Alonzo Tweedale, general comp troler of the shipping board, gives emphatic assurance that the board will be able to account for every cent spent for ship construction. WmiMii ALWAYS for ! mmmm 2 1 years the BEST eve? d.wU3. They ere now snade of Keystone Copper Steel UAL AT liili) or iV-klSTtfU Write now for Booklet 40 awi Piice list and find out about this long life Meial before buying. CHATTANOOGA RUOFHG & FOUNDRY CO. Gnttauoogs, Tennessee tmess this frock-mar A is VV ",j ffSj . Buy Beaver Board that is BEAVER BOARD Yo4 want better walls and ceilings, in your new home, in present waste splice, or to replace cracked plaster and diftgy wallpaper. So you ask for Beaver Board, the original wallboard, that has been building better walls and ceilings for a dozen years. But do you know that inferior wallboards are often sold as Beaver Board? They may look like Beaver Board, feel like Beaver Board, and even claim to be as good as Beaver Board. But thej? can't give Beaver Board results. -Be sure to get what you ask for. The Beaver trademark on the back of every panel of genuine Beaver Board is there for your protection. Look for it. Byraunn inMM!t!iiitmii'iiit!nni;::tt"iw:i:!ii Hair Dressing Parlor Madame Mary J. Sloan's Hair Dress ing Parlor, Hillsboro Street, over Tur ner's Meat Market. Gives attention to modern styles and care of hair. Office hours from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. u ffi THIS IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR AUTO OVERHAULED. We have a competent force of men in our repair department and have re duced the prices on such work so you cannot afford to wait until the spring days are here to have your car gone over. We carry a large stock of parts and there will be no waiting on factory shipments. Bring your car to out gar age, we will treat you right.' BLALOCK MOTOR CO. NOTIC It is our desire to open an Agency for our HIGH GRADE SERVICE IN CLEANING and DYEING. in your city. We prefer this agency to be in connection with some reputable and estab lished business as a side line to such busi ness. An excellent opportunity. If inter ested advise promptly giving nature of bus iness. Footer's Dye Works Cumberland, Md. A Good Medicine! Fnr tbft Grin George W. Waitt, South Gardiner, Me., relates his experience with the grip; "I had the worst cough, cold and grip and had taken a lot of trash of 110 account. ChaTrhfirlflin's Cough Remedy, is the only thing that has done me any good what ever. I have used one bottle of it and the cold and grip have left me." What has become of the old-fashioned girl who used to believe that Paint and Purity were not running mates? Money back without Question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent bos at our risk. J. G. HALL, Druggist Co. ma n OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER CIGARETTE No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike is the toasted cigarette. RECEIPT FOR KISSING Take a bit of dark piazza, Add some moonlight not too much;"' ( Press in two stroi hands a small i one, I Add of coy reserve a touch; Sift in just a pinch of folly, Mixed with softly whispered sighs. Of romance add two small teacups, And the starlight of her eyes Then dissolve some pure emotion, In a longing and a laugh; Mix a grain of deep affection With a bit of nierry Vmaf f Add an ounce of mold resistance, Two of yielding then, in mute, Inexpressible enjoyment, Serve in quantities to suit'' v TO THE FATHERS AND MOTHERS OF RURAL N. C We, your sous, students of .Agri culture in North Carolina State Coi lege heartily indorse the plan of Co operative Commodity Marketing of Farm Products as adopted by the Cotton and Tobacco Grower's Asso ciation in their recent meetings in Ilaleigh. We earnestly beseech, that for the present and future interests of Southern Agriculture and for the development of a richer Rural Civi lization in the South, that you join and support this movement and see yourselves that it is made a success. We, your sons after careful study of the present system of Marketing of Farm Products and after attend ing the meetings of the Cotton and Tobacco Growers recently held in Ra eigh, and after having carefully stu died the plan of Cooperative Commo dity Marketing as adopted by them, do hereby subscribe to the following: 1. Our present system of Market ing of Farm Products has proved a failure because our farmers operat ing individually have not been able to compete with organized "business in the worlds markets. This is shown by the disastrous prices re ceived" by our farm products in the last season. As usual the farmers have suffered more from a fall in prices than any other class of busi ness men. 2. We advocate acreage reduction and formation of export companies to give immediate relief but we pray thafvou do not forget that the only permanent reiief will come thru Co operative Commodity Marketing. 