WANTS ! (JASOLINE ENGINES WE HAVE A few more gasoline engines, wood sawing outfits, which we are of fering at a very attractive price. Our 6-Horse Power Engines have 6-inch bore and 18-inch stroke and deliver its full rotary. Compare that with other 6-Horse power en gines. 4t OXFORD HDW. COMPANY. TAX PAYERS Will please take notice that a pen alty of one per cent per Lionth will be added to all town taxes not paid by Dec, 1st. ll-16-5t. R. B. E1NES, Town Tax OVector. OXFORD PTTRLIC LEDGER TUESDAY. NOVRMRffT? 30, 1920 WANTS! DRINK KING - COLA Now 5cts a Bottle tf HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO PAINT? Use Acme Quality Paint You can depend on it. The test is cheapest in the long run. We can supply you. tf C. D. RAY & SON. WE TOOK CARE OP -4- w f ulu uciuc uii tut; ris ing market and we will take care of it on the falling market. Come and get our prices before you buy. 'lis & Easton. WE CAN SERVE YOU WELL AT the Cash Drug Store, Very truly yours, J. N. Pittman, L. M. Hales, Easton Parham, Kate Frazier, Wil lie Wrenn, Luther Critcher. We are looking for business to improve now and you can help us by getting your drug store supplies of all kinds from us. 10-15-tj SAVE YOU A HOUSE BUILD? Build it with our material. You Know "It's rifcht when you get it it Ray's." C. D. RAY & SON. VOll SALE AN OVERLAND CAR in excellent condition newly pain ted, good tires, motor in good shape been run only about 7000 miles- Price reasonable. See D. T. PERKINS. 2tx WE ARE PUTTING ON A MAN TO repair guns and revolvers. GOOCH MACHINE SHOP. ll-19-8tx. BIG REDUCTION IN Clothing, Shoes, Hats at Landis & Easton's. CED TOP STEEL FENCE POSTS are time savers, labor savers, moi ey savers, last indefinitely and look good. it C. D. RAY & SON, Distributors. For Sale! The Taylor Home Place in Oxford; large 9 room house located en a hill in a beautiful grove. A bargain if taken at once. Address At lantic Coast Realty SAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us about it. We handle Cort right Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every other kind of roof ing of best quality. tf C. D. RAY & SON. rUST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have ?, clean store and a clean stock of Hard ware. tf C. D. RAY & SON. FOR SALE SIX FARMS OF AN Av erage of 100 acres each. On good road and in good neighborhood. Schools and churches near by. These farms are located near Wil son Va., on the N. & R. Y. . Terms to suit. We also fine tobacco farms rent for the coming year on easy cerms. 9-28-tj BRAGG & ERAGG- REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF BANK OF STOVALL At Stovall in the State of N. C. at the close of business, Nov. 15, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $52,397.94 Furniture and fixtures.... 862.15 Cash in vault and net amt. due from banks, bankers, and Trust Companies . 15,468.50 Cash items held over 24 hours 217.88 Total $68,946.47 U ABIL7TIES Capital Stock paid in $12,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes Paid 1,693.31 Deps. sub. to check 33,399.00 Time certificates of dep . . 21,817.06 Cashier's checks outstand ing 37.10 Total $68,946.47 State of North Carolina, county of Granville Nov. 23, 1920, I, C. L. Lewis, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. L. LEWIS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23d day of Nov., 1920. W. T. YANCEY, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: W. L. TAYLOR, Wm. L. TAYLOR, R. C. PUCKETT, Directors. Co., Petersburg, Va .boys - , Bi(i LOT OF MEN'S suits and just receiv ed and we will 'ive you some very low prices on them. Lan ' A Easton. WHY BUY AT THESE advertised sales when Landis & Easton will sell you goods cheap er and better. FOR SALF 50 BARRELS CRE- sote paint for out buildings and roofs at wholesale car load prices. See J. Ennis Davis or S- M. Wheeler. FOR SALE CHEVORLET TOUR ing car in good condition- See J. Ennis Davis or Harvey Bullock. il-5-8t. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOtV THAT WE HAVE NOT DISCON TINUED BUGGY AND SURREY REPAIRING AS SOME SUPPOSE WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF MA TERIAL AND SOME OF THE BEST MECHANICS IN THL STATE- WE SOLICIT YOUR PA TRONAGE, PRICES RIGHT. ll-2-8t. OXFORD BUGGY CO- FOR SALE A 134 ACRE FARM, good bright tobacco land- Corn and wheat do well- Six room new bungalow house, two new barns. For price, terms and etc., write to the owner. R. S- DEWS, Wellville, Nottoway Co. Virginia. 