7: ibtow OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGERJIIDAY, APRIL 29. 1921 . TiVfVT CORN PLANTER A BIG REDUCTION IN MOWERS rakes, reapers atnd binders. Write , for new prices now. Samuel Da is, Clarksville. Va. PEOPUE ANt THINGS SEABOARD AIR LINE COMPANY'S SCHEDULE ; Arrival. No. 485 Ar. Oxford from Hender son 7:45 a. m. No. 413 Ar. from Durham 1:00 p. m. No. 411 Ar. Oxford from Hender son 3:25 t). m.- No. 421 Ar. Oxford from Durham and Henderson 8:25 p. m. Departure. No. 486 Lv. Oxford for Durham 7:50 a. in. , 'No. 412 Lv. Oxford for Henderson Too Late to Qassify. A BIG REDUCTION IN WAGONS one and two horse " Studebaker, Chase City and Thornhill and if you will see me now. will guaran tee to sell you a wagon cheaper than any time this year. SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. jf n i LOSTRED CAMEO-jlN BE- tween the P. 0- and Long's Store. Please returh toPflblife' Ledger office. : 4i39Jr: TT IT COVERS MOST WITH THE least gallons and its the best brands that can be bought Sherwin & Williams and Masury Paints. Write or wire for pflfegBT"' SAM - UEL DAVIS, Clarksville, VS.- side crank, ana we nave its iici; " them and can ship prompt Sam Clarksville, Va. uel Davis, ltx. IT COVERS MOST WITH THE least gallons and its the best brands that can be bought Sherwin & Williams and Masury Paints. Write or wire for' prices. SAM UEL DAVIS, Clarksville.N Va IF ITS A BUGGY: YOU WANTPEN or top, get Samuel Davis "prfcr&4e fore you buy, for we have f the goods and the prices lower -than you will buy elsewhere. - SAMUEL DAVIS. IvOST LAST TUESDAY MORNING on the streets of Oxford a gold watch,, plain, en face 17 jewel' Howard. Finder will receive re ward if returned to H. C- Abbott, Oxford.' or Ledger Office. 4-29-3tx nW IS THE TIME FOR MOWERS, Rakes and binders and we -have the price i that will get your busi ness. Sarnder Davis the man . who sets the prfcev IF ITS THE BEST ENGINE AND wood saw its Hercules and we have them ready at reduced prices 5, 7j 9 & 12 H. P. SAMUEL DAVIS, iz:ib p. m. No 414 Lv 2:45 p. m. No. 420 Lv. 5:15 p. m. Oxford for Durham Oxford for Henderson ! 577zart Women Choose Our Spring Footwear Ultra-Smart instep strap effects with hand-turned soles, Full French or Baby Louis heels. SUEDES in Gray, Brown and Black. SATINS in Brown and Black. OXFORDS in Black and Brown Kid and Black Calfskin also Smart Com binations. Military, Cuban and French Heels. Shoes at New Prices. IOES EXCLUSIVELY T mi B 1 T 1 Next !,i,:'!r"':'!:::"!!!:!!!!l!l ii!:,iluJih..i!i!!uui:ili,. Department oov to Oxford Jewelry Co., Oxford, N.C. rasa 1 1 iiiliiiiiillliSliliiiii ffl!HRimini!!nniiinii!n!!i!!!!;!ifii UUHIUU II UIUIiHU.'liUUllUUU II HI 9P y wiry ta AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE I lie best bite you ever had Church Services Dr. W. R. Cullom will preach at Poplar Creek church next Sunday morning, May 1st, at eleven o'clock. The Play Ground Top soil is now being placed on the high school play grounds. It will be used as a ball park this sum mer. v Handsome Home i ' The handsome brick and stone bungalow of Mr. R. P. Taylor on Wil liamsboro street is nearing comple tion. It will be one of the prettiest and most conveniently arranged homes in Oxford- New Gasoline Prices The Granville Motor Company has just received i another car load of gasoline arid have reduced their price to 28 l-2c per gallon. Read their advertisement on another-page of this paper. Lyceum Concert , The concert presented by the New York Glee Club in the auditorium at the Graded School Tuesday night was enjoyed by an appreciative au dience This concert was the last of series herje this season. Politics Warm At Creedmoor News reaches Oxford to the effect that two of the leading men of Creed moor became involved in a dispute this week and came to blows. The trouble, it is said, grew out of the municipal campaign for the election of mayor and three commissioners next Tuesday. Timely Warning-- Mr. E. P. Caruthers, State Sani tary Inspector is in Oxford and will be here for several days and will in force the privy law. All who have not complied with the State Privy law will be prosecuted. Be on the innlmnt sn that. Mr. Caruthers will i not have to fine you. j " i Presbyterian Church Services on Sunday at ,11 a- m. and j 8 p. m. At the morning service Rev. i Alston Bovd of Townsville will i . preach. Service in .