3. Furthermore we believe it is the interest of the farmers of North Ca rolina and the entire South to raise more of their own food crops. Taking these facts into considera tion, we the Agricultural Students of North Carolina State College, do ear nestly indorse this movement and ask that you, our fathers and mothers, back this present Commodity Mark eting Movement of Farm Products in order that the South may once come to the front as a leader in great American enterprises and that we as future farmers of the South may be assured to return for our labor that will enauble us to live on an equal plane with any other class in Ameri can Civilization. AGRICULTURAL CLUB, State Col'ege Raleigh, N. C. Too Late! "I don't like these photos at all," he said, "I look like an ape." The photographer favored him with a glance of lofty disdain. "You should have thought of that before you had them taken," was his reply as he turned back to work. American News Trade Journal. USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAIN You can just tell by its healthy; stimulating, odor, that it is ' going to do you good !'tF I only had some Sloan's Lnu I ment!" How often you've said that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided after hours o suffering you forgot it! Don't do it again get a bottle to day and keep it handy for possible use tonight! A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, "backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos nre. You'll soon find warmth and re lief in Sloan's, the liniment that pene trates without rubbing. Clean, econom ical. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.40 TUESDAY. jEBRUARY 8, 1921 THE NOVELETTE, GBTTING.RILL 3IARRIED (By L. B. Langdale) "Well, what do you think of her?" demanded Jane, a note of triumph in her voice as of one who foresees the inevitable answer. "You mean ?" prompted her i twin. i "Exactly!" returned Jane. "She's just the wife for Bill!" After afternoon the Ladies' Sew ing Guild had met at the Crossleys', and Miss Elsie Bisbee, newly arriv ed in town" and the Guild's new broom, so to speak, had made a sure enough hit with Jane and Julia, kid sisters of Bill. ' "You're right," agreed Julia em phatically. "Cousin Kitty told mother she Elsie Bisbee makes all her own clothes, trims her own hats and simply adores housework. So different, Kitty said, from Sally Sanford." "Well, I should say!" acquiesced Jane scornfully. "Sally Sanford and housework! Sally Sanford making her own clothes!. Sally Sanford do ing anything to hats except wear 'em! But," "listen here, Jule, how are we going to make Bill see that he ought to marry Elsie?" Julia considered the question, her piquant little head poised birdlike on the side. "I think,", she at last announced . solemnly, "that taking things for granted helps a lot Let's pretend it's all cut and dried between them, especially when we talk to Bill!" At that very, moment, railing at fate and provoked with himself, Bill Crossley was swinging the Sanford's gate behind him. Once more. with a definite purpose in mind but ravish ingly pretty Sally,' only to become wholly inarticulate in her -alluring presence. Thus it was, in a mood of utter dis gruntledness, that Bill ran plumb into the twins as they emerged, with the fine edge of their appetite for supper removed, from the drugstore. Nor was he disposed to take good naturedly Julia's opening remark. "1 expect," she declared, with a covert glance at Jane, "you've been calling on er Elsie." "Thunderation!" cred Bill. "Elsie who?" "Why Bill!" Jane opened saucer like eyes of astonishment. "Elsie Bisbee, of course!" "Elsie Bisbee! Elsie Bisbee! Jane' Crossley, you are insane? Can you imagine me calling on Elsie Bis bee. I've a movin' picture of my self calling on Elsie Bisbee. Parti cularly, when in the same town Sally " He checked himself. But the mischief was done. Be hind his back, the twins exchanged glances, glances which said so em phatically, "Sally Sanford is after our Bill," that it is a wonder Bill