II" OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY. APRIL 29.1921 f 1 ill" I lh I. Ht 1 . h-i-l i JEM 1 , lU ft! 1 if a a 1! 1 4r Si hi i:J- 5 4 1 -s,t 'iff M 1: .-'if .. 1': t" , $ 'ft ; n.'r 1.' lh. 'I 2 II ,1 i 3 i i 5 t i I'- Tim PUBLIC LEDGER PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE Editor and Manager C. EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year 2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Month .60 Entered at the Post Office at Oxford. North Carolina, as second-class mat ter. Correspondence on all matters of in terest news items note or sugges tions for better methods of f rm or in dustrial developments, improvement of roads, schools, etc. Is earnestly so Ucited. NO Jf-DELI VEIt Y OF PUBLIC LEDGER Please notify us of railure to get the Public Ledger:: at any time. We use the greatest caution possible in mail ing out and wish to know cf failures in delivery. ; ' OBITUARY NOTICES Brief new a items of deaths, Immed iately after decease, of twenty to thirty words without cost. Life Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of l-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send cash, stamps or check with the copy. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN' PRESS ASSOCIATION THE NEW PREPAREDNESS Nothing could so eloquently sug gest the state of really informed opinion in Washington as the official announcement of the appointment of Geeral Pershing to organize and di rect a new war staff which is to be formed to "prepare instantly in time of peace for military operations on a large scale." Hitherto in this country we have got along without a superstaff in the War Department, though such staffs have always existed in Europe. No body is better fitted than General Pershing for the special .duty which lie will perform. The move is one of preparedness in a real sense. The simple fact that the appointment was made shows that it is considered necessary. -ro.f fir THE BEST MINDS Championship contests are' never held in the fields of intellectual ! n i x xi a a mi. I ever was a nero 10 ,ine crowu: lue folk who cheer Babe Ruth and love Charlie Chaplin might look with awe at Dr. Alexis Carrel, the wizzard of jthe Rockefeller Institute, who has just been talking before tne Ameri can Philosophical Society, and 'they probably read ,no . further than the headlines of a narrative of effort that it being successfully directed to j disclose the secret of life and to pro long human existence by locating the exact origin of Vital energy. Yet thousands of people are now alive because of Dr. Carrel's work and his discoveries. Surgical operations are safer. The causes of old age and death are better understood and are actually being brought under scien tific control. We have been hearing a great deal about the Best Minds. Few peo ple ever realize that the minds that are really best in this country sel dom get- a hearing until the thing is accomplished. There are men whose instinct for exploration is gratified only by pur suits in the utter darkness that shrouds ultimate truth. They might be divided into two great groups One group deals with the intangible and untouched and unseen forces of all life- Another gives its time and attention; to the visible realities of ordered existence, to a search for the fundamental verities of politics, economics, historical implication and RATfTf OF NFAVS FROM THE CAPITOL OF TALLY HO Will Preach Com mencement Sermon. (W. R. Mangum) Stem, N. C-, April 28 Prof. J. G. Feezor, principal of the 'Stem High School, announces that Dr. R. C. Cra.vpn: nastnr nf thp Omfnrri Motlin disfrdhurch, will preach the com LEGAL NOTICES A ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Oxford: That Section 7, Chapter 2 of the, .Ordinan ces of the Town of Oxford be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 7. No brick, stone, wood or GALVANIZED SHINGLES AND Galvanized V Crimp is my special ty and if you would' save money, you will write vor come to see SAMUEL " DAVIS, Clarksville. Now, he will save you good money- IP ITS ROOFING fiAT.VaxTT -"aflUUSD, shingles,, Galvanized V Crimp, Red ' Cedar shingles or Rubber roof in? Samuel Davis will save you money He has the goods and he pavs freight. v e , v. - " X, i &ec. i. jno DncK, stone, wood or mencenient sermon before the Stem other substance shal be suffered to High School at eleven o'clock Sun-h,- anv cte "-iiL 1 day morning, f May 1. Exercises by the. primary and intermediate grades will take place Wednesday May 4. The graduating exercises of ' the eleventh grade, and the recitation contest by the Victorian Society will take place Thursday, May 5. The High School play will be gifen Fri day,. May 6. The commencement sermon which marked the closing exercise of Providence High School was de livered in Beulah church Sunday af ternoon