-the evening oy ; the pastor. Subject "Paul at Cor- j inth." Sunday School 9:45 a- m-j Christian Endeavor 7:15 p. in. The public cordially invited to tnese ser vices. . S Ford Facts Read the facts about Ford produc tion on the third page of this paper as presented by Crenshaw's Garage. I If the present demand for Ford pro ducts continues it will not be but a ! few weeks until the dealers' surplus iwill beexhausted and itlwill take i some time to get your car. This table will show you just how far a- head the consumption is over produc-. ; tion. i : WARNING! ROBERT BROWN, col., has left my employ without lawful cause and all persons are hereby warned against harboring or hiring him under :e penalty of the law. Colcfr, bror.n, tall, slim with small mustache. E. A. JACKSON, 4-29-2 0::ford, Route 5 - - - . - ' - v ' v.:: W ... J ' t i : '1 -' Showing f L. 'J 'WM and , Ikwdwj , liy St 1. KB We will show a complete line of Summer Millinery to which we cor dially invite the Ladies of Oxford and Granville County to attend and inspect our Stock. We want you to see what we haye whether you buy or not o Big Stores On Main Street Greem-'Coo- The Two Big Stores On Main Street f' iimtMBiMa f liiTrifiTrrniiiiati'Biii - ' p3t Pctorica Molasses per gal Chicken Feed per bag Chewing Tobacco . $1.00 .$2.50 .30c plugs for 25c 10s for 9c i . . . 4 . ' cigarettes . 20s for 18c iiest Cream Cheese per lb 35c California Pimientos . . . 18c two for 35c Honey a. I. Root at lb 25c and 45c Our canned meats have arrived at last- " Kingan & Co. Breakfast Bacon 12 lb. tins. . . ... . . '. . . . ... . .3.00 Libby's Corned Beef 12 oz. 25c; 16 oz. 28c;-24 oz. 40c Armour's Roast Beef . . 2 lbs 45c Corned Beef Hash 1 lb. 25c; 2 lb. 45c MGAK xy2C ib. and all other things in propoWion. ' , Oacker ttewartment r V,Q Packages 8c 20c packages 16c. x ours to serve. U Carry 'Em T AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE HillsboroSt. - v - ." Oxford, N. C. G.N. Daniel, , H. B. Harris. (UJimeedsi ilit'lillUlli'immMiiiiiiiin....... ' 1 Biscuit. Symptoms of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles Mild in Earlyv Stages But Serious Results Develop Often, Says Specialist. " A BIG REDUCTION IX WAGOXS one and two horse Studebaker, Chase City and Thornhill and if . you will see me now, will guaran tee to-sellyou a" wagon cheaper than any time this year. SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. PAIXT, PAIXT, PAIXT AXD THE prices jlower than you can buy. Sherwin & Williams and Masury two of the best brands made Write at once for prices. SAMUEL DAVIS, the man who leads them down. PAIXT, PAIXT, PAIXT AXD THE prices lower than you can buy. -Sherwin & Williams and Masury two of the" best brands made Write at once for prices. SAMUEL DAVIS, the man who leads them down. FOR SALE, GAS RAXGE IX GOOD . condition. Price reasonable. Can be seen at Mrs. D. E. Compton, 83 Front Street, Oxford, N. C. 2tc IP ITS THE BEST EXGIXE AXD wood saw its Hercules and we have them ready at reduced prices 5,7, 9 & 12 H. P. SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville,. Va. FAMOUS PRESCRIPTION USED BY HOSPITAL FOR IXDIGESTIOX, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, TORPID LIVER AM) AS GENERAL TONIC NOW OFFERED PUBLIC FOR HOME TREATMENT. GALVANIZED SHINGLES AND Galvanized V Crimp is my special ty, and if you would save money, you will write or come to' see SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville. Now, he will save you good money- IF ITS ROOFING GALVANIZED shingles, Galvanized V Crimp, Red Cedar shingles or Rubber roofing, Samuel Davis will save you money. . He has the goods and he pays the freight-', . 1 v .- The people who have been sell ing the United States short, will have to pay the penalty; -and each succeed ing day brings us nearer to normal In the opinion of a member of medical staff of the United Medico Chemi Hospital, if the public could be made to realize that the seeming ly slight ailments from which almost every adult persons suffers, to some extent, are actually, more serious in their ultimate results than many of the more severe diseases, untold suf fering and a large percentage of un timely deaths would be avoided. It is in the comparatively mild symptoms of every-day disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys that lurks the real danger, according to this specialist. When