weeks later that in her meagerly furnished little room, a pretty girl sat chew ing the end of her penholder. On the table before her lay two sheets of paper one blank, the other covered with a sprawling penmanship which had grown very dear. At last Jim had told her all the story of the last few months ai?d had quite formally asked her to be his wife. And although, of course, there was never a mention of one Molly Kirkham, still the girl felt that, somehow or other, there was some thing missing. The spark of fire which had lighted his letters and touched off an answering glow in her heart was gone. Therefore, she chewed the penholder and pondered her reply. And because the words leaped up suddenly before her eyes- "I've had a telephone installed, Angell, 801 R," she slipped downstairs to the telephone. "Yes yes Shirley! You're go ing to be married? to an old friend Shirley No, of course it's all right Why, certainly No, as a matter of fact, I'm rather glad!" Jim hung uo the receiver to wait for Molly. Wcn she came. "Tell me." he said gently, "why didn't you write to me as molly, instead of in venting a Shirley whom I, nearly fell in love with instead of with you?" "If I had," retorted Molly, defen sively, "what would it have mean a note from the red-headed Kirkham kid! I had to create a new person ality! But how did you find out we were the same?" "Easy," said Jim. "Any man who doesn't know the voice of the woman he loves, however disguised, doesn't deserve her. Do you know, little girl, when your mother asked me to keep an eye on you I thought you were the greatest liability that went with the business. But I've changed ! my mind, sweetheart. You re tne greatest asset a man could have! Another reason why a girl doesn't mind beiiio flat-chested is because she'd rather put her hair up in curlers every night than have it naturally curly. FOR. SALT J. G. HALL and all Drug Stores DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 7m A. few cents ruys uauu.-ime. ter an application of "Dandenne ' vou cn not fin a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows ... v,; rrVi tnoca mnre coi- Bad Colds WET, stormy weather, ex posure, sniffles, and the heavy cold is on. Dr. King's New Discovery breaks it up quickly and pleasantly. Head cleaned up, cough relieved and you feel better. At your druggists, 60c and $1.20 a bottle. For colds andcoughs New Discovery Bowels Begging for Help? Dr. King's Pills will bring you the happiness of regular, normal bowels and liver functioning. Keep feeling fit and ready for work or play. Mila and comfortable to take but always reliable. Same old price, 25 cents. tfmxftGrto TPrompi mm eepvoui bumiQQ all n m mgnx When you let your fire go out at night, the un burned coal is thrown out with the ashes. When you build the fire in the morning, you burn additional coal to overcome the coldness of the room. On the other hand you can leave your fire burning in a CAMERON MAID HEATER at night, and in the morning, you will come to a warm room, where it is only necessary to open the drafts, to have as hot a fire as you wish. One bucket of coal will do the trick 1 You can get more heat with less fuel in the CAMERON MAID HEATER and it will last for years and years. There's a CAMERON MAID dealer in your commun ity who will be glad to show you this Heater. The CAMERON STOVE CO., Richmond, Va. ire m. II If IMXvl llrvvi Mil Saul lsC4l (( II - ' - Mm T?"ST inKDueinruaini MdWo Tire Wrecking Sale Now On Hand! Greatest bargains ever offered on guaranteed casings and tubes. See prices below and remember that this sale is good only while our present stock lasts. Our stock is not old, all fresh and guaranteed by us to be standard in size and quality. Plain NonSkid Nobby Cord 30x3 $13.45.... $13.45 30x3 $16.35. . . .$16.45. . . .$21.45. . . . 31x4 $23.35. . . .$23.35. . . .$27.35. . . . 32x3 $21.95 $35.10 32x4 $27.25 $47.00 33x4 $27.95 $47.98 34x4 ...$28.98 $48.10 33x4 $53.35 34x4 $54.65 35x4 $38.45 $55.00 36x4 $55.95 35x5 $65.65 37x5 $69.98 Tubes Tube's 30x3 $2.15 34x4 $4.00 30x3 $2.65 33x4 $4.50 32s3 $2.95 34x4 $4.65 31x4 $3.15 35x4 $4.75 32x4 $3.50 36x4 $5.00 33x4 $3.75 37x5 $5.00 ALL AUTO ROBES TO BE SOLD AT A REDUCTION. Blalock Motor Company new me, vigi. or and thickness.