by Rev. Stuart R. Oglesby, pastor of the Oxford: Presbyterian Church. The theme, of his dis course was "Redeeming Time," bas ed on the text: "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools," etc. Time said the preacher, is the most, valuable possession and may be redeemed, by ceasing to waste. Every individual is a, plan of God and time should be conserved and util ized in carrying out this plan by taking advantages of opportunities We should not take the easy way, but take the harder task and not follow HUGHES OX DDIIGRATIOX If virtually all of southern and eastern Europe were not one vast trap, the ports of the United States would have been clogged before now with a tide of immigration such as no country in the world ever was called upon to face. Bewildered hordes in all . the dis tressed countries the sick, the un- j fit, the embittered, the revolutionary ! think of the United States as the I iverage man is accustomed to thini; of heaven. Poverty holds them back. They are hedged about by military regulations- They cannot find transportation in Europe. And if all who want to com to America could reach the Atlantic portrs there wouldn't be ships enough on the ocean to carry them. But as order is restored the heavy tide will in crease. Secretary Hughes vividly sfates the case in the request for immediate restriction of immigration which he has recently transmitted to Congress. Mr- Hughes, ought to be listened to and apparently. Congress is in a mood to listen to them- the war of social influences- t One group serves what is known as pure science. The other group seeks to achieve pure reasoning and to pre sent the absolute truth before it has been filtered and diluted in minds less able to see it clear. Both are so far ahead of the procession that you seldom hear of them. They do not even apply their knowledge- -They leave that to others and go on- the line of least resistance. Our community learns with re gret of the serious illness of Mr. E. E. Bullock. He was born and reared in the limits of the town and is wide ly known as the former manager of the Stem Supply Company has a large number of friends in this section who wish him a speedy restoration to health- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hester and family of Oxford, were the guests of Mrs. Hester's father, Mr. J. B Thomasson, at Tally Ho Sunday af ternoon. Mrs- R. L- Minor, wife of Mr. R. L. Minor, salesman for The Stem Mercantile Company underwent a very serious operation at Brantwood hospital Thursday but is getting a long very nicely- "Mice "Harriet ThomaSSOll. Who State College students won their years-long fight for self-government Wednesday when the board of trus tees of the institution conferred that right upon them, effective at the be ginning of the college year next Sep tember. The organization of the con trolling authority will be completed before the expiration of the present x inovinw tho machinery in readi ness 'for the opening of the succeed- j nas been teaching the past fall and TTnder and bv virtue of an order of re-sale duly made by Judge J Loyd f Horton in the proceeding entitled "First National Bank, of Creedmoor and Richmond Dry Goods Company vs Ba zaar Dry Goods Company," I will on Monday May, 16th, 1921 at Creedmoor, N. C. at the Store of Bazaar Dry Goods Company at 12 o'clock noon, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder all the stock of goods, wares, merchandise and personal property shown bv inventorv of the , Receiver. ,Sale subject to conformation by the Court. 4-z-3t O. B. ALLEN, Receiver.. ing college year. Tax Listing Notice Beginning on the 3rd. day of May THE EXPLORERS It is often disconcerting to parents when the spirit of exploration devel ops in their young children. The spirit in them is the same as that which, moved Columbus to crob the ccean in search of a new route to India. It is what sends men to the unknown regions of Africa and South America. It carried Magellan around the world- It moves small boys to start for the West to fight Indians and other small boys to go to sea in a ship. Insatiable curiosity is what has en larged the realm of knowledge. If we were all content to stay quietly at home and amuse ourselves with the things we know about little pro gress would be made. Yet it is difficult for parents to fce patient when their children manifest the disposition which has led men to all sorts of romantic endeavor. And they ought not to be patie"' - Chil dren must stay at home until they learn how to take care of tlKi": elves. If they can be induced to Co this without the destruction of their cu riosity about the remote places of the world they may grow up to do some thing worth while. winter in xlamance, near Burling ton, returned home, at W'aterline Farm near Tajly Ho, last week, hav ing closed a most successful