one contracts malaria, ty phoid or pneumonia, the symptoms are so severe that the sufferer is confined to his bed, and, in alarm, promptly secures medical attention. With the average sufferer from indigestion, dysDepsia. constipation, torpid liver and similar ailments, however, the case is just the reverse. No oite thinks of going to bed with a disordered stomach, and very few of us bother with taking the proper steps to correct the trou ble: With most of us, "spells" of indigestion or dyspepsia are of such frequent occurrence that we have come to accept them as a matter of fact, and to trust to our much abus ed and ' over-worked stomach to straighten itself out Tho result is the attacks become more frequent, the digestive organs become badly deranged and fail to extract the proper nourishment from our food, wast matter clogs up and accumulates in the intestines, poisr. oning the entire' system. Soon the condition becomes complicated and the sufferer is doomed to a life time of chronic mysery, or else, with health and vitality reduced to a low ebb, he falls easy prey to some serious, deadly malady. However mild the symptoms may appear in the beginning, disorders of the stomach,' liver and kidneys are, directly or indirectly, the underlying causes of nearly all sickness, ' and should therefore be of the most se rious concern to every one so afflict If your tongue is coated and your breath foul if food sours and turns to gas in your stomach if you have a "stuffed," heavy, 'drowsy feeling after eating, and breathing is short and difficult if you, have shortness of breath, rapid palpitation of the heart, heart-burn or dizzy spells it ypu havesharp, , pains in the stomach, back1,-sides or under shoul der blades--ff 6u are dejected, de pressed or 1 Sleepless at nights if you4: are constipated sif your appe tite is poor and food does not taste iright if you are weak and nervous and becoming thin, pale and hag gard booking if ryou have lost all energy and ambition for work and pleasure, and .life seems hardly worth the living then there is no time to be Jost in taking steps to help nature correct the trouble A remarkable discovery of medical science now makes"lt virtually un necessary for any-one to suffer from these disorders. , This discovery, vasmade some years ago; bystaf Pphgslcians and chemists of the United Medico Chemi Hospital, who, after Ion,? study and experimentation, produced a formula of drugs which proved remarkably effective in the treat ment of stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Hundreds of sufferers have re ceived this treatment at the hospital and in practically every instance, ex cept where implicated conditions f otl-.-v c existed, the patient was Vi'omptly and permanently r-!.ie"-d. . So great was the success of the medicine and so insistent the de mand for it bythose who could not visit the hospital that it1 was decid ed to offer the Drescrintinn tn tho public for home treatment. Tho formula was given the name of Sa ux, and is now prepared on a large scale in the hosDital's private labo ratories, just as it "was formerly compounded for individual, patjents. Samix aids digestion, acts,. as a mild laxative, gently - cleansing the system of impurities, stimulates a natural, healthy appetite and' builds up and strengthen the whdlgstem. So confident are the directors of the hospital that Sanuxaiwill do everything claimed for it that, to any. one. who -is not completely re lieved after taking, the treatment as directed, they offer the entire fa cilities of the institution in making a thorough examination and diag nosis, and will fully advise the par tient without charge Or' obligation. Sanux is sold by most of the leading- druggists in this section in 8 ounce bottles. Take a bottle or two home with you today and com mence this splendid "Hospital Home Treatment" at 'once. Do not accept a substitute, or something offered as "just as good." The genuine prescription used by the United Med-ico-Chemi Hospital is plainly brand ed Sanux. Look for this inamerOn the . carton and on the s botH extras shown below, and insist jihe gen uine " 'iisn -)-' If no druggist in -your, secnon has it in stock, the hospital; will supply you direct on receipt of price $ 1.2 5. (Sol by J.' ;N. Pittman, Druggist) A business. it it; .i .w V

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