10-29-8tx. HAVE US SELL YOUR LAND AT auction. Atlantic Coast Reality Company, Petersburg, Va., and Greenville, N. C Write, wire or ohone us at Petersburg, Va,, or gee Granville Real Estate & Trust Co., Local Contract Representativ es, Oxford, N. C 10 1 Friday, tfc A Cutting Reminder. "No safety-deposit-vault red tape for me!" declared the woman who cannot help being the wife of a very rich man. "I keep my jewels in a shabbv old trunk in my own room There isn't even A lock on it. I naa to force it off one time when I d mis laid the key." "Evidently you don't encourage enterprise in burglars," observed one of her hearers- "All a man would have to do would be to raise the lid. You might at least give him a little trouble." "He'd have trouble enough," said the woman mysteriously. "Our coachman's brother is an old sailor a perfect artist in knots! and he showed me how to bind up the trunk in the most complicated way, and no burglar could possibly untie it. He wouldn't know the combination." The only man in the. group grinr ned. "Of course," he murmured re flectively, "no mere man would ever dream of cutting those knots." TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in Deed-of-Trust ex ecuted on the 4th day of November, 1919 by W. S. Watson and Nannie Watson his wife to the undersigned Trustee, said Deed-of-Trust being re corded in Mortgage Book 137 at page 485 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County, default having been made in the payment of the bond secured by said Deed-of-Trust, at the request of the holder of said bond I shall on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1920, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at the Court-house door in Oxford to the highest bidder for cash an undivided one-fourteenth interest in and to have several j those three certain tracts of land sit that we can uate in Tally Ho Township, Granville County, State of North Carolina, de scribed as follows: 1st Tract. Adjoining the lands of John Bowling. William Mangum, Lou is Williford and others, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Hickory, . Bowling's corner; thence North 1' E. 32 chains 64 links to a stone, Mangum's corner; thence N. 68' W. 4 chains and 21 links to a Blackjack; thence N- 29 chains to two Sourwood stumps; Mangum's corner in L- C. Williford's line; then ce S. 87' E. 19 chains 65 links to a stake in Williford's line; thence S- 72 links to the beginning, containing 113,9 acres, more or less, it being the tract of land conveyed to Henderson Williford by Mrs. Mary C. Cannady. See Deed Book 6U, page 309. 2nd Tract. Beginning at a Black gum on Meadow's branch, corner of Lot No. 6; running thence by line of Lot No. 6 S- 88' E. 37-69 chains to a Lightwood knot and stone in a line of Lot No. 9; thence by line of Lot No- 9 N. 1 3-4' E. 20.95 chains to a Pine, corner of Lot No- 8; thence by line of Lot No. 8 N. 88' W. 31.19 chains to a Sycamore on Meadows' branch, corner of Lot No. 8: thence up the branch to the beginning con taining 75 1-4 acres more or less. See Deed Book 47, page 194. 3rd. Tract. Adjoining the lands of Henderson Williford. Jessie WiHiford and others, described as follaws: Beginning at. a stone in Lot No. 7, running South 3' W. 18 09 chains to a stake and pointers, corner of Lot No 5: thence N. 87' E. 21.76 chains to a ptone. Jeee Deane'" old corner: thence N. 3' E. 18.09 chains to a etone and pointers in Dean's line; thence S- 3' W. to the beginning, con taining 38 2-3 acres more or lss. It beinc one-hqif of Lot No- 9 in the di vision of th lans of L. D. Williford. Sep Deed Brk 47 nae:e 209- This 9th awv of Nvombe. 