term. Although this was her first ex- - I A ln rr cVlO WQ G TYI Jl f! A ana communis ummf, - , perience m ieimi6, tax-pavers must list all the Property . principal of this' school with three owned on the first day of May lai- j teacl,ers under her, and in this most For the first twenty days of tne . nosition gave perfect month, you may list witn your iov ii-;e f graduate of 111 I l I - I L A W r.v.i lic.tnlrpr according schedules given below, and, unless prevented bv sickness or accident, vou must list with him. If so pre vented, but on no other condition, you may list with me during the last ten "davs of the month. All farmers are requested to come prepared to tell the list-taker the number of acres cultivated, number The Greenville Training School and eminently qualified for this vocation. Prof. J. F. Webb and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Webb and chil dren, of Oxford, were the guests of Mrs. James H- Webb, of Tally Ho Sunday. ; ATr nnrl ATrs E A. IllSfOld. re- XIX X . XX u u x wf w w ii uiii uei ui cn-xo vuiuiiv . of acres plowed, and number of ac- ! turned home Saturday from a visit res planted to each crop. I want : to relatives in Richmond, and were to emphasize that this information ; distressed to find their little son Rob- -II I. nnnfilQTltlClI Will Tlft. ! . . . . ert seriously ill. Two physicians are in attendance and we hope the bright little fellow will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs- J- H- Gooch spent the week end with relatives in WTins- will be kept confidential and will not be used, for tax purposes. FISHING CREEK C. R. Gordan. Home, May 3rd-9th. inclusive. tt n vt-o TnocHnv." Ma v 1(1. A. P. Overton's Store, weanesaay, ton-Salem. May 11- Fairport, Thursday, May j Mr vtf. i. Wheeler, who has been 12. Bethel School House, Friday, j. the wneelwright business here for May 13. Dickerson. Saturday, May ; h tired from this It ffl' CSS1 CoY- ! ousiSSs 'purchased a half inter ton Mill) Tuesday, May 17. Shady j est in a saw mill and will engage;m Grove School House, Wednesday and the lumber business, his mill being Thursday. May 18 and 19. R. M- ; located at present on. the farm of Mr. Tunstall's Store, Friday, May 20. ; cannon Johnson. . He will continue ! 1i-.ro fn Stein. BRASSFIELD W. B. DIXON, j w et to note the illness of . H'llioii. luesuav, jyay o ciuu aiui , ,, T-,,.0rv V.Vps one ot tne veu- Worjrv Mnnrtav. Mav taken SUQuemy vcxj - lie m any streets or. allevs . of the town, and noi person, firm, or corpo ration shall place or permit it or up on any sidewalk, street or alley of the town any boxes, crates, barrels, casks; tools, provisions, or - other material, substance or merchandise whatsoever. This section shll ap ply to merchants displaying their wares as well as to otehr persons Provided, however, that building material, earth and .other obstruc tions of like character, may, by per mission of the Mayor, in writing, be allowed in the streets under such re strictions as he may impose; Pro vided further, that such building ma ternal, earth and other obstructions shall not take up or occupy more than one-half of the street at any one place. Provided that this ordinance shall not apply to the receiving of merchandise on the sidewalks or the opening of boxes"' or crates in which Same my be shippedprovided the opening of said boxes or crates and the receiving of said merchandise shall be expedited as much as prac ticable. Any one ' violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined Five Dollars, and each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense." Adopted April 26th, 1921. NOTICE OF RE-SAL.E '' BAZAAR DRY GOODS COMPANY Fdf&i - ' -. - ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PLAC ES IN OXFORD. As agents for the owner we offer for sale the very attractive and splendid seven room cottage, corner of High and Gilliam Sts. Modern con veniences, beautiful shade trees, . splendid garden, superior location. Properties of this class are seldom on the market and this is an oppor tunity to buy a life time home. We are also offering a number of de sirable building lots for residences two on Broad streetone on Alex ander Avenuethree on King street Ridley Park. Granville Real Estate & Trust Company Our Servise Disure Your Satisfaction RExL ESTATE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS Telephone 88 Main St. Oxford, N. C. Newest Styles Best Leathers . Lowest Prices Shoes Exclusively iii) Shoe Dept. Next door to Oxford Jewelry Co. ' SIZES 5 TO 11 day, day, Unv 5. Mt. 9. Baily School, Saturday, .May 14. DUTCIIVILLE J. L. Peed. Hes ter, Tuesday, May 3. Lyons, Wed nesday, May 4. Knapp of Reeds, Thursday May 5. v Creedmoor, Fri day and Saturday, May 6 and .7. Northside, Monday, May 9. Creed moor, Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14. A GREAT DEMOCRAT When, 