himself didn't sense a communica tion which, if true, would have pro duced in him a delirium of joy. "I don't think it's to Bill we should pretend he's going to marry Elsie," mused Jane as the two tagged along some distance in the rear of their brother who had long since forgotten their presence in a frenzy of trying to recall just how he had planned to word the statement to Sally that he loved her. "It's it's to other peo ple." "Uh-huh!" said Jane thoughtful ly. "We must see that she knows." Now, in the small town of Middle boro, it was not in the least difficult for Jane "and Julia, in the course of the next few days, to manage a meet ing, seemingly casual, with the vde signing Sally. In fact, it was accom plished with ease when Sally was on her way to the tennis courts. "I say Sally," inqoired Julia with extreme artlessness, "what is a nice i . . m. ( ' Get M Tanked Bp For 1 i it i i Children Cry The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that ypu would usp for yourself. What Is OASTORIft Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric," Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has len in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, TO&d Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE GASTQRIA ALWAYS yBear8 the Signature of ) Bears the In Use Fop Over 30 Yearo The Kind Yea Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR OOMIANV. HEW YORK CITY. thing to give to er engaged peo ple? People that are going to be, oh, going to be married or some thing." Sally, who had paused in her swinging stride to allow these youngsters some eight years her ju nior to catch up with her, regarded them amusedly. "Why, any little thing, ihirkens. But who in town is getting engaged that I haven't heard about?" "Oh er haven't you heard about Elsie Bisbee?" asked Jane. "And er our Bill?" chimed in Julia. "But but " Sally looked puzzl ed, "I thought" . "Haven't they kept it a secret, though?" asked Jane innocently. "Great Heavens!" said Sally simp- 1 Itt That night, Bill, called to the tele phone from supper, nearly dropped the receiver at the words which came over the wire- "I hear," said a very, very cool voice, "that you and a certain young woman are to be married or some- thing. I want to be the first to of fer my congratulations. It s Sally talking.". By the time Bill had ga thered his wits sufficiently to reply, Sally had hung up the receiver. To this day, the twins never have learned why, after one wild glare in, their direction, Bill flung his napkin on the table and dashed from the house- Nor did they ever become cognizant of the passionate outpour ings of Bill's soul in the Sanford li brary. "And now you know I love you, We have decided to cut the price of gasoline to 30c per gallon for cash. So drive around and get tanked up and save money. Everything else in our grarage has been reduced. Drive around and let us get your car in good shape for the coming spring days. We have a competent force of me chanics and you are assured of polite and cour teous treatment. 3 Cor FletehGir'o D and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow nn one to rrnn in thfe. Signature Sally!" concluded Bill. "How those twins " ' But Sally was actually giggling. Don't blame them, Billy dear. If it hadn't been for them of course, they didn't fool me, because I hap pened to know that Elsie Bisbee is engage to a missionary in Siam. But it gave me a chance to to " "To get me to say what I've been trying to say for a year!" broke in Bill. "And to think I owe it to those two fool kids, at that! Can you beat it!" Effects Of Constipation. Constipation causes a stoppage of the sewerage system of the bodyj The poisonous refuse that shoura be carried away is retained in the system and often poisons the blood and causes numerous disorders. No one can afford to neglect his bowels. A dose of Chamberlain's Tablets will afford relief. Avoid drastic cathar tics as they take too much water out of the system and their use is likley to to followed by constipation. Big Rabbit Business. During the season which has just closed the Cash Produce Company, of Statesville, has shipped 5,478 rabbits. The shipping season began November 15 and ended January 31. Other lo- cal firms bought and shipped rabbits and if the exact figures were known it would doubtless indicate a big in dustry. The average price per rab bit has been about twenty cents. SUBSCRIBE TO TUBLIC LEDGER F3 S I HO m mm Liniment up' - i