1920. pd. T. G. STEM Trustee. MAIL YOUR DULL RAZOF3 TO RA leigh Razor Works, Raleigh, N. C, with 30 cejits- 1 0-1-1 6tx WE HONE 'EM RIGHT. OR WINDOWS, BOOBS AND mill work ol quality see Byrum Hunt Co., 30 College street, it'hone 153. Barretts, tie Kind that fves Btv- ice. Sold my Byrum-Hunt C?., 80 College street. Phone 159. DRINK KING -COLA Now 5cts a Bottle tf STONEWARE, FRUIT JARS, Flower Pots. Crockery, Glass ware, Tinware, Enamelware, Al luminumware, etc, at C. D. RAY & SON'S HARDWARE STORE. July 2-tf DRINK KING - COLA Now Sets a Bottle tf BAPTIST BAZAAR The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap tist Church will hold their annual Bazaar on December 10th at the home of the pastor on Main Street. There will be for sale fancy work, bungalow and fancy aprons, and dolls attractively dressed for Christ mas. Silver offering will be receiv ed at the door. The public cordially invited. 11-2 6-4r.. MRS. R. L. HAMILTON, Secy. FOR SALE PURE WHITE HOL- land turkeys. ll-23-2tx M F. ADCOCK, Oxford, N. C- Route 5. GOOD TWO HORSE FARM FOR rent for fourth share. Land good for tobacco, cotton, corn etc. Can furnish good dwelling house and out houses. Apply to, MRS. S- C LYON, Creedmoor, N. C. ll-24-4x Live hogs sell for pre-war prices now at Chicago. Big receipts from farms cause general decline through out the country. State Election Was Costly Exact figures as to how much it costs to stage the quadrennial elec tion in North Carolina for Nation al, State and county officials is not included in any State record, but fairly conservative estimates based on the expenditures of ''the State board of elections place the outlay at some more than $150,000. Upon the counties falls the heav iest end of the burden. Awkward. An untimely biting frost effectu ally completed the mischief done earlier by the insect enemies of Mr. Barden's potatoes- The tops of the plants, which had served as pastu rage for the pests, were entirely de stroyed, and with them Dr. Barden's hopes of a crop. He was not selfish, however, and could think of others in the hour of adversity. Going to town in the af ternoon, he was accosted at the post office by James Hayes, an intimate acquaintance. "Hello. Giles! How's everything up to the corners?" "Trouble enough, Jim, trouble enough!" was the gloomy response "Ten million 'tater-bugs, and noth ing for 'em to eat!" John D. Rockefeller has given away nearly half a billion dollars, according to a statement by his son. The Bank of Conway, North hampton county, was robbed of over $15,000 Monday night. The robbers were captured. J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. M I II I J JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow's Building Service is Our Motto, fo please. We strive DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown Building. Office hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-6:30 p. m. LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust execiTtPH Tr? ofyt.?,LayJ J919' wMch said deed! ?ww 1Si d? recorded in Deed of ' trust Book 125 at nace 180 f h,i SSR8? of ?ranve County, de fault having been made in the pay- mnt .Lthe bond thereby secured ani fc?e Treiuest of the holder of said bond, I shall, on iaoON?AY' DECEMBER 20th. iU, at 1 n. m.. offp.r f- coia sell to the highest bidder for cash by public auction in front of the JrF,11,01186 Door in the town of i Oxford N. C., the following describ-: ed real nronertv: i Beginning at the Northwest corn-, er of Lanier Street and Hick's Aven ue m the town of Oxford, thence West along Smith's Avenue 230 feetl to Smith's corner; thence North along Smith's line 117 feet to Mrs.1 a. layiors line; thence East ward 251 feet to Lanier's Street; thence South along Lanier street to the beginning. For more detail de scription of this Darcel of 1 and kpp Deed Book 59 at nage 312 of the of-! ui me itegisier oi ueeas ot Granville county. Don't forget the day and hour of sale. This November 22, 1920. B. S. ROYSTER, Jr. (Paid) Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of thje power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me on the 13th day of April, 1919, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in Deed of Trust Book 125 at page 257 of the registry of Granville County, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and at the request of the holder of said note, 1 shall on .MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920. at 12 o'clock noon offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder by public auction, for cash, in front of tiR Court House Door in the town of Oxford, N. C, the following describ ed tract of land: Lying and being situate in Oxford Township, Granville County, State of North Carolina, adoining the lands of Simpson, L. W. Stark, Henry Wilson and others and containing 83 1-2 acres, more or less, and be ing the same tract conveyed to one Walter Wilson by P W. Hancock, Jr. and wife in 1918. This tractaof land lies on the West side of jmh National Highway leading from Ox ford to Stovall and i9 ?part of the Old Needham Harris Place. It has a frontage on the Highway of ap proximately one-fourth of a mile. Don't forget the day and hour of Sell 6 (paid) E. B. HOWARD, Trustee. 'What has become of the o. f woman who used to carry A muff a bout the size of a bale of cotton? St. Louis Manufacturers an nounce further reductions in certain styles of shoes- n ' 1 ! : The- Wtafltows t YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having, this day, qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of E. H Ridley, deceased, late of Granville County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims a- gainst "aid estate to exhibit them to4 the undersigned on or before tne 15th day of October 1921 or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay-! ment. This the 15th day of October 1920. paid W. M. RIDLEY, Administrator American Candy litchen IIIIIIKRK lirn iir n OPENED MONDAY MORNING with all kinds of home-made candy and plenty of fruits, fresh chocolate candy. All home-made candies 40c per lb.; chocolate candy 75c per lb.; Chocolate almonds 90c per lb. We are located on Hillsboro street next to Blaclock Motor Co. llllll!l!!:aillil!ll!lll!illlli!i!ni!ll:l!l!!M j7iji,ll i t ,m"""""'iwiii!iiiiii:iiii!iiilli;i!lllllllllllllil You Need the MOVED WELL FIXTU1 Simplest and Best of All Sold By Hardware Stores Mfd. by BRIGGS-SHAPFNER CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to an order and decree of the Superior Court of Granville coun ty made on the 2nd day of November 1920 in a special proceeding therein pending wherein Maude Peace by her next friend Thomas Peace is plaintiff and Thomas Brandon and T. G- Stem, Trustee are defendants: I SHALL ON MONDAY THE 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1920 AT 19 " sell at Public auction at the Court j House door in the town of Oxford to the highest bidder for cash, a certain j lot or parcel of land situated in said ; county in Fishing Creek Township ! joining the land of J. P. Hunt Thorn-; as Peace. Hubert Peace and others' and containing 25 acres more or less, j the Fame being the tract of land for-1 merly owned by Jennie Peace. j 11-5-paid T. LANIER, , Commissioner. Mississippi mob breaks into court room where a negro is on trial for his life and lynches him. Nine men are dead and seven injured as a result of a fire in a mine in the Brimingham district. The State Corporation Com mission continues until January its hearing on increase in telephone rates. Self -Filling Well Buckets FOR USE IN ALL KINDS OF WELLS. CAN'T MUDDY THE WATER, Try Them Out 'Hi;!!!:!"1!!!:!:;;!! mmm f Am ft i .T mi ifl n Special Sale On Home lade Candv A. W. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C. Practice in the State and federal Courts. Dec. 3 3m-x. F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows Bldg. Oxford, N. S. D. 6. BRUMMTTT Attorney-at-Law , Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Dr. 0. B. BONNER Drs. Bomier & Bonner E1E, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N. C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of 7 each wek OFFICES IN BROWN BLDG. 11-9-lmx Honrs 9 to 2 The Oxford Candy Kitchen is putting on a special sale of home-made candy, chocolate candy and fruits. Look over the prices be low and give us a call: Home-made candy 30c lb. Chocolate candy 60c lb. Chocolate almonds 80c lb. Priecs on fruits reduced. Oxford Candy N. A. Maydanis. Kitchen A. G. Maydanis. NEW CARS- Chalmers, 1919 .. $1850 Maxwell, 5 passenger .$1135 Maxwell roadsters $1135.0 USED CARS- Buick closed car, newly overhauled and painted $1725 Reo 5 passenger $650 Maxwell roadster 1918 $65r Chevrolet 490 ........... ) Opposite Post Office OXFO HOT! i co.

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