400 years ago last week, Martin Luther made his declaration in support of the duty of a man to obey his . own conscience, he gave impetus, .to a. movement which chang ed the course, of events in Germany ''almost. ! immediately and ultimately affected a large part of the western world. . This German peasant's son is generally admitted to have been one of the greatest men of his genera tion. Yet he was a compound of vic es and virtues, as all men are. He did nothing moderately, and it might be said that he was an exponent of the strenuous life centuries before the man with whom that thing is nowadays usually associated. One would not be far wrong if one called Luther the Roosevelt of the sixteenth century- He bolted from the chrch of his early manhood as Roosevelt bolted from his party. ' But, unlike Roosevelt, he carried his . country with him and did not return to the fold as Roosevelt did. No man can understand the history of Eu rope 'for' the last four centuries with out knowing something of the move ment which" Luther started when he asserted before thecDiet of Worms his right to use his own judgment. morning. J 7e vero glad to see on our streets Monday, Mr. W. B. Cash of Oxford Rotate 6, whose condition the physician pronounced hopeless a month ago. He is still very feeble but i, slowly gaining strength. -Tr L. T. Cotton, proprietor of i "Cot ondale" farm Oxtord Kouie o, purchased a new Ford touring cai v.' Frank T. Cozart, returned Sunc!:'y from a trip to Washington. TALLY HO J. M. Bullock. ' Tar River, Tuesday, May 3. Enon, Wed- nnnfur ifn ir A Ctom. TTVirtav and Saturday. May 6 and 7. Culbreth, , Kpw Tfirsev. Norfolk and Wilmington Monday, May 9. Providence, Tues-j Farmers of this community are day ana weanesaay, may ju aim . qhpa(1 Dianting corn and a goaa o"";- ,. x tttiII hpprin nlantlliK luudu j V 111 xr ' Stem, Saturday, May 14. man: WALJNUT OKOVHi W. M. inorp. ; .:-An an Set, Friday and Saturday, May up witn tneir woiiv " d 7. Howard. School House, ! optimistic view of the situation. 4. They are generally well ! Sun 6 and 7- Howard. School Mouse, ; 0p Monday and Tuesday, May 9 and iu. Berea, Wednesday and Thursday, May 11 and 12- W. L. Hick's Store, Friday, May 13. Babe Evan's Store, Saturday, May 14. Satterwhite, Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17. OAK HILL Jno. S. Watkins Oak Hill, Tuesday May 3- R- L. Eake's Store, Wednesday, May 4. Pollard's Store, Friday, May 6. Farmers' Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va-, Saturday, May 7. Wilbourn's Store, Tuesday, May 10. Elliott's Store, Friday, May 13. Cornwall, Saturday, May .14. ; Viss Mary Cozart, member of th& faculty of Stem High Scnool, speni the week end with her brother, Dr. W. S- Cozart at Fuquay Springs. Aim? jsmmm s i i i it Firemen found a thieves' -nest in the basement of the Atlantic warehouse at Kinston Sunday afternoon- Smoke emerging from the building which has been closed since th end of the season caused the de partment to be called. JThe smoke was from a blazing mattress' in the hasernt, surrounding the was an odd assortment of goods which' are believed to hve been stolen. -'V "si Bv a vote 01 tnree lu lwu, SASSAFRAS FORK H. Greg- , 0aUnty Commissioner Monday ory. Stovall, Wednesday nd Thurs- Wake County h rf day, May 4 and 5. vWluV'.j day, May 7. Mountain;. Creek I ZOntal cut fte L e rat asked by propenr"- "i, .7 ifiteioners will try to telieve the sit uktlbn br adjusting inequalities with a syeematic campaign, flfr investiga tion' extending into emery township of Wake County. LDIF. CEMENT, BRICK, & BUILD , ing material sold close at SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. 8UBSCHIBD TO FUBLIQ IjfiDGEB Creek School. Saturday, May .14. SALEM Li.! G. Breedlovew Sal em School House, Tuesday, May 3. Huntsboro, Wednesday, May 4. Dex ter, Thursday, May 5. J. E- Gris som's Store, Friday, May 6. Lewis , Saturday, May 7- Burnett School House (Pine Ridge) Tuesday, May 10. Gregory's j i MilJL; a Wednesday, May 11. Dexter School House, Sat urday, May 14. zb,- OXFORD-WPtradley andvR. B. Hines at mWV Office during the month of May. 4-22-3 . W. P. STRADLEY,, ' County Supervisor. NOW IS THE TIME FOR MOWERS, ' Rakes and binders, and we have the price that will get your business- Samuel Davis the man who .sets the price. THIS IS THE SECOND CAR OF GASOLINE THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED SINCE THE MARKET BECAME SETTLED, AND BUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES WE ARE ENABLED TO SELL AT THIS LOW PRICE. GASOLINE CAN BE BOUGHT AT- THIS FIGURE THROUGH COUPON BOOKS ONLY. THESE BOOKS ARE GOOD FOR GAS AND OIL ONLY. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSOR IES AND DO THE BEST REPAT R WORK IN THE STATE. TRY US!! - - .;? " - - mm